168 resultados para patella resurfacing
372 osteochondrodysplasias and genetically determined dysostoses were reported in 2007 [Superti-Furga and Unger, 2007]. For 215 of these conditions, an association with one or more genes can be stated, while the molecular changes for the remaining syndromes remain illusive to date. Thus, the present dissertation aims at the identification of novel genes involved in processes regarding cartilage/ bone formation, growth, differentiation and homeostasis, which may serve as candidate genes for the above mentioned conditions. Two different approaches were undertaken. Firstly, a high throughput EST sequencing project from a human fetal cartilage library was performed to identify novel genes in early skeletal development (20th week of gestation until 2nd year of life) that could be investigated as potential candidate genes. 5000 EST sequences were generated and analyzed representing 1573 individual transcripts, corresponding to known (1400) and to novel, yet uncharacterized genes (173). About 7% of the proteins were already described in cartilage/ bone development or homeostasis, showing that the generated library is tissue specific. The remaining profile of this library was compared to previously published libraries from different time points (8th–12th, 18th–20th week and adult human cartilage) that also showed a similar distribution, reflecting the quality of the presented library analyzed. Furthermore, three potential candidate genes (LRRC59, CRELD2, ZNF577) were further investigated and their potential involvement in skeletogenesis was discussed. Secondly, a disease-orientated approach was undertaken to identify downstream targets of LMX1B, the gene causing Nail-Patella syndrome (NPS), and to investigate similar conditions. Like NPS, Genitopatellar syndrome (GPS) is characterized by aplasia or hypoplasia of the patella and renal anomalies. Therefore, six GPS patients were enrolled in a study to investigate the molecular changes responsible for this relatively rare disease. A 3.07 Mb deletion including LMX1B and NR5A1 (SF1) was found in one female patient that showed features of both NPS and GPS and investigations revealed a 46,XY karyotype and ovotestes indicating true hermaphroditism. The microdeletion was not seen in any of the five other patients with GPS features only, but a potential regulatory element between the two genes cannot be ruled out yet. Since Lmx1b is expressed in the dorsal limb bud and in podocytes, proteomic approaches and expression profiling were performed with murine material of the limbs and the kidneys to identify its downstream targets. After 2D-gel electrophoresis with protein extracts from E13.5 fore limb buds and newborn kidneys of Lmx1b wild type and knock-out mice and mass spectrometry analysis, only two proteins, agrin and carbonic anhydrase 2, remained of interest, but further analysis of the two genes did not show a transcriptional down regulation by Lmx1b. The focus was switched to expression profiles and RNA from newborn Lmx1b wild type and knock-out kidneys was compared by microarray analysis. Potential Lmx1b targets were almost impossible to study, because of the early death of Lmx1b deficient mice, when the glomeruli, containing podocytes, are still immature. Because Lmx1b is also expressed during limb development, RNA from wild type and knock-out Lmx1b E11.5 fore limb buds was investigated by microarray, revealing four potential Lmx1b downstream targets: neuropilin 2, single-stranded DNA binding protein 2, peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, co-activator 1 alpha, and short stature homeobox 2. Whole mount in situ hybridization strengthened a potential down regulation of neuropilin 2 by Lmx1b, but further investigations including in situ hybridization and protein-protein interaction studies will be needed.
Nel corso degli anni diverse sono le tecniche proposte per il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali, da quelle mini-invasive con stimolazione midollare fino a quelle più aggressive basate sul trapianto di tessuti autologhi o eterologhi. Tutti questi metodi hanno comunque dei difetti ed è questo il motivo per cui il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali rappresenta tuttora una sfida per il chirurgo ortopedico, in considerazione dell’alta specializzazione e del basso potere di guarigione del tessuto cartilagineo. Buoni risultati sono stati ottenuti con innesti bioingegnerizzati o matrici polimeriche impiantati nei siti danneggiati. La quantità di scaffolds in uso per la riparazione condrale ed osteocondrale è molto ampia; essi differiscono non solo per il tipo di materiali usati per la loro realizzazione, ma anche per la presenza di promotori di una o più linee cellulari , su base condrogenica o osteogenica. Quando ci si approccia ad una lesione condrale di grandi dimensioni, l’osso sub-condrale è anch’esso coinvolto e necessita di trattamento per ottenere il corretto ripristino degli strati articolari più superficiali. La scelta più giusta sembra essere un innesto osteocondrale bioingegnerizzato, pronto per l’uso ed immediatamente disponibile, che consenta di effettuare il trattamento in un unico tempo chirurgico. Sulla base di questo razionale, dopo uno studio preclinico animale e previa autorizzazione del comitato etico locale, abbiamo condotto uno studio clinico clinico pilota utilizzando un nuovo innesto biomimetico nanostrutturato per il trattamento di lesioni condrali ed osteocondrali del ginocchio; la sua sicurezza e maneggevolezza, così come la facile riproducibilità della tecnica chirurgica ed i risultati clinici ottenuti sono stati valutati nel tempo a 6, 12, 24, 36 e 48 mesi dall’impianto in modo da testare il suo potenziale intrinseco senza l’aggiunta di alcuna linea cellulare.
Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di determinare se a lungo termine le concentrazioni sieriche di ioni nei pazienti con protesi di rivestimento d’anca metallo-metallo (MOM-HR, metal-on-metal hip resurfacing) fossero differenti da quelle valutate nei pazienti con protesi totale d’anca metallo-metallo e testa del diametro di 28 mm (MOM-THA, metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty); inoltre è stato valutato se le concentrazioni ioniche fossero al di sopra dei valori di riferimento e se fosse possibile stabilire l’esistenza di una relazione tra sesso e concentrazioni di ioni con riferimento al tipo di impianto. Il gruppo MOM-HR era costituito da 25 pazienti mentre il gruppo MOM-THA era di 16 pazienti. Per poter ricavare i valori di riferimento sono stati reclutati 48 donatori sani. La misurazione delle concentrazioni degli ioni cobalto (Co), cromo (Cr), nickel (Ni) e molibdeno (Mo) è stata effettuata utilizzando la spettrofotometria ad assorbimento atomico su fornace di grafite. A parte il Ni, le concentrazioni di ioni nei pazienti con MOM-HR erano più elevate rispetto ai controlli. Il rilascio di ioni Cr e Co nei pazienti con MOM-HR è risultato superiore rispetto ai soggetti con MOM-THA. Da un’analisi basata sul sesso, è emerso che nelle femmine con MOM-HR i livelli di ioni Cr e Co sono risultati significativamente aumentati rispetto alle femmine con MOM-THA. Indipendentemente dal tipo di impianto, gli accoppiamenti metallo-metallo (MOM) producono concentrazioni di ioni metallici significativamente più alte a follow-up a lungo termine rispetto a quelle osservate nei soggetti sani. Un fattore che deve essere attentamente considerato nella scelta dell’impianto, e in particolar modo nei soggetti giovani, è il cospicuo rilascio di ioni Cr e Co nella popolazione femminile con MOM-HR.
Nei primi vent’anni, la ricerca in ambito fotovoltaico si è focalizzata sull’evoluzione di quelle tecnologie associate alla semplice cella ed al sistema intero, per offrire miglioramenti con particolare riguardo al fronte dell’efficienza. Negli ultimi decenni, lo studio sull’energia rinnovabile ha ampliato i propri confini, sino a quella branca denominata elettronica di potenza, che ne permette la conversione e lo sfruttamento da parte dell’utente. L’elaborato si propone quindi di apportare un contributo verso tale direzione, teorico piuttosto che pratico, esaminando dapprima il mondo che effettivamente circonda l’impianto fotovoltaico grid-connected e successivamente ponderando e pianificando le scelte che conseguono dall’analisi letteraria. Particolare attenzione sarà rivolta al concetto di multilivello relativo agli inverter e agli aspetti che ne comportano il largo utilizzo nell’elettronica di potenza. Si stima che i primi brevetti risalgano a circa trent’anni orsono e uno di questi, tracciabile, riguarderebbe la configurazione a cascata di full-bridge, alimentati separatamente in DC, per ottenere a valle una scala di tensioni AC. Per mezzo di manipolazioni, nascerà in seguito il diode-clamped, attuale predecessore del Neutral Point Clamped T-Type Inverter. Si introdurranno pertanto le principali caratteristiche che contraddistinguono il convertitore, peculiare riguardo per la configurazione single leg nonché trifase. Ardua sarà la scelta sulla tecnica di controllo dell’inverter, sia per quanto concerne la fase simulativa che quella realizzativa, in quanto il dispositivo è indubbiamente considerato innovativo nel proprio campo di appartenenza. Convalidando la letteratura per mezzo di opportune simulazioni, si potrà procedere alla progettazione e quindi all’assemblaggio della scheda che effettivamente include l’inverter. Il lavoro implicherà numerose prove, effettuate in svariate condizioni di funzionamento, al fine di sostenere le conclusioni teoriche.
Questo lavoro di tesi si propone di realizzare un sistema in grado non solo di gestire la similarità tra media di stesso tipo, in modo tale da essere al pari per potenzialità in catalogazione e ricerca dei sistemi esistenti, ma di introdurre anche il concetto di similarità tra documenti, i quali contengono media di diverso tipo. Anche se esistono già DBMS in grado di gestire tipi di media complessi, nessuno ha un modello in grado di gestire la compresenza di più tipi di dato efficientemente. Per realizzare un sistema multimediale che sia in grado di gestire non solo la similarità tra media compatibili per tipo ma in generale la ricerca tra documenti si è deciso di utilizzare sistemi per media specifici già esistenti e di integrarli in modo da farli cooperare. A tale proposito si è deciso inizialmente di creare un sistema in grado di gestire documenti che possano contenere inizialmente parti testuali, immagini, video e serie temporali. E’ chiaro intuire come le differenze tra i singoli sistemi (e tra le singole tipologie di dati) rendano quasi impossibile il confronto tra media di tipo diverso esaminandone solamente il contenuto. Per questo un sistema multimediale come quello proposto non potrà effettuare ricerca per contenuto tra media differenti (a parte tra immagini e video in cui può essere possibile confrontare l’immagine con gli screenshot che compongono un video) ma si baserà principalmente sul confronto semantico tra media di tipo diverso e lo combinerà invece con ricerche per metadati e contenuto tra media dello stesso tipo. In questa tesi verranno analizzate le tecnologie utilizzate, le modifiche apportate ai framework esistenti e le novità introdotte per realizzare il sistema generale e in seguito verrà proposta la realizzazione due applicazioni su casi reali per dimostrare l’efficacia di tale sistema.
Progressive retropatellar arthrosis is often seen in dated rigid distal realignment (i.e. osteotomy of tuberositas) at long-term follow-ups. Therefore, operations for lateral dislocation of the patella are still discussed controversially. Dynamic, proximal realignments seem to have lower rates of arthrosis but higher rates of redislocation. Recently, in anatomic and biomechanic studies, the m. vastus medialis obliquus (vmo) was found to be one of the most important proximal restraints to lateral dislocation of the patella.A total of 28 patients (mean age 21.5 years) were treated between 1994 and 2003 with a plasty of the vmo for lateral patellar dislocation. The technique was performed for most etiologies of femoropatellar instability.For this proximal soft tissue technique, the muscle tendon is detached from its patellar insertion. Subsequently, the tendon is reinserted at the patella 10-15 mm more distally and fixed with Mitek anchors. Full weight bearing in extension is possible immediately after surgery. An active vastus medialis training is started after 6 weeks.Of the patients, 27 were evaluated clinically and radiologically in 2004 (a mean of 5 years postoperatively). A total of 83% of the patients estimated the result to be good or excellent, 10% were satisfied and 7% were discontent. The mean Lysholm-Knee-Score was 83.1 points. Two patients suffered a patella redislocation (7%). A statistically significant improvement of the congruence angle was noted in the radiographs, even in medium-term controls. In 89% of the cases no or only little retropatellar arthrosis was observed. These 5 year results are comparable to those of other techniques for distal or proximal realignments. The rate of redislocation was below average. Compared to the rate of retropatellar arthrosis in long-term results of rigid distal realignment, our patients demonstrated a relative low rate after 5 years. We attribute this to the minimal interference in physiological joint mechanics and to the restored anatomy. In terms of future long-term results, our findings are promising. The idea of a proximal dynamic stabilization and the causal operative approach at the origin of pathology using vmo-plasty was confirmed in recent anatomic and biomechanic studies. Over or under correction of soft tissues could be adapted. More rigid techniques of distal realignment do not allow an adaptation to this extent and can lead to prearthrotic hyperpression in the medial femoropatellar and femorotibial joints.
Ligament balancing in total knee arthroplasty may have an important influence on joint stability and prosthesis lifetime. In order to provide quantitative information and assistance during ligament balancing, a device that intraoperatively measures knee joint forces and moments was developed. Its performance and surgical advantages were evaluated on six cadaver specimens mounted on a knee joint loading apparatus allowing unconstrained knee motion as well as compression and varus-valgus loading. Four different experiments were performed on each specimen. (1) Knee joints were axially loaded. Comparison between applied and measured compressive forces demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of in situ measurements (1.8N). (2) Assessment of knee stability based on condyle contact forces or varus-valgus moments were compared to the current surgical method (difference of varus-valgus loads causing condyle lift-off). The force-based approach was equivalent to the surgical method while the moment-based, which is considered optimal, showed a tendency of lateral imbalance. (3) To estimate the importance of keeping the patella in its anatomical position during imbalance assessment, the effect of patellar eversion on the mediolateral distribution of tibiofemoral contact forces was measured. One fourth of the contact force induced by the patellar load was shifted to the lateral compartment. (4) The effect of minor and major medial collateral ligament releases was biomechanically quantified. On average, the medial contact force was reduced by 20% and 46%, respectively. Large variation among specimens reflected the difficulty of ligament release and the need for intraoperative force monitoring. This series of experiments thus demonstrated the device's potential to improve ligament balancing and survivorship of total knee arthroplasty.
A patient-specific surface model of the proximal femur plays an important role in planning and supporting various computer-assisted surgical procedures including total hip replacement, hip resurfacing, and osteotomy of the proximal femur. The common approach to derive 3D models of the proximal femur is to use imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, the high logistic effort, the extra radiation (CT-imaging), and the large quantity of data to be acquired and processed make them less functional. In this paper, we present an integrated approach using a multi-level point distribution model (ML-PDM) to reconstruct a patient-specific model of the proximal femur from intra-operatively available sparse data. Results of experiments performed on dry cadaveric bones using dozens of 3D points are presented, as well as experiments using a limited number of 2D X-ray images, which demonstrate promising accuracy of the present approach.
Basal cell carcinoma is the most frequent cutaneous cancer of the nose and is characterized by its local spreading and exceptionally rare tendency to metastasize. Since a significant advantage has been seen in surgery compared to other treatments, surgical excision ensuring the highest chance of cure is frequently employed. Excision defects of the nose may be covered with either local flap or a full-thickness skin graft. In resurfacing such defects following excision of basal cell carcinomas, we favor the technique of composite-skin grafting which involves the harvesting of composite-skin graft including the epidermis, dermis and superficial layers of subcutaneous tissue to obtain the required thickness in the recipient site. This technique was used for defects remaining after the excision of basal cell carcinomas in a series of 15 patients. The areas involved were lateral nasal region (5 cases), nasal tip (4 cases), dorsum (3 cases), alar lobule (2 cases), and soft triangle (1 case). The mean follow-up was 14.2 months. The color, texture and thickness of the composite-skin graft harvested from the preauricular site and the neck compare favorably with the skin of the nose region. Satisfactory results, both clinically and in patient appreciation, have been obtained in both the reconstruction site and the appearance of the donor site in all patients.
Blood perfusion to the femoral head might be endangered during the surgical approach or the preparation of the femoral head or both in hip resurfacing arthroplasty. The contribution of the intramedullary blood supply to the femoral head in osteoarthritis is questionable. Therefore, the contribution of the extraosseous blood supply to osteoarthritic femoral heads was measured intraoperatively to question if there is measurable blood flow between the epiphysis and metaphysis in osteoarthritic hips in case of extraosseus vessel damage. At defined points during surgery we acquired the epiphyseal and metaphyseal femoral head perfusion by high-energy laser Doppler flowmetry. Complete femoral neck osteotomy sparing the retinacular vessels to simulate intraosseous blood disruption showed unchanged epiphyseal blood flow compared to initial measurement after capsulotomy. The pulsatile signal disappeared after transection of the retinacular vessels. Based on these acute measurements, we conclude intramedullary blood vessels to the femoral head do not provide measurable blood supply to the epiphysis once the medial femoral circumflex artery or the retinacular vessels have been damaged. We recommend the use of a safe surgical approach for hip resurfacing and careful implantation of the femoral component to respect blood supply to the femoral head and neck region in hip resurfacing arthroplasty.
The new goblin spider genus Prethopalpus is restricted to the Australasian tropics, from the lower Himalayan Mountains in Nepal and India to the Malaysian Peninsula, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Prethopalpus contains those species with a swollen palpal patella, which is one to two times the size of the femur, together with a cymbium and bulb that is usually separated, although it is largely fused in four species. The type species Opopaea fosuma Burger et al. from Sumatra, and Camptoscaphiella infernalis Harvey and Edward from Western Australia are newly transferred to Prethopalpus. The genus consists of 41 species of which 39 are newly described: P. ilam Baehr (♂, ♀) from Nepal; P. khasi Baehr (♂), P. madurai Baehr (♂), P. mahanadi Baehr (♂, ♀), and P. meghalaya Baehr (♂, ♀) from India; P. bali Baehr (♂), P. bellicosus Baehr and Thoma (♂, ♀), P. brunei Baehr (♂, ♀), P. deelemanae Baehr and Thoma (♂), P. java Baehr (♂, ♀), P. kranzae Baehr (♂), P. kropfi Baehr (♂, ♀), P. leuser Baehr (♂, ♀), P. magnocularis Baehr and Thoma (♂), P. pahang Baehr (♂), P. perak Baehr (♂, ♀), P. sabah Baehr (♂, ♀), P. sarawak Baehr (♂), P. schwendingeri Baehr (♂, ♀), and P. utara Baehr (♂, ♀) from Indonesia and Malaysia; and P. alexanderi Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. attenboroughi Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. blosfeldsorum Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. boltoni Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. callani Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. cooperi Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. eberhardi Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. framenaui Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. humphreysi Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. kintyre Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. scanloni Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. pearsoni Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. julianneae Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. maini Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. marionae Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. platnicki Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. oneillae Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. rawlinsoni Baehr and Harvey (♂), and P. tropicus Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀) from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Three separate keys to species from different geographical regions are provided. Most species are recorded from single locations and only three species are more widely distributed. A significant radiation of blind troglobites comprising 14 species living in subterranean ecosystems in Western Australia is discussed. These include several species that lack abdominal scuta, a feature previously used to define subfamilies of Oonopidae.
Surgical plugging and resurfacing are well established treatments of superior semicircular canal dehiscence, while capping with hydroxyapatite cement has been little discussed in literature. The aim of this study was to prove the efficacy of the capping technique. Charts of patients diagnosed with superior semicircular canal dehiscence were reviewed retrospectively. All patients answered the dizziness handicap inventory, a survey analyzing the impact of their symptoms on their quality of life. Capping of the dehiscent canal was performed via the middle fossa approach in all cases. Ten out of 22 patients diagnosed with superior semicircular canal dehiscence were treated with surgical capping, nine of which were included in this study. No major perioperative complications occurred. In 8 out of 9 (89 %) patients, capping led to a satisfying reduction of the main symptoms. One patient underwent revision surgery 1 year after the initial intervention. Scores in the dizziness handicap inventory were lower in the surgically treated group than in the non-surgically treated group, but results were not statistically significant (P = 0.45). Overall, capping is a safe and efficient alternative to plugging and resurfacing of superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
PURPOSE Fixation of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) substitutes with non-physiological anteroposterior translation (APT) worsens outcome. The aim was to present a technique for physiological APT adjustment of the transplant in ACL reconstruction and its outcome at midterm. METHODS In a consecutive series of 28 patients (age 32 ± 11 years, 24 male), chronic ACL deficiency was treated by bone-patella-tendon-bone reconstruction. Transplant APT was adjusted to that of the contralateral uninjured ACL, measured 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively using the Rolimeter. At a median follow-up of 5.3 years (3-8 years), 82% of the patients were re-evaluated with APT measurement and using IKDC-, Tegner-, Lysholm-Scores, conventional radiographs and MRI. RESULTS No differences in APT (mean ± SD) between uninjured and reconstructed knees were observed after adjustment (6 ± 1 versus 6 ± 1 mm, n.s.). Three months postoperatively, a statistically significant increase in APT (7 ± 1 mm) and a further increase at midterm (9 ± 2 mm) were observed. Patients scored "normal" or "nearly normal", respectively, in 79% (IKDC) and 4 (3-9) points (Tegner; median, range) or 89 ± 9 points (Lysholm; mean ± SD). Radiological evaluation showed no, minimal or moderate joint degeneration in 5, 20 and 75% of patients, respectively. MRI confirmed intact ACL transplants in all patients. CONCLUSION ACL reconstruction using the presented technique was considered successful, as patients did not suffer from subjective instability, radiographic analysis did not provide evidence for graft rupture at midterm. However, APT increase and occurrence of degenerative changes in reconstructed knees at the midterm might not be prevented even by restoration of a physiological APT in ACL reconstruction. The Rolimeter can be used for quick and easy intraoperative indirect control of the applied tension to the ACL transplant by measuring the APT to obtain physiological tensioning resulting in a satisfying outcome at midterm. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV.
Hellas basin is a large impact basin situated in the southern highlands of Mars. The north-western part of the basin has the lowest elevation (-7.5 km) on the planet and contains a possibly unique terrain type, which we informally call “banded terrain”. The banded terrain is made up of smooth-looking banded deposits that display signs of viscous behavior and a paucity of superimposed impact craters. In this study, we use newly acquired high spatial resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) in addition to existing datasets to characterize the geomorphology, the morphometry and the architecture of the banded terrain. The banded terrain is generally confined to the NW edge of the Alpheus Colles plateau. The individual bands are ~3–15 km-long, ~0.3 km-wide and are separated by narrow inter-band depressions, which are ~65 m-wide and ~10 m-deep. The bands display several morphologies that vary from linear to concentric forms. Morphometric analysis reveals that the slopes along a given linear or lobate band ranges from 0.5° to 15° (average~6°), whereas the concentric bands are located on flatter terrain (average slope~2–3°). Crater-size frequency analysis yields an Amazonian-Hesperian boundary crater retention age for the terrain (~3 Gyr), which together, with the presence of very few degraded craters, either implies a recent emplacement, resurfacing, or intense erosion. The apparent sensitivity to local topography and preference for concentrating in localized depressions is compatible with deformation as a viscous fluid. In addition, the bands display clear signs of degradation and slumping at their margins along with a suite of other features that include fractured mounds, polygonal cracks at variable size-scales, and knobby/hummocky textures. Together, these features suggest an ice-rich composition for at least the upper layers of the terrain, which is currently being heavily modified through loss of ice and intense weathering, possibly by wind.
Apollinaris Mons is an isolated volcano on Mars straddling the boundary between the southern highlands and the northern plains. One of its most distinctive features is its massive fan-shaped deposit that extends from a breach on its summit to distances of more than 150 km and drapes its entire southern flank. The composition and formation mechanism of these deposits remains controversial. We investigate the radar properties of the fan deposits (FD) of Apollinaris Mons using low-frequency sounding radar data in combination with high-resolution images and crater-size frequency analysis to constrain their inner shape and bulk composition. Our analysis indicates that the FD attains an irregular thickness and is gradually thinner towards their lateral margins. The crater-size frequency analysis shows that they may have undergone repeated resurfacing, which is suggestive of long-term evolution. Our analysis of Shallow Radar (SHARAD) radargrams traversing different sections of the FD reveals multiple and different subsurface interfaces among the radargrams crossing the thinnest part, which suggests a layered and complex inner shape. Our estimates for the bulk real part of the dielectric constant of the FD ranges from 3 to 5, which is consistent with an icy-silicate mixture or pyroclastic composition. Therefore, we conclude that lahars or pyroclastic flows are the most likely mechanism that created the FD, yet we cannot rule out additional contributions from lava flows. A combination of multiple processes is also possible since the deposits appear to have been modified by fluvial processes at a later stage of their formation.