987 resultados para one-pot condensation


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The research work has dealt with the study of new catalytic processes for the synthesis of fine chemicals belonging to the class of phenolics, namely 2-phenoxyethanol and hydroxytyrosol. The two synthetic procedures investigated have the advantages of being much closer to the Green Chemistry principles than those currently used industrially. In both cases, the challenge was that of finding catalysts and methods which led to the production of less waste, and used less hazardous chemicals, safer solvents, and reusable heterogeneous catalysts. In the case of 2-phenoxyethanol, the process investigated involves the use of ethylene carbonate (EC) as the reactant for phenol O-hydroxyethylation, in place of ethylene oxide. Besides being a safer reactant, the major advantage of using EC in the new synthesis is the better selectivity to the desired product achieved. Moreover, the solid catalyst based on Na-mordenite was fully recyclable. The reaction mechanism and the effect of the Si/Al ratio in the mordenite were investigated. In the case of hydroxytyrosol, which is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, a new synthetic procedure was investigated; in fact, the method currently employed, the hydrolysis of oleuropein, an ester extracted from the waste water processing of the olive, makes use of large amounts of organic solvents (hexane, ethyl acetate), and involves several expensive steps of purification. The synthesis procedure set up involves first the reaction between catechol and 2,2-dimethoxyacetaldehyde, followed by the one-pot reduction of the intermediate to give the desired product. Both steps were optimized, in terms of catalyst used, and of reaction conditions, that allowed to reach ca 70% yield in each step. The reaction mechanism was investigated and elucidated. During a 3-month period spent at the University of Valencia (with Prof. A. Corma’s group), a process for the production of diesel additives (2,5-bis(propoxymethyl)furan) from fructose has been investigated.


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The prologue of this thesis (Chapter 1.0) gives a general overview on lactone based poly(ester) chemistry with a focus on advanced synthetic strategies for ring-opening polymerization, including the emerging field of organo catalysis. This section is followed by a presentation of the state-of the art regarding the two central fields of the thesis: (i) polyfunctional and branched poly(ester)s in Chapter 1.1 as well as (ii) the development of new poly(ester) based block copolymers with functional methacrylates (Chapter 1.2). Chapter 2 deals with the synthesis of new, non-linear poly(ester) structures. In Chapter 2.1, the synthesis of poly(lactide)-based multiarm stars, prepared via a grafting-from method, is described. The hyperbranched poly(ether)-poly(ol) poly(glycerol) is employed as a hydrophilic core molecule. The resulting star block copolymers exhibit potential as phase transfer agents and can stabilize hydrophilic dyes in a hydrophobic environment. In Chapter 2.2, this approach is expanded to poly(glycolide) multiarm star polymers. The problem of the poor solubility of linear poly(glycolide)s in common organic solvents combined with an improvement of the thermal properties has been approached by the reduction of the total chain length. In Chapter 2.3, the first successful synthesis of hyperbranched poly(lactide)s is presented. The ring-opening, multibranching copolymerization of lactide with the “inimer” 5HDON (a hydroxyl-functional lactone monomer) was carefully examined. Besides a precise molecular characterization involving the determination of the degree of branching, we were able to put forward a reaction model for the formation of branching during polymerization. Several innovative approaches to amphiphilic poly(ester)/poly(methacrylate)-based block copolymers are presented in the third part of the thesis (Chapter 3). Block copolymer build-up especially relies on the combination of ring-opening and living radical polymerization. Atom transfer radical polymerization has been successfully combined with lactide ring-opening, using a “double headed” initiator. This strategy allowed for the realization of poly(lactide)-block-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) copolymers, which represent promising materials for tissue engineering scaffolds with anti-fouling properties (Chapter 3.1). The two-step/one-pot approach forgoes the use of protecting groups for HEMA by a careful selection of the reaction conditions. A series of potentially biocompatible and partially biodegradable homo- and block copolymers is described in Chapter 3.2. In order to create a block copolymer with a comparably strong hydrophilic character, a new acetal-protected glycerol monomethacrylate monomer (cis-1,3- benzylidene glycerol methacrylate/BGMA) was designed. The hydrophobic poly(BGMA) could be readily transformed into the hydrophilic and water-soluble poly(iso-glycerol methacrylate) (PIGMA) by mild acidic hydrolysis. Block copolymers of PIGMA and poly(lactide) exhibited interesting spherical aggregates in aqueous environment which could be significantly influenced by variation of the poly(lactide)s stereo-structure. In Chapter 3.3, pH-sensitive poly(ethylene glycol)-b-PBGMA copolymers are described. At slightly acidic pH values (pH 4/37°C), they decompose due to a polarity change of the BGMA block caused by progressing acetal cleavage. This stimuli-responsive behavior renders the system highly attractive for the targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs. In Chapter 3.4, which was realized in cooperation, the concept of biocompatible, amphiphilic poly(lactide) based polymer drug conjugates, was pursued. This was accomplished in the form of fluorescently labeled poly(HPMA)-b-poly(lactide) copolymers. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of partially biodegradable block copolymer aggregates exhibited fast cellular uptake by human cervix adenocarcinoma cells without showing toxic effects in the examined concentration range (Chapter 4.1). The current state of further projects which will be pursued in future studies is addressed in Chapter 4. This covers the synthesis of biocompatible star block copolymers (Chapter 4.2) and the development of new methacrylate monomers for biomedical applications (Chapters 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, the further investigation of hydroxyl-functional lactones and carbonates which are promising candidates for the synthesis of new hydrophilic linear or hyperbranched biopolymers, is addressed in Chapter 4.5.


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This dissertation describes the synthesis of surface attached hydrogel biomaterials, characterization of their properties, evaluation of structuring concepts and the investigation of these materials in the isolation of DNA from human whole blood. Photosensitive hydrogel precursor materials on the basis of hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) were synthesized by free radical polymerization. In order to obtain surface bound hydrogel films, the precursors were deposited on a suitable substrate and subsequently irradatiated with UV - light to accomplish the formation of crosslinks in the film and create surface attachment. The composition of the polymerization precursor materials was determined by comprehensive NMR and GPC studies, revealing the copolymerizationrnbehaviour of the used monomers - HEMA derivatives and the photocrosslinkerrnMABP - and their respective distribution in the hydrogel precursors. The degree of crosslinking of the hydrogels was characterized with UV/vis spectroscopy. Stress-strain measurements were conducted in order to investigate the mechanical properties of the biomaterials. Moreover, the swelling process and biomolecule adsorption properties of the hydrogels were investigated with SPR/OW spectroscopy. For this, the deposition and binding of the hydrogels on gold or SiO2 surfaces was facilitated with photocrosslinkable adhesion promotors. The produced hydrogels were mechanically rigid and stablernunder the conditions of PCR and blood lysis. Furthermore, strategies towards the increase of hydrogel surface structure and porosity with porosigens, 2D laser interference lithography and photocleavable blockcopolymers were investigated. At last, a combinatorial strategy was used for the determination of the usefulness of hydrogels for the isolation from DNA from blood. A series of functionalized hydrogel precursors were synthesized, transferred to the surface inside a PCR tube and subsequently screened in regard to DNA adsorption properties with Taqman quantitative PCR. This approach yielded a promising candidate for a functional PCR tube coating that would allow the entire DNA isolation procedure being carried out in a single reaction container.rnThereforce, the practical application of such macromolecular architectures can be envisioned to improve industrial DNA diagnostic processes.


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Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce in un contesto di ricerca molto attuale, il quale, studia nuove procedure sintetiche sostenibili per la preparazione di strutture poliuretaniche. Partendo dall’etilene carbonato e dall’esametilendiammina, due molecole che possono essere ricavate da fonti rinnovabili, sono state ottimizzate la sintesi e la purificazione di un carbammato: bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato (BHEDC), senza l’impiego di solventi ed in condizioni blande. Il BHEDC è conosciuto in letteratura, ma è poco studiato e non viene attualmente utilizzato come monomero. In questo lavoro il bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato è stato polimerizzato in massa con diverse percentuali di bis(2-idrossietil)-tereftalato (BHET), il quale non è ricavabile da fonti naturali ma è ottenibile dal riciclo chimico del Poli-Etilene Tereftalato (PET). Sono state successivamente analizzate la struttura chimica e le proprietà termiche nonché spettroscopiche dei nuovi composti poliuretanici, così da poterne definire le correlazioni tra la struttura e le prestazioni finali. Infine, è stata messa a punto una procedura di tipo one-pot per la preparazione dei poliuretani sopra citati; questa prevede la sintesi diretta dei polimeri senza la necessità dello stadio di purificazione del bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato.


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Il presente lavoro ha riguardato lo studio della trasformazione one-pot in fase gas di 1,2-propandiolo ad acido propionico, impiegando il pirofosfato di vanadile (VPP), (VO)2P2O7, e due differenti sistemi a base di bronzi di tungsteno con struttura esagonale (HTB), gli ossidi misti W1V0,3 e W1Mo0,5V0,1. Il processo richiede un catalizzatore con due differenti funzionalità: una acida, principalmente di tipo Brønsted, fornita nel VPP dai gruppi P-OH presenti sulla sua superficie, e negli HTB dai gruppi W-OH sulla loro superficie e dagli ioni H+ nei canali esagonali dell’ossido; e una ossidante, fornita nel VPP dal V, e negli HTB da V e Mo incorporati nella struttura esagonale. I risultati delle prove di reattività hanno consentito di dedurre gli aspetti principali dello schema della reazione one-pot di disidratazione-ossidazione dell’1,2-propandiolo ad acido propionico. I catalizzatori provati non possiedono la combinazione ottimale di proprietà acide e redox necessarie per ottenere elevate rese in acido propionico. Le scarse proprietà ossidanti portano a un accumulo di propionaldeide, che reagisce con l’1,2-propandiolo a dare diossolani, e inoltre dà luogo alla formazione di altri sottoprodotti. È perciò necessario incrementare le proprietà ossidanti del catalizzatore, in modo da accelerare la trasformazione della propionaldeide ad acido propionico, ed evitare quindi che le proprietà acide del catalizzatore, necessarie per compiere il primo stadio di disidratazione di 1,2-propandiolo, siano causa di reazioni parassite di trasformazione dell’aldeide stessa.


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A one-pot procedure for the efficient hydroazidation of alkenes involving hydroboration with catecholborane followed by reaction with benzenesulfonyl azide in the presence of a radical initiator is described. The regioselectivity is controlled by the hydroboration step and corresponds in most cases to an anti-Markovnikov regioselectivity. This procedure is applicable to a wide range of alkenes and gives excellent results with 1,2-disubstituted and trisubstituted alkenes.


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A mild and convenient synthesis of substituted α-methylene--valerolactones was achieved by SN2 nucleophilic substitution of the acetates of the Baylis-Hillman adducts with acetyl acetone followed by one-pot saponification of the ester, reduction of the keto group and subsequent intramolecular ring closure in aqueous medium.


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A generalized, odorless, one-pot methodology has been developed for the preparation of 1,2-trans-thioglycosides and thio-Michael addition products of carbohydrate derivatives through triphenyl phosphine mediated cleavage of disulfides and reaction of the thiolate formed in situ with glycosyl bromides and glycosyl conjugated alkenes.


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A convenient methodology has been developed for the synthesis of glycosylenaminoesters directly from glycosyl azides under hydrogenetion condition. Yields were moderate to good in all cases.


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The applications of the primary allyl amines afforded by the acetyl derivative of Baylis-Hillman adducts of acrylate for the synthesis of heterocycles using robust reactions are described. In the first strategy a one-pot synthesis of 5-benzyl-4(3H)-pyrimidinones have been achieved via N-formylation of the amines in the presence of neat formamide followed by ammonium formate-mediated cyclization. These pyrimidinones have been demonstrated to be excellent precursor to the 4-pyridinamine derivatives. In the second strategy the synthesis of 2-benzylidene-2,3-dihydro-pyrrolizin-1-ones have been accomplished via treatment of allyl amine with dimethoxyfuran followed by saponification and PPA-mediated intramolecular cyclization.


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A one-pot, general synthesis of highly functionalized quateraryls through carbanion-induced, base-catalyzed ring transformation of 5,6-diaryl-2H-pyran-2-ones and core-substituted phenylacetones is delineated. These conversions were found to give diversely functionalized benzenes bearing peripheral aryl rings, some of which possess inherent atropisomerism. Exemplarily for one of the quateraryls, the optical resolution of the respective atropo-enantiomers by HPLC on a chiral phase and the assignment of their absolute axial configurations succeeded by LC-CD coupling in combination with semiempirical CNDO/S and TDDFT CD calculations. This synthetic approach offers – in a transition metal-free environment – high flexibility in the construction of quateraryls with the desired conformational freedom along the molecular axis, which may help in exploring and developing new potential ligands for asymmetric synthesis.


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The Daphniphyllum alkaloids are a group of highly complex polycyclic alkaloids. Examination of the structures if several members of this family of natural products led to a hypothesis about their mode of biosynthesis (depicted in Scheme SI). Based on this hypothetical biosynthetic pathway, a laboratory synthesis was designed that incorporated as a key transformation the novel one-pot transformation of dialdehyde 24 to pentacyclic unsaturated amine 25. This process turned out to be an exceptionally efficient way to construct the pentacyclic nucleus of the Daphniphyllum alkaloids. However, a purely fortuitous discovery, resulting from accidental use of methylamine rather than ammonia, led to a great improvement in the synthesis and suggests an even more attractive possible biosynthesis.


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This research sets out to build upon excited state o-azaxylylene cycloaddition. The mechanism behind the excitation and cycloaddition process of photogenerated o-azaxylylenes was determined experimentally. Time-correlated single-photon counting, steady-state spectroscopy, triplet quenching experiments, and quantum yield studies provided evidence suggesting that excited state intramolecular proton transfer is followed by intersystem crossing and stepwise addition to the tethered unsaturated pendant. In keeping with the principles of diversity oriented synthesis, a modular approach was taken to gain access to a diverse array of N,O,S-Polyheterocycles which were modified postphotochemically via Suzuki coupling to yield fused biaryls. Cycloaddition products, outfitted with halogens in the aromatic ring of the o-azaxylylene, proved to be reactive with a variety of boronic acids resulting in a rapid growth in structural complexity. A novel procedure was developed that utilized multiple o-azaxylylene cores in a photochemical cascade transformation yielding complex scaffolds of unprecedented topology. The photoprecursors were produced in a one-pot two-step sequence from commercially available starting materials, and upon irradiation yield structures containing up to five fused hetrocyclic rings, and showed complete diastereoselectivity.


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Aryl imidazole-1-sulfonates are efficiently cross-coupled with arylboronic acids and potassium aryltrifluoroborates using only 0.5 mol % of oxime palladacycles 1 under aqueous conditions at 110 °C. Under these simple phosphane-free reaction conditions a wide array of biaryl derivatives has been prepared in high yields. This methodology allows in situ phenol sulfonation and one-pot Suzuki arylation as well as the employment of microwave irradiation conditions.


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Inexpensive and commercially available nano-powder magnetite is an excellent catalyst for the addition of acid chlorides to internal and terminal alkynes, yielding the corresponding chlorovinyl ketones in good yields. The process has been applied to the synthesis of 5-chloro-4-arylcyclopent-2-enones, 3-aryl-1H-cyclopenta[a]naphthalen-1-ones, and (E)-3-alkylidene-2,3-dihydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]naphthalen-1-ones, just by changing the nature of the starting acid chloride or the alkyne. All tested processes elapse with an acceptable or excellent regio- and stereo-selectivity. Moreover, the use of the iridium impregnated on magnetite catalyst permits the integration of the chloroacylation process with a second dehydrochlorination–annulation process to yield, in one-pot, 1-aryl-2,4-dialkylfurans in good yields, independently of the nature of the starting reagents, and including the heteroaromatic ones.