334 resultados para rumor riding


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento dinâmico das bicicletas com o principal objectivo de quantificar o conforto de um ciclista. Neste trabalho serão estudados dois tipos de bicicletas: uma apenas com suspensão dianteira e outra com suspensão dianteira e traseira (ou suspensão total), e três classes de pavimento: um mais sinuoso, um mais suave e um intermédio. Para cada uma destas situações o que se pretende é analisar a quantidade de vibração que é transmitida para o corpo do ciclista através dos três pontos de contacto existentes entre ambos: Assento, guiador e pedais. Os valores obtidos são comparados entre os vários casos e também com valores referência, fornecidos por normas, afim de analisar a situação de conforto do ciclista. Após a realização dos estudos o que se verificou é que o ciclista está numa situação mais desconfortável em pisos mais sinuosos, e que nesta situação se utilizar uma bicicleta de suspensão total está sujeito a vibrações inferiores. No entanto, o mais importante a concluir é que em qualquer uma das situações estudadas o ciclista encontra-se sempre dentro de uma zona conforto segundo as normas utilizadas.


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Within a country-size asymmetric monetary union, idiosyncratic shocks and national fiscal stabilization policies cause asymmetric cross-border effects. These effects are a source of strategic interactions between noncoordinated fiscal and monetary policies: on the one hand, due to larger externalities imposed on the union, large countries face less incentives to develop free-riding fiscal policies; on the other hand, a larger strategic position vis-à-vis the central bank incentives the use of fiscal policy to, deliberately, influence monetary policy. Additionally, the existence of non-distortionary government financing may also shape policy interactions. As a result, optimal policy regimes may diverge not only across the union members, but also between the latter and the monetary union. In a two-country micro-founded New-Keynesian model for a monetary union, we consider two fiscal policy scenarios: (i) lump-sum taxes are raised to fully finance the government budget and (ii) lump-sum taxes do not ensure balanced budgets in each period; therefore, fiscal and monetary policies are expected to impinge on debt sustainability. For several degrees of country-size asymmetry, we compute optimal discretionary and dynamic non-cooperative policy games and compare their stabilization performance using a union-wide welfare measure. We also assess whether these outcomes could be improved, for the monetary union, through institutional policy arrangements. We find that, in the presence of government indebtedness, monetary policy optimally deviates from macroeconomic to debt stabilization. We also find that policy cooperation is always welfare increasing for the monetary union as a whole; however, indebted large countries may strongly oppose to this arrangement in favour of fiscal leadership. In this case, delegation of monetary policy to a conservative central bank proves to be fruitful to improve the union’s welfare.


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The amount of fat is a component that complicates the clinical evaluation and the differential diagnostic between benign and malign lesions in the breast MRI examinations. To overcome this problem, an effective erasing of the fat signal over the images acquisition process, is essentials. This study aims to compare three fat suppression techniques (STIR, SPIR, SPAIR) in the MR images of the breast and to evaluate the best image quality regarding its clinical usefulness. To mimic breast women, a breast phantom was constructed. First the exterior contour and, in second time, its content which was selected based on 7 samples with different components. Finally it was undergone to a MRI breast protocol with the three different fat saturation techniques. The examinations were performed on a 1.5 T MRI system (Philips®). A group of 5 experts evaluated 9 sequences, 3 of each with fat suppression techniques, in which the frequency offset and TI (Inversion Time) were the variables changed. This qualitative image analysis was performed according 4 parameters (saturation uniformity, saturation efficacy, detail of the anatomical structures and differentiation between the fibroglandular and adipose tissue), using a five-point Likert scale. The statistics analysis showed that anyone of the fat suppression techniques demonstrated significant differences compared to the others with (p > 0.05) and regarding each parameter independently. By Fleiss’ kappa coefficient there was a good agreement among observers P(e) = 0.68. When comparing STIR, SPIR and SPAIR techniques it was confirmed that all of them have advantages in the study of the breast MRI. For the studied parameters, the results through the Friedman Test showed that there are similar advantages applying anyone of these techniques.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Objectivos: Com este trabalho pretendemos identificar e sistematizar linhas orientadoras referentes a boas práticas na implementação da equitação com fins terapêuticos, bem como, examinar as dimensões de impacte desta intervenção sobre crianças/jovens em situação de incapacidade. Método: Este trabalho desenvolveu-se em torno de três planos de estudo. O primeiro consistiu numa revisão sistemática da literatura, onde foram analisados 60 estudos que reportavam a implementação da intervenção em foco. Num segundo estudo, focado na perspectiva de peritos na implementação da terapia, foram desenvolvidos dois grupos focais com 12 participantes, recrutados mediante amostragem de conveniência. No terceiro estudo, exploramos a perspectiva de dez pais sobre esta terapia - também eles selecionados por conveniência -, através da realização de uma entrevista semi- estruturada. Os grupos focais e as entrevistas foram objeto de gravação áudio, com posterior transcrição e análise de conteúdo. Resultados/ Discussão: Os resultados deste estudo parecem sugerir um consenso alargado no que se refere ao impacte positivo da Equitação com Fins Terapêuticos em dimensões da funcionalidade que se reportam, não só, a aspectos da mobilidade, mas também, a aspectos da interação/ comunicação e competências subjacentes à aprendizagem - frequentemente nomeados na análise do impacte em contexto escolar. Abordagens associadas ao sucesso e às boas práticas, foram alocadas a factores relativos à qualidade técnica dos profissionais, à segurança e à necessidade de avaliar e definir objetivos para cada criança/ jovem.


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013


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Voter education campaigns often aim to increase voter particpation and political accountability. We follow randomized interventions implemented nationwide during the 2009 Mozambican elections using a free newspaper, leaflets, and text messaging. We investigate whether treatment effects were transmitted through social networks (kinship and chatting) and geographical proximity. For individuals personally targeted by the campaign, we estimate the reinforcement effect of proximity to other targeted individuals. For untargeted individuals, we estimate the diffusion of the campaign depending on a proximity to targeted individuals. We find evidence for both effects, similar across the different treatments and across the different connectedness measures. We observe that the treatments worked through the networks by raising the levels of information and interest about the election, in line with the average treatment effects of voter education on voter participation. We interpret this result as a free riding effect, likely to occur for costly actions


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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We analyze the optimal technology policy to solve a free-riding problem between the members of a RJV. We assume that when intervening the Government suffers an additional adverse selection problem because it is not able to distinguish the value of the potential innovation. Although subsidies and monitoring may be equivalent policy tools to solve firms' free-riding problem, they imply different social losses if the Government is not able to perfectly distinguish the value of the potential innovation. The supremacy of monitoring tools over subsidies is proved to depend on which type of information the Government is able to obtain about firms' R&D performance.


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We analyze the effects of uncertainty and private information on horizontal mergers. Firms face uncertain demands or costs and receive private signals. They may decide to merge sharing their private information. If the uncertainty parameters are independent and the signals are perfect, uncertainty generates an informational advantage only to the merging firms, increasing merger incentives and decreasing free-riding effects. Thus, mergers become more profitable and stable. These results generalize to the case of correlated parameters if the correlation is not very severe, and for perfect correlation if the firms receive noisy signals. From the normative point of view, mergers are socially less harmful compared to deterministic markets and may even be welfare enhancing. If the signals are, instead, publicly observed, uncertainty does not necessarily give more incentives to merge, and mergers are not always less socially harmful.


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Cada dia és més difícil convèncer al consumidor de que compri els productes d’una determinada empresa o contracti els seus serveis simplement amb la publicitat convencional. Això ha provocat l’aparició de noves tècniques per publicitar i arribar de manera mes eficient al públic objectiu. Buzz Marketing és un nou terme provinent de l’anglès i la seva traducció vindria a ser “marketing mitjançant el rumor o de tafaneria”. Hi ha noms similars com el Boca-Orella o la predicació.


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Agents voluntarily contribute to an infinitely repeated joint project. We investigate the conditions for cooperation to be a renegotiation-proof and coalition-proof equilibrium before examining the influence of output share inequality on the sustainability of cooperation. When shares are not equally distributed, cooperation requires agents to be more patient than under perfect equality. Beyond a certain degree of share inequality, full efficiency cannot be reached without redistribution. This model also explains the coexistence of one cooperating and one free-riding coalition. In this case, increasing inequality can have a positive or negative impact on the aggregate level of effort.


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Free‐riding is often associated with self‐interested behaviour. However if there is a global mixed pollutant, free‐riding will arise if individuals calculate that their emissions are negligible relative to the total, so total emissions and hence any damage that they and others suffer will be unaffected by whatever consumption choice they make. In this context consumer behaviour and the optimal environmental tax are independent of the degree of altruism. For behaviour to change, individuals need to make their decisions in a different way. We propose a new theory of moral behaviour whereby individuals recognise that they will be worse off by not acting in their own self‐interest, and balance this cost off against the hypothetical moral value of adopting a Kantian form of behaviour, that is by calculating the consequences of their action by asking what would happen if everyone else acted in the same way as they did. We show that: (a) if individuals behave this way, then altruism matters and the greater the degree of altruism the more individuals cut back their consumption of a ’dirty’ good; (b) nevertheless the optimal environmental tax is exactly the same as that emerging from classical analysis where individuals act in self‐interested fashion.