133 resultados para multistore,dataspace,NoSQL,GPSJ,schemaless,OLAP


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Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) became popular ways to develop software over the last years. During the life-cycle of a software system, several components and services can be developed, evolved and replaced. In production environments, the replacement of core components, such as databases, is often a risky and delicate operation, where several factors and stakeholders should be considered. Service Level Agreement (SLA), according to ITILv3’s official glossary, is “an agreement between an IT service provider and a customer. The agreement consists on a set of measurable constraints that a service provider must guarantee to its customers.”. In practical terms, SLA is a document that a service provider delivers to its consumers with minimum quality of service (QoS) metrics.This work is intended to assesses and improve the use of SLAs to guide the transitioning process of databases on production environments. In particular, in this work we propose SLA-Based Guidelines/Process to support migrations from a relational database management system (RDBMS) to a NoSQL one. Our study is validated by case studies.


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Durante el desarrollo del proyecto he aprendido sobre Big Data, Android y MongoDB mientras que ayudaba a desarrollar un sistema para la predicción de las crisis del trastorno bipolar mediante el análisis masivo de información de diversas fuentes. En concreto hice una parte teórica sobre bases de datos NoSQL, Streaming Spark y Redes Neuronales y después diseñé y configuré una base de datos MongoDB para el proyecto del trastorno bipolar. También aprendí sobre Android y diseñé y desarrollé una aplicación de móvil en Android para recoger datos para usarlos como entrada en el sistema de predicción de crisis. Una vez terminado el desarrollo de la aplicación también llevé a cabo una evaluación con usuarios.


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El desarrollo de los Sistemas de Información Gerencial basados en tecnologías de Data Warehouse y Herramientas Olap, es relativamente reciente y, por lo tanto, no existe una propuesta metodológica universalmente válida y aceptada como tal, porla comunidad académica. El presente artículo expone una propuesta metodológica para la realización del diseño de una bodega de datos, que utiliza como eje articulador la identificación de las necesidades de información por parte de la gerencia, para el soporte de los procesos de control y de toma de decisiones.El método propuesto está compuesto de ocho pasos agrupados en tres fases. La primera fase comprende la identificación de las necesidades de información gerencial, desde la perspectivadel negocio. La segunda fase comprende todas las actividades relacionadas con la elaboración de un modelo lógico-conceptual de la estructura de la bodega de datos. La tercera fase incluye los pasos para realizar el diseño físico de la estructura de la bodega de datos.


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Discovery Driven Analysis (DDA) is a common feature of OLAP technology to analyze structured data. In essence, DDA helps analysts to discover anomalous data by highlighting 'unexpected' values in the OLAP cube. By giving indications to the analyst on what dimensions to explore, DDA speeds up the process of discovering anomalies and their causes. However, Discovery Driven Analysis (and OLAP in general) is only applicable on structured data, such as records in databases. We propose a system to extend DDA technology to semi-structured text documents, that is, text documents with a few structured data. Our system pipeline consists of two stages: first, the text part of each document is structured around user specified dimensions, using semi-PLSA algorithm; then, we adapt DDA to these fully structured documents, thus enabling DDA on text documents. We present some applications of this system in OLAP analysis and show how scalability issues are solved. Results show that our system can handle reasonable datasets of documents, in real time, without any need for pre-computation.


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Fault tolerance allows a system to remain operational to some degree when some of its components fail. One of the most common fault tolerance mechanisms consists on logging the system state periodically, and recovering the system to a consistent state in the event of a failure. This paper describes a general fault tolerance logging-based mechanism, which can be layered over deterministic systems. Our proposal describes how a logging mechanism can recover the underlying system to a consistent state, even if an action or set of actions were interrupted mid-way, due to a server crash. We also propose different methods of storing the logging information, and describe how to deploy a fault tolerant master-slave cluster for information replication. We adapt our model to a previously proposed framework, which provided common relational features, like transactions with atomic, consistent, isolated and durable properties, to NoSQL database management systems.


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Call Level Interfaces (CLI) play a key role in business tiers of relational and on some NoSQL database applications whenever a fine tune control between application tiers and the host databases is a key requirement. Unfortunately, in spite of this significant advantage, CLI are low level API, this way not addressing high level architectural requirements. Among the examples we emphasize two situations: a) the need to decouple or not to decouple the development process of business tiers from the development process of application tiers and b) the need to automatically adapt business tiers to new business and/or security needs at runtime. To tackle these CLI drawbacks, and simultaneously keep their advantages, this paper proposes an architecture relying on CLI from which multi-purpose business tiers components are built, herein referred to as Adaptable Business Tier Components (ABTC). Beyond the reference architecture, this paper presents a proof of concept based on Java and Java Database Connectivity (an example of CLI).


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El volumen de datos en bibliotecas ha aumentado enormemente en los últimos años, así como también la complejidad de sus fuentes y formatos de información, dificultando su gestión y acceso, especialmente como apoyo en la toma de decisiones. Sabiendo que una buena gestión de bibliotecas involucra la integración de indicadores estratégicos, la implementación de un Data Warehouse (DW), que gestione adecuadamente tal cantidad de información, así como su compleja mezcla de fuentes de datos, se convierte en una alternativa interesante a considerar. El artículo describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema de soporte de decisiones (DSS) basado en técnicas de DW para la biblioteca de la Universidad de Cuenca. Para esto, el estudio utiliza una metodología holística, propuesto por Siguenza-Guzman et al. (2014) para la evaluación integral de bibliotecas. Dicha metodología evalúa la colección y los servicios, incorporando importantes elementos para la gestión de bibliotecas, tales como: el desempeño de los servicios, el control de calidad, el uso de la colección y la interacción con el usuario. A partir de este análisis, se propone una arquitectura de DW que integra, procesa y almacena los datos. Finalmente, estos datos almacenados son analizados y visualizados a través de herramientas de procesamiento analítico en línea (OLAP). Las pruebas iniciales de implementación confirman la viabilidad y eficacia del enfoque propuesto, al integrar con éxito múltiples y heterogéneas fuentes y formatos de datos, facilitando que los directores de bibliotecas generen informes personalizados, e incluso permitiendo madurar los procesos transaccionales que diariamente se llevan a cabo.


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En esta memoria se describe el diseño y las pautas seguidas para la construcción de una aplicación móvil que permite la creación de grupos de personas para la gestión de los gastos, facturas y deudas comunitarias. Con un soporte Front-End en Android, un Back-End desarrollado en PHP y un almacenamiento de la información en una base de datos NoSQL, concretamente en MongoDB. El proyecto se ha realizado en grupo, separando los módulos Front-End y Back-End en dos proyectos distintos. En este proyecto desarrollamos el módulo Back-End. En él encontraremos el diseño para la construcción de la arquitectura REST y dar solución a la comunicación cliente y servidor de la aplicación. Además se ha añadido la componente PaaS (Platform as a Service) para acercar el desarrollo de este proyecto a un entorno de producción más real, afrontando así problemas reales. Al tratarse de un proyecto en equipo, el uso de metodologías ágiles cobra más importancia, por ello en este proyecto se ha hecho uso de la metodología Scrum.


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This thesis presents a cloud-based software platform for sharing publicly available scientific datasets. The proposed platform leverages the potential of NoSQL databases and asynchronous IO technologies, such as Node.JS, in order to achieve high performances and flexible solutions. This solution will serve two main groups of users. The dataset providers, which are the researchers responsible for sharing and maintaining datasets, and the dataset users, that are those who desire to access the public data. To the former are given tools to easily publish and maintain large volumes of data, whereas the later are given tools to enable the preview and creation of subsets of the original data through the introduction of filter and aggregation operations. The choice of NoSQL over more traditional RDDMS emerged from and extended benchmark between relational databases (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) that is also presented in this thesis. The obtained results come to confirm the theoretical guarantees that NoSQL databases are more suitable for the kind of data that our system users will be handling, i. e., non-homogeneous data structures that can grow really fast. It is envisioned that a platform like this can lead the way to a new era of scientific data sharing where researchers are able to easily share and access all kinds of datasets, and even in more advanced scenarios be presented with recommended datasets and already existing research results on top of those recommendations.


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This thesis presents a cloud-based software platform for sharing publicly available scientific datasets. The proposed platform leverages the potential of NoSQL databases and asynchronous IO technologies, such as Node.JS, in order to achieve high performances and flexible solutions. This solution will serve two main groups of users. The dataset providers, which are the researchers responsible for sharing and maintaining datasets, and the dataset users, that are those who desire to access the public data. To the former are given tools to easily publish and maintain large volumes of data, whereas the later are given tools to enable the preview and creation of subsets of the original data through the introduction of filter and aggregation operations. The choice of NoSQL over more traditional RDDMS emerged from and extended benchmark between relational databases (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) that is also presented in this thesis. The obtained results come to confirm the theoretical guarantees that NoSQL databases are more suitable for the kind of data that our system users will be handling, i. e., non-homogeneous data structures that can grow really fast. It is envisioned that a platform like this can lead the way to a new era of scientific data sharing where researchers are able to easily share and access all kinds of datasets, and even in more advanced scenarios be presented with recommended datasets and already existing research results on top of those recommendations.


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Gli obiettivi di questi tesi sono lo studio comparativo di alcuni DBMS non relazionali e il confronto di diverse soluzioni di modellazione logica e fisica per database non relazionali. Utilizzando come sistemi di gestione due DBMS Document-based non relazionali, MongoDB e CouchDB, ed un DBMS relazionale, Oracle, sarà effettuata un’analisi di diverse soluzione di modellazione logica dei dati in database documentali e uno studio mirato alla scelta degli attributi sui quali costruire indici. In primo luogo verrà definito un semplice caso di studio su cui effettuare i confronto, basato su due entità in relazione 1:N, sulle quali sarà costruito un opportuno carico di lavoro. Idatabase non relazionali sono schema-less, senza schema fisso, ed esiste una libertà maggiore di modellazione. In questo lavoro di tesi i dati verranno modellati secondo le tecniche del Referencing ed Embedding che consistono rispettivamente nell’inserimento di una chiave (riferimento) oppure di un intero sotto-documento (embedding) all’interno di un documento per poter esprimere il concetto di relazione tra diverse entità. Per studiare l’opportunità di indicizzare un attributo, ciascuna entità sarà poi composta da due triplette uguali di attributi definiti con differenti livelli di selettività, con la differenza che su ciascun attributo della seconda sarà costruito un indice. Il carico di lavoro sarà costituito da query definite in modo da poter testare le diverse modellazioni includendo anche predicati di join che non sono solitamente contemplati in modelli documentali. Per ogni tipo di database verranno eseguite le query e registrati i tempi, in modo da poter confrontare le performance dei diversi DBMS sulla base delle operazioni CRUD.