214 resultados para sardine


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In this study, length-frequency data on Spanish sardine (Sardinella aurita) from northeastern Venezuela were analyzed for the period 1967-1989. Average growth parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation were established as L sub( infinity )= 26.6 cm (TL) and K = 1.26 year super(-1). The number of recruits to the fishing area, estimated from length-structured Virtual Population Analysis, varied from <10 super(8) in the late 1960s to >10 super(9) at the end of the 1980s. Exploited biomass estimates for the same period varied from less than 20,000 t in the first year to more than 100,000 in 1989. Both recruitment and exploited biomass showed different seasonal patterns between 1976-1983 and 1984-1988. Despite some uncertainty regarding these estimates, it is considered that major population tendencies are adequately represented by this analysis


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William Francis Thompson (1888–1965), an early fishery biologist, joined the California Fish and Game Commission in 1917 with a mandate to investigate the marine fisheries of the state. He initiated studies on the albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, and the Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax, as well as studies on other economically important marine organisms. Thompson built up a staff of fishery scientists, many of whom later attained considerable renown in their field, and he helped develop, and then direct, the commission’s first marine fisheries laboratory. During his tenure in California, he developed a personal philosophy of research that he outlined in several publications. Thompson based his approach on the yield-based analysis of the fisheries as opposed to large-scale environmental studies. He left the state agency in 1925 to direct the newly formed International Fisheries Commission (now the International Pacific Halibut Commission). William Thompson became a major figure in fisheries research in the United States, and particularly in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, during the first half of the 20th cent


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Long-term trends in the abundance and distribution of several pinniped species and commercially important fisheries of New England and the contiguous U.S. west coast are reviewed, and their actual and potential interactions discussed. Emphasis is on biological interactions or competition. The pinnipeds include the western North Atlantic stock of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina concolor; western North Atlantic gray seals, Halochoerus grypus; the U.S. stock of California sea lions, Zalophus californianus californianus; the eastern stock of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus; and Pacific harbor seals, Phoca vitulina richardii. Fisheries included are those for Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua; silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis; Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus; the coastal stock of Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus; market squid, Loligo opalescens; northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax; Pacific her-ring, Clupea pallasi; and Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax. Most of these pinniped populations have grown exponentially since passage of the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972. They exploit a broad prey assemblage that includes several commercially valuable species. Direct competition with fisheries is therefore possible, as is competition for the prey of commercially valuable fish. The expanding pinniped populations, fluctuations in commercial fish biomass, and level of exploitation by the fisheries may affect this potential for competition. Concerns over pinnipeds impacting fisheries (especially those with localized spawning stocks or at low biomass levels) are more prevalent than concerns over fisheries’ impacts on pinnipeds. This review provides a framework to further evaluate potential biological interactions between these pinniped populations and the commercial fisheries with which they occur.


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Between June 1995 and May 1996 seven rookeries in the Gulf of California were visited four times in order to collect scat samples for studying spatial and seasonal variability California sea lion prey. The rookeries studied were San Pedro Mártir, San Esteban, El Rasito, Los Machos, Los Cantiles, Isla Granito, and Isla Lobos. The 1273 scat samples collected yielded 4995 otoliths (95.3%) and 247 (4.7%) cephalopod beaks. Fish were found in 97.4% of scat samples collected, cephalopods in 11.2%, and crustaceans in 12.7%. We identified 92 prey taxa to the species level, 11 to genus level, and 10 to family level, of which the most important were Pacific cutlassfish (Trichiurus lepturus), Pacific sardine (Sardinops caeruleus), plainfin midshipman (Porichthys spp.), myctophid no. 1, northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus), and jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus). Significant differences were found among rookeries in the occurrence of all main prey (P≤0.04), except for myctophid no. 1 (P>0.05). Temporally, significant differences were found in the occurrence of Pacific cutlassfish, Pacific sardine, plainfin midshipman, northern anchovy, and Pacific mackerel (P<0.05), but not in jack mackerel (χ 2=2.94, df=3, P=0.40), myctophid no. 1 (χ 2=1.67, df= 3, P=0.64), or lanternfishes (χ 2=2.08, df=3, P=0.56). Differences were observed in the diet and in trophic diversity among seasons and rookeries. More evident was the variation in diet in relation to availability of Pacific sardine.


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A half-ton capacity artificial dryer has been designed at the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology for drying fish like Mackerel, Sardine, White bait etc. The dryer is a hot air recirculation type. 80 KW thermostatically controlled heating coils are made use of for heating the air. The air is circulated by means of an axial flow pattern fan. Drying takes place at a temperature of 115 degrees F. The structure of the dryer comes to about Rs. 20,000.


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Changes in the major protein nitrogen fractions (sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar, stroma) have been studied in two species of prawns and in oil sardine held in ice storage. Myofibrillar proteins were observed to get denatured at a rapid rate as determined by salt extractability method. The sarcoplasmic proteins were not denatured to any considerable extent. With sardine however, the extraction of myofibrillar proteins was inhibited rather in the uniced condition itself presumably owing to the presence of free fatty acids.


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According to the statistical data published annually in the Administration Report of the Director of Fisheries, the bloodfish production in 1967-68 showed about 100% increase over a period of five years and the production figures for none of the other groups of fishes have exhibited a parallel to this. Furthermore, the bloodfish group ranks first in the order of production, having displaced the herring and sardine group which had been in the lead for over a decade. This indicates that increasing attention was paid on the production of this group of fishes, in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka.


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Small pelagic fish species are mainly caught by gill nets operated by fibre reinforced plastic boats fitted with 8-25hp out board engines, traditional crafts fitted with 8-1hp out board engines and non mechanised traditional crafts. Around 28 to 55% of the small pelagic catch in the study area consisted of trenched sardine Amblygaster sirm during 1995-1997 period. Another 26-36% of the catch composed of other Sardinella species such as Sardinella gibbosa, S. albella, S. sindensis and S. longiceps. Engraulids such as Encrasicholina heteroloba, Stolephorus insularis and Stolephorus indicus and Thryssa spp formed around 3-5% of the catch. The major component of this fishery consisted of Clupeids and Engrauhds and over 65 species ranged between smaller Engraulids to incidental rock fish, sail fish, seer fish, sharks, skates and rays. Around 1.4 to 1.9% of the catch consisted of Chirocentrus dorab, Sphyraenaspp, Scomberomorus spp, Lepturcanthus sp and Megalaspis cordyla. Around 1-11% of the catch consisted of incidentally catches of sharks, rays, skates and sail fish. Another 1.6 to 6% of the catch consisted of Selar crumenophthalamus and Rastrelliger kanagurta. The best fishing season appeared to be from June to October in the west coast and August to December in the south coast. The major components of Amblygaster sirm, Sardinella albella and Sardinella gibbosa were caught within the size ranges of 10.0-22.5 cm, 11.0-13.0 cm and 11.0-15.0 cm respectively. However, smaller sized fish of above species of sizes between 6.9 cm to 9.7 cm total length were incidentally caught in the gill nets operated for small Engraulids with a stretched mesh size of 1.6cm. The overall catch rate for the major fish landing centre at Negombo indicated an increase from 38.5 kg/boat trip during 1984-1990 period to 49.5 kg/boat trip during 1995-1997 period. The catch rate for the dominant species Amblygaster sirm has decreased from 28.17 kg/boat trip during 1983-1990 period to 17.47 kg/boat trip during 1995-1997 period at Negombo. The paper also discusses the changing overall catch rates, change in species abundance and possible management consequences that should be considered.


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The phospholipids of five Indian food fishes (sardine, pomfret, mackerel, anchovies and thrissocles) were fractionated quantitatively using column and thin layer chromatographic techniques and the results reported in this communication.


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Oil sardine Sardinella longiceps stands out as the single largest pelagic fishery in India contributing to about 30% of total marine fish landings. Commensurate with the volume of the fishery, efforts at proper utilization of the fish by processing into canned and frozen products or by distributing in fresh state to internal consuming centres by quick transport have remained rather very poor. The paper presents the problems and prospects with regard to the utilization of the fish on the above lines. Results of investigations made at C.I.F.T. on the utilization of sardine body oil into industrially useful products such as factice, vehicle for paints, additive in lubricating oil and base for printing ink have also been discussed.


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Storage characteristics of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and seer (Scomberomorus guttatus) in refrigerated sea-water (RSW) were studied in comparison with their storage in crushed ice. Oil sardine stored in RSW was found to be comparable to iced ones only during the initial stages (up to 2 days) of storage and on further storage the former was found to be inferior to the latter. RSW can be advantageously employed for preservation of mackerel and seer. Mackerel and seer could be stored in RSW in acceptable condition for 4 to 6 days and 12 to 14 days respectively.


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Oil Sardine (Sardinella longiceps), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), cat fish (Arius sp.), threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) and ribbon fish (Trichurus sp.) were frozen in glazed/unglazed blocks, packed in expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulated plywood boxes with and without additional ice and despatched in uninsulated parcel vans of trains from Cochin to Calcutta. The consignments reached the destination in excellent condition and were readily disposed off.


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The changes in the major protein nitrogen fractions of two commercially important fishes of Indian waters, viz., mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and lactarius (Lactarius lactarius), during storage in ice are reported. The significance of the findings is discussed in comparison with the results of a similar study on two species of marine prawns and oil sardine, reported earlier.


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The effect of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) extract on control of autoxidation of fat in dry fish has been studied. Oil sardine has been selected for experiments since it contains very high amount of fat. The treatments were given with 5% (w/v) betel leaf extract in water at different stages of salt curing. FFA, PV and TVN values of the samples were determined periodically to assess the keeping quality and autoxidation. The sample, prepared by dipping the fish in the extract immediately after salting and then drying as usual, was found to have better keeping qualities.


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Landing data of 21 fisheries from Karnataka (quarterly landings for the period 1956 to 1978 and annual landings for the period 1979 to 1981) were analysed to study the te111poral behaviour of the landings. The relative distribution and secular trends in each of the fisheries are reported. On an average, mackerel and oil sardine together account for about 70% of the annual landings. The fluctuation in the landings in all the fisheries was very high with the coefficient of variation attaining a minimum value of 61.53%. The inverse relationship between the landings of oil sardine and mackerel was found to be statistically significant. It is suggested that fishing effort be further increased in fisheries that have demonstrated a rising trend (about 73% of the total annual landings) as also in the case of the fisheries whose trends appear stagnant (about 21% of the annual landings). However, there seems to be some evidence of a need for regulating fishing in Hemirhamphus and Belone, Caranx and penaeid prawns. Regulations need to be made authentic with the help of sufficient information on not merely the fishery but on the whole population.