985 resultados para residential buildings


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This thesis describes the theoretical, methodological and programmatic proposal for a multifamily residential building located in the urban expansion area of Parnamirim/RN, inserted in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida and level of energy efficiency "A", as the RegulamentoTécnico de Qualidade (RTQ-R/INMETRO) for residential buildings. The development project initially consists of procedures as the study of theoretical, architectural programming and cases studies. With the delimitation of a field solution, situated between the reference and the context, proposals are studied to determine the solution and architectural detailing of the proposal. The architectural program was built based on the method of Problem Seeking (Peña and Parshall, 2001) and research has highlighted aspects of reducing the environmental impact and of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida , among others. The design process was characterized by the incorporation of aspects reviewed and programmed, seeking them compatible and have an economically viable building, socio-spatial quality and energy efficient. The results show that it is possible to obtain a building that meets the constraints of the program that provides housing and energy efficiency level A - and many other environmental qualities and constructive, particularly through architectural design


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The goal of the research was to investigate the energy performance of residential vertical buildings envelope in the hot and humid climate of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, based in the Technical Regulation of Quality for Energy Efficiency Level in Residential Buildings (RTQ -R), launched in 2010. The study pretends to contribute to the development of design strategies appropriate to the specific local climate and the increasing of energy efficiency level of the envelope. The methodological procedures included the survey in 22 (twenty two) residential buildings, the formulation of representative prototypes based on typological and constructives characters researched and the classification of the level of energy efficiency in the envelopment of these prototypes, using as a tool the prescriptive method of the RTQ-R and the parametric analyzes from assigning different values of the following variables: shape of the pavement type; distribution of housing compartments; orientation of the building; area and shading of openings; thermal transmittance, and solar absorptance of opaque materials of the frontage in order to evaluate the influence of these on the envelopment performance. The main results accomplished with this work includes the qualification of vertical residential buildings in Natal/RN; the verification of the adequacy of these buildings to local climate based from the diagnosis of the thermal energy of the envelopment performance, the identification of variables with more significant influence on the prescriptive methodology of RTQ-R and design solutions more favorable to obtain higher levels energy efficiency by this method. Finally, it was verified, that some of these solutions proved contradictory in relation to the recommendations contained in the theoretical approaches regarding environmental comfort in hot and humid weather, which indicates the need for improvement of the prescriptive method RTQ-R and further research on efficient design solutions


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Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm


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During the construction of five residential buildings in the city of Taubate, State of São Paulo, it was possible to carry out one comprehensive investigation of the behavior of precast concrete piles in clay shales. This paper describes the results of Dynamic Load Tests (DLT's) executed in three piles with different diameters and with the same embedded length. The tests were monitored using the PDA(R) (Pile Driving Analyzer) and the pile top displacement was measured by pencil and paper procedure. From the curves of RMX versus DMX resulted from CASE(R) method, CAPWAPC(R) analyses were made for signals where the maximum mobilized soil resistance was verified. The results were compared with the predicted bearing capacity using the semi-empirical method of Decourt & Quaresma (1978) and Decourt (1982) based on SPT values and the description of the soil profile. Some comments related to the values of quake and damping used for clay shales in the analyses are also presented.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado estuda o desempenho térmico de materiais de fachada em uma edificação verticalizada na cidade de Belém – PA, Brasil. Este trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir com estudo do desempenho térmico e eficiência de materiais utilizados na envoltória das edificações residenciais verticalizadas, entre os elementos opacos, foram selecionados dois tipos de materiais, bastante utilizados atualmente na construção civil, a pintura e revestimento cerâmico. Também estuda-se a influência da altura da edificação sobre seu desempenho térmico e eficiência energética. O estudo foi desenvolvido com o uso de modelagem em código computacional no programa EnergyPlus que permite avaliar o desempenho térmico da edificação, a influência da altura na eficiência energética da mesma. Compara-se o desempenho térmico dos dois materiais selecionados, verificou-se que o prédio com revestimento cerâmico apresentou a temperatura interna média anual de 0,42 º C acima da temperatura referente ao prédio pintado, portanto com menor desempenho térmico. A influência da altura do pavimento não produziu uma variação significativa na temperatura interna, pois com seu acréscimo, ocorreu pequena diminuição da temperatura interna, com gradiente térmico da ordem de -0,07ºC /m em decorrência da velocidade do vento que é maior quando mais alto é o pavimento. Considera-se também para este estudo a ventilação natural como estratégia passiva para a edificação em estudo, que segundo a análise da Carta Bioclimática de Givoni contribuiria positivamente para a condição de temperatura interna e umidade do ar, e consequentemente do usuário.


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The research shows that increasing the consumption of energy by households is growing rapidly and without adequate planning, due to population growth and therefore an increase in energy consumption. With the current concerns of sustainability and energy efficiency by industry, there is the need to prove to population that there are many ways to incorporate sustainable practices to their daily lives, starting from by their own residence. The quality certification of the energy efficiency level in residential buildings, shows how one can influence and improve housing issues on sustainable actions as rooted in our country


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the cost management practices of building industry companies of Parana that follow the typology of Porter's strategies. The sample comprises member companies of the Association of Construction Industries of the State of Parana (PR-SINDUSCON) operating in the segment of residential buildings. The data were collected by means of questionnaires sent to 317 SINDUSCON members. 69 were returned and 54 used for our research. Exploratory Factorial Analysis of the data allowed us to identify two groups of cost management practices. Analyses suggest equality between the adopted cost management practices and the Cost Control Planning (CCP) practices among the companies of the Group 1, regardless of the generic strategy adopted. The companies of the Group 2 that adopted the differentiation strategy seem to use mainly the ACR cost management practice. Our findings differ from those obtained by Chenhall insofar as companies that adopt low cost strategies tend to use managerial controls focused on cost control and rigid budgetary controls.


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Il tema principale affrontato dalla presente ricerca è quello dell’architettura della città; attraverso lo studio dei progetti urbani redatti dall’architetto Willem Marinus Dudok per la città di Hilversum, la tesi vuole confermare l’ipotesi che la costruzione dei “luoghi urbani” collettivi è il fulcro dell’idea di architettura che porta alla costruzione della città. La ricerca si propone di studiare il contributo dato da Dudok al progetto dello sviluppo urbano della città olandese, considerando un arco temporale che va dal 1915, anno in cui l’architetto viene designato a ricoprire la carica di direttore del locale ufficio Lavori Pubblici, al 1954, anno simbolico della sua nomina a cittadino onorario di Hilversum. Il lavoro di ricerca vuole individuare quelle caratteristiche formali e tipologiche, insite nei quartieri progettati dall’architetto olandese, in grado di definire una struttura urbana capace di sostenere un ragionamento architettonico indipendente dal luogo e dal tempo, un ragionamento impostato sulla definizione della forma urbis. Non desidera certo delineare un modello, vista la consapevolezza che ogni progetto ha un proprio luogo e un proprio tempo, cerca di tratteggiare, piuttosto, uno scenario possibile per il progetto urbano, capace di assurgere ad exemplum per la costruzione della città. I progetti analizzati riguardano edifici residenziali e spazi urbani per la collettività; questi rappresentano veri e propri nuclei aggregativi per la costruzione dei complessi di alloggi popolari, dei quali definiscono la scena fissa delle vicende umane. Lo studio di questi quartieri rappresenta, pertanto, il tentativo di decodificare un “modo” di comporre la città dal quale sia possibile estrapolare temi validi e di carattere generale che permettano di formalizzare una serie di utili insegnamenti, tramite i quali poter pensare alla realizzazione della stessa, nella convinzione che “la qualità del progetto consiste nella qualità dei caratteri del tema e nel loro riconoscimento nelle forme dell’architettura”.


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The main objective of this study is to reveal the housing patterns in Cairo as one of the most rapidly urbanizing city in the developing world. The study outlines the evolution of the housing problem and its influencing factors in Egypt generally and in Cairo specifically. The study takes into account the political transition from the national state economy to the open door policy, the neo-liberal period and finally to the housing situation after the January 2011 Revolution. The resulting housing patterns in Cairo Governorate were identified as (1) squatter settlements, (2) semi-informal settlements, (3) deteriorated inner pockets, and (4) formal settlements. rnThe study concluded that the housing patterns in Cairo are reflecting a multifaceted problem resulting in: (1) the imbalance between the high demand for affordable housing units for low-income families and the oversupply of upper-income housing, (2) the vast expansion of informal areas both on agricultural and desert lands, (3) the deterioration of the old parts of Cairo without upgrading or appropriate replacement of the housing structure, and (4) the high vacancy rate of newly constructed apartmentsrnThe evolution and development of the current housing problem were attributed to a number of factors. These factors are demographic factors represented in the rapid growth of the population associated with urbanization under the dictates of poverty, and the progressive increase of the prices of both buildable land and building materials. The study underlined that the current pattern of population density in Cairo Governorate is a direct result of the current housing problems. Around the depopulation core of the city, a ring of relatively stable areas in terms of population density has developed. Population densification, at the expense of the depopulation core, is characterizing the peripheries of the city. The population density in relation to the built-up area was examined using Landsat-7 ETM+ image (176/039). The image was acquired on 24 August 2006 and considered as an ideal source for land cover classification in Cairo since it is compatible with the population census 2006.rnConsidering that the socio-economic setting is a driving force of change of housing demand and that it is an outcome of the accumulated housing problems, the socio-economic deprivations of the inhabitants of Cairo Governorate are analyzed. Small administrative units in Cairo are categorized into four classes based on the Socio-Economic Opportunity Index (SEOI). This index is developed by using multiple domains focusing on the economic, educational and health situation of the residential population. The results show four levels of deprivation which are consistent with the existing housing patterns. Informal areas on state owned land are included in the first category, namely, the “severely deprived” level. Ex-formal areas or deteriorated inner pockets are characterized as “deprived” urban quarters. Semi-informal areas on agricultural land concentrate in the third category of “medium deprived” settlements. Formal or planned areas are included mostly in the fourth category of the “less deprived” parts of Cairo Governorate. rnFor a better understanding of the differences and similarities among the various housing patterns, four areas based on the smallest administrative units of shiakhat were selected for a detailed study. These areas are: (1) El-Ma’desa is representing a severely deprived squatter settlement, (2) Ain el-Sira is an example for an ex-formal deprived area, (3) El-Marg el-Qibliya was selected as a typical semi-informal and medium deprived settlement, and (4) El-Nozha is representing a formal and less deprived area.rnThe analysis at shiakhat level reveals how the socio-economic characteristics and the unregulated urban growth are greatly reflected in the morphological characteristics of the housing patterns in terms of street network and types of residential buildings as well as types of housing tenure. It is also reflected in the functional characteristics in terms of land use mix and its degree of compatibility. It is concluded that the provision and accessibility to public services represents a performance measure of the dysfunctional structure dominating squatter and semi-informal settlements on one hand and ample public services and accessibility in formal areas on the other hand.rn


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Studies are suggesting that hurricane hazard patterns (e.g. intensity and frequency) may change as a consequence of the changing global climate. As hurricane patterns change, it can be expected that hurricane damage risks and costs may change as a result. This indicates the necessity to develop hurricane risk assessment models that are capable of accounting for changing hurricane hazard patterns, and develop hurricane mitigation and climatic adaptation strategies. This thesis proposes a comprehensive hurricane risk assessment and mitigation strategies that account for a changing global climate and that has the ability of being adapted to various types of infrastructure including residential buildings and power distribution poles. The framework includes hurricane wind field models, hurricane surge height models and hurricane vulnerability models to estimate damage risks due to hurricane wind speed, hurricane frequency, and hurricane-induced storm surge and accounts for the timedependant properties of these parameters as a result of climate change. The research then implements median insured house values, discount rates, housing inventory, etc. to estimate hurricane damage costs to residential construction. The framework was also adapted to timber distribution poles to assess the impacts climate change may have on timber distribution pole failure. This research finds that climate change may have a significant impact on the hurricane damage risks and damage costs of residential construction and timber distribution poles. In an effort to reduce damage costs, this research develops mitigation/adaptation strategies for residential construction and timber distribution poles. The costeffectiveness of these adaptation/mitigation strategies are evaluated through the use of a Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis. In addition, a scenario-based analysis of mitigation strategies for timber distribution poles is included. For both residential construction and timber distribution poles, adaptation/mitigation measures were found to reduce damage costs. Finally, the research develops the Coastal Community Social Vulnerability Index (CCSVI) to include the social vulnerability of a region to hurricane hazards within this hurricane risk assessment. This index quantifies the social vulnerability of a region, by combining various social characteristics of a region with time-dependant parameters of hurricanes (i.e. hurricane wind and hurricane-induced storm surge). Climate change was found to have an impact on the CCSVI (i.e. climate change may have an impact on the social vulnerability of hurricane-prone regions).


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Un problema del ferrocarril al paso por las ciudades europeas es el efecto barrera generado, que impide su desarrollo más allá de las vías. Si se salta la barrera lo cierto es que ello se hace sólo en sitios concretos y el efecto psicológico de aislamiento persiste para los habitantes del entorno. Este trabajo presenta de manera sucinta los problemas de concepción, comprobación y vibraciones planteados por la estructura de cubierta de la trinchera ferroviaria de Hendaya, consistente en una losa de hormigón pretensado y luz variable de 20-40 metros, que resuelve el problema de aislamiento entre las dos partes de la ciudad. Su construcción ha sido posible gracias al acuerdo entre la SNCF e inversores privados y está permitiendo la construcción sobre ella de 6 edificios de viviendas y una residencia de turismo, la demolición del antiguo ?Pont-Vieux? y la construcción de un nuevo ?Pont-Vieux?, integrado completamente en la promoción inmobiliaria. An important problem put by the train in its passage by the cities of Europe generally and in France in particular is the effect barrier which builds up, preventing the cities from developing beyond. Even if this barrier is crossed, it is certain that the passage is restricted to concrete places and always acts as psychological barrier for the local residents. This article presents in a brief way the problems of conception, analysis and vibration of the cover structure of the railroad trench of Hendaye. This structure consists of a 20-40 meters span slab of pre-stressed concrete that solves the isolation problem of both parts of the town of Hendaye. Its construction was possible thanks to the agreement of the SNCF (French Railways)and some private investors, and is allowing the investors the construction on top of 6 residential buildings and a holiday residence, with demolition of the ancient “Pont-Vieux” and building of a new “Pont-Vieux”, which is completely integrated into the real-estate development. Special attention is given to the change of transverse cross-section of the slab during construction stages, which originates a redistribution of stresses, and to the long-term equilibrium of horizontal forces.


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Nowadays, it is urgent to renovate a great number of residential buildings. The necessity of improving energy efficiency must also be considered as an opportunity to improve indoor comfort. To achieve this goal, it is essential to develop tools to be used in the decision-making process, aiming to refurbish buildings in an integrated, efficient and sustainable way. The integrated system developed is based on a set of indicators. Sustainability indicators are useful to synthesize and organize complex information. They can provide data to evaluate a process in different stages: evaluation, diagnosis, comparison and tracing. The set of proposed indicators aims to accomplish the holistic approach pursued by sustainable development. So, these indicators are divided into three groups: environmental, social and economic. However, the main innovation of the system of indicators is the social ones. The sustainable refurbishment system aims to be a user-focused one. Therefore, the starting point is the needs of the user and social indicators are developed around this. The system tackles the sustainable refurbishment of buildings beyond energy problems. It proposes incorporating users in the decision-making process involving them in the refurbishment and so, contributing to the success of the renovation. In order to achieve this target, three social indicators are used, divided into 10 sub-indicators, and a ?Questionnaire about Sustainable Refurbishment? is drawn up. This research has been carried out in the framework of ?Sustainable Refurbishment? Research and Development Project, an integrated project under the supervision of the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Government, in which University and the Construction Industry collaborate. This research project aims to develop an integrated system for the retrofitting of existing buildings to improve their energy efficiency. Accordingly, an additional objective of the project is to improve quality of life of residents.


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La introducción de la automatización de servicios en los edificios de vivienda comenzó a implementarse a finales del siglo XX. Desde entonces, los edificios que incluyen instalaciones completas de automatización suelen conocerse como edificios domotizados o edificios inteligentes e implican la introducción en la arquitectura de tecnologías que hasta la fecha eran ajenas a ésta. El diseño de estos nuevos edificios de viviendas implica cada vez más el trabajo de equipos multidisciplinares y exige por parte del arquitecto la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos y herramientas proyectuales que aseguren la viabilidad constructiva de dichos servicios de automatización doméstica. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la automatización de servicios domésticos en la fase de proyecto constructivo de los edificios para finalmente ofrecer al arquitecto herramientas, criterios y una metodología que le ayude a proyectar estos edificios satisfactoriamente. Esta influencia se evalúa y determina en función de los condicionantes constructivos, que se definen como aquellas consideraciones que el proyectista puede tener en cuenta en la fase de diseño o de concepción de un edificio. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación incluye el análisis conceptual y de contenidos de documentos normativos, técnicos, y de investigación así como un estudio de mercado de las aplicaciones más habituales en domótica. Finalmente la investigación se centra en la envolvente interior del edificio para determinar la influencia de los servicios de domotización no convencionales en el proyecto arquitectónico. Al margen de las aportaciones teóricas de esta investigación, las cuales se han propuesto para afianzar el marco teórico de la disciplina, los resultados obtenidos constatan que dicha influencia en la fase de proyecto existe y que es posible detectar qué condicionantes constructivos se derivan de la normativa de aplicación en este tipo de proyectos, de las nuevas tecnologías implicadas en las instalaciones de automatización y de los esfuerzos de estandarización de las asociaciones de empresas en el campo de la domótica. ABSTRACT The automation of services in residential buildings (also called home automation) began to be implemented in the late twentieth century. Since then, those buildings with full automation services are often known as intelligent buildings or smart buildings, and they imply the introduction into the architecture of technologies that where foreign to the field until then. The design of these new residential buildings increasingly involves the need of multidisciplinary teams and requires the architect to acquire new knowledge and project tools in order to ensure the constructability of such home automation services. This thesis pretends to determine the impact and influence of the introduction of home automation services in the design stage of residential buildings in order to, finally, provide the architect with the tools, criteria and methodology to help him design such projects successfully. This impact is evaluated and determined by the constructive constraints or factors implied, which are defined as those considerations that the designer may take into account in the conception and design stage of the project. The methodology used in this research includes conceptual and content analysis applied to normative and technical documents, regulatory standards and research papers, as well as a market survey of the most common applications and services in home automation. Finally, the investigation focuses on the inner partitions of the building to determine the influence of unconventional domotics services in the architectural design. Besides the theoretical contributions of this research, which have been proposed to strengthen the theoretical framework of the discipline, the achieved results find that such influence in the design stage exists and that it is possible to detect which constructive constraints are derived from the application of building regulations, from the new technologies involved in home automation facilities or from the standardization efforts of the joint ventures in the field of home automation.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es el desarrollo de un modelo de cálculo rápido, eficiente y preciso, para la estimación de los costes finales de construcción, en las fases preliminares del proyecto arquitectónico. Se trata de una herramienta a utilizar durante el proceso de elaboración de estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico, no siendo por tanto preciso para calcular el “predimensionado de costes” disponer de la total definición grafica y literal del proyecto. Se parte de la hipótesis de que en la aplicación práctica del modelo no se producirán desviaciones superiores al 10 % sobre el coste final de la obra proyectada. Para ello se formulan en el modelo de predimensionado cinco niveles de estimación de costes, de menor a mayor definición conceptual y gráfica del proyecto arquitectónico. Los cinco niveles de cálculo son: dos que toman como referencia los valores “exógenos” de venta de las viviendas (promoción inicial y promoción básica) y tres basados en cálculos de costes “endógenos” de la obra proyectada (estudios previos, anteproyecto y proyecto básico). El primer nivel de estimación de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .1), se calcula en base a la valoración de mercado de la promoción inmobiliaria y a su porcentaje de repercusión de suelo sobre el valor de venta de las viviendas. El quinto nivel de valoración, también de carácter “exógeno” (nivel .5), se calcula a partir del contraste entre el valor externo básico de mercado, los costes de construcción y los gastos de promoción estimados de la obra proyectada. Este contraste entre la “repercusión del coste de construcción” y el valor de mercado, supone una innovación respecto a los modelos de predimensionado de costes existentes, como proceso metodológico de verificación y validación extrínseca, de la precisión y validez de las estimaciones resultantes de la aplicación práctica del modelo, que se denomina Pcr.5n (Predimensionado costes de referencia con .5niveles de cálculo según fase de definición proyectual / ideación arquitectónica). Los otros tres niveles de predimensionado de costes de construcción “endógenos”, se estiman mediante cálculos analíticos internos por unidades de obra y cálculos sintéticos por sistemas constructivos y espacios funcionales, lo que se lleva a cabo en las etapas iniciales del proyecto correspondientes a estudios previos (nivel .2), anteproyecto (nivel .3) y proyecto básico (nivel .4). Estos cálculos teóricos internos son finalmente evaluados y validados mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo en obras de edificación residencial, de las que se conocen sus costes reales de liquidación final de obra. Según va evolucionando y se incrementa el nivel de definición y desarrollo del proyecto, desde los estudios previos hasta el proyecto básico, el cálculo se va perfeccionando en su nivel de eficiencia y precisión de la estimación, según la metodología aplicada: [aproximaciones sucesivas en intervalos finitos], siendo la hipótesis básica como anteriormente se ha avanzado, lograr una desviación máxima de una décima parte en el cálculo estimativo del predimensionado del coste real de obra. El cálculo del coste de ejecución material de la obra, se desarrolla en base a parámetros cúbicos funcionales “tridimensionales” del espacio proyectado y parámetros métricos constructivos “bidimensionales” de la envolvente exterior de cubierta/fachada y de la huella del edificio sobre el terreno. Los costes funcionales y constructivos se ponderan en cada fase del proceso de cálculo con sus parámetros “temáticos/específicos” de gestión (Pg), proyecto (Pp) y ejecución (Pe) de la concreta obra presupuestada, para finalmente estimar el coste de construcción por contrata, como resultado de incrementar al coste de ejecución material el porcentaje correspondiente al parámetro temático/especifico de la obra proyectada. El modelo de predimensionado de costes de construcción Pcr.5n, será una herramienta de gran interés y utilidad en el ámbito profesional, para la estimación del coste correspondiente al Proyecto Básico previsto en el marco técnico y legal de aplicación. Según el Anejo I del Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), es de obligado cumplimiento que el proyecto básico contenga una “Valoración aproximada de la ejecución material de la obra proyectada por capítulos”, es decir , que el Proyecto Básico ha de contener al menos un “presupuesto aproximado”, por capítulos, oficios ó tecnologías. El referido cálculo aproximado del presupuesto en el Proyecto Básico, necesariamente se ha de realizar mediante la técnica del predimensionado de costes, dado que en esta fase del proyecto arquitectónico aún no se dispone de cálculos de estructura, planos de acondicionamiento e instalaciones, ni de la resolución constructiva de la envolvente, por cuanto no se han desarrollado las especificaciones propias del posterior proyecto de ejecución. Esta estimación aproximada del coste de la obra, es sencilla de calcular mediante la aplicación práctica del modelo desarrollado, y ello tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales del sector de la construcción. Como se contiene y justifica en el presente trabajo, la aplicación práctica del modelo para el cálculo de costes en las fases preliminares del proyecto, es rápida y certera, siendo de sencilla aplicación tanto en vivienda unifamiliar (aisladas y pareadas), como en viviendas colectivas (bloques y manzanas). También, el modelo es de aplicación en el ámbito de la valoración inmobiliaria, tasaciones, análisis de viabilidad económica de promociones inmobiliarias, estimación de costes de obras terminadas y en general, cuando no se dispone del proyecto de ejecución y sea preciso calcular los costes de construcción de las obras proyectadas. Además, el modelo puede ser de aplicación para el chequeo de presupuestos calculados por el método analítico tradicional (estado de mediciones pormenorizadas por sus precios unitarios y costes descompuestos), tanto en obras de iniciativa privada como en obras promovidas por las Administraciones Públicas. Por último, como líneas abiertas a futuras investigaciones, el modelo de “predimensionado costes de referencia 5 niveles de cálculo”, se podría adaptar y aplicar para otros usos y tipologías diferentes a la residencial, como edificios de equipamientos y dotaciones públicas, valoración de edificios históricos, obras de urbanización interior y exterior de parcela, proyectos de parques y jardines, etc….. Estas lineas de investigación suponen trabajos paralelos al aquí desarrollado, y que a modo de avance parcial se recogen en las comunicaciones presentadas en los Congresos internacionales Scieconf/Junio 2013, Rics‐Cobra/Septiembre 2013 y en el IV Congreso nacional de patología en la edificación‐Ucam/Abril 2014. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to develop a fast, efficient and accurate calculation model to estimate the final costs of construction, during the preliminary stages of the architectural project. It is a tool to be used during the preliminary study process, drafting and basic project. It is not therefore necessary to have the exact, graphic definition of the project in order to be able to calculate the cost‐scaling. It is assumed that no deviation 10% higher than the final cost of the projected work will occur during the implementation. To that purpose five levels of cost estimation are formulated in the scaling model, from a lower to a higher conceptual and graphic definition of the architectural project. The five calculation levels are: two that take as point of reference the ”exogenous” values of house sales (initial development and basic development), and three based on calculation of endogenous costs (preliminary study, drafting and basic project). The first ”exogenous” estimation level (level.1) is calculated over the market valuation of real estate development and the proportion the cost of land has over the value of the houses. The fifth level of valuation, also an ”exogenous” one (level.5) is calculated from the contrast between the basic external market value, the construction costs, and the estimated development costs of the projected work. This contrast between the ”repercussions of construction costs” and the market value is an innovation regarding the existing cost‐scaling models, as a methodological process of extrinsic verification and validation, of the accuracy and validity of the estimations obtained from the implementation of the model, which is called Pcr.5n (reference cost‐scaling with .5calculation levels according to the stage of project definition/ architectural conceptualization) The other three levels of “endogenous” construction cost‐scaling are estimated from internal analytical calculations by project units and synthetic calculations by construction systems and functional spaces. This is performed during the initial stages of the project corresponding to preliminary study process (level.2), drafting (level.3) and basic project (level.4). These theoretical internal calculations are finally evaluated and validated via implementation of the model in residential buildings, whose real costs on final payment of the works are known. As the level of definition and development of the project evolves, from preliminary study to basic project, the calculation improves in its level of efficiency and estimation accuracy, following the applied methodology: [successive approximations at finite intervals]. The basic hypothesis as above has been made, achieving a maximum deviation of one tenth, in the estimated calculation of the true cost of predimensioning work. The cost calculation for material execution of the works is developed from functional “three‐dimensional” cubic parameters for the planned space and constructive “two dimensional” metric parameters for the surface that envelopes around the facade and the building’s footprint on the plot. The functional and building costs are analyzed at every stage of the process of calculation with “thematic/specific” parameters of management (Pg), project (Pp) and execution (Pe) of the estimated work in question, and finally the cost of contractual construction is estimated, as a consequence of increasing the cost of material execution with the percentage pertaining to the thematic/specific parameter of the projected work. The construction cost‐scaling Pcr.5n model will be a useful tool of great interest in the professional field to estimate the cost of the Basic Project as prescribed in the technical and legal framework of application. According to the appendix of the Technical Building Code (CTE), it is compulsory that the basic project contains an “approximate valuation of the material execution of the work, projected by chapters”, that is, that the basic project must contain at least an “approximate estimate” by chapter, trade or technology. This approximate estimate in the Basic Project is to be performed through the cost‐scaling technique, given that structural calculations, reconditioning plans and definitive contruction details of the envelope are still not available at this stage of the architectural project, insofar as specifications pertaining to the later project have not yet been developed. This approximate estimate of the cost of the works is easy to calculate through the implementation of the given model, both for students and professionals of the building sector. As explained and justified in this work, the implementation of the model for cost‐scaling during the preliminary stage is fast and accurate, as well as easy to apply both in single‐family houses (detached and semi‐detached) and collective housing (blocks). The model can also be applied in the field of the real‐estate valuation, official appraisal, analysis of the economic viability of real estate developments, estimate of the cost of finished projects and, generally, when an implementation project is not available and it is necessary to calculate the building costs of the projected works. The model can also be applied to check estimates calculated by the traditional analytical method (state of measurements broken down into price per unit cost details), both in private works and those promoted by Public Authorities. Finally, as potential lines for future research, the “five levels of calculation cost‐scaling model”, could be adapted and applied to purposes and typologies other than the residential one, such as service buildings and public facilities, valuation of historical buildings, interior and exterior development works, park and garden planning, etc… These lines of investigation are parallel to this one and, by way of a preview, can be found in the dissertations given in the International Congresses Scieconf/June 2013, Rics‐Cobra/September 2013 and in the IV Congress on building pathology ‐Ucam/April 2014.