996 resultados para nuclear angiotensin receptors
Maternal dietary protein restriction during pregnancy is associated with low fetal birth weight and leads to renal morphological and physiological changes. Different mechanisms can contribute to this phenotype: exposure to fetal glucocorticoid, alterations in the components of the renin-angiotensin system, apoptosis, and DNA methylation. A low-protein diet during gestation decreases the activity of placental 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, exposing the fetus to glucocorticoids and resetting the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the offspring. The abnormal function/expression of type 1 (AT1R) or type 2 (AT2R) AngII receptors during any period of life may be the consequence or cause of renal adaptation. AT1R is up-regulated, compared with control, on the first day after birth of offspring born to low-protein diet mothers, but this protein appears to be down-regulated by 12 days of age and thereafter. In these offspring, AT2R expression differs from control at 1 day of age, but is also down-regulated thereafter, with low nephron numbers at all ages: from the fetal period, at the end of nephron formation, and during adulthood. However, during adulthood, the glomerular filtration rate is not altered, due to glomerulus and podocyte hypertrophy. Kidney tubule transporters are regulated by physiological mechanisms; Na+/K+-ATPase is inhibited by AngII and, in this model, the down-regulated AngII receptors fail to inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase, leading to increased Na+ reabsorption, contributing to the hypertensive status. We also considered the modulation of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors during nephrogenesis, since organogenesis depends upon a tight balance between proliferation, differentiation and cell death.
La Sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie auto-immune inflammatoire démyélinisante du système nerveux central (SNC), lors de laquelle des cellules inflammatoires du sang périphérique infiltrent le SNC pour y causer des dommages cellulaires. Dans ces réactions neuroinflammatoires, les cellules immunitaires traversent le système vasculaire du SNC, la barrière hémo-encéphalique (BHE), pour avoir accès au SNC et s’y accumuler. La BHE est donc la première entité que rencontrent les cellules inflammatoires du sang lors de leur migration au cerveau. Ceci lui confère un potentiel thérapeutique important pour influencer l’infiltration de cellules du sang vers le cerveau, et ainsi limiter les réactions neuroinflammatoires. En effet, les interactions entre les cellules immunitaires et les parois vasculaires sont encore mal comprises, car elles sont nombreuses et complexes. Différents mécanismes pouvant influencer la perméabilité de la BHE aux cellules immunitaires ont été décrits, et représentent aujourd’hui des cibles potentielles pour le contrôle des réactions neuro-immunes. Cette thèse a pour objectif de décrire de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires opérant au niveau de la BHE qui interviennent dans les réactions neuroinflammatoires et qui ont un potentiel thérapeutique pour influencer les interactions neuro-immunologiques. Ce travail de doctorat est séparé en trois sections. La première section décrit la caractérisation du rôle de l’angiotensine II dans la régulation de la perméabilité de la BHE. La seconde section identifie et caractérise la fonction d’une nouvelle molécule d’adhérence de la BHE, ALCAM, dans la transmigration de cellules inflammatoires du sang vers le SNC. La troisième section traite des propriétés sécrétoires de la BHE et du rôle de la chimiokine MCP-1 dans les interactions entre la BHE et les cellules souches. Dans un premier temps, nous démontrons l’importance de l’angiotensinogène (AGT) dans la régulation de la perméabilité de la BHE. L’AGT est sécrété par les astrocytes et métabolisé en angiotensine II pour pouvoir agir au niveau des CE de la BHE à travers le récepteur à l’angiotensine II, AT1 et AT2. Au niveau de la BHE, l’angiotensine II entraîne la phosphorylation et l’enrichissement de l’occludine au sein de radeaux lipidiques, un phénomène associé à l’augmentation de l’étanchéité de la BHE. De plus, dans les lésions de SEP, on retrouve une diminution de l’expression de l’AGT et de l’occludine. Ceci est relié à nos observations in vitro, qui démontrent que des cytokines pro-inflammatoires limitent la sécrétion de l’AGT. Cette étude élucide un nouveau mécanisme par lequel les astrocytes influencent et augmentent l’étanchéité de la BHE, et implique une dysfonction de ce mécanisme dans les lésions de la SEP où s’accumulent les cellules inflammatoires. Dans un deuxième temps, les techniques établies dans la première section ont été utilisées afin d’identifier les protéines de la BHE qui s’accumulent dans les radeaux lipidiques. En utilisant une technique de protéomique nous avons identifié ALCAM (Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule) comme une protéine membranaire exprimée par les CE de la BHE. ALCAM se comporte comme une molécule d’adhérence typique. En effet, ALCAM permet la liaison entre les cellules du sang et la paroi vasculaire, via des interactions homotypiques (ALCAM-ALCAM pour les monocytes) ou hétérotypiques (ALCAM-CD6 pour les lymphocytes). Les cytokines inflammatoires augmentent le niveau d’expression d’ALCAM par la BHE, ce qui permet un recrutement local de cellules inflammatoires. Enfin, l’inhibition des interactions ALCAM-ALCAM et ALCAM-CD6 limite la transmigration des cellules inflammatoires (monocytes et cellules T CD4+) à travers la BHE in vitro et in vivo dans un modèle murin de la SEP. Cette deuxième partie identifie ALCAM comme une cible potentielle pour influencer la transmigration de cellules inflammatoires vers le cerveau. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons pu démontrer l’importance des propriétés sécrétoires spécifiques à la BHE dans les interactions avec les cellules souches neurales (CSN). Les CSN représentent un potentiel thérapeutique unique pour les maladies du SNC dans lesquelles la régénération cellulaire est limitée, comme dans la SEP. Des facteurs qui limitent l’utilisation thérapeutique des CSN sont le mode d’administration et leur maturation en cellules neurales ou gliales. Bien que la route d’administration préférée pour les CSN soit la voie intrathécale, l’injection intraveineuse représente la voie d’administration la plus facile et la moins invasive. Dans ce contexte, il est important de comprendre les interactions possibles entre les cellules souches et la paroi vasculaire du SNC qui sera responsable de leur recrutement dans le parenchyme cérébral. En collaborant avec des chercheurs de la Belgique spécialisés en CSN, nos travaux nous ont permis de confirmer, in vitro, que les cellules souches neurales humaines migrent à travers les CE humaines de la BHE avant d’entamer leur différenciation en cellules du SNC. Suite à la migration à travers les cellules de la BHE les CSN se différencient spontanément en neurones, en astrocytes et en oligodendrocytes. Ces effets sont notés préférentiellement avec les cellules de la BHE par rapport aux CE non cérébrales. Ces propriétés spécifiques aux cellules de la BHE dépendent de la chimiokine MCP-1/CCL2 sécrétée par ces dernières. Ainsi, cette dernière partie suggère que la BHE n’est pas un obstacle à la migration de CSN vers le SNC. De plus, la chimiokine MCP-1 est identifiée comme un facteur sécrété par la BHE qui permet l’accumulation et la différentiation préférentielle de cellules souches neurales dans l’espace sous-endothélial. Ces trois études démontrent l’importance de la BHE dans la migration des cellules inflammatoires et des CSN vers le SNC et indiquent que de multiples mécanismes moléculaires contribuent au dérèglement de l’homéostasie du SNC dans les réactions neuro-immunes. En utilisant des modèles in vitro, in situ et in vivo, nous avons identifié trois nouveaux mécanismes qui permettent d’influencer les interactions entre les cellules du sang et la BHE. L’identification de ces mécanismes permet non seulement une meilleure compréhension de la pathophysiologie des réactions neuroinflammatoires du SNC et des maladies qui y sont associées, mais suggère également des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles pour influencer l’infiltration des cellules du sang vers le cerveau
Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPARbeta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXRalpha and RXRbeta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families.
Nongenomic signaling of the retinoid X receptor through binding and inhibiting Gq in human platelets
Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are important transcriptional nuclear hormone receptors, acting as either homodimers or the binding partner for at least one fourth of all the known human nuclear receptors. Functional nongenomic effects of nuclear receptors are poorly understood; however, recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, PPAR beta, and the glucocorticoid receptor have all been found active in human platelets. Human platelets express RXR alpha, and RXR beta. RXR ligands inhibit platelet aggregation and TXA(2) release to ADP and the TXA(2) receptors, but only weakly to collagen. ADP and TXA(2) both signal via the G protein, Gq. RXR rapidly binds Gq but not Gi/z/o/t/gust in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits Gq-induced Rac activation and intracellular calcium release. We propose that RXR ligands may have beneficial clinical actions through inhibition of platelet activation. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a novel nongenomic mode for nuclear receptor action and a functional cross-talk between G-protein and nuclear receptor signaling families. (C) 2007 by The American Society of Hematology.
Disease, injury, and age problems compromise human quality of life and continuously motivate the search for new and more efficacious therapeutic approaches. The field of Tissue Regeneration and Engineering has greatly evolved over the last years, mainly due to the combination of the important advances verified in Biomaterials Science and Engineering with those of Cell and Molecular Biology. In particular, a new and promising area arose – Nanomedicine – that takes advantage of the extremely small size and especial chemical and physical properties of Nanomaterials, offering powerful tools for health improvement. Research on Stem Cells, the self-renewing progenitors of body tissues, is also challenging to the medical and scientific communities, being expectable the appearance of new and exciting stem cell-based therapies in the next years. The control of cell behavior (namely, of cell proliferation and differentiation) is of key importance in devising strategies for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering. Cytokines, growth factors, transcription factors and other signaling molecules, most of them proteins, have been identified and found to regulate and support tissue development and regeneration. However, the application of these molecules in long-term regenerative processes requires their continuous presence at high concentrations as they usually present short half-lives at physiological conditions and may be rapidly cleared from the body. Alternatively, genes encoding such proteins can be introduced inside cells and be expressed using cell’s machinery, allowing an extended and more sustained production of the protein of interest (gene therapy). Genetic engineering of stem cells is particularly attractive because of their self-renewal capability and differentiation potential. For Tissue Regeneration and Engineering purposes, the patient’s own stem cells can be genetically engineered in vitro and, after, introduced in the body (with or without a scaffold) where they will not only modulate the behavior of native cells (stem cell-mediated gene therapy), but also directly participate in tissue repair. Cells can be genetically engineered using viral and non-viral systems. Viruses, as a result of millions of years of evolution, are very effective for the delivery of genes in several types of cells, including cells from primary sources. However, the risks associated with their use (like infection and immunogenic reactions) are driving the search for non-viral systems that will efficiently deliver genetic material into cells. Among them, chemical methods that are promising and being investigated use cationic molecules as carriers for DNA. In this case, gene delivery and gene expression level remain relatively low when primary cells are used. The main goal of this thesis was to develop and assess the in vitro potential of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers based carriers to deliver genes to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). PAMAM dendrimers are monodispersive, hyperbranched and nanospherical molecules presenting unique characteristics that make them very attractive vehicles for both drug and gene delivery. Although they have been explored for gene delivery in a wide range of cell lines, the interaction and the usefulness of these molecules in the delivery of genes to MSCs remains a field to be explored. Adult MSCs were chosen for the studies due to their potential biomedical applications (they are considered multipotent cells) and because they present several advantages over embryonic stem cells, such as easy accessibility and the inexistence of ethical restrictions to their use. This thesis is divided in 5 interconnected chapters. Chapter I provides an overview of the current literature concerning the various non-viral systems investigated for gene delivery in MSCs. Attention is devoted to physical methods, as well as to chemical methods that make use of polymers (natural and synthetic), liposomes, and inorganic nanoparticles as gene delivery vectors. Also, it summarizes the current applications of genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells using non-viral systems in regenerative medicine, with special focus on bone tissue regeneration. In Chapter II, the potential of native PAMAM dendrimers with amine termini to transfect MSCs is evaluated. The level of transfection achieved with the dendrimers is, in a first step, studied using a plasmid DNA (pDNA) encoding for the β-galactosidase reporter gene. The effect of dendrimer’s generation, cell passage number, and N:P ratio (where N= number of primary amines in the dendrimer; P= number of phosphate groups in the pDNA backbone) on the level of transfection is evaluated, being the values always very low. In a second step, a pDNA encoding for bone morphogenetic protein-2, a protein that is known for its role in MSCs proliferation and differentiation, is used. The BMP-2 content produced by transfected cells is evaluated by an ELISA assay and its effect on the osteogenic markers is analyzed through several classical assays including alkaline phosphatase activity (an early marker of osteogenesis), osteocalcin production, calcium deposition and mineralized nodules formation (late osteogenesis markers). Results show that a low transfection level is enough to induce in vitro osteogenic differentiation in MSCs. Next, from Chapter III to Chapter V, studies are shown where several strategies are adopted to change the interaction of PAMAM dendrimers with MSCs cell membrane and, as a consequence, to enhance the levels of gene delivery. In Chapter III, generations 5 and 6 of PAMAM dendrimers are surface functionalized with arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) containing peptides – experiments with dendrimers conjugated to 4, 8 and 16 RGD units were performed. The underlying concept is that by including the RGD integrin-binding motif in the design of the vectors and by forming RGD clusters, the level of transfection will increase as MSCs highly express integrins at their surface. Results show that cellular uptake of functionalized dendrimers and gene expression is enhanced in comparison with the native dendrimers. Furthermore, gene expression is dependent on both the electrostatic interaction established between the dendrimer moiety and the cell surface and the nanocluster RGD density. In Chapter IV, a new family of gene delivery vectors is synthesized consisting of a PAMAM dendrimer (generation 5) core randomly linked at the periphery to alkyl hydrophobic chains that vary in length and number. Herein, the idea is to take advantage of both the cationic nature of the dendrimer and the capacity of lipids to interact with biological membranes. These new vectors show a remarkable capacity for internalizing pDNA, being this effect positively correlated with the –CH2– content present in the hydrophobic corona. Gene expression is also greatly enhanced using the new vectors but, in this case, the higher efficiency is shown by the vectors containing the smallest hydrophobic chains. Finally, chapter V reports the synthesis, characterization and evaluation of novel gene delivery vectors based on PAMAM dendrimers (generation 5) conjugated to peptides with high affinity for MSCs membrane binding - for comparison, experiments are also done with a peptide with low affinity binding properties. These systems present low cytotoxicity and transfection efficiencies superior to those of native dendrimers and partially degraded dendrimers (Superfect®, a commercial product). Furthermore, with this biomimetic approach, the process of gene delivery is shown to be cell surface receptor-mediated. Overall, results show the potential of PAMAM dendrimers to be used, as such or modified, in Tissue Regeneration and Engineering. To our knowledge, this is the first time that PAMAM dendrimers are studied as gene delivery vehicles in this context and using, as target, a cell type with clinical relevancy. It is shown that the cationic nature of PAMAM dendrimers with amine termini can be synergistically combined with surface engineering approaches, which will ultimately result in suitable interactions with the cytoplasmic membrane and enhanced pDNA cellular entry and gene expression. Nevertheless, the quantity of pDNA detected inside cell nucleus is always very small when compared with the bigger amount reaching cytoplasm (accumulation of pDNA is evident in the perinuclear region), suggesting that the main barrier to transfection is the nuclear membrane. Future work can then be envisaged based on the versatility of these systems as biomedical molecular materials, such as the conjugation of PAMAM dendrimers to molecules able to bind nuclear membrane receptors and to promote nuclear translocation.
The present experiments were conducted to investigate die role of the alpha(1A)-, alpha(1B)-, beta(1)-, beta(2)-adrenoceptors, and the effects of losartan and CGP42112A (selective ligands of the AT(1) and AT(2) angiotensin receptors, respectively) on the water and sodium intake elicited by paraventricular nucleus (PVN) injection of adrenaline. Male Holtzman rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the PVN were used. The ingestion of water and sodium was determined in separate groups submitted to water deprivation or sodium depletion with the diuretic furosemide (20 mg/rat). 5-Methylurapidil (an alpha(1A)-adrenergic antagonist) and ICI-118,551 (a beta(2)-adrenergic antagonist) injected into the PVN produced a dose-dependent increase, whereas cyclazosin (an alpha(1B)-adrenergic antagonist) and atenolol (a beta(1)-adrenergic antagonist) do not affect the inhibitory effect of water intake induced by adrenaline. on the other hand, the PVN administration of adrenaline increased the sodium intake in a dose-dependent manner. Previous injection of the alpha(1A) and beta(1) antagonists decreased, whereas injection of the alpha(1B) and beta(2) antagonists increased the salt intake induced by adrenaline. In rats with several doses of adrenaline into PVN, the previous administration of losartan increased in a dose-dependent manner the inhibitory effect of adrenaline and decreased the salt intake induced by adrenaline, while PVN CGP42112A was without effect. These results indicate that both appetites are mediated primarily by brain AT(1) receptors. However, the doses of losartan were more effective when combined with the doses of CGP42112A than given alone p < 0.05, suggesting that the water and salt intake effects of PVN adrenaline may involve activation of multiple angiotensin II (ANG II) receptors subtypes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of alpha(1),alpha(2)-adrenoceptors, and the effects of losartan and PD123319 (selective ligands of the AT(1) and AT(2) angiotensin receptors, respectively) injected into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on the diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis induced by administration of adrenaline into the medial septal area (MSA). Male Holtzman rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the MSA and bilaterally into the PVN were used. The administration of adrenaline into the MSA increased in a dose-dependent manner the urine, sodium, and potassium excretions. The previous administration of prazosin (an alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist) injected into the PVN abolished the above effects of adrenaline, whereas yohimbine (an a-adrenoceptor antagonist) doesn't affect the diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis induced by adrenaline. Pretreatment with losartan into the PVN decreased in a dose-dependent manner the urine, sodium, and potassium excretions induced by MSA administration of adrenaline (50 ng), while PVN PD123319 was without effect. These results indicate that urinary and electrolyte excretion effects induced by adrenaline into the MSA are mediated primarily by PVN AT, receptors. However, the doses of losartan were more effective when combined with the doses of PD123319 than given alone, suggesting that the urinary, natriuretic, and kaliuretic effects of MSA adrenaline may involve activation of multiple angiotensin II receptors subtypes into the PVN. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Angiotensin is an important peptide of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This peptide has an important function on arterial blood pressure regulation and body fluid homeostasis. However, its action on abnormal conditions causes deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system. Vascular resistance, hypertension, vascular and myocytes hipertrophy, production of free radicals and pro-inflammatory substances are some of the actions of angiotensin II that can result on cardiovascular remodeling. Angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptors antagonists, antiinflammatories and antioxidants are used clinically and/or experimentally to prevent or reduce the effects of angiotensin II. The purpose of this work is to review the actions and interactions of angiotensin II on the cardiovascular system, as well as the therapeutic measures employed for the control of these effects.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to determine the modulation of anxiolytic and panicolytic-like effects of diazepam by the hormonal cycle of female rats, male and female rats – the latter divided per estrous cycle phase (estrus, diestrus, metaestrus and proestrus) – were tested in the elevated T-maze, a behavioral model of panic and anxiety. Diazepam (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg) or saline solution was injected in individual animals that were submitted to one session in the elevated T-maze 25 min after drug/saline administration. The test consisted of three avoidance trials and one escape trial, separated by a 30 s interval, during which the animals were isolated in individual cages. The avoidance trials began with the animal being placed at the end of the maze's enclosed arm. The time necessary for the animal to leave the central square was considered as the response's latency. The trials that exceeded 300 s were considered as failures. Results demonstrate a decrease in the effects of diazepam in inhibitory avoidance (anxiety) trials in females in diestrus and proestrus, but no relation of gender or estrous cycle on diazepam effects on escape trials (fear). The results support the hypothesis that down-regulation of GABAA receptors by activation of nuclear estrogen receptors and induction of PKC-mediated GABAA receptor phosphorylation by activation of surface estrogen receptors in raphe neurons underlie the modulation of diazepam sensitivity by estrogen.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aims: The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women, but little is known about its importance to lower urinary tract symptoms. In this study we have used the model of ovariectomized (OVX) estrogen-deficient rats to investigate the role of RAS in functional and molecular alterations in the urethra and bladder. Main methods: Responses to contractile and relaxant agents in isolated urethra and bladder, as well as cystometry were evaluated in 4-month OVX Sprague–Dawley rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and Western blotting for AT1/AT2 receptors were examined. Key findings: Cystometric evaluations in OVX rats showed increases in basal pressure, capacity and micturition frequency, as well as decreased voiding pressure. Angiotensin II and phenylephrine produced greater urethral contractions in OVX compared with Sham group. Carbachol-induced bladder contractions were significantly reduced in OVX group. Relaxations of urethra and bladder to sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272 were unaffected by OVX. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity was 2.6-fold greater (p < 0.05) in urethral tissue of OVX group,whereas enzyme activity in plasma and bladder remained unchanged. Expressions of AT1 and AT2 receptors in the urethra were markedly higher in OVX group. In bladder, AT1 receptors were not detected, whereas AT2 receptor expression was unchanged between groups. 17β-Estradiol replacement (0.1 mg/kg, weekly) or losartan (30 mg/kg/day) largely attenuated most of the alterations seen in OVX group. Significance: Prolonged estrogen deprivation leads to voiding dysfunction and urethral hypercontractility that are associated with increased ACE activity and up-regulation of angiotensin AT1/AT2 receptor in the urethral tissue.
Das minore Kapsidprotein L2 humaner Papillomviren wird im Laufe des HPV-Lebenszyklus zweimal in den Zellkern importiert und akkumuliert dort an den Nukleären Domänen 10 (ND10). Der erste Kernimport erfolgt in der frühen Phase der Infektion zusammen mit der Virus-DNA. Für den Zusammenbau von Virionen wird neu synthetisiertes L2-Protein ein weiteres Mal in den Kern transportiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Domäne von L2 identifiziert werden, die für den Kernimport von HPV16 L2 absolut notwendig ist. Dabei gelang es diesen Bereich auf 25 Aminosäuren einzuengen. Sowohl während der frühen Phase der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese scheint die zentrale, basische Aminosäureregion 291-315 (mNLS) hauptverantwortlich für die Interaktion mit Kernimportrezeptoren zu sein. Möglicherweise leisten dabei flankierende Sequenzen einen Beitrag zur Stabilisierung der notwendigen Konformation. Des Weiteren gelang die Identifizierung der Aminosäuren, die für die Funktionalität des mNLS essentiell sind. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zentrales Arginin-Motiv, bestehend aus vier dicht beieinander liegenden Argininen, dessen Mutation den Kernimport von L2 während Infektion und Morphogenese verhindert. Untersuchungen mit HPV16 und HPV18 L2-Proteinen verdeutlichten, dass es möglicherweise ein universelles Motiv zu sein scheint und in verschiedenen HPV-Typen konserviert ist. Flankiert wird dieses Arginin-Motiv von konservierten Serinen und Threoninen. Wie die Analyse von Punktmutationen zeigte, sind diese Aminosäuren für den Kernimport von L2 ohne Bedeutung. Interessanterweise verhinderte aber die Mutation TS295/6A die Kolokalisation von L2 mit ND10 im Zellkern. L2wt rekrutiert den transkriptionellen Regulator Daxx. Auch diese Funktion ging bei der Mutante TS295/6A verloren. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur die ND10-Lokalisationsdomäne (AS 390-420) in L2 sondern auch weitere Aminosäuren oder Domänen für die Assoziation mit ND10 und die Rekrutierung von Daxx verantwortlich sein könnten. Auf der Suche nach zellulären Faktoren, die eine Rolle im mNLS-vermittelten Kernimport spielen, wurde zunächst die Bedeutung von Hsc70 untersucht. Während der Morphogenese maskiert Hsc70 den C-Terminus von L2 und verhindert damit unerwünschte Interaktionen mit Mikrotubuli im Zytoplasma. Es existieren aber weitere noch unbekannte Hsc70-Bindedomänen in L2, die möglicherweise den Kernimport ebenfalls beeinflussen können. Wie die Untersuchungen deutlich machten, ist der zentrale, basische Bereich von L2 aber nicht mit Hsc70 assoziiert und der mNLS-vermittelte Kernimport findet unabhängig von Hsc70 statt. In einem siRNA-Screen wurde anschließend die Rolle von Karyopherinen während der Infektion untersucht. Sowohl Kapß2-siRNA als auch Kapß3-siRNA waren in der Lage unabhängig voneinander die Infektion von HPV16-Pseudovirionen zu reduzieren. Für beide Karyopherine konnte in der Vergangenheit in vitro die Interaktion mit HPV16 L2 nachgewiesen werden. Das L2-Protein ist das einzige virale Protein, das während der Infektion die Virus-DNA in den Kern begleitet (Day et al., 2004). Demzufolge ist es auch das einzige virale Protein, das mit Importinen während der Infektion interagiert. Möglicherweise sind also beide Karyopherine in der Lage sein L2 während der Infektion in den Kern zu importieren. Abschließend wurden Präzipitationsversuche durchgeführt, die zur Identifizierung möglicher Bindungspartner des mNLS führen sollten. In diesen Versuchen konnte eine erhöhte Bindungsaffiniät zu den beiden Importinen Kapß1 und Kapß2 festgestellt werden. Möglicherweise ist das L2-Protein mit seiner mNLS in der Lage mehrere Importrezeptoren zu binden und für den Kernimport zu nutzen. Eines dieser Importine ist Kapß2. Dieser Importrezeptor scheint sowohl bei der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese den Kernimport von L2 durch die Bindung an das mNLS zu vermitteln.
CD4+ T helper (Th) lymphocytes are vital for integrating immune responses by orchestrating the function of other immune cell types. Naïve Th cells can differentiate into different effector subsets that are characterized by their cytokine profile and immune regulatory functions. These subsets include Th1, Th2, Th17, natural and inducible regulatory T cells (nTreg and iTreg respectively), among others. We focused our investigation on two Th lineages, Th17 and regulatory T cells, with opposing functions in the immune system. These subsets have been suggested to be reciprocally regulated since they both require TGF-b for their development. We investigated the role of the Treg-associated master transcription factor Foxp3, and found that Foxp3 inhibits Th17 cell generation by preventing the transcriptional activity of the two main Th17-specific transcription factors, nuclear orphan receptors RORa and RORgt. At the molecular level, we identified two different functional domains in Foxp3 required for such inhibition: the LQALL sequence in exon 2 and the TIP60/HDAC7 binding domain. These domains could be crucial to either prevent the association of the nuclear receptors to coactivators or to recruit histone deacetylases to RORa- or RORgt-target genes. Since TGF-b is a common cytokine required for the commitment towards both Th lineages, we determined the role of the TGF-b-dependent signaling pathway in the generation of each subset. By using mice with deficiencies in signaling molecules downstream of TGF-b, we found that while Smad2, Smad3 and Smad4 are required for the generation of iTreg cells, only Smad2 is indispensable for the induction of IL-17-producing cells, suggesting that TGF-b induces these T helper lineages through differential signaling pathways. Thus, our findings describe novel transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that control the generation of two T helper lineages with opposing functions. These findings could provide novel therapeutic targets to treat diseases where the balance of these T cells is dysregulated, such as in autoimmunity, chronic infectious diseases and cancer.