999 resultados para orçamento promocional


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Avalia-se aqui como evoluíram as relações entre governo e Forças Armadas, e o comportamento destas no interior da burocracia de Estado com base na análise dos orçamentos federais desde o governo autoritário até o atual (1964-2001). Os dados indicam um declínio lento e constante dos gastos com a defesa, entremeados por repiques elevatórios no início de novos gover­nos. De maneira geral, sugerem que os governos civis definem o padrão orça­mentário sem interferência militar, embora os recursos sejam usados sem um acompanhamento adequado das atividades castrenses. Indica-se ainda que a autonomia castrense, isto é, a sua capacidade de definir seu campo de atua­ção, as normas que a norteiam e as missões a desempenhar, pode ser revigo­rada. Essa autonomia endêmica não é fruto de escolhas militares, mas da omissão do poder civil.


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The self-evaluation is increasingly necessary in a competitive environment, and a way for companies to self-evaluate is through your budget. Knowing the importance of this budgetary process, this study aimed to observe and analyze the developing process of a zero-based budgeting (ZBB) highlighting its best practices and difficulties and propose recommendations for other companies in general. This goal was achieved through a case study in an area responsible for the budgeting process in the customer services department from a white-goods company. Also was required to review the literature regarding the customer services area, waste reduction, cost management, budgets in general and the zero-based budgeting. After reviewing the literature and the study, we can highlight good practices and difficulties observed in the studied company, and also propose recommendations on how to develop a zero-based budget and evidence what plans, analyzes and justifications are essential in a good budget process execution


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This paper analyzes the experience of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the city of Campinas (SP) from the perspective of public communication, understand it as an important factor to increase the participation of social actors in decision-making processes. The democratization process in Brazil was the springboard for a change in the relations between state and society. In line with the new democratic demands, the OP appears to be the possibility of linkage between representative democracy and participatory democracy. As methodological procedure was used the case study of OP in Campinas from 2001 to 20011, comparing the administrations of two different political parties: PT (2001-2004), under the governments of Antonio da Costa dos Santos and Izalene Tiene, and PDT, with the consecutive term of Hélio de Oliveira Santos (2005-2011). We sought to assess whit this research if the communication actions used by different public administrations achieve the public interest adequately, encouraging popular participation


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This work refers a comparison between a government’s index budget and another one which take into account the traditional method, in other words, taking real values practice in market as base. For its achievement will be used the design of a low standard single-family residence, quantifying all the materials needed for its construction with Prices Compositions Table for Budget, provided from the PINI publishing. After that, was made two budgets: one based on the SINAPI index costs, provided from Caixa Econômica Federal and calculated for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatistics; and another based on the costs used in the SESC work in Birigui city, as well as values collected from building material stores in the same city. Finally, with both finalized budgets, will be drawn a direct comparison in order to verifying if the index can be use as parameter for budget calculations for low standard residences


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This article consists on an analysis of dissertations and thesis on Participatory Budget (PB) in post-graduation courses in Brazil (from the CAPES data bank), from 2000 to 2009. It also makes the evolution of works explicit, the institutions where they were carried out, and the area in which they were produced. Results show that the Participatory Budget has not been often evaluated, understood and explained in terms of its finance and budget technical dimension, in spite of there are two decades studies have been carried out regarding this method on budget management in Brazil. Finally, the importance of understanding aspects on PB must be taken into consideration when carrying out new studies.


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This article is to discuss the evaluative perspectives from which it is possible and convenient evaluate the Participatory Budgets (PBs) and the participatory institutions (PIs) that are being experienced in Brazil since the last two decades of the last century. It is proposed an integrated perspective of evaluation of PBs and PIs, in order to avoid partial and biased conclusions, especially those which are based solely or primarily on quantitative methodologies. This discussion is necessary since, in the past five years, the criticism of these experiments has been increasing. Through critical and creative reflection, in essay form, and based on the recent literature on the topic, it is concluded by the need to adopt, in the empirical evaluation, an integrated approach of evaluation of the PBs and the PIs, such as it is proposed in this article. It is conclude also which is fundamental for the theoretical advancement on the subject dedicate special attention to the desirability or not of adopting the criterion of popular participation in government decisions under representative democracy, since it is refuted by public choice and defended by neo-republicanism.


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This article suggests the need for change in focus of studies on new instances of participation in public policy management, which emerged in the Brazilian re-democratization. Moving away from the literature that addresses the role of civil society in these instances, the author reviews studies on Participatory Budgeting (PB) indicating how such experiences are marked by the dynamics of political society. The argument is reinforced by the presentation of a survey of PB counselors in Osasco-SP, by which we perceive, in general, a role filled by political processes of representative democracy. Most councilors compose the fringes of the political society, lie on the rise in, seeking better position in the local political field, internal disputes within the parties and the municipal government. This points the limits of the democratizing potential of the PB, since the expansion of participation in budget decisions would be just within the political society.


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Video de promoción de la Biblioteca Universitaria realizado por Ginés Cedrés con música de Los Coquillos. Se recogen los distintos servicios que ofrece la Biblioteca universitaria


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El Grupo de Trabajo Open Access y Derechos de Autor de la Biblioteca Universitaria pretende con este video promocionar el movimiento de Acceso Abierto (Open Access) con el fin de concienciar a la comunidad universitaria de la importancia de dar mayor visibilidad a la producción científica y académica generada por la misma.


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Vídeo de promoción de la Biblioteca Universitaria con música de Mariano Pávez, canción Portal de Luz, ExplendorMix por Ginés Cedrés y Mariano Pávez, de su Álbum: 13 Lunas RMX (2013). Se recogen los distintos servicios que ofrece la Biblioteca Universitaria de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, así como las distintas bibliotecas temáticas de la misma.


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L'oggetto del presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione e sottotitolazione in lingua italiana del video “Escolha Portugal – Centro”. Si tratta di un video di promozione turistica della regione Centro del Portogallo, prodotto dall'emittente televisiva portoghese SIC con il sostegno dell'ente nazionale portoghese per il turismo. Nel primo capitolo, si introducono brevemente la traduzione audiovisiva e le sue modalità più diffuse, ovvero la sottotitolazione e il doppiaggio. Il secondo capitolo, dedicato alla sottotitolazione, ne illustra le norme e gli eventuali vantaggi e svantaggi. Nel terzo capitolo, si contestualizza il progetto, soffermandoci sugli obiettivi, il metodo e le tecnologie usate, come il programma per la creazione di sottotitoli “VisualSubSync”. Inoltre si presenta una panoramica del turismo in Portogallo e una descrizione dei luoghi visitati nel video. Il quarto capitolo contiene la trascrizione, la traduzione e i sottotitoli del video, seguiti da un'analisi dei problemi riscontrati nella traduzione e nella sottotitolazione e delle rispettive soluzioni adottate.


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