242 resultados para oedema
The environmental chemical 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ) is implicated in the exacerbation of airways diseases induced by exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP), which involves a neurogenic-mediated mechanism. Plasma extravasation in trachea, main bronchus and lung was measured as the local (125)I-bovine albumin accumulation. RT-PCR quantification of TRPV1 and tachykinin (NK(1) and NK(2)) receptor gene expression were investigated in main bronchus. Intratracheal injection of DEP (1 and 5 mg/kg) or 1,2-NQ (35 and 100 nmol/kg) caused oedema in trachea and bronchus. 1,2-NQ markedly increased the DEP-induced responses in the rat airways in an additive rather than synergistic manner. This effect that was significantly reduced by L-732,138, an NK(1) receptor antagonist, and in a lesser extent by SR48968, an NK(2) antagonist. Neonatal capsaicin treatment also markedly reduced DEP and 1,2-NQ-induced oedema. Exposure to pollutants increased the TRPV1, NK(1) and NK(2) receptors gene expression in bronchus, an effect was partially suppressed by capsaicin treatment. In conclusion, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that DEP-induced airways oedema is highly influenced by increased ambient levels of 1,2-NQ and takes place by neurogenic mechanisms involving up-regulation of TRPV1 and tachykinin receptors.
Stings by Polistes wasps can cause life-threatening allergic reactions, pain and inflammation. We examined the changes in microvascular permeability and neutrophil influx caused by the venom of Polistes lanio a paper wasp found in southeastern Brazil. The intradermal injection of wasp venom caused long-lasting paw oedema and dose-dependently increased microvascular permeability in mouse dorsal skin. SR140333, an NK(1) receptor antagonist, markedly inhibited the response, but the NK(2) receptor antagonist SR48968 was ineffective. The oedema was reduced in capsaicin-treated rats, indicating a direct activation of sensory fibres. Dialysis of the venom partially reduced the oedema and the remaining response was further inhibited by SR140333. Mass spectrometric analysis of the venom revealed two peptides (QPPTPPEHRFPGLM and ASEPTALGLPRIFPGLM) with sequence similarities to the C-terminal region of tachykinin-like peptides found in Phoneutria nigniventer spider venom and vertebrates. Wasp venom failed to release histamine from mast cells in vitro and spectrofluorometric assay of the venom revealed a negligible content of histamine in the usual dose of P.l. lanio venom (1 nmol of histamine/7 mu g of venom)that was removed by dialysis. The histamine H(1) receptor antagonist pyrilamine, but not bradykinin B(1) or B(2) receptor antagonists, inhibited venom-induced oedema. In conclusion, P. l. lanio venom induces potent oedema and increases vascular permeability in mice, primarily through activation of tachykinin NK(1) receptors by substance P released from sensory C fibres, which in turn releases histamine from dermal mast cells. This is the first description of a neurovascular mechanism for P. l. lanio venom-mediated inflammation. The extent to which the two tachykinin-like peptides identified here contribute to this neurogenic inflammatory response remains to be elucidated. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A 140,0 kDa lectin was purified and characterized from the mushroom Clavaria cristata. The purification procedures from the crude extract of the mushroom comprised gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl s200 and ion exchange on Resource Q column. The purified lectin agglutinated all types of human erythrocytes with preference for trypsinized type O erythrocytes. The haemagglutinating activity is dependent of Ca 2+ ions and was strongly inhibited by the glycoprotein bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM) up to the concentration of 0, 125 mg/mL. The C. cristata lectin (CcL) was stable in the pH range of 2,5-11,5 and termostable up to 80 °C. CcL molecular mass determined by gel filtration on a Superose 6 10 300 column was approximately 140,3 kDa. SDS polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis revealed a single band with a molecular mass of approximately 14,5 kDa, when the lectin was heated at 100 ⁰C in the presence or absence of β-mercaptoethanol. CcL induced activation of murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro resulting in the release of nitric oxide (NO), reaching the maximum production at 24 h. In experimental paw oedema model in mice, CcL showed proinflammatory activity being able to induce oedema formation. Cell viability of HepG2, MDA 435 e 3T3 cell lines was examined after 72 h of incubation with CcL in different concentrations (0,5-50 μg/mL). CcL inhibited HepG2 cells growth with an IC50 value of 50 μg/mL. In the present work, the observed immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects indicate CcL as a possible immunomodulator compound, interfering in the macrophages immune response, taking possible anti-parasitic, anti-tumoral effects or diagnostic and/or therapeutic
A galactose and sucrose specific lectin from the marine sponge Cliona varians named CvL was purified by acetone fractionation followed by Sepharose CL 4B affinity chromatography. Models of leukocyte migration in vivo were used to study the inflammatory activity of CvL through of mouse paw oedema and peritonitis. Effect of CvL on peritoneal macrophage activation was analyzed. Effects of corticoids and NSAIDS drugs were also evaluated on peritonitis stimulated by CvL. Results showed that mouse hind-paw oedema induced by sub plantar injections of CvL was dependent dose until 50µg/paw. This CvL dose when administered into mouse peritoneal cavities induced maxima cell migration (9283 cells/µL) at 24 hours after injection. This effect was preferentially inhibited by incubation of CvL with the carbohydrates D-galactose followed by sucrose. Pre-treatment of mice with 3% thioglycolate increases the peritoneal macrophage population 2.3 times, and enhanced the neutrophil migration after 24h CvL injection (75.8%, p<0.001) and no significant effect was observed in presence of fMLP. Finally, Pre-treatment of mice with dexamethason (cytokine antagonist) decreased 65.6%, (p<0.001), with diclofenac (non-selective NSAID) decreased 34.5%, (p<0.001) and Celecoxib (selective NSAID) had no effect on leukocyte migration after submission at peritonitis stimulated by CvL, respectively. Summarizing, data suggest that CvL shows pro-inflammatory activity, inducing neutrophil migration probably by pathway on resident macrophage activation and on chemotaxis mediated by cytokines
Flavonoids are potent anti-inflammatory compounds isolated from several plant extracts, and have been used experimentally against inflammatory processes. In this work, a PLA(2) isolated from the Crotalus durissus cascavella venom and rat paw oedema were used as a model to. study the effect of flavonoids on PLA(2). We observed that a treatment of PLA(2) with morin induces several modifications in the aromatic amino acids, with accompanying changes in its amino acid composition. In addition, results from circular dichroism spectroscopy and UV scanning revealed important structural modifications. Concomitantly, a considerable decrease in the enzymatic and antibacterial activities was observed, even though anti-inflammatory and neurotoxic activities were not affected. These apparent controversial results may be an indication that PLA(2) possess a second pharmacological site which does not affect or depend on the enzymatic activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram utilizados 24 suínos desmamados, distribuídos em quatro tratamentos, com seis animais em cada. Os suínos dos tratamentos 1, 2, 3 e 4 receberam, durante 90 dias, ração com respectivamente: 0,0, 0,2, 0,4 e 0,6% de sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis. Os animais que morreram durante o período experimental foram necropsiados logo após a morte. Os sobreviventes foram sacrificados no último dia do experimento. Durante as necropsias, foram colhidos fragmentos do fígado, rim, pulmão e estômago, para realização de exame histopatológico. Os principais sintomas da intoxicação foram edemas subcutâneos, principalmente nos membros, na face e região do pescoço, mucosas oral e ocular pálidas, cerdas eriçadas, caquexia e apatia. O hidropericárdio foi a lesão macroscópica mais comum, acometendo vários animais que receberam a ração contaminada. As principais lesões microscópicas foram fibrose, proliferação de ductos biliares e megalocitose no fígado, broncopneumonia e bronquite crônicas, megalocitose de células epiteliais tubulares renais, nefrose e nefrite crônica, bem como gastrite e ulceração gástrica. Os resultados destes experimentos indicam que ração contaminada com sementes de C. spectabilis, nas proporções utilizadas, foi tóxica para suínos.
O presente trabalho estudou a prevalência e a histopatologia de Neoechinorhynchus curemai Noronha, 1973 (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) em curimbatá, Prochilodus lineatus Valenciennes, 1836. Dezoito peixes com comprimento total médio de 46,7 + 1,1 cm e peso médio de 1.674,8 + 75,6 g foram coletados com rede, bimestralmente, de dezembro de 1995 a dezembro de 1996 na usina hidrelétrica do Reservatório de Volta Grande (Cemig), Minas Gerais, Brasil. Dos peixes analisados, 15 estavam infectados com acantocéfalos no intestino (prevalência de 83,3%). A maior intensidade média ocorreu em agosto de 1996, com 66,5 (16 a 208) parasitos. A análise histopatológica revelou completa descamação do epitélio intestinal com severa hiperplasia e hipertrofia das células caliciformes. Observou-se, ainda, forte reação inflamatória na submucosa, deslocamento de feixes, associado a edemas, bem como infiltração mononuclear e eosinofílica.
The pressure ulcers (PU), also known as decubitus ulcers, are defined as injuries caused by the constant pressure exerted on a particular point of the body, causing impairment of blood supply with a decrease or interruption of tissue irrigation, causing occlusion of blood vessels and capillaries, ischemia and cell death. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, and panel type, with quantitative approach that aimed to examine the association between predisposing conditions (PC), intrinsic factors (IF) and extrinsic factors (EF) with the occurrence of PU, in hospitalized patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), pain clinical, surgical clinical and neurology wards of a university hospital. The study population was composed of all patients who were restricted to bed during the period from December 2007 to February 2008. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL / UFRN (No 135/07). The data-collection took place through a structured formulary of observation, data from medical records and physical examination of patients skins. The results were organized in SPSS 15.0 software, tabulated, categorized and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Of the 30 patients studied, 43.3% had been hospitalized in the pain clinical and surgical clinic wards, 20.0% in the ICU, 20.0% in the ICU / ward and 16.7% in neurology, being the length of hospitalization in those units of 7 to 18 days (63.3%) and from 19 to 30 days (36.7%), predominantly female and aged ≥ 60 years (60.0%). 19 PU were diagnosed in 43.3% of patients monitored, being 38.5% with one PU between 7 to 18 days and 46.2% with two or more between 19 to 30 days of hospitalization, showing significant relationship (ρ-value = 0029) between length of hospital stay and the number of PU. Was found an association of 35.7% of the PC (cardio-respiratory, hematological, metabolic and psychogenic), IF (age group, oedema, skin changes in humidity and change of body temperature) and EF (type of mattress and strength of body pressure) for all patients studied, statistically significant (ρ-value = 0001), between the average scores in patients with and without PU, with reason chance to 12.0 for the development of PU and there was moderate correlation ( r = 0618) in the presence of this association. Results show the influence of the multiplicity of factors and conditions on the occurrence of PU, which brings us to reflect on the assistance focused on prevention and reduction of these injuries which will encourage the reduction of hospitalization length, physical and psychological suffering, and the possibility of improving the clinical condition of the patient.
Neste estudo retrospectivo, relatam-se as características clínicas do edema cerebral crônico (ECCr) em 34 pacientes com neurocisticercose (NCC), que apresentavam edema cerebral difuso, à tomografia computadorizada (TC), como característica comum. Todos foram tratados com dextroclorofeniramina e, 32 deles, com albendazol. O ECCr predominou no sexo feminino (73,5%) na faixa etária dos 11 - 40 anos (92,3%). A cefaléia ocorreu em 94,1% dos pacientes, náuseas/vômitos em 47,1%, crises epilépticas em 41,1% e distúrbios psíquicos em 38,2%. A hiperreflexia ocorreu em 82,3% e o papiledema em 58,8% e o exame neurológico normal em 11,8%. Na TC, o edema esteve associado a calcificações em 61,8% dos casos. As pressões liquóricas foram mais elevadas (p< 0,05) antes do tratamento. Atualmente, estão assintomáticos, ou com melhora clínica, 79,4% dos pacientes (57,1% deles sem medicação). Discute-se a possibilidade do ECCr, na NCC, ser uma manifestação antigênica, sem a presença concomitante de cistos parasitários, e poder representar mais uma condição clínica associada à hipertensão intracraniana benigna.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ischaemia and reperfusion effects on skeletal muscle tissue: morphological and histochemical studies
This was a study on the oxidative stress due to ischaemia (I) and reperfusion (R) in skeletal muscle tissue. Using a tourniquet, groups of rats were submitted to ischaemia for 4 h, followed by different reperfusion periods. The animals were divided in four groups: control; 4 h of ischaemia (IR); 4 h of ischaemia plus 1 h reperfusion (IR-1 h); 4 h of ischaemia plus 24 h reperfusion (IR-24 h); and 4 h of ischaemia plus 72 h reperfusion (IR-72 h). At the end of the procedures, samples of soleus muscle were collected and frozen in n-hexane at -70 degrees C. Cryostat sections were submitted to haematoxylin-eosin, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR) stains. An additional muscle sample was processed for electron microscopy. No alterations were found in control animals. IR group showed fibres had normal aspect besides some round, acidophilic and hypertrophic fibres. There were several fibres with angular outlines and smaller diameters in this group compared with control group. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was moderately intense in most fibres. In some fibres, cytoplasm showed areas without activity and other fibres had very intense reactivity. IR-1 h group showed oedema hypercontracted fibres with disorganized myofibrils, mitochondria with focal lesions and dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was moderate to weak. IR-24 h showed intense inflammatory infiltrate in the endomysium and perimysium. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was similar to IR-1 h. IR-72 h showed necrotic fibres, areas with inflammatory infiltrate, reduced muscle fibres at different stages of necrosis and phagocytosis, and many small round and basophilic fibres characterizing a regeneration process. NADH-TR/SDH reaction was weak to negative. Our results suggest that ischaemia and the subsequent 1-, 24- and 72-h reperfusions induced progressive histological damage. Although progressive, it may be reversible because there were ultrastructural signs of recovery after 72-h reperfusion. This recovery could in part be due to the low oxidative stress identified by the morphological and histochemical analysis.
Extracts from Lychnophora species are traditionally used in Brazil as anti-inflammatory, and to treat bruise, pain and rheumatism. The ethanolic extract of aerial parts of five species of Lychnophoras and one specie of Lychnophoriopsis were examined for the antinociceptive (hot-plate and writhing tests) and anti-inflammatory (carrageenan-induced paw oedema test) activity in mice, by oral and topical routes, respectively. In the hot-plate test, the Lychnophora pinaster (0.75 g/kg) and Lychnophora ericoides (1.50 g/kg) extracts significantly increased the time for licking of the paws. The species Lychnophora passerina, Lychnophoriopsis candelabrum and Lychnophora pinaster, using the dose of 0.75 g/kg, and Lychnophora ericoides and Lychnophora trichocarpha in both doses evaluated (0.75 and 1.50 g/kg) significantly reduced the number of writhes induced by acetic acid. The administration of Lychnophora pinaster and Lychnophora trichocarpha ointments, in both concentrations evaluated (5 and 10%, w/w), and Lychnophora passerina and Lychnophoriopsis candelabrum, in the concentration of 10%, significantly reduced the paw oedema measured 3 h after carrageenan administration, suggesting, for the first time, an anti-inflammatory activity upon topical administration of these species. The present work comparatively demonstrated the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of some Brazilian Lychnophoras. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
BaP1 is a metalloproteinase isolated from the venom of the Central American snake Bothrops asper (terciopelo). It is a 24 kDa protein consisting of a single chain which includes the metalloproteinase domain only, therefore being classified as a class P-I snake-venom metalloproteinase. BaP1 induces prominent local tissue damage, such as haemorrhage, myonecrosis, blistering, dermonecrosis and oedema. In order to elucidate its structure, BaP1 was crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique in 0.1 M bicine pH 9.0, 10% PEG 20 000 and 2%(v/v) dioxane. Diffraction data were observed to a resolution of 2.7 Angstrom. Crystals belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 38.22, b = 60.17, c = 86.09 Angstrom.