974 resultados para new age digitization


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Baltic Winter Shorts 03 - a Slavic mermaid rests upon a rock on the edge of the Baltic Sea. It is night time during the depths of winter. She risks not being able to return to the sea as it could freeze in the time that she drapes the snow crested pine trees with her ethereal calls. Her voice travels through the Medieval forest in search of her nymph . . . will he hear her? Or will her calls only serve to sing her loneliness?

OK . . . now for the technical . . . I wrote this with a documentary in mind. I have used a sampled Finnish/Estonian Kantele, a touch of an acoustic guitar, female vocals, percussion, and a couple of synths.


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Baltic Winter (No Vocals - a Slavic mermaid rests upon a rock on the edge of the Baltic Sea. It is night time during the depths of winter. She risks not being able to return to the sea as it could freeze in the time that she drapes the snow crested pine trees with her ethereal calls. Her voice travels through the Medieval forest in search of her nymph . . . will he hear her? Or will her calls only serve to sing her loneliness?

OK . . . now for the technical . . . I wrote this with a documentary in mind. I have used a sampled Finnish/Estonian Kantele, a touch of an acoustic guitar, percussion, and a couple of synths.


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In 221 BC, the battle-hardened warriors of the Qin state, the western frontier state and the most aggressive of the Warring States, subjugated the last of its rival states, thus establishing the Qin dynasty, with itscapital in Xianyang, near the modern Xi’an. The Qin dynasty is customarily regarded by Chinese and Western scholars as the beginning of a new age – the Chinese empire – that lasted until 1911 AD. The dynasty lasted only fifteen years. This study examines the main policies of the Qin dynasty and seeks to address the question what brought the quick downfall of the Qin rule. This paper takes the cultural and political contexts carefully into consideration, and argues that the Qin annexation of its rival states might be better understood as an end of an old era as much as a beginning of a new epoch.


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The genome of virulent strains may possess the ability to mutate by means of antigenic shift and/or antigenic drift as well as being resistant to antibiotics with time. The outbreak and spread of these virulent diseases including avian influenza (H1N1), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-Corona virus), cholera (Vibrio cholera), tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola Virus) and AIDS (HIV-1) necessitate urgent attention to develop diagnostic protocols and assays for rapid detection and screening. Rapid and accurate detection of first cases with certainty will contribute significantly in preventing disease transmission and escalation to pandemic levels. As a result, there is a need to develop technologies that can meet the heavy demand of an all-embedded, inexpensive, specific and fast biosensing for the detection and screening of pathogens in active or latent forms to offer quick diagnosis and early treatments in order to avoid disease aggravation and unnecessary late treatment costs. Nucleic acid aptamers are short, single-stranded RNA or DNA sequences that can selectively bind to specific cellular and biomolecular targets. Aptamers, as new-age bioaffinity probes, have the necessary biophysical characteristics for improved pathogen detection. This article seeks to review global pandemic situations in relation to advances in pathogen detection systems. It particularly discusses aptameric biosensing and establishes application opportunities for effective pandemic monitoring. Insights into the application of continuous polymeric supports as the synthetic base for aptamer coupling to provide the needed convective mass transport for rapid screening is also presented.


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É consenso que as tendências demográficas de longo prazo estão por trás da deterioração das contas previdenciárias na grande maioria dos países do globo. O problema se agrava no Brasil, pois a informalidade do mercado de trabalho exclui milhões de potenciais contribuintes do regime de repartição. O trabalho mensura, através de simulações de um modelo de longo prazo, qual o impacto fiscal das mudanças introduzidas pela transição demográfica. E, admitindo a persistência dessa nova estrutura etária no país, simula quais propostas de reforma da previdência têm maior resultado na redução dos déficits atualmente registrados no INSS. Dentre as principais conclusões estão: (i) a transição demográfica sozinha é responsável por quase dobrar a alíquota previdenciária necessária para equilibrar o sistema, e; (ii) apesar de ser extremamente importante aprovar as propostas de reforma tradicionais (instituição de idade mínima, taxação dos inativos e mudanças nas regras de cálculo dos benefícios), aumentar a cobertura do regime de repartição através da inclusão dos aproximadamente 45 milhões de trabalhadores informais não-contribuintes reduz déficits em magnitude semelhante.


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The auditing role in the contemporaneous business environment, and increasing interest in and demand for governance and transparency, has become an element even more important to the society, as a whole, in order to build solid basis to the development of businesses and generation of wealth through technical knowledge, independence, transparency, credibility, and ethics. Nevertheless, the external financial audit industry in the world and also particularly in Brazil has faced several challenges which threaten its success and evolution. In this sense, since the external audit industry in Brazil has been immersed in a deep crisis with features that are explored through this study, allow me to create an analogy over this study saying that the external financial audit industry is like a sick person with a chronic disease, but the disease has not yet been diagnosed and the person has been dealing with the isolated symptoms. This person, the external audit industry, has struggled with this disease for many years and it is getting worse. It is fundamental to highlight that the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil, ultimately, have not harmed the industry only, but they also materialize themselves as chronic issues for the corporate governance and the capital markets since they harm every interested party. In my point of view, the hardest affected are the investors or shareholders whose interest the independent auditor’s work seeks to preserve. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to have a picture of the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil and understand those challenges as a requirement to analyze the potential alternatives to solve them or, analogically, to diagnose this disease. The research purpose is to map and identify the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil based on the understanding of professionals seasoned in the area. Those challenges are mapped and understood through a methodological approach, a questionnaire answered by auditors with experience in the Brazilian auditing market. The challenges were preliminarily listed based on over 16 years of experience of the author in the area of auditing and financial and accounting services, discussions and interviews about the topic with seasoned professionals, and analyses of pieces of news, publications and academic studies. The questionnaire was used in order to validate the challenges, observations, perspectives, and perceptions gathered through those resources. Despite of the fact that the study is highly relevant, it was not found, through my research, other analyses on this topic with a similar approach which is intended by this study. It looks like the external audit industry in Brazil has walked through these new age dealing with problems on a daily basis and the real challenges of the industry may be concealed by the economic conditions in Brazil and other explanations. As in any problematic scenario, in which a critical analysis is needed, having an accurate picture and understanding of the challenges is a crucial step to start exploring alternatives to address them.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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Nel corso del mio lavoro di ricerca mi sono occupata di identificare strategie che permettano il risparmio delle risorse a livello edilizio e di approfondire un metodo per la valutazione ambientale di tali strategie. La convinzione di fondo è che bisogna uscire da una visione antropocentrica in cui tutto ciò che ci circonda è merce e materiale a disposizione dell’uomo, per entrare in una nuova era di equilibrio tra le risorse della terra e le attività che l’uomo esercita sul pianeta. Ho quindi affrontato il tema dell’edilizia responsabile approfondendo l’ambito delle costruzioni in balle di paglia e terra. Sono convinta che l’edilizia industriale abbia un futuro molto breve davanti a sé e lascerà inevitabilmente spazio a tecniche non convenzionali che coinvolgono materiali di semplice reperimento e posa in opera. Sono altresì convinta che il solo utilizzo di materiali naturali non sia garanzia di danni ridotti sull’ecosistema. Allo stesso tempo ritengo che una mera certificazione energetica non sia sinonimo di sostenibilità. Per questo motivo ho valutato le tecnologie non convenzionali con approccio LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), approfondendo gli impatti legati alla produzione, ai trasporti degli stessi, alla tipologia di messa in opera, e ai loro possibili scenari di fine vita. Inoltre ho approfondito il metodo di calcolo dei danni IMPACT, identificando una carenza nel sistema, che non prevede una categoria di danno legata alle modifiche delle condizioni idrogeologiche del terreno. La ricerca si è svolta attraverso attività pratiche e sperimentali in cantieri di edilizia non convenzionale e attività di ricerca e studio sull’LCA presso l’Enea di Bologna (Ing. Paolo Neri).