269 resultados para iceberg
Iceberg calving has been assumed to be the dominant cause of mass loss for the Antarctic ice sheet, with previous estimates of the calving flux exceeding 2,000 gigatonnes per year. More recently, the importance of melting by the ocean has been demonstrated close to the grounding line and near the calving front. So far, however, no study has reliably quantified the calving flux and the basal mass balance (the balance between accretion and ablation at the ice-sheet base) for the whole of Antarctica. The distribution of fresh water in the Southern Ocean and its partitioning between the liquid and solid phases is therefore poorly constrained. Here we estimate the mass balance components for all ice shelves in Antarctica, using satellite measurements of calving flux and grounding-line flux, modelled ice-shelf snow accumulation rates and a regional scaling that accounts for unsurveyed areas. We obtain a total calving flux of 1,321 ± 144 gigatonnes per year and a total basal mass balance of -1,454 ± 174 gigatonnes per year. This means that about half of the ice-sheet surface mass gain is lost through oceanic erosion before reaching the ice front, and the calving flux is about 34 per cent less than previous estimates derived from iceberg tracking. In addition, the fraction of mass loss due to basal processes varies from about 10 to 90 per cent between ice shelves. We find a significant positive correlation between basal mass loss and surface elevation change for ice shelves experiencing surface lowering and enhanced discharge. We suggest that basal mass loss is a valuable metric for predicting future ice-shelf vulnerability to oceanic forcing.
A sediment core from the Lofoten Contourite Drift on the continental slope off Northern Norway, proximal to the former Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream, details the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the time interval 25.3-14 cal ka BP, including the Last Glacial Maximum and onset of the deglaciation based on high-resolution IRD records. From the core interval between 25.3 and 17.7 cal ka BP we report data points with a mean time step of 10 years, between 17.7 cal ka BP and the Holocene time steps are typically 50 years. The core is divided into 7 informal ice-rafted debris (IRD) zones based on the variations in IRD including 7 major IRD maxima (A-G), inferred to represent periods of high iceberg production. Petrological identification reveals dominance of crystalline IRD (monocrystalline, plutonic and metamorphic rock fragments) accounting for 75-80% of total IRD assemblages, while sedimentary fragments generally account for 15-20%. The crystalline fragments (including eclogite and mangerite from a nearby terrestrial source) increase across the IRD peaks while the sedimentary fragments remain constant. This points to the importance of erosional products from icebergs originating from fast-flowing paleo-ice streams including the Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream draining from the Fennoscandian mainland during the IRD maxima periods. Increased temperature of the adjacent surface water masses was probably an important external forcing factor on the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet behavior because some IRD maxima and plumite deposition from meltwater plumes post-date periods of increased sea surface temperatures. The peak IRD depositions occur in centennial and millennial time cycles (~200, 1030 and 3900 year) indicating some external forcing by solar variation. Both mechanisms could explain the observed synchronous instability of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to other European Ice Sheets.
The basal melting and freezing rates under the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, are evaluated, and their spatial distributions mapped. Ice velocity, surface elevation and accumulation rate datasets are employed in the analysis, along with a column-averaged ice density model. Our analysis shows that the total area of basal melting is 34 700 km**2, with a total annual melt of 62.5 ± 9.3 Gt and an average melting rate of 1.8 ± 0.3 m/a. Basal freezing mainly occurs in the northwestern part of the ice shelf, over a total area of 26100 km**2 and with a maximum freezing rate of 2.4 ± 0.4 m/a. The total marine ice that accretes to the ice-shelf base is estimated to be 16.2 ± 2.4 Gt/a. Using a redefined grounding line and geometry of the Amery Ice Shelf, we estimate the net melt over the ice-shelf base is about 46.4 ± 6.9 Gt/a, which is higher than previous modeling and oceanographic estimates. Net basal melting accounts for about half of the total ice-shelf mass loss, with the rest being from iceberg discharge. Our basal melting and freezing distribution map provides a scientific basis for quantitative analysis of ice-ocean interaction at the ice-shelf-ocean interface.
Sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1165 in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean (off Prydz Bay) contain a series of layers that are rich in ice-rafted debris (IRD). Here we present evidence that IRD-rich layers at Site 1165 at 7, 4.8, and 3.5 Ma record short-lived, massive discharges of icebergs from Wilkes Land and Adélie Land, more than 1500 kilometers to the east of the depositional site. This distant source of icebergs is clearly defined by the presence of IRD hornblende grains with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 1200-1100 Ma and 1550-1500 Ma, ages that are not found on the East Antarctic continent in locations closer to Site 1165. This observation requires enormous amounts of detritus-carrying drifting icebergs, most likely in the form of large icebergs. These events probably reflect destabilization, surge, and break-up of ice streams on the Wilkes Land and Adélie Land margins of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, in the vicinity of the low-lying Aurora and Wilkes Basins. They occurred under warming conditions, but each coast seems to have produced ice-rafting events independently, at different times. The data presented here constitute the first evidence of far-traveled icebergs from specific source areas around the East Antarctic perimeter. Launch of these icebergs may have happened during quite dramatic events, perhaps analogous to "Heinrich Events" in the North Atlantic.
We document differences in shell damage and shell thickness in a bivalve mollusc (Laternula elliptica) from seven sites around Antarctica with differing exposures to ice movement. These range from 60% of the sea bed impacted by ice per year (Hangar Cove, Antarctic Peninsula) to those protected by virtually permanent sea ice cover (McMurdo Sound). Patterns of shell damage consistent with blunt force trauma were observed in populations where ice scour frequently occurs; damage repair frequencies and the thickness of shells correlated positively with the frequency of iceberg scour at the different sites with the highest repair rates and thicker shells at Hangar Cove (74.2% of animals damaged) compared to the other less impacted sites (less than 10% at McMurdo Sound). Genetic analysis of population structure using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) revealed no genetic differences between the two sites showing the greatest difference in shell morphology and repair rates. Taken together, our results suggest that L. elliptica exhibits considerable phenotypic plasticity in response to geographic variation in physical disturbance.
The provenance of ice-rafted debris (IRD) deposited in the North Atlantic before, during, and after Heinrich event 2 has been determined through measuring the lead isotopic composition of single feldspar grains and multiple-grain composites from the larger than 150-µm size fraction, from cores from the eastern and western North Atlantic and from the Labrador Sea. Single-grain analyses are used to identify the specific continental sources of the IRD, whereas composite samples are used to assess the relative IRD contributions from different sources. All single grains from Heinrich layer 2 (H 2) as well as H 2 composites plot along a correlation line on a 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagram characteristic of the Churchill province of the Canadian shield. This is yet another strong piece of evidence that this Heinrich event was dominated by a massive iceberg discharge of the Laurentide ice sheet lobe located over Hudson Bay. In contrast, single grains from the ambient glacial sediment (above and below H 2) have multiple sources: many of them also lie along the correlation line with H 2 grains, but many others have Pb signatures consistent with derivation from the Grenville province and the Appalachian range in North America and possibly from Scandinavia and Greenland. Composites from the ambient sediment generally lie well to the right of the H 2 reference line in agreement with the results of the single-grain analyses. The evidence provided by lead isotopes regarding the dominant role played by the Hudson Bay lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet in the development of the Heinrich events lends support to the binge/purge model advanced by MacAyeal [1993a, b] that invokes trapping of geothermal heat by the base of the icecap and subsequent basal melting as the mechanism that triggered the Heinrich events.
We have studied Ocean Drilling Program Site 1060 on the Blake Outer Ridge, which lies beneath the Gulf Stream. We focus on marine isotope stage 3, 60-25 thousand years before present (ka). Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) inferred both from foraminiferal fauna and alkenone ratios, as well as counts of iceberg melt-out debris and benthic stable isotope analyses, enable our record to be interpreted in terms of regional hydrographic changes as well as changing thermohaline circulation (THC). The observed SST record is consistent with the air temperature record from the Greenland ice cores. However, Site 1060 exhibits important differences in detail compared with the ice core record, and when compared to other sites within the North Atlantic, significant longitudinal differences emerge. At Site 1060 in the western Atlantic, all Greenland stadials (GS) whether associated with Heinrich events (HEs) or not, show a similar small amplitude of cooling; mean faunal-based SSTaug during GS is only 1.5°C colder than during Greenland interstadials (GIS). In addition, during GS the coldest SSTs are limited to apparently brief events. This is in contrast to several eastern Atlantic sites where HE stadials exhibit coolings that are enhanced by 2°C compared to other GS and where cold conditions are not restricted to cold pulses but cover 2 ka-long intervals. Furthermore, Site 1060 SSTs remained warm right through each interstadial, in contrast to the sustained and uniform cooling trend through interstadials that is consistently observed in Greenland, indicated by measurements of delta18O in ice.
Based upon high-resolution thermal-infrared Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery in combination with ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis data, we derived long-term polynya parameters such as polynya area, thin-ice thickness distribution and ice-production rates from daily cloud-cover corrected thin-ice thickness composites. Our study is based on a thirteen year investigation period (2002-2014) for the austral winter (1 April to 30 September) in the Antarctic Southern Weddell Sea. The focus lies on coastal polynyas which are important hot spots for new-ice formation, bottom-water formation and heat/moisture release into the atmosphere. MODIS has the capability to resolve even very narrow coastal polynyas. Its major disadvantage is the sensor limitation due to cloud cover. We make use of a newly developed and adapted spatial feature reconstruction scheme to account for cloud-covered areas. We find the sea-ice areas in front of Ronne and Brunt Ice Shelf to be the most active with an annual average polynya area of 3018 ± 1298 and 3516 ± 1420 km2 as well as an accumulated volume ice production of 31 ± 13 and 31 ± 12 km**3, respectively. For the remaining four regions, estimates amount to 421 ± 294 km**2 and 4 ± 3 km**3 (Antarctic Peninsula), 1148 ± 432 km**2 and 12 ± 5 km**3 (Iceberg A23A), 901 ± 703 km**2 and 10 ± 8 km**3 (Filchner Ice Shelf) as well as 499 ± 277 km**2 and 5 ± 2 km**3 (Coats Land). Our findings are discussed in comparison to recent studies based on coupled sea-ice/ocean models and passive-microwave satellite imagery, each investigating different parts of the Southern Weddell Sea.
The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on the planet. Faster glacier retreat and related calving events lead to more frequent iceberg scouring, fresh water input and higher sediment loads which may affect benthic marine communities. On the other hand, the appearance of newly formed ice-free areas provides new substrates for colonization. Here we investigated the effect of these conditions on four benthic size classes (microbenthos, meiofauna and macrofauna) using Potter Cove (King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula) as a case study. We identified three sites within the cove experiencing different levels of glacier retreat-related disturbance. Our results showed the existence of different communities at the same depth over a relatively small distance (about 1 km**2). This suggests glacial activity structures biotic communities over a relatively small spatial scale. In areas with frequent ice scouring and higher sediment accumulation rates, a patchy community, mainly dominated by macrobenthic scavengers (such as Barrukia cristata), vagile organisms, and younger individuals of sessile species (such as Yoldia eigthsi) was found. Meiofauna organisms such as cumaceans are found to be resistant to re-suspension and high sedimentation loads. The nematode genus Microlaimus was found to be successful in the newly exposed ice-free site, confirming its ability as a pioneering colonizer. In general, the different biological size classes appear to respond in different ways to the ongoing disturbances, suggesting that adaptation processes may be size related. Our results suggest that with continued deglaciation, more diverse but less patchy macrobenthic assemblages can become established due to less frequent ice scouring events.
SIMBAA is a spatially explicit, individual-based simulation model. It was developed to analyse the response of populations of Antarctic benthic species and their diversity to iceberg scouring. This disturbance is causing a high local mortality providing potential space for new colonisation. Traits can be attributed to model species, e.g. in terms of reproduction, dispersal, and life span. Physical disturbances can be designed in space and time, e.g. in terms of size, shape, and frequency. Environmental heterogeneity can be considered by cell-specific capacities to host a certain number of individuals. When grid cells become empty (after a disturbance event or due to natural mortality of of an individual), a lottery decides which individual from which species stored in a pool of candidates (for this cell) will recruit in that cell. After a defined period the individuals become mature and their offspring are dispersed and stored in the pool of candidates. The biological parameters and disturbance regimes decide on how long an individual lives. Temporal development of single populations of species as well as Shannon diversity are depicted in the main window graphically and primary values are listed. Examples for simulations can be loaded and saved as sgf-files. The results are also shown in an additional window in a dimensionless area with 50 x 50 cells, which contain single individuals depicted as circles; their colour indicates the assignment to the self-designed model species and the size represents their age. Dominant species per cell and disturbed areas can also be depicted. Output of simulation runs can be saved as images, which can be assembled to video-clips by standard computer programs (see GIF-examples of which "Demo 1" represents the response of the Antarctic benthos to iceberg scouring and "Demo 2" represents a simulation of a deep-sea benthic habitat).
With the coupled use of multibeam swath bathymetry, high-resolution subbottom profiling and sediment coring from icebreakers in the Arctic Ocean, there is a growing awareness of the prevalence of Quaternary ice-grounding events on many of the topographic highs found in present water depths of <1000 m. In some regions, such as the Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau, overconsolidated sediments sampled through either drilling or coring are found beneath seismically imaged unconformities of glacigenic origin. However, there exists no comprehensive analysis of the geotechnical properties of these sediments, or how their inferred stress state may be related to different glacigenic processes or types of ice-loading. Here we combine geophysical, stratigraphic and geotechnical measurements from the Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau and discuss the glacial geological implications of overconsolidated sediments. The degree of overconsolidation, determined from measurements of porosity and shear strength, is shown to result from consolidation and/or deformation below grounded ice and, with the exception of a single region on the Lomonosov Ridge, cannot be explained by erosion of overlying sediments. We demonstrate that the amount and depth of porosity loss associated with a middle Quaternary (~ 790-950 thousand years ago - ka) grounding on the Yermak Plateau is compatible with sediment consolidation under an ice sheet or ice rise. Conversely, geotechnical properties of sediments from beneath late Quaternary ice-groundings in both regions, independently dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6, indicate a more transient event commensurate with a passing tabular iceberg calved from an ice shelf.
Various types of abrupt/millennial-scale climate variability such as Dansgaard/Oeschger and Heinrich Events characterized the last glacial period. Over the last decade, a number of studies demonstrated that such millennial-scale climate variability was not limited to the last glacial but inherent to Quaternary climate. Here we review the occurrence and origin of millennial ice-rafting events in the North Atlantic during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (last 3.4 Ma) with a special focus on North Atlantic Hudson Strait (HS) Heinrich(-like) Events. Besides a clear biomarker signature, we show that Heinrich Layers 5, 4, 2, and 1 in marine sediment cores from across the North Atlantic all bear the organic geochemical fingerprint of the Hudson area. Using this framework and combining previously published results, detailed investigations into the organic and inorganic chemistry of ice-rafted debris (IRD) found across the North Atlantic demonstrate that prior to MIS 16 (~ 650 ka) IRD in the North Atlantic did not originate from the Hudson area of northern Canada. The signature of this early IRD is distinctly different compared to that of HS Heinrich Layers. Rather ice-rafting events during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene predominantly emanated from the calving of the Greenland and Fennoscandian ice sheets and possibly minor contributions from local ice streams from the North American and British ice sheets. Compared to North Atlantic HS Heinrich Events, these early Pleistocene IRD-events had a limited impact on surface water characteristics in the North Atlantic. North Atlantic HS Heinrich(-like) Events first occurred during MIS 16. At the same time, the dominant frequency in silicate-rich IRD accumulation shifted from the obliquity (41-ka) to a 100-ka frequency across the North Atlantic. Iceberg survivability or a change in iceberg trajectory likely did not control this change in IRD-regime. These results lend further support for the existing hypothesis that an increase in size (thickness) of the Laurentide ice sheet controls the occurrence of North Atlantic HS Heinrich Events, favoring an internal dynamic mechanism for their occurrence.
In order to monitor the evolution of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and its influence in surface ocean structure during marine isotopic stages (MIS) 2 and 3, we have analyzed the sediments recovered in core MD04-2829CQ (Rosemary Bank, north Rockall Trough, northeast Atlantic) dated between ~41 and ~18 ka B.P. Ice-rafted debris flux and composition, 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende grains, multispecies planktonic stable isotope records, planktonic foraminifera assemblage data and faunal-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) demonstrate a close interaction between BIIS dynamics and surface ocean structure and water properties in this region. The core location lies beneath the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and is ideal for monitoring the shifts in the position of its associated oceanic fronts, as recorded by faunal changes. These data reveal a succession of BIIS-sourced iceberg calving events related to low SST, usually synchronous with dramatic changes in the composition of the planktonic foraminifera assemblage and with variations in the stable isotope records of the taxa Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral coiling) and Globigerina bulloides. The pacing of the calving events, from typically Dansgaard-Oeschger millennial timescales during late MIS 3 to multicentennial cyclicity from ~28 ka B.P., represents the build-up of the BIIS and its growing instability toward Heinrich Event (HE) 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data confirm the strong coupling between BIIS instabilities and the temperature and salinity of surface waters in the adjacent northeast Atlantic and demonstrate the BIIS's ability to modify the NAC on its flow toward the Nordic Seas. In contrast, subsurface water masses were less affected except during the Greenland stadials that contain HEs, when most intense water column reorganizations occurred simultaneously with the deposition of cream-colored carbonate sourced from the Laurentide Ice Sheet.