887 resultados para risk-taking style
We use a new dataset to study how mutual fund flows depend on past performance across 28 countries. We show that there are marked differences in the flow-performance relationship across countries, suggesting that US findings concerning its shape do not apply universally. We find that mutual fund investors sell losers more and buy winners less in more developed countries. This is because investors in more developed countries are more sophisticated and face lower costs of participating in the mutual fund industry. Higher country-level convexity is positively associated with higher levels of risk taking by fund managers.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
The goal of this paper is to develop a model of financial intermediation analyze the impact of various forms of taxation. The model considers in a unified framework various functions of banks: monitoring, transaction services and asset transformation. Particular attention is devoted to conditions for separability between deposits and loans. The analysis focuses on: (i) competition between banks and alternative financial arrangements (investment funds and organized security markets), (ii) regulation, and (iii) bank's monopoly power and risk taking behavior.
Our aim was to critically evaluate the relations among smoking, body weight, body fat distribution, and insulin resistance as reported in the literature. In the short term, nicotine increases energy expenditure and could reduce appetite, which may explain why smokers tend to have lower body weight than do nonsmokers and why smoking cessation is frequently followed by weight gain. In contrast, heavy smokers tend to have greater body weight than do light smokers or nonsmokers, which likely reflects a clustering of risky behaviors (eg, low degree of physical activity, poor diet, and smoking) that is conducive to weight gain. Other factors, such as weight cycling, could also be involved. In addition, smoking increases insulin resistance and is associated with central fat accumulation. As a result, smoking increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and these factors increase risk of cardiovascular disease. In the context of the worldwide obesity epidemic and a high prevalence of smoking, the greater risk of (central) obesity and insulin resistance among smokers is a matter of major concern
Los déficits y sesgos tanto cognitivos como afectivos han sido fuente creciente de interés en el ámbito de la Neurociéncia de los Trastornos Mentales. En este proyecto, que se inicia en 2004 y finaliza a finales de 2008, se han estudiado los siguientes Trastornos Mentales: Juego Patológico (JP), Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) y Trastornos Depresivos. En esta memoria nos centraremos en resumir parte de los resultados obtenidos en un estudio sobre JP y toma de decisiones (articulo en revisión y pendiente de aceptación) y otro de funcionamiento ejecutivo en JP y Bulimia Nerviosa (BN) (artículo en prensa). Resumiento el primer estudio los JP (N=32) muestran un proceso de toma de decisiones sesgado por la búsqueda de recompensa en forma de elevada toma de riesgos en comparación con Controles Sanos (CS). También se observan déficits en flexibilidad cognitiva pero no en control inhibitorio entre JP y CS. Los resultados descartan miopía conductual para lo toma de decisiones en JP, pero apuntan a un sesgo cognitivo-afectivo, en el que el control de los impulsos jugaría un papel relevante, en forma de ilusión de control, para los procesos de toma de decisiones con recompensa inmediata pero con castigo diferido, medidos por una prueba de toma de decisiones (IGT ABCD). En el segundo estudio, basándose en las vulnerabilidadades compartidas descritas entre JP y BN se comparó el funcionamiento ejecutivo de mujeres con JP y BN. Tras la administración del WCST y Stroop y ajustando el análisis por edad y educación, las JP mostraron mayor afectación, en concreto mayor porcentaje de errores perservaritvos, menor nivel de respuestas conceptuales y mayor número de ensayos administrados, mientras que el grupo de BN mostró mayor porcentaje de errores no persevarativos. Ambas, mujeres JP y BN mostraron disfunción ejecutiva en relación a los CS pero con diferentes correlatos específcos.
Introduction In my thesis I argue that economic policy is all about economics and politics. Consequently, analysing and understanding economic policy ideally has at least two parts. The economics part, which is centered around the expected impact of a specific policy on the real economy both in terms of efficiency and equity. The insights of this part point into which direction the fine-tuning of economic policies should go. However, fine-tuning of economic policies will be most likely subject to political constraints. That is why, in the politics part, a much better understanding can be gained by taking into account how the incentives of politicians and special interest groups as well as the role played by different institutional features affect the formation of economic policies. The first part and chapter of my thesis concentrates on the efficiency-related impact of economic policies: how does corporate income taxation in general, and corporate income tax progressivity in specific, affect the creation of new firms? Reduced progressivity and flat-rate taxes are in vogue. By 2009, 22 countries are operating flat-rate income tax systems, as do 7 US states and 14 Swiss cantons (for corporate income only). Tax reform proposals in the spirit of the "flat tax" model typically aim to reduce three parameters: the average tax burden, the progressivity of the tax schedule, and the complexity of the tax code. In joint work, Marius Brülhart and I explore the implications of changes in these three parameters on entrepreneurial activity, measured by counts of firm births in a panel of Swiss municipalities. Our results show that lower average tax rates and reduced complexity of the tax code promote firm births. Controlling for these effects, reduced progressivity inhibits firm births. Our reading of these results is that tax progressivity has an insurance effect that facilitates entrepreneurial risk taking. The positive effects of lower tax levels and reduced complexity are estimated to be significantly stronger than the negative effect of reduced progressivity. To the extent that firm births reflect desirable entrepreneurial dynamism, it is not the flattening of tax schedules that is key to successful tax reforms, but the lowering of average tax burdens and the simplification of tax codes. Flatness per se is of secondary importance and even appears to be detrimental to firm births. The second part of my thesis, which corresponds to the second and third chapter, concentrates on how economic policies are formed. By the nature of the analysis, these two chapters draw on a broader literature than the first chapter. Both economists and political scientists have done extensive research on how economic policies are formed. Thereby, researchers in both disciplines have recognised the importance of special interest groups trying to influence policy-making through various channels. In general, economists base their analysis on a formal and microeconomically founded approach, while abstracting from institutional details. In contrast, political scientists' frameworks are generally richer in terms of institutional features but lack the theoretical rigour of economists' approaches. I start from the economist's point of view. However, I try to borrow as much as possible from the findings of political science to gain a better understanding of how economic policies are formed in reality. In the second chapter, I take a theoretical approach and focus on the institutional policy framework to explore how interactions between different political institutions affect the outcome of trade policy in presence of special interest groups' lobbying. Standard political economy theory treats the government as a single institutional actor which sets tariffs by trading off social welfare against contributions from special interest groups seeking industry-specific protection from imports. However, these models lack important (institutional) features of reality. That is why, in my model, I split up the government into a legislative and executive branch which can both be lobbied by special interest groups. Furthermore, the legislative has the option to delegate its trade policy authority to the executive. I allow the executive to compensate the legislative in exchange for delegation. Despite ample anecdotal evidence, bargaining over delegation of trade policy authority has not yet been formally modelled in the literature. I show that delegation has an impact on policy formation in that it leads to lower equilibrium tariffs compared to a standard model without delegation. I also show that delegation will only take place if the lobby is not strong enough to prevent it. Furthermore, the option to delegate increases the bargaining power of the legislative at the expense of the lobbies. Therefore, the findings of this model can shed a light on why the U.S. Congress often practices delegation to the executive. In the final chapter of my thesis, my coauthor, Antonio Fidalgo, and I take a narrower approach and focus on the individual politician level of policy-making to explore how connections to private firms and networks within parliament affect individual politicians' decision-making. Theories in the spirit of the model of the second chapter show how campaign contributions from lobbies to politicians can influence economic policies. There exists an abundant empirical literature that analyses ties between firms and politicians based on campaign contributions. However, the evidence on the impact of campaign contributions is mixed, at best. In our paper, we analyse an alternative channel of influence in the shape of personal connections between politicians and firms through board membership. We identify a direct effect of board membership on individual politicians' voting behaviour and an indirect leverage effect when politicians with board connections influence non-connected peers. We assess the importance of these two effects using a vote in the Swiss parliament on a government bailout of the national airline, Swissair, in 2001, which serves as a natural experiment. We find that both the direct effect of connections to firms and the indirect leverage effect had a strong and positive impact on the probability that a politician supported the government bailout.
Risk taking and its association with substance use by adolescents are often studied among clinical populations. The behavior of non-clinical adolescent samples is less well-known. According to some scholars, the adoption of risk behaviors can be predicted by a function of perceptions of both benefits and risks of such behaviors. However, the literature is still controversial about their respective significance. In this study, a non-clinical sample of 221 adolescents, aged 14 to 20, completed two questionnaires: the RIPS-R to estimate risk taking behaviors as well as perception of the risks and benefits of such behaviors, and the DEP-ADO to measure substance use. Our results show a high annual prevalence of socially accepted risk behaviors (drinking alcohol, not studying for exams, smoking tobacco). However, socially repressed behaviors (brawling, vandalism) are very occasional and are associated with problematic substance use. Globally, engagement in risk behaviors is more closely linked with the perceptions of its benefits than the perception of its risks. Finally, limitations and implications of these results for research and prevention are provided. Les prises de risques et leur association avec la consommation de substances chez les adolescents ont souvent été étudiées auprès de populations cliniques. Le comportement des jeunes tout-venant est en revanche moins bien connu. Selon certains théoriciens, la participation à des conduites à risques peut être déterminée en fonction des perceptions de leurs bénéfices et dangers potentiels. Toutefois, la littérature ne s'accorde pas sur l'importance respective que ces perceptions revêtent. Dans cette étude, 221 adolescents tout-venant, âgés de 14 à 20 ans, ont complété deux questionnaires : le RIPS-R pour évaluer la prise de risques et leur perception en termes de risques et de bénéfices, et la DEP-ADO pour mesurer la consommation de substances. Les résultats mettent en évidence une prévalence annuelle élevée des comportements à risques socialement acceptables (boire de l'alcool, fumer du tabac). En revanche, les comportements réprimés socialement (bagarres, actes de vandalisme) s'avèrent très occasionnels et sont associés à la consommation problématique de substances. Globalement, c'est la perception des bénéfices qui est le plus fortement liée au fait d'adopter un comportement à risque. Finalement, les limites et les implications pratiques de ces résultats sont discutées. © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
This study compares the clientele of a Swiss anonymous test centre with the general population tested. Information was obtained through similar questionnaires submitted to two samples of HIV-tested people aged from 17 to 45 years: the first administered in the context of a general population telephone survey (n = 245) and the second completed during face-to-face interviews of the clientele of an anonymous test centre (n = 250). The test centre sample has higher proportions of younger and single people. Attenders for anonymous testing were more likely to have acquired a new regular partner during the year preceding the interview (48.0% versus 14.4%). These differences remain when controlling for age and gender. Decision to test comes mostly from the respondent's own initiative, but suggestion from a doctor is more frequent in the general population (23.8% versus 0.8%), whereas suggestion from partner or friends is more frequent in the anonymous centre (44.4% versus 3.0%). The anonymous test centre clientele is not different from the general population tested except for the relational situation and origin of decision for testing. The test centre has become a place where the general population finds a response to a situation-specific need for HIV testing.
The systematic collection of behavioural information is an important component of second-generation HIV surveillance. The extent of behavioural surveillance among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Europe was examined using data collected through a questionnaire sent to all 31 countries of the European Union and European Free Trade Association as part of a European-wide behavioural surveillance mapping study on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The questionnaire was returned by 28 countries during August to September 2008: 16 reported behavioural surveillance studies (two provided no further details). A total of 12 countries used repeated surveys for behavioural surveillance and five used their Treatment Demand Indicator system (three used both approaches). The data collected focused on drug use, injecting practices, testing for HIV and hepatitis C virus and access to healthcare. Eight countries had set national indicators: three indicators were each reported by five countries: the sharing any injecting equipment, uptake of HIV testing and uptake of hepatitis C virus testing. The recall periods used varied. Seven countries reported conducting one-off behavioural surveys (in one country without a repeated survey, these resulted an informal surveillance structure). All countries used convenience sampling, with service-based recruitment being the most common approach. Four countries had used respondent-driven sampling. Three fifths of the countries responding (18/28) reported behavioural surveillance activities among IDUs; however, harmonisation of behavioural surveillance indicators is needed.
Numerous reports have documented the health status of young people, concluding that the main threats to their health are predominantly the health risk behaviours and choices they make. Focussing on four of these, alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, illicit drug use and sexual activity, this study seeks to assess their levels among a group of young people in Galway City with the aim of helping with the development of Health Education in these areas. In order to develop appropriate interventions, it is first of all necessary that accurate information on the extent of the problem, if any, be available. In 1989, studies on risk taking were carried out in the Muirhouse and Easterhouse areas of Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland. These areas were seen as underprivileged and had high and low rates of HIV infection respectively. In 1993, a similar study was carried out in the Westside area of Galway, an area which is also seen as under-privileged with high rates of unemployment. In 1996, a follow-up to the 1993 survey was carried out. This study also attempted to determine if there was a relationship between the behaviours reported and socio-economic class. This study is a follow-up to the previous two, with the addition that it attempts to investigate whether any relationship exists between the provision of health education in schools and subsequent health behaviour patternsThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
BACKGROUND: A growing body of literature indicates that adolescents with chronic conditions are as likely, or more likely, to take risky behaviours than their healthy peers. The objective of this research was to assess whether adolescents with chronic illness in Catalonia differ from their healthy peers in risk-taking behaviour. METHODS: Data were drawn from the Catalonia Adolescent Health database, a survey including a random school-based sample of 6952 young people, aged 14-19 years. The index group (IG) included 665 adolescents (450 females) reporting several chronic conditions. The comparison group (CG) comprised 6287 healthy adolescents (3306 females). Personal, family and school-related variables were analysed to ensure comparability between groups. Sexual behaviour, drug use (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs) and perception of drug use among peers and in school were compared. Analysis was carried out separately by gender. chi-square, Fisher's and Student's tests were used to compare categorical and continuous variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of chronic conditions was 9.6%, with females showing a higher prevalence than males. The IG showed similar or higher rates of sexual intercourse and risky sexual behaviour. For most studied drugs, IG males reported slightly lower rates of use than CG males, while IG females showed higher rates for every drug studied. No differences were found in the perceptions of drug use among peers or in their school. CONCLUSIONS: Similar to previous research, chronically ill adolescents in our sample are as likely, or more likely, to take risky behaviours than their healthy counterparts and should receive the same anticipatory guidance.
Attitudinal and behavioural change among gay men in Switzerland was measured between 1987 and 1990 to evaluate the effectiveness of AIDS prevention activities. The methodology used included a self-administered questionnaire published in Swiss gay magazines and distributed by gay organizations (N = 795 in 1987, N = 720 in 1990) and in-depth interviews with men recruited through advertisements and through the questionnaire (N = 42 in 1987, N = 24 in 1990). The two independent sampling procedures yielded similar samples with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, allowing comparisons to be made between the 1987 and 1990 data. Personal confrontation with AIDS (knowing someone who is HIV-positive, or who is ill or dead from AIDS) increased significantly during the period but more adequate ways of coping developed. Behavioural change towards safer sex began well before the first study. The majority of responding homosexuals have adapted their sexual behaviour to the new situation created by AIDS and generally maintain a protective behaviour. However, "exceptions" (condom rupture or episodes of non-protection) are not infrequent and should deserve more attention. Three indicators of sexual behaviour (number of sexual partners, anal sex and use of condom and oral sex with ejaculation), reported for the last 3 months before each study, exhibit few changes between 1987 and 1990: number of partners remained stable, unprotected oral sex decreased. Anal sex slightly increased, the use of condoms remaining stable. Sixty-seven percent of the sample knew their serostatus in 1990 (57% in 1987), and 13% of these stated that they were HIV+ (14% in 1987).
Drug addiction is associated with impaired judgment in unstructured situations in which success depends on self-regulation of behavior according to internal goals (adaptive decision-making). However most executive measures are aimed at assessing decision-making in structured scenarios, in which success is determined by external criteria inherent to the situation (veridical decision-making). The aim of this study was to examine the performance of Substance Abusers (SA, n = 97) and Healthy Comparison participants (HC, n = 81) in two behavioral tasks that mimic the uncertainty inherent in real-life decision-making: the Cognitive Bias Task (CB) and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) (administered only to SA). A related goal was to study the interdependence between performances on both tasks. We conducted univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) to contrast the decision-making performance of both groups; and used correlation analyses to study the relationship between both tasks. SA showed a marked context-independent decision-making strategy on the CB's adaptive condition, but no differences were found on the veridical conditions in a subsample of SA (n = 34) and HC (n = 22). A high percentage of SA (75%) also showed impaired performance on the IGT. Both tasks were only correlated when no impaired participants were selected. Results indicate that SA show abnormal decision-making performance in unstructured situations, but not in veridical situations.
Living-kidney donation offers an option to patients awaiting renal transplantation. Representations about giving-receiving are explored retrospectively in a qualitative study. Questionnaires with open questions were sent to thirty donor-recipient dyads. Interviews were also conducted, during which participants were invited to propose an image representing donation. Thematic analysis was performed on the questionnaires (twenty-nine donors; twenty-five recipients), and on the comments of ten images selected by five donors and five recipients. Percentages are given regarding each part (donors; recipients). In the questionnaires, life (34.5%; 12%), love (27.6%; 40%), quality of life (27.6%; 8%) and generosity (6.9%; 24%) are common grounds regarding giving-a-kidney. Obviousness, hope, personal benefits or duty are expressed by donors. Recipients explain donation through emphatic sentences, qualify it as a gift or refer to the donor's courage or risk-taking. Regarding receiving-a-kidney, life (31%; 60%), gift (10.3%; 28%) and debt (3.4%; 4%) are common grounds. Donors refer to generosity or love. Quality of life, donor's risk-taking or emphatic sentences are characteristic of recipients, who highlight that nobody had to die. Preliminary data on the comments of the images underline that live-donation represents life and love. Mutual help, sharing-act, obviousness and personal benefits are expressed by donors. Recipients use emphatic sentences or refer to quality of life, gift or the difficulty to accept donation. Life and love are common grounds in live-donation. Improvement in quality of life is underlined by recipients, who stress the donor's courage or risk-taking. Donors describe donation as obvious, sometimes accompanied by personal benefits. Feelings of duty (donors) and of debt (recipients) are less discussed. Representations about giving and receiving differ between donors and recipients. These data show the specificity of each perspective. This analysis provides valuable information in order to adapt individual or dyad psychological support in live-donation.
Adolescence, defined as a transition phase toward autonomy and independence, is a natural time of learning and adjustment, particularly in the setting of long-term goals and personal aspirations. It also is a period of heightened sensation seeking, including risk taking and reckless behaviors, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among teenagers. Recent observations suggest that a relative immaturity in frontal cortical neural systems may underlie the adolescent propensity for uninhibited risk taking and hazardous behaviors. However, converging preclinical and clinical studies do not support a simple model of frontal cortical immaturity, and there is substantial evidence that adolescents engage in dangerous activities, including drug abuse, despite knowing and understanding the risks involved. Therefore, a current consensus considers that much brain development during adolescence occurs in brain regions and systems that are critically involved in the perception and evaluation of risk and reward, leading to important changes in social and affective processing. Hence, rather than naive, immature and vulnerable, the adolescent brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, should be considered as prewired for expecting novel experiences. In this perspective, thrill seeking may not represent a danger but rather a window of opportunities permitting the development of cognitive control through multiple experiences. However, if the maturation of brain systems implicated in self-regulation is contextually dependent, it is important to understand which experiences matter most. In particular, it is essential to unveil the underpinning mechanisms by which recurrent adverse episodes of stress or unrestricted access to drugs can shape the adolescent brain and potentially trigger life-long maladaptive responses.