902 resultados para instructional discourse
Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)
Esta pesquisa analisa o discurso de educação de qualidade nas políticas curriculares para a Educação Básica forjadas no Brasil, no período compreendido entre 2003 e 2011, na vigência do governo de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva e no início do governo Dilma Roussef, procurando entender os nexos estabelecidos entre currículo e qualidade. Para tanto, é investigado o contexto de produção dos textos da referida política o Ministério da Educação (MEC), por meio da leitura de cinquenta e sete documentos assinados e/ou encomendados pela Secretaria de Educação Básica (SEB), pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE) e pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP), os quais constituíram um corpus de estudo para esta pesquisa. Tal leitura tem como ferramenta de entrada e organização dos textos o programa computacional WordSmith Tools (versão 5), a partir do qual foi possível focar em significantes identificados como condutores dos sentidos de qualidade. A análise desse corpus de estudo é relacionada ainda aos programas de governo divulgados pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores na ocasião das campanhas eleitorais de 2002, 2006 e 2010, com vistas a uma maior compreensão do contexto político partidário ao qual a política curricular se conecta. A pesquisa se fundamenta na Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau, articulada às teorias do currículo produzidas por Alice Lopes e Elizabeth Macedo e à abordagem do ciclo de políticas de Stephen Ball e colaboradores. Com essa filiação teórica entende-se as políticas de currículo como produção cultural discursiva em múltiplos contextos, marcada pela contingência do social. A tese apresentada é a de que, na política Lula/Dilma, o significante educação de qualidade é tendencialmente vazio, representando, no que se refere ao currículo, tanto demandas por um ensino voltado para a distribuição igualitária do conhecimento, visto como possibilidade de promover a justiça social, quanto demandas por um ensino voltado para resultados estipulados e mensurados por meio de sistemas de avaliação nacional que atestam sua eficiência e que representam o discurso da qualidade que se pretende total, segundo o qual a educação é um investimento que precisa dar retornos. A equivalência entre demandas, aparentemente, antagônicas, é possibilitada pelo vínculo que o significante qualidade estabelece com a demanda por justiça social, ao ser adjetivado como social, dando origem ao discurso da qualidade social. A política de qualidade social da educação, portanto, constrói um discurso de promoção da justiça social por meio do currículo comum e da centralidade do conhecimento (verificável), lançando mão do vocabulário das perspectivas críticas e ao mesmo tempo utilizando-se de ações das perspectivas instrumentais, que reduz o currículo às dimensões instrucionais. São, portanto, duas cadeias de equivalência em disputa no cenário educacional: a cadeia da qualidade social, representada pelo projeto de poder Lula/Dilma, que se justifica pela demanda da justiça social e opera a ressignificação das lógicas da centralização curricular e suas formas de avaliar, e a cadeia da qualidade que se pretende total, representada pelo projeto de poder FHC, que condiciona a educação às demandas de produtividade do mercado
This report investigates the process of focussing as a description and explanation of the comprehension of certain anaphoric expressions in English discourse. The investigation centers on the interpretation of definite anaphora, that is, on the personal pronouns, and noun phrases used with a definite article the, this or that. Focussing is formalized as a process in which a speaker centers attention on a particular aspect of the discourse. An algorithmic description specifies what the speaker can focus on and how the speaker may change the focus of the discourse as the discourse unfolds. The algorithm allows for a simple focussing mechanism to be constructed: and element in focus, an ordered collection of alternate foci, and a stack of old foci. The data structure for the element in focus is a representation which encodes a limted set of associations between it and other elements from teh discourse as well as from general knowledge.
Jackson, Richard, (2007) 'Constructing Enemies: 'Islamic Terrorism' in Political and Academic Discourse', Government and Opposition, 42(3) pp.394-426 RAE2008
Recenzje i sprawozdania z książek
The print copy of this sermon is held by Pitts Theology Library. The Pitts Theology Library's digital copy was produced as part of the ATLA/ATS Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative (CDRI), funded by the Luce Foundation. Electronic reproduction. Atlanta, Georgia : Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, 2003. (Thanksgiving Day Sermons, ATLA Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative, CDRI). Joint CDRI project by: Andover-Harvard Library (Harvard Divinity School), Pitts Theology Library (Emory University), and Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries.
Memorial discourse
Irish literature on Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is very scant and is mainly deficits and/or needs based. The focus is generally on how to manage the short term needs of the younger population with ABI. The starting position of my thesis is that people living long-term with ABI are important participants in developing knowledge about this social phenomenon, living with ABI while accepting that their brain injury does not determine them. Six mature adults with ABI and their six significant others participated in this longitudinal study. Using a narrative approach in interviews, over twenty months, five repeat individual interviews with each of the twelve participants was held. From this I gained an understanding of their lived experiences, their life-world and their experiences of our local public ABI/disability services, systems and discourse. Along with this new empirical data, theoretical developments from occupational therapy, occupational science, sociology, and disability studies were also used within a meta-narrative informed by critical theory and critical realism to develop a synthesis of this study. Social analysis of their narratives co-constructed with me, allowed me generate nuanced insights into tendencies and social processes that impacted and continues to impact on their everyday-everynight living. I discuss in some depth here, the relational attitudinal, structural, occupational and environmental supports, barriers or discrimination that they face(d) in their search for social participation and community inclusion. Personal recognition of the disabled participants by their family, friends and/or local community, was generally enhanced after much suffering, social supports, slow recovery, and with some form of meaningful occupational engagement. This engagement was generally linked with pre-injury interests or habits, while Time itself became both a major aid and a need. The present local ABI discourse seldom includes advocacy and inclusion in everyday/every night local events, yet most participants sought both peer-support or collective recognition, and social/community inclusion to help develop their own counter-discourse to the dominant ABI discourse. This thesis aims to give a broad social explanation on aspects of their social becoming, 'self-sameness' and social participation, and the status of the disabled participants wanting to live 'the slow life'. Tensions and dialectical issues involved in moving from the category of a person in coma, to person with a disability, to being a citizen should not demote the need for special services. While individualized short-term neuro-rehabilitation is necessary, it is not sufficient. Along with the participants, this researcher asks that community health and/or social care planners and service-providers rethink how ABI is understood and represented, and how people with ABI are included in their local communities
The recognition and protection of constitutional rights is a fundamental precept. In Ireland, the right to marry is provided for in the equality provisions of Article 40 of the Irish Constitution (1937). However, lesbians and gay men are denied the right to marry in Ireland. The ‘last word’ on this issue came into being in the High Court in 2006, when Katherine Zappone and Ann Louise Gilligan sought, but failed, to have their Canadian marriage recognised in Ireland. My thesis centres on this constitutional court ruling. So as to contextualise the pursuit of marriage equality in Ireland, I provide details of the Irish trajectory vis-à-vis relationship and family recognition for same-sex couples. In Chapter One, I discuss the methodological orientation of my research, which derives from a critical perspective. Chapter Two denotes my theorisation of the principle of equality and the concept of difference. In Chapter Three, I discuss the history of the institution of marriage in the West with its legislative underpinning. Marriage also has a constitutional underpinning in Ireland, which derives from Article 41 of our Constitution. In Chapter Four, I discuss ways in which marriage and family were conceptualised in Ireland, by looking at historical controversies surrounding the legalisation of contraception and divorce. Chapter Five denotes a Critical Discourse Analysis of the High Court ruling in Zappone and Gilligan. In Chapter Six, I critique text from three genres of discourse, i.e. ‘Letters to the Editor’ regarding same-sex marriage in Ireland, communication from legislators vis-à-vis the 2004 legislative impediment to same-sex marriage in Ireland, and parliamentary debates surrounding the 2010 enactment of civil partnership legislation in Ireland. I conclude my research by reflecting on my methodological and theoretical considerations with a view to answering my research questions. Author’s Update: Following the outcome of the 2015 constitutional referendum vis-à-vis Article 41, marriage equality has been realised in Ireland.