855 resultados para post-fire effect
The EU’s October summit was dominated by one issue; the migration and refugee crisis, with EU leaders intent on putting on a public display of unity after weeks of bitter arguments, and concentrating on fire-fighting and immediate measures to tackle the most pressing reasons for, and impacts of, the crisis. Longer-term measures to address some of the root causes of increased migratory flows, support for the integration of newly arrived refugees or the introduction of new channels of legal migration, were not discussed. The Summit also spent little time on two issues that had originally been expected to be a key part of the agenda: the forthcoming British referendum on EU membership, where irritation with the slow pace of talks and British vagueness about its demands were in evidence; and the governance of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), where EU leaders missed another opportunity for a thorough debate about future perspectives on the basis of the ‘Five Presidents’ Report’.
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In south-eastern Queensland, Australia, sorghum planted in early spring usually escapes sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola, attack. Experiments were conducted to better understand the role of winter diapause in the population dynamics of this pest. Emergence patterns of adult midge from diapausing larvae on the soil surface and at various depths were investigated during spring to autumn of 1987/88-1989/90. From 1987/88 to 1989/90, 89%, 65% and 98% of adult emergence, respectively, occurred during November and December. Adult emergence from larvae diapausing on the soil surface was severely reduced due to high mortality attributed to surface soil temperatures in excess of 40 degrees C, with much of this mortality occurring between mid-September and mid-October. Emergence of adults from the soil surface was considerably delayed in the 1988/89 season compared with larvae buried at 5 or 10 cm which had similar emergence patterns for all three seasons. In 1989/90, when a 1-cm-deep treatment was included, there was a 392% increase in adult emergence from this treatment compared with deeper treatments. Some diapausing larvae on the surface did not emerge at the end of summer in only 1 year (1989/90), when 28.0% of the larvae on the surface remained in diapause, whereas only 0.8% of the buried larvae remained in diapause. We conclude that the pattern of emergence explains why spring plantings of sorghum in south-eastern Queensland usually escape sorghum midge attack.
Background and Purpose. Cardiorespiratory fitness is increasingly being recognized as an impairment requiring physiotherapy intervention after stroke. The present study seeks to investigate if routine physiotherapy treatment is capable of inducing a cardiorespiratory training effect and if stroke patients attending physiotherapy who are unable to walk experience less cardiorespiratory stress during physiotherapy when compared to those who are able to walk. Method. A descriptive, observational study, with heart rate monitoring and video-recording of physiotherapy rehabilitation, was conducted. Thirty consecutive stroke patients from a geriatric and rehabilitation unit of a tertiary metropolitan hospital, admitted for rehabilitation, and requiring physiotherapy were included in the study. The main measures of the study were duration (time) and intensity (percentage of heart rate reserve) of standing and walking activities during physiotherapy rehabilitation for non-walking and walking stroke patients. Results. Stroke patients spent an average of 21 minutes participating in standing and walking activities that were capable of inducing a cardiorespiratory training effect. Stroke patients who were able to walk spent longer in these activities during physiotherapy rehabilitation than non-walking stroke patients (p < 0.05). An average intensity of 24% heart rate reserve (HRR) during standing and walking activities was insufficient to result in a cardiorespiratory training effect, with a maximum of 35% achieved for the stroke patients able to walk and 30% for those unable to walk. Conclusions. Routine physiotherapy rehabilitation had insufficient duration and intensity to result in a cardiorespiratory training effect in our group of stroke patients. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Changes in the design of hospital wards have usually been determined by architects and members of the nursing and medical professions; the views and preferences of patients have seldom been sought directly. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale and the Disturbance Due to Hospital Noise questionnaire were administered to 64 female patients on bay and Nightingale wards together with a questionnaire designed for this study. Perceptions of social and physical factors of ward design were examined, and their relationship to psychological well-being and sleep patterns. The results show that the bay ward seemed to offer a more favourable environment for patients but some of the disadvantages of bay wards are balanced by better staffing levels and better and more modern facilities. Visibility to nurses was lower on the bay ward. The Nightingale ward was perceived as significantly noisier than the bay ward and noise levels were significantly correlated to anxiety scores. Paradoxically the increase in noise levels appeared to improve the perceived level of privacy on the Nightingale ward. Seventy-five per cent of patients were found to prefer the bay ward design, and since neither design appears to have major disadvantages their continued introduction should be encouraged. However, recommendations are made concerning the optimizing of patients' well-being within the bay ward setting.
The diglycidyl ether of tetrabromobisphenol A, the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A and their mixture was cured by 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl methane. The pyrolysis of the obtained epoxy resins was studied by TG, DSC, TG/FTIR as well as FTIR characterization of pyrolysis residues. The gaseous and high boiling pyrolysis products were collected, characterized by GC/MS and their formation is discussed. The brominated epoxy resins are thermally less stable than the non-brominated ones. This effect is caused by the amine-containing hardener. The degradation initiation reaction is associated with the formation of hydrogen bromide which further destabilizes the epoxy network. The effect of the curing agent can be used in recycling of epoxy resins to separate brominated pyrolysis products from non-brominated ones.
A hálózatos iparágakban, ahogy a postai szolgáltatásoknál is, a forgalomban lévő készpénz nagyméretű működőtőkét jelenthet. A Magyar Posta a levél- és csomagkézbesítésen kívül jelentős készpénzforgalmat bonyolít le: nyugdíjakat, segélyeket és készpénz-átutalási megbízásokat továbbít. A forgalom napi ingadozása a vállalat likvideszköz-igényét jelentősen meghatározza. A posta esetében a postahivatalok készpénzgazdálkodása jól működő hüvelykujjszabályokon keresztül történik, ezek a szabályok döntési teret hagynak a hálózat heterogén egyedi szereplőinek. Az egyedi készletezési viselkedést a vállalati működőtőke meghatározásakor figyelembe kell venni. A tanulmány az egyedi készletezési szokások modellezésére új módszertant ajánl, majd a viselkedésmintákat csoportosítva a pénzkészletezésnek, a vállalati működőtőke szintjének és a vállalati likviditási pozíciónak a kapcsolatát elemzi. / === / The cash in circulation within network industries such as post-office services can repre-sent a sizeable quantity of operating capital. The Hungarian Post Office, besides han-dling mail, handles a significant amount of cash turnover, forwarding pensions, welfare benefits, and cash orders. Fluctuation in the daily volume of these is a strong factor in determining the company's liquidity requirements. The management of cash in post of-fices is governed by rules of thumb that operate well; the regulations leave decision-making scope for the diverse individual actors in the network. Attention has to be paid to individual cash holding when determining the corporate operating capital. The study suggests a new methodology for modelling the individual cash-holding habits, and goes on to group the behaviour patterns by analysing the connection between cash holding, level of corporate operating capital, and corporate liquidity position.
While the existence of black carbon as part of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been confirmed, quantitative determinations of dissolved black carbon (DBC) in freshwater ecosystem and information on factors controlling its concentration are scarce. In this study, stream surface water samples from a series of watersheds subject to different burn frequencies in Konza Prairie (Kansas, USA) were collected in order to determine if recent fire history has a noticeable effect on DBC concentration. The DBC levels detected ranged from 0.04 to 0.11 mg L−1, accounting for ca. 3.32 ± 0.51% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). No correlation was found between DBC concentration and neither fire frequency nor time since last burn. We suggest that limited DBC flux is related to high burning efficiency, possibly greater export during periods of high discharge and/or the continuous export of DBC over long time scales. A linear correlation between DOC and DBC concentrations was observed, suggesting the export mechanisms determining DOC and DBC concentrations are likely coupled. The potential influence of fire history was less than the influence of other factors controlling the DOC and DBC dynamics in this ecosystem. Assuming similar conditions and processes apply in grasslands elsewhere, extrapolation to a global scale would suggest a global grasslands flux of DBC on the order of 0.14 Mt carbon year−1.