881 resultados para lexical semantics


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The recent spurt of research activities in Entity-Relationship Approach to databases calls for a close scrutiny of the semantics of the underlying Entity-Relationship models, data manipulation languages, data definition languages, etc. For reasons well known, it is very desirable and sometimes imperative to give formal description of the semantics. In this paper, we consider a specific ER model, the generalized Entity-Relationship model (without attributes on relationships) and give denotational semantics for the model as well as a simple ER algebra based on the model. Our formalism is based on the Vienna Development Method—the meta language (VDM). We also discuss the salient features of the given semantics in detail and suggest directions for further work.


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Researchers and developers in academia and industry would benefit from a facility that enables them to easily locate, licence and use the kind of empirical data they need for testing and refining their hypotheses and to deposit and disseminate their data e.g. to support replication and validation of reported scientific experiments. To answer these needs initially in Finland, there is an ongoing project at University of Helsinki and its collaborators to create a user-friendly web service for researchers and developers in Finland and other countries. In our talk, we describe ongoing work to create a palette of extensive but easily available Finnish language resources and technologies for the research community, including lexical resources, wordnets, morphologically tagged corpora, dependency syntactic treebanks and parsebanks, open-source finite state toolkits and libraries and language models to support text analysis and processing at customer site. Also first publicly available results are presented.


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FinnWordNet is a wordnet for Finnish that complies with the format of the Princeton WordNet (PWN) (Fellbaum, 1998). It was built by translating the PrincetonWordNet 3.0 synsets into Finnish by human translators. It is open source and contains 117000 synsets. The Finnish translations were inserted into the PWN structure resulting in a bilingual lexical database. In natural language processing (NLP), wordnets have been used for infusing computers with semantic knowledge assuming that humans already have a sufficient amount of this knowledge. In this paper we present a case study of using wordnets as an electronic dictionary. We tested whether native Finnish speakers benefit from using a wordnet while completing English sentence completion tasks. We found that using either an English wordnet or a bilingual English Finnish wordnet significantly improves performance in the task. This should be taken into account when setting standards and comparing human and computer performance on these tasks.


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In this paper we present simple methods for construction and evaluation of finite-state spell-checking tools using an existing finite-state lexical automaton, freely available finite-state tools and Internet corpora acquired from projects such as Wikipedia. As an example, we use a freely available open-source implementation of Finnish morphology, made with traditional finite-state morphology tools, and demonstrate rapid building of Northern Sámi and English spell checkers from tools and resources available from the Internet.


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Language software applications encounter new words, e.g., acronyms, technical terminology, names or compounds of such words. In order to add new words to a lexicon, we need to indicate their inflectional paradigm. We present a new generally applicable method for creating an entry generator, i.e. a paradigm guesser, for finite-state transducer lexicons. As a guesser tends to produce numerous suggestions, it is important that the correct suggestions be among the first few candidates. We prove some formal properties of the method and evaluate it on Finnish, English and Swedish full-scale transducer lexicons. We use the open-source Helsinki Finite-State Technology to create finitestate transducer lexicons from existing lexical resources and automatically derive guessers for unknown words. The method has a recall of 82-87 % and a precision of 71-76 % for the three test languages. The model needs no external corpus and can therefore serve as a baseline.


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This paper presents the preliminary analysis of Kannada WordNet and the set of relevant computational tools. Although the design has been inspired by the famous English WordNet, and to certain extent, by the Hindi WordNet, the unique features of Kannada WordNet are graded antonyms and meronymy relationships, nominal as well as verbal compoundings, complex verb constructions and efficient underlying database design (designed to handle storage and display of Kannada unicode characters). Kannada WordNet would not only add to the sparse collection of machine-readable Kannada dictionaries, but also will give new insights into the Kannada vocabulary. It provides sufficient interface for applications involved in Kannada machine translation, spell checker and semantic analyser.


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[ES] El presente manual describe el manejo de grafos de forma interactiva en el entorno 3D que proporciona el programa Xglore (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xglore/). Forma parte del proyecto “Nerthusv2: Base de datos léxica en 3D del inglés antiguo” patrocinado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (nº: FFI08-04448/FILO).


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[ES] En este trabajo se define el cambio semántico, se analizan las causas de que se produzca y se especifican sus tipos en el griego antiguo.


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Edited by Andrea Abel, Chiara Vettori, Natascia Ralli.


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Este trabajo ofrece un análisis contrastivo entre los idiomas inglés y español en sus diferentes niveles: fonético-fonológico, morfosintáctico, léxico-semántico, rasgos paralingüísticos y pragmático-cultural, poniendo especial énfasis en las principales diferencias que se dan entre ambos. Está especialmente dirigido a todo el profesorado de español que enseñe esta lengua al alumnado anglófono, ya sea como LE o L2, ya que resulta útil para comprender las principales dificultades que presenta este alumnado en su proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua española.


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Trabalho de investigação das marcas de iconicidade em letras-de-música brasileira que representam os vários Brasis. Análise do córpus com fundamentação semântico-semiótica, endossada pela perspectiva sociolinguística, como ponto de partida para a caracterização dos itens lexicais como ícone, índice ou símbolo, à luz da Teoria da Iconicidade, como identificadores de um espaço sociocultural. A orientação sociolinguística sustenta nossas reflexões acerca da importância da inserção dos diversos usos linguísticos na prática de ensino de língua portuguesa, que precisa acompanhar a vida da linguagem na comunicação cotidiana, com vistas à valorização e à democratização da língua. Ademais, impõe-se reconhecer a heterogeneidade linguística como fator de riqueza da língua. O trabalho de análise consiste em uma metodologia que permite associar o texto a uma imagem com significado representativo das particularidades linguístico-discursivas de uma cultura regional. Os resultados esperados incluem a afirmação da potencialidade linguístico-semiótica da letra-de-música como gênero textual suficiente para a demonstração dos valores socioculturais impressos na língua e, possivelmente, como um gênero de importante valor literário que se pode aproveitar para dinamizar aulas de língua portuguesa


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Nesta dissertação, pretende-se estudar a dinamicidade lexical em textos de domínio político, veiculados pela imprensa escrita durante o período eleitoral de 2010. Para tal, selecionou-se um corpus adequado à pesquisa, fez-se o levantamento de neologismos lexicais nele ocorrentes e procedeu-se à sua descrição. Neste percurso, buscou-se demonstrar a riqueza e a vitalidade dos mecanismos de expansão lexical nos textos estudados, de modo a evidenciar que o léxico, como sistema dinâmico, configura-se como um dos subníveis linguísticos mais abertos à criatividade, revelando também crenças, valores, costumes e hábitos de uma comunidade linguística. Ademais, objetivou-se mostrar que a linguagem utilizada em contextos políticos, visto estar imersa em um ambiente de tensões e embates constantes, é marcadamente caracterizada pelo incessante nascer de novos signos, os quais, por motivações denominativas e/ou estilísticas, desvelam, não raras vezes, intenções e ideologias dos sujeitos-falantes que os criam. Por fim, elaborou-se um glossário com as novas formações encontradas, que oferece subsídios para a observação sistemática da neologia no âmbito do português brasileiro, além de traçar um perfil parcial das alterações político-culturais por que passamos no correr de 2010


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the functional role of syllables in sign language and how the different phonological combinations influence sign production. Moreover, the influence of age of acquisition was evaluated. Deaf signers (native and non-native) of Catalan Signed Language (LSC) were asked in a picture-sign interference task to sign picture names while ignoring distractor-signs with which they shared two phonological parameters (out of three of the main sign parameters: Location, Movement, and Handshape). The results revealed a different impact of the three phonological combinations. While no effect was observed for the phonological combination Handshape-Location, the combination Handshape-Movement slowed down signing latencies, but only in the non-native group. A facilitatory effect was observed for both groups when pictures and distractors shared Location-Movement. Importantly, linguistic models have considered this phonological combination to be a privileged unit in the composition of signs, as syllables are in spoken languages. Thus, our results support the functional role of syllable units during phonological articulation in sign language production.