789 resultados para online student feedback
A summary document providing generic feedback on student performance encompassing the group presentation and the peer marking
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview, 2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements 2.3 Crime online, Cyber security 2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation
Topics Include: 3.1 Cyber-Hate and Online Bullying 3.2 Sustainablilty; 3.3 Green IT - solutions and benefits 3.4 Open and Linked Data
Tuesday 6th May Building 34 room 3001, 16.15-18.00 Presenting: Groups: A, B, C, D Marking Groups: E, F, G, H 16.20 Group A: The online workplace: virtuality 16.40 Group B: Open innovation and novel business practices 17.00Group C: Banter, jokes, freedom of speech and defamation 17.20 Group D: Security and privacy – legal overview
Thursday 8th May Building 6 (Eustace) Room 1007, 15.00-16.40 Su & Elena Presenting: Groups: I, J, K, L Marking Groups: M, N, O, P Schedule and Topics 15.00-15.05: Introduction and protocol for the session 15.05-15.25 Group I: Sustainablity – responsiblities and legislation 15.25-15.45 Group J: Green IT – solutions and benefits 16.45-16.05 Group K: Open and linked data 16.05-16.25 Group L: What is Web Science? 16.25-16.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Monday 12th May Building 34 Room 3001, 10.00-12.45 Su & Rikki Presenting: Groups: Q, R, S, T Marking Groups: U, V, W, X Schedule and Topics 10.00-10.05: Introduction and protocol for the session 10.05-10.25 Group Q: Disablitites and rights – legal responsibilities 10.25-10.45 Group R: Computer Ethics, Professional bodies and accreditation 10.45-11.05 Group S: Digital divide 11.05-11.25 Group T: How the web is chaning the world: co-operation, co-creation, crowd funding and crowd sourcing 11.25-11.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Thursday 15th May Building 02A Room 2077, 15.00-16.45 Elena & Rikki Presenting: Groups: U, V, W, X Marking Groups: A, B, C, D Schedule and Topics 15.00-15.05: Introduction and protocol for the session 15.05-15.25 Group U: Digital Literacies 15.25-15.45 Group V: Will MOOCs destroy face-to-face University Education? 15.45-16.05 Group W: Groupwork and leadership skills in MMORPGs 16.05-16.25 Group X: Tools and techniques for agile project management 16.25-16.45: Wash-up: feedback session for presentation groups
Speaker: Patrick McSweeney Organiser: Time: 15/10/2014 11:00-11:45 Location: B32/3077 Abstract Having started at Southampton in 2005 I have seen quite a few changes to the way courses are taught and studied. I will reflect on some of the interesting changes I have observed and suggest their causes. As a practical example I will talk about codestrom, a peer feedback tool for learning programming. We have found that this teaching method has improved the student experience and reduced the work load for the module team. Together we will discuss how this and other recent developments can enable other teaching innovations which benefit staff as well as students. Hopefully the new class of PhD students will be able to contribute from the point of view of having recently been undergraduate students here and else where.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as perceções dos estudantes sobre o ambiente de aprendizagem online utilizado na instrução, em regime de b-learning e foi desenvolvido no contexto de duas unidades curriculares da área dos sistemas de informação do 1º ciclo de uma instituição de Ensino Superior portuguesa onde não existia experiência anterior da utilização de e-learning. Foi construído um ambiente de aprendizagem, suportado nas plataformas de comunicação assíncrona Moodle e síncrona Cisco WebEx, tendo a conceção da instrução privilegiado as estratégias orientadas para a aprendizagem centrada no estudante. Para responder às questões de investigação utilizou-se a técnica de inquérito por questionário. Os resultados revelam que os estudantes têm perceções positivas sobre o ambiente de aprendizagem online. Verificou-se uma forte correlação entre os aspetos relacionados com a conceção do ambiente de aprendizagem e o feedback, a interação, a gestão do tempo e a disponibilidade para o ensino online. A larga maioria dos estudantes (83,3%) indicou ainda que no futuro prefere optar por instrução em regime de b-learning. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho passa pelo aprofundamento do estudo, através da utilização de uma amostra mais representativa e da sua extensão aos professores de modo a percecionar como encaram a introdução do e-learning na instituição.
When using e-learning material some students progress readily, others have difficulties. In a traditional classroom the teacher would identify those with difficulties and direct them to additional resources. This support is not easily available within e-learning. A new approach to providing constructive feedback is developed that will enable an e-learning system to identify areas of weakness and provide guidance on further study. The approach is based on the tagging of learning material with appropriate keywords that indicate the contents. Thus if a student performs poorly on an assessment on topic X, there is a need to suggest further study of X and participation in activities related to X such as forums. As well as supporting the learner this type of constructive feedback can also inform other stakeholders. For example a tutor can monitor the progress of a cohort; an instructional designer can monitor the quality of learning objects in facilitating the appropriate knowledge across many learners.
There is substantial research interest in tutor feedback and students’ perception and use of such feedback. This paper considers some of the major issues raised in relation to tutor feedback and student learning. We explore some of the current feedback drivers, most notably the need for feedback to move away from simply a monologue from a tutor to a student to a valuable tutor–student dialogue. In relation to moving feedback forward the notions of self regulation, dialogue and social learning are explored and then considered in relation to how such theory can translate into practice. The paper proposes a framework (GOALS) as a tool through which tutors can move theory into practice with the aim of improving student learning from feedback.
The behaviour of building occupants can have a significant impact on in-use energy performance. In these pilot studies, based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model, interactivity was incorporated in the design of behavioural interventions to assess its effectiveness in promoting energy-saving behaviours. An interactive poster and an interactive prompt were designed to ‘nudge’ occupants’ behaviours towards energy-saving. The poster was installed in an office building and was intended to encourage occupants to save energy by taking the stairs, rather than the lifts, by providing them with cumulative metaphorical feedback. The prompt was installed in student halls of residence and intended to act as a reminder to the occupants to turn the lights off by providing them with an immediate playful reward. The results showed that interactivity can ‘nudge’ occupants’ behaviours when it is combined with a clear message/feedback. The results also suggest that simple immediate feedback can be effective in encouraging energy-efficient behaviours.
Objective: To introduce a new approach to problem based learning (PBL) used in the context of medicinal chemistry practical class teaching pharmacy students. Design: The described chemistry practical is based on independent studies by small groups of undergraduate students (4-5), who design their own practical work taking relevant professional standards into account. Students are carefully guided by feedback and acquire a set of skills important to their future profession as healthcare professionals. This model has been tailored to the application of PBL in a chemistry practical class setting for a large student cohort (150 students). Assessment: The achievement of learning outcomes is based on the submission of relevant documentation including a certificate of analysis, in addition to peer assessment. Some of the learning outcomes are also assessed in the final written examination at the end of the academic year. Conclusion: The described design of a novel PBL chemistry laboratory course for pharmacy students has been found to be successful. Self-reflective learning and engagement with feedback were encouraged, and students enjoyed the challenging learning experience. Skills that are highly essential for the students’ future careers as healthcare professionals are promoted.
This basis of our presentation is to share a method of creating a fully online course experience for the student. The LMS (Learning Management System) in our presentation will be Blackboard. Our presentation will include the course design (following a weekly syllabus or course weekly module, the various content areas of the course and most importantly, the rich media included in the course. Our presentation will also include the creation process via CAMTASIA, video production software.