913 resultados para mother tongue


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The collapse of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s also meant the end of the idea of a common soviet identity incarnated in the "soviet man" and the new "historic community of the soviet people". While this idea still lives on in the generations of the 1920s to 1940s, the younger generations tend to prefer identification with family, profession, ethnic group or religion. Ms. Alexakhina set out to investigate different interethnic interaction strategies in the multi-ethnic context of the Russian Federation, with an emphasis on analysing the role of cultural and ethno-demographic characteristics of minority ethnic groups. It aimed to identify those specific patterns of interaction dynamics that have emerged in response to the political and economic transformation at present under way. The basic supposition was that the size and growth of an ethnic population are defined not only by demographic features such as fertility, mortality and net migration, but are also dependent on processes interethnic interaction and ethnic transition. The central hypothesis of the project was that the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural composition of Russia is apparently manifesting itself in the ethnic minority groups in various forms, but particularly in the form of ethnic revival and/or assimilation. The results of these complex phenomena are manifested as changes in ethnic attachments (national re-identification and language behaviour (multi-lingualism, language transition and loss of the mother tongue). The stress of the political and economic crisis has stimulated significant changes in ethnographic, social and cultural characteristics of inter-ethnic dynamics such as the rate of national re-identification, language behaviour, migration activity and the spread of mixed marriages, among both those minorities with a long history of settlement in Russia and those that were annexed during the soviet period. Patterns of language behaviour and the spread of mixed marriages were taken as the main indicators of the directions of interethnic interaction described as assimilation, ethnic revival and cultural pluralism. The first stage of the research involved a statistical analysis of census data from 1959 to 1994 in order to analyse the changing demographic composition of the largest ethnic groups of the Russian Federation. Until 1989 interethnic interaction in soviet society was distinguished by the process of russification but the political and economic transformation has stimulated the process of ethnic revival, leading to an apparent fall in the size of the Russian population due to ethnic re-identification by members of other ethnic groups who had previously identified themselves as Russian. Cross-classification of nationalities by demographic, social and cultural indicators has shown that the most important determinants of the nature of interethnic interaction are cultural factors such as religion and language affiliation. The analysis of the dynamics of language shift through the study of bilingualism and the domains of language usage for different demographic groups revealed a strong correlation between recognition of Russian as a mother tongue among some non-Russian ethnic groups and the declining size of these groups. The main conclusion from this macro-analysis of census data was the hypothesis of the growing importance of social and political factors upon ethnic succession, that ethnic identity is no longer a stable characteristic but has become dynamic in nature. In order to verify this hypothesis Ms. Alexakhina conducted a survey in four regions showing different patterns of interethnic interaction: the Karelian Republic, Buryatiya, the Nenezkii Autonomous Region and Tatarstan. These represented the west, east, north and south of the Russian Federation. Samples for the survey were prepared on the basis of census lists so as to exclude mono-Russian families in favour of mixed and ethnic-minority families. The survey confirmed the significant growth in the importance of ethnic affiliation in the everyday lives of people in the Federation following the de-centralisation of the political and economic spheres. Language was shown to be a key symbol of the consciousness of national distinction, confirmed by the fact that the process of russification has been reversed by the active mastering of the languages of titular nationalities. The results also confirmed that individual ethnic identity has ceased to be a fixed personal characteristic of one's cultural and genetic belonging, and people's social adaptation to the current political, social and economic conditions is also demonstrated in changes in individual ethnic self-identification. In general terms, the dynamic nature of national identity means that ethnic identity is at present acquiring the special features of overall social identity, for which the frequent change of priorities is an inherent feature of a person's life cycle. These are mainly linked with a multi-ethnic environment and high individual social mobility. From her results Ms. Alexakhina concludes that the development of national languages and multi-lingualism, together with the preservation of Russian as a state language, seems to be the most promising path to peaceful coexistence and the development of the national cultures of different ethnic groups within the Russian Federation.


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Experience shows that in teaching the pronunciation of a foreign language, it is the native syllable stereotype that resists correction most strongly. This is because the syllable is the basic unit of the perception and production of speech, and syllabic production is highly automatic and to some degree determines the prosody of speech at all levels: accent, rhythm, phrase, etc. The results of psycho-physiological studies show that the human acoustic analyser is a typical contemplator organ and new acoustic qualities are perceived through their inclusion into the already existing system of values characteristic to the mother tongue. This results in the adaptation of the perception and so production of foreign speech to native patterns. The less conscious the perception of the unit and the more 'primitive' its status, the greater the degree of its auditory assimilation, and the syllable is certainly among the less controllable linguistic units. The group carried out a complex investigation of the French and Russian languages at the level of syllable realisation, focusing on the stressed syllable of both open and closed types. The useful acoustic characteristics of the French/Russian syllable pattern were determined through identifying a typical syllable pattern within the system of each of the two languages, comparing these patterns to establish their contrasting features, and observing and systematising deviations from the pattern typical of the French/Russian language teaching situation. The components of the syllable pattern shown to need particular attention in teaching French pronunciation to Russian native speakers were intensity, fundamental frequency, and duration. The group then developed a method of correction which combines the auditory and visual canals of sound signal perception and tested this method with groups of Russian students of different levels.


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Kitic investigated the phenomenon of English word order acquisition by Serbian and Hungarian speakers, examining both the theoretical and empirical aspects of this phenomenon. She began by looking at language learning and language acquisition, viewing word order acquisition in the context of relevant linguistic and psycholinguistic knowledge. The main hypothesis of her empirical investigation was that the majority of word order mistakes in the language production of Serbian and Hungarian speakers of English is due to mother tongue interference. Three supporting hypotheses were introduced to specify the phenomenon of interference in its correlation to (1) language proficiency, (2) sentence patterns, and (3) optional adverbials. The conclusions were based on error analysis of 9280 sentences of 464 elementary and high school learners. The results showed that a learner's level of proficiency seems to be a relevant factor in mother tongue interference as this decreases with increased proficiency. Word order errors are however fossilised at the highest levels. The causes of interference errors, which increase with the number of sentence elements, are either absent sentence patterns or similar ones. In the case of adverbials, word order errors have two forms: interrelation (with canonical elements) and mixed adverbials.


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Nadeina set out to develop methods of speech development in Russian as a mother tongue, focusing on improving diction, training in voice quality control, intonation control, the removal of dialect, and speech etiquette. She began with training in the receptive skills of language, i.e. reading and listening, since the interpretation of someone else's language plays an important role in language production. Her studies of students' reading speed of students showed that it varies between 40 and 120 words per minute, which is normally considered very slow. She discovered a strong correlation between speed of reading and speaking skills: the slower a person reads the worse is their ability to speak and has designed exercises to improve reading skills. Nadeina also believes that listening to other people's speech is very important, both to analyse its content and in some cases as an example, so listening skills need to be developed. Many people have poor pronunciation habits acquired as children. On the basis of speech samples from young Russians (male and female, aged 17-22), Nadeina analysed the commonest speech faults - nasalisation, hesitation and hemming at the end of sense-groups, etc. Using a group of twenty listeners, she looked for a correlation between how voice quality is perceived and certain voice quality parameters, e.g. pitch range, tremulousness, fluency, whispering, harshness, sonority, tension and audible breath. She found that the less non-linguistic segment variations in speech appeared, the more attractive the speech was rated. The results are included in a textbook aimed at helping people to improve their oral skills and to communicate ideas to an audience. She believes this will assist Russian officials in their attempts to communicate their ideas to different social spheres, and also foreigners learning Russian.


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The factors influencing the degree of separation or overlap in the neuronal networks responsible for the processing of first and second language are still subject to investigation. This longitudinal study investigates how increasing second language proficiency influences activation differences during lexico-semantic processing of first and second language. Native English speaking exchange students learning German were examined with functional magnetic resonance imaging while reading words in three different languages at two points in time: at the beginning of their stay (day 1) and 5 months later (day 2), when second language proficiency had significantly increased. On day 1, second language words evoked more frontal activation than words from the mother tongue. These differences were diminished on day 2. We therefore conclude that with increasing second language proficiency, lexico-semantic processing of second language words needs less frontal control. Our results demonstrate that lexico-semantic processing of first and second language converges onto similar networks as second language proficiency increases.


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This unique book has at least three significant strengths. First, it offers an interesting angle on Irish social history and how social work and child protection and welfare services have been developed from the 1860s to the 1990s. Secondly, the author uses the 'history of the present' method of Michel Foucault in a promising manner, incorporating his concepts of archaeology, genealogy and discourse. Most of all she has succeeded in further developing Michel Foucault's concepts and strategies of writing. Although this is a national history, she has made a remarkable contribution to social work research. Her conceptual and methodological innovations are undoubtedly fully applicable to other social and societal contexts. This book is recommendable to those who want to implement genealogical analysis in their own research. Thirdly, her skill in writing and the way she renders the difficult language and concepts of Michel Foucault accessible means that here is a book that can also be read with ease by those whose mother tongue is not English. From the viewpoint of women and women's research the focus in this book is minor but if you are interested in social work history and genealogical analysis, this is a book you have to read!


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Ghana has witnessed a recurrent debate on the usefulness of indigenous Ghanaian languages in childhood education. It is assumed that using the mother tongue as a Medium of Instruction (MOI) during the early years improves children’s ability to acquire knowledge and other languages. Not everybody subscribes to this view though. There are those who feel that a solid start in English offers children a better chance of succeeding in school and in their careers. Presently, some parents who subscribe to the latter view have taken the extra step of stopping the use of indigenous Ghanaian languages at home. This paper presents the results of our investigation into whether the home language practices of Ghanaian students have any impact on their performance in English written argumentative discourse. The results are based on an analysis of an assigned essay of 92 students from one of Ghana’s best senior high schools. We then correlated their per¬formance with responses they gave to a questionnaire interrogating their background and language use at home. While some speak the native language at home, others grew up speaking exclusively English. We show that students who combine English and native Ghanaian languages at home performed better than those who used only English or only Ghanaian languages.


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The awakening of national consciousness went hand in hand in Bohemia with an anxiety about national disappearance. In this context, the recourse to Pan-Slavism was for the Czechs a way to encourage themselves through the idea of belonging to a great Slavic world, while the Slavic Congress organized in Prague in 1848 was an attempt to realize this ideal. The Congress was a failure from the political point of view, but it did have some socio-cultural repercussions: notably, it served as a pretext for the advancement of women's issues in Bohemia. It is indeed in the wake of the Congress that Honorata z Wiśniowskich Zapová, a Polish women settled in Prague after her marriage to a Czech intellectual, founded, under the guise of collaboration between all Slavic women, the first women's association, as well as a (very short-lived) Czech-Polish institute, where Czech, as well as Polish girls, could get a quality education in their mother tongue. Honorata was undoubtedly the source of the polonophilia wind that seemed to blow over the Czech emancipation movement in the second half of the nineteenth century. In particular, Karolina Světlá showed in her Memoirs a great recognition for Honorata's efforts in matters of emancipation and education, and explicitly took up the challenge launched by the latter in founding another women's association and in inaugurating a school for underprivileged girls. But the tribute Světlá paid to Honorata is even more evident in her literary work, where Poland and the Polish woman (who often wears Honorata's features) play a significant role (see for example her short novel Sisters or her story A Few Days in the Life of a Prague Dandy). Světlá was probably the Czech feminist writer who, in her activities and in her work, relied most strongly on the Polish woman as a model for the Czech woman. However, she wasn't alone. In general, it was a characteristic of the Czech feminist movement of the second half of the nineteenth century to have recourse to the Polish woman and to Poland as a landmark for comparison and as a goal to be achieved.


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The present study investigates life stories of established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland, in regard to “language related major life events” (De Bot, 2007). These events are important in terms of changes happening in the linguistic setting during the life span and influence language development. In this sense, during the process of retirement, a new phase of life begins, which, amongst other things, has to be reorganized in relation to social contact and language use. One of my main questions is how the subjects handle the changes happening within and after the process of retirement in respect to the use of different languages and how this “language related major life event” is constructed and described by the migrants. One of these changes happens due to the fact that, after retirement, the social network at the workplace (the primary source of language input) can get (partially) lost and with it, the use of the local language. The fact that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue (Italian) is one of the Swiss national languages, makes this question even more interesting. A second question will consider the influence of the fact that most of the subjects in question lived with the idea of return migration, but as shown in a previous study (Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani, NFP 32, 1999), only a third returned back while another third remained in the host country and the final third chose the commuting option. I will first examine these processes, changes and influences by using quantitative questionnaires in order to obtain general information on demographic data, the social situation, and a self-assessment of linguistic skills. Secondly, I will use qualitative interviews to get in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies. The results of this project are meant to deliver insight into different aspects that have not been looked at in detail to this point: which factors of the life stories of Italian workforce migrants, who decided to remain in Switzerland after retirement, influence the linguistic changes in general and the ones happening around retirement in particular.


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Our proposal presents some aspects and results of a project of the University of Bern dealing with the consequences of retirement on multilingual competences. Referring to De Bot (2007), who defined "language related major life events" as moments in life relevant for changes in multilingual competences, we assume that retirement can be a turning point in a language biography. Firstly, there are phenomena, such as the cessation of the use of a foreign language, which was formerly related to work. Secondly, retirement might elicit the improvement of foreign language skills as a way to spend excess time after retirement or as a “cognitive exercise”. Many language schools have identified the people of advanced age as a group of major interest and increasingly offer so-called 50+ (fifty plus) courses in their curriculum. Furthermore, the concept of lifelong learning is increasingly gaining importance, as the reference by the European commission (LLP) indicates. However, most of the programs are intended for educated middle-class people and there are considerably fewer offers for people who are less familiar with learning environments in general. The present paper aims at investigating the multilingual setting of an offer of the second kind: a German language course designed for retired, established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland. The multilingual setting is given by the facts that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman dialects), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue, Italian, is one of the Swiss national languages. As previous studies have shown, most of the Italian migrants have difficulties with the acquisition of Standard German due to the diglossic situation (Werlen, 2007) or never even learnt any of the German varieties. Another outcome of the linguistic situation the migrants are confronted with in Berne, is the usage of a continuum of varieties between Swissgerman dialect and Standard German (Zanovello-Müller, 1998). Therefore, in the classroom we find several varieties of German, as well as the Italian language and its varieties. In the present paper we will investigate the use of multilingual competences within the classroom and the dynamics of second language acquisition in a setting of older adults (>60 years old), learning their host country’s language after 40 years or more of living in it. The methods applied are an ethnographic observation of the language class, combined with qualitative interviews to gain in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies.


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Nos proponemos relevar algunos valores poéticos de los tres primeros libros de reciente aparición de la poetisa ítaloargentina Francesca Lo Bue: “Pedro Marciano", “Por la palabra, la emoción" y “Non te ne sei mai andato" (“Nada se ha ido"), estrechamente relacionados los tres por la reiteración de temas e intuiciones poéticas, aunque siempre con matices e intensidad diferentes. Los textos expresan la problemática humana que origina y nutre la expresión poética, problemática nacida del dolor del exilio y el consiguiente desarraigo, de la pérdida tanto del territorio original, sede de las experiencias vitales y de las vivencias del pasado como de la lengua materna, parte fundamental de la identidad. La poesía, por medio de la palabra que es esencialmente demiúrgica, rescata a la poetisa del vacío existencial, recuperando sus recuerdos y emociones, todo el pasado que parece haberse ido pero que pervive en su íntimo yo.


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Como resultado de nuestra experiencia docente en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la UNLP impartiendo cursos de lectocomprensión en Lengua extranjera (LE) y con el objetivo siempre presente de mejorar las prácticas didácticas para lograr el resultado esperado del lector autónomo en Francés, decidimos encarar el presente trabajo de investigación. La hipótesis de partida de nuestro análisis es que la verificación de la comprensión lectora en LE podría hacerse a partir de resúmenes en Lengua Materna (LM), y que habría una estrecha relación entre las estrategias lectoras utilizadas en LM y las que se utilizan en LE. A partir de esto nos planteamos una serie de preguntas organizadas alrededor de tres ejes según los componentes a los que apuntan: cognitivo, metodológico-estratégico y discursivo. Tomamos como base un corpus de resúmenes en LM de un texto en LE realizado por un grupo voluntario de alumnos de la Cátedra Capacitación en Idioma Francés I, creando con ellos un dispositivo de observación y análisis conjunto compuesto por: una Encuesta Previa al comienzo del curso con respuestas en LM, una Encuesta previa a la lectura del texto por resumir con respuestas en LM, y una Encuesta post resumen con respuestas en LM. El trabajo está estructurado en seis partes: Introducción, Problemática, Marco teórico, Metodología de recolección de datos, Análisis del corpus y Conclusiones y perspectivas. Creemos que el presente trabajo constituye una reflexión y un punto de partida para el análisis de uno de los problemas planteados por la didáctica de la lectocomprensión LE en la universidad: las estrategias lectoras de los estudiantes de LE y más particularmente en Francés Lengua Extranjera.


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Esta tesis doctoral se inscribe dentro de la Traductología, interdisciplina que estudia tanto los procesos implicados en el complejo fenómeno de la traducción como los productos discursivos en la lengua hacia la cual se traduce. Su objetivo general consiste en contribuir a la investigación sobre el macroproceso de traducción en el par de lenguas francés/español, y en especial sobre la producción discursiva puesto que la literatura especializada coincide en destacar que ésta es la fase menos conocida [Lederer, 2005, 126; Toury, 2004, 244, 245]. Nuestro trabajo explora la producción discursiva, limitándola a traducciones absolutas [Gouadec, 1989: 21-30] de textos pragmáticos [Delisle, 1984: 22], cuya función esencial es el pasaje integral de la información. Dentro de dos corpora del campo de la Bioética constituidos por textos originales en francés y sus traducciones al castellano, hemos considerado como hipótesis general que los productos discursivos resultantes de la traducción absoluta de textos pragmáticos francés/castellano, presentan transferencias sintáctico-discursivas gobernadas por el universal de interferencia. Es decir que el planteo rector es que la memoria lingüístico-discursiva en la fase de reexpresión está atravesada por el mecanismo de interferencia. Las hipótesis específicas que se desgranan de la principal indican que la producción discursiva resultante de la traducción de textos pragmáticos francés/castellano exhibe enunciados elípticos anómalos gobernados por el universal de interferencia del discurso de partida [francés] o del sistema de la lengua materna del traductor [castellano]. Nuestra investigación parte entonces de la lectura del texto traducido [TT] y lo compara con el texto original [TO]; esta comparación es parcial puesto que indaga sobre las anomalías de producción; es indirecta pues observa la relación cohesión-coherencia-sentido en el discurso de llegada a través de las anomalías, especialmente de los enunciados elípticos; por último, analiza las anomalías dentro de la teoría de la interferencia y de la teoría de la elipsis [Toury, 2004: 121-124]. Sobre estas bases, hemos generado un instrumento que estudia los binomios textuales seleccionados según las siguientes aproximaciones: la sintaxis de la lengua meta [tipo de elipsis, elemento elidido, construcción de la elipsis, recuperabilidad]; la sintaxis del discurso meta [cohesión-coherencia], la comparación del binomio TT-TO [análisis de la producción del segmento problema en TO; el análisis de la producción del segmento solución en TT; posible extensión de las consecuencias de la anomalía microestructural; verificación del principio traducir toda la información]; los mecanismos de producción [elevación de la frecuencia de uso de recursos o elementos; control lingüístico de la lengua-cultura meta; control lingüístico-discursivo]; el resultado [visibilidad de interferencia; fenómeno sintáctico visible; alcance discursivo; producción palimpséstica; entropía informativa]. La elaboración de este andamiaje analítico aplicado a nuestros corpora nos ha permitido avanzar en el conocimiento de los mecanismos que participan en la producción discursiva en traducción y creemos que puede aplicarse, con las modificaciones de cada caso, para la descripción y quizás explicación de otros factores lingüístico-discursivos presentes en los textos traducidos


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Desde comienzos del siglo XIX, el sector editorial experimenta un fuerte crecimiento en París. Entre los libreros-editores, unas pocas editoriales, como Denné, se especializan en la venta y la producción de obras en lenguas extranjeras. El establecimiento fundado por esta familia, la Librería Española y Americana, se vuelve el punto de encuentro de hispanohablantes que se encuentran en la capital y que quieren comprar o hacer publicar sus libros en su lengua materna. Tal fue, probablemente, el caso de Eugenio Cambaceres


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Como resultado de nuestra experiencia docente en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la UNLP impartiendo cursos de lectocomprensión en Lengua extranjera (LE) y con el objetivo siempre presente de mejorar las prácticas didácticas para lograr el resultado esperado del lector autónomo en Francés, decidimos encarar el presente trabajo de investigación. La hipótesis de partida de nuestro análisis es que la verificación de la comprensión lectora en LE podría hacerse a partir de resúmenes en Lengua Materna (LM), y que habría una estrecha relación entre las estrategias lectoras utilizadas en LM y las que se utilizan en LE. A partir de esto nos planteamos una serie de preguntas organizadas alrededor de tres ejes según los componentes a los que apuntan: cognitivo, metodológico-estratégico y discursivo. Tomamos como base un corpus de resúmenes en LM de un texto en LE realizado por un grupo voluntario de alumnos de la Cátedra Capacitación en Idioma Francés I, creando con ellos un dispositivo de observación y análisis conjunto compuesto por: una Encuesta Previa al comienzo del curso con respuestas en LM, una Encuesta previa a la lectura del texto por resumir con respuestas en LM, y una Encuesta post resumen con respuestas en LM. El trabajo está estructurado en seis partes: Introducción, Problemática, Marco teórico, Metodología de recolección de datos, Análisis del corpus y Conclusiones y perspectivas. Creemos que el presente trabajo constituye una reflexión y un punto de partida para el análisis de uno de los problemas planteados por la didáctica de la lectocomprensión LE en la universidad: las estrategias lectoras de los estudiantes de LE y más particularmente en Francés Lengua Extranjera.