989 resultados para glycogen storage disease


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The increasing incidence of type 1 diabetes has led researchers on a quest to find the reason behind this phenomenon. The rate of increase is too great to be caused simply by changes in the genetic component, and many environmental factors are under investigation for their possible contribution. These studies require, however, the participation of those individuals most likely to develop the disease, and the approach chosen by many is to screen vast populations to find persons with increased genetic risk factors. The participating individuals are then followed for signs of disease development, and their exposure to suspected environmental factors is studied. The main purpose of this study was to find a suitable tool for easy and inexpensive screening of certain genetic risk markers for type 1 diabetes. The method should be applicable to using whole blood dried on sample collection cards as sample material, since the shipping and storage of samples in this format is preferred. However, the screening of vast sample libraries of extracted genomic DNA should also be possible, if such a need should arise, for example, when studying the effect of newly discovered genetic risk markers. The method developed in this study is based on homogeneous assay chemistry and an asymmetrical polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The generated singlestranded PCR product is probed by lanthanide-labelled, LNA (locked nucleic acid)-spiked, short oligonucleotides with exact complementary sequences. In the case of a perfect match, the probe is hybridised to the product. However, if even a single nucleotide difference occurs, the probe is bound instead of the PCR product to a complementary quencher-oligonucleotide labelled with a dabcyl-moiety, causing the signal of the lanthanide label to be quenched. The method was applied to the screening of the well-known type 1 diabetes risk alleles of the HLA-DQB1 gene. The method was shown to be suitable as an initial screening step including thousands of samples in the scheme used in the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young) study to identify those individuals at increased genetic risk. The method was further developed into dry-reagent form to allow an even simpler approach to screening. The reagents needed in the assay were in dry format in the reaction vessel, and performing the assay required only the addition of the sample and, if necessary, water to rehydrate the reagents. This allows the assay to be successfully executed even by a person with minimal laboratory experience.


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Lipotoxicity is a condition in which fatty acids (FAs) are not efficiently stored in adipose tissue and overflow to non-adipose tissue, causing organ damages. A defect of adipose tissue FA storage capability can be the primary culprit in the insulin resistance condition that characterizes many of the severe metabolic diseases that affect people nowadays. Obesity, in this regard, constitutes the gateway and risk factor of the major killers of modern society, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. A deep understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms that underlie obesity and the insulin resistance syndrome is a challenge for modern medicine. In the last twenty years of scientific research, FA metabolism and dysregulations have been the object of numerous studies. Development of more targeted and quantitative methodologies is required on one hand, to investigate and dissect organ metabolism, on the other hand to test the efficacy and mechanisms of action of novel drugs. The combination of functional and anatomical imaging is an answer to this need, since it provides more understanding and more information than we have ever had. The first purpose of this study was to investigate abnormalities of substrate organ metabolism, with special reference to the FA metabolism in obese drug-naïve subjects at an early stage of disease. Secondly, trimetazidine (TMZ), a metabolic drug supposed to inhibit FA oxidation (FAO), has been for the first time evaluated in obese subjects to test a whole body and organ metabolism improvement based on the hypothesis that FAO is increased at an early stage of the disease. A third objective was to investigate the relationship between ectopic fat accumulation surrounding heart and coronaries, and impaired myocardial perfusion in patients with risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). In the current study a new methodology has been developed with PET imaging with 11C-palmitate and compartmental modelling for the non-invasive in vivo study of liver FA metabolism, and a similar approach has been used to study FA metabolism in the skeletal muscle, the adipose tissue and the heart. The results of the different substudies point in the same direction. Obesity, at the an early stage, is associated with an impairment in the esterification of FAs in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, which is accompanied by the upregulation in skeletal muscle, liver and heart FAO. The inability to store fat may initiate a cascade of events leading to FA oversupply to lean tissue, overload of the oxidative pathway, and accumulation of toxic lipid species and triglycerides, and it was paralleled by a proportional growth in insulin resistance. In subjects with CAD, the accumulation of ectopic fat inside the pericardium is associated with impaired myocardial perfusion, presumably via a paracrine/vasocrine effect. At the beginning of the disease, TMZ is not detrimental to health; on the contrary at the single organ level (heart, skeletal muscle and liver) it seems beneficial, while no relevant effects were found on adipose tissue function. Taken altogether these findings suggest that adipose tissue storage capability should be preserved, if it is not possible to prevent excessive fat intake in the first place.


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The objective of the study was to evaluate whether allergenic extracts of five house dust and storage mite species standardized for humans might be used for the diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD). Extracts of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Pyroglyphidae), D. farinae (Pyroglyphidae), Blomia tropicalis (Glycyphagidae), Lepidoglyphus destructor (Glycyphagidae) and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acaridae) were evaluated by intradermal testing in 20 healthy dogs (control) and 25 dogs with allergic dermatitis. A significant difference in the response was observed between the two groups (p<0.05). Only one dog (5%) in the control group reacted to the intradermal test, whereas 14 dogs (56%) in the allergic group were positive for at least one extract (odds ratio = 24.2). Most of the positive reactions observed in the allergic group occurred against the extracts of T. putrescentiae or L. destructor, each inducing reactions in 10 dogs (40%). D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis extracts induced reactions in 7 (28%), 3 (12%) and 3 (12%) dogs, respectively. The allergenic extracts standardized for humans evaluated in the present study may be used as a tool to complement the diagnosis of the disease, as well as to select potential allergen candidates for allergen-specific immunotherapy.


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Adrenocortical autoantibodies (ACA), present in 60-80% of patients with idiopathic Addison's disease, are conventionally detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on frozen sections of adrenal glands. The large-scale use of IIF is limited in part by the need for a fluorescence microscope and the fact that histological sections cannot be stored for long periods of time. To circumvent these restrictions we developed a novel peroxidase-labelled protein A (PLPA) technique for the detection of ACA in patients with Addison's disease and compared the results with those obtained with the classical IIF assay. We studied serum samples from 90 healthy control subjects and 22 patients with Addison's disease, who had been clinically classified into two groups: idiopathic (N = 13) and granulomatous (N = 9). ACA-PLPA were detected in 10/22 (45%) patients: 9/13 (69%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form, whereas ACA-IIF were detected in 11/22 patients (50%): 10/13 (77%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form. Twelve of the 13 idiopathic addisonians (92%) were positive for either ACA-PLPA or ACA-IIF, but only 7 were positive by both methods. In contrast, none of 90 healthy subjects was found to be positive for ACA. Thus, our study shows that the PLPA-based technique is useful, has technical advantages over the IIF method (by not requiring the use of a fluorescence microscope and by permitting section storage for long periods of time). However, since it is only 60% concordant with the ACA-IIF method, it should be considered complementary instead of an alternative method to IIF for the detection of ACA in human sera.


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Gaucher disease (GD), the most prevalent lysosome storage disorder, presents an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. It is a paradigm for therapeutic intervention in medical genetics due to the existence of effective enzyme replacement therapy. We report here the analysis of GD in 262 unrelated Brazilian patients, carried out in order to establish the frequency of the most common mutations and to provide prognostic information based on genotype-phenotype correlations. Among 247 type 1 GD patients, mutation N370S was detected in 47% of all the alleles, but N370S/N370S homozygosity was found in only 10% of the patients, a much lower frequency than expected, suggesting that most individuals presenting this genotype may not receive medical attention. Recombinant alleles were detected at a high frequency: 44% of the chromosomes bearing mutation L444P had other mutations derived from the pseudogene sequence, present in 25% of patients. Three neuronopathic type 2 patients were homozygous for L444P, all presenting additional mutations (E326K or recombinant alleles) that probably lead to the more severe phenotypes. Six children, classified as type 1 GD patients, had a L444P/L444P genotype, showing that neuronopathic symptoms may only manifest later in life. This would indicate the need for a higher treatment dose during enzyme replacement therapy. Finally, mutation G377S was present in 4 homozygous type 1 patients and also in compound heterozygosity in 5 (42%) type 3 patients. These findings indicate that G377S cannot be unambiguously classified as mild and suggest an allele-dose effect for this mutation.


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Fabry disease is an X-linked lysosomal disorder due to a-galactosidase A deficiency that causes storage of globotriaosylceramide. The gene coding for this lysosomal enzyme is located on the long arm of the X chromosome, in region Xq21.33-Xq22. Disease progression leads to vascular disease secondary to involvement of kidney, heart and the central nervous system. Detection of female carriers based solely on enzyme assays is often inconclusive. Therefore, mutation analysis is a valuable tool for diagnosis and genetic counseling. Many mutations of the a-galactosidase A gene have been reported with high genetic heterogeneity, being most mutations private found in only one family. The disease is panethnic, and estimates of incidence range from about 1 in 40,000 to 60,000 males. Our objective was to describe the analysis of 6 male and 7 female individuals belonging to 4 different Fabry disease families by automated sequencing of the seven exons of the a-galactosidase gene. Sequencing was performed using PCR fragments for each exon amplified from DNA extracted from peripheral blood. Three known mutations and one previously described in another Brazilian family were detected. Of 7 female relatives studied, 4 were carriers. Although the present study confirms the heterogeneity of mutations in Fabry disease, the finding of the same mutation previously detected in another Fabry family from our region raises the possibility of some founder effect, or genetic drift. Finally, the present study highlights the importance of molecular analysis for carrier detection and genetic counseling.


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Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie chronique dont l’incidence est en augmentation continuelle. Le risque de développer le diabète de type 2 chez les populations autochtones du Canada est de trois à cinq fois plus élevé que le reste de la population canadienne. La forêt boréale comporte plusieurs plantes médicinales ayant un potentiel pour le traitement ou la prévention du diabète. Certaines de ces plantes font partie de la médecine traditionnelle et alternative Crie. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont amené notre équipe de recherche à identifier 17 extraits de plantes médicinales utilisées par les Cris d’Eeyou Istchee (Baie James, Québec) pour traiter les symptômes du diabète. Parmi ces extraits, certains ont montré des activités anti-diabétiques au niveau des cellules musculaires, des adipocytes et dans des études in vivo réalisées chez des animaux. Le but de cette thèse est d’élucider l’effet de ces 17 plantes sur l’homéostasie hépatique de glucose, d’identifier l’espèce la plus prometteuse et isoler ces constituants actifs. De même, le bleuet nain du genre Vaccinium angustifolium fait partie de la forêt boréale canadienne et est connu pour ses activités anti-diabétiques. Une biotransformation du jus de bleuet lui confère une activité antioxydante accrue et un profil biologique différent. Le deuxième but de cette thèse est d’élucider les mécanismes d’action par lesquels le jus de bleuet biotransformé (BJ) exerce son effet anti-diabétique et d’identifier ses principes actifs. Les résultats ont montré que trois extraits de plantes Cris se sont démarqués par leur effet sur l’homéostasie hépatique de glucose. Picea glauca exerce son effet en diminuant la production de glucose alors que Larix laricina agit en augmentant le stockage de glucose. Abies balsamea a montré le profil le plus prometteur, elle agit simultanément en diminuant l’activité de la Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) via la stimulation des voies insulino-dépendante et - indépendante et en augmentant l’activité de la Glycogène synthétase (GS) suite à la phosphorylation de la Glycogène synthase kinase-3. Le fractionnement de l’extrait d’Abies balsamea guidé par les deux bioessais a mené à l’isolation de trois composés actifs; l’acide abiétique (AA), l’acide déhydroabiétique (DAA) et le squalène (SQ). Les principes actifs ont montré le même mécanisme d’action que l’extrait brut en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase et augmentant celle de la GS ainsi qu’en activant les voies de signalisation impliquées. Le DAA ii s’est démarqué par son effet le plus puissant et très comparable à celui de l’extrait d’Abies balsamea dans toutes les expériences. De son côté le BJ a montré un effet sur la diminution de la production hépatique de glucose, l’augmentation de son stockage ainsi que l’augmentation de son transport dans le muscle. Son fractionnement guidé par les bioessais a permis d’isoler sept fractions dont trois étaient les plus actives. L’identification des constituants de ces fractions actives a mené à isoler quatres composés phénoliques; l’acide chlorogénique, l’acide gallique, l’acide protocatéchique et le catéchol. Le catéchol s’est démarqué avec ses effets les plus puissants en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase, augmentant celle de la GS et en stimulant le transport de glucose dans le muscle. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent que la diminution de la production hépatique de glucose peut s’ajouter au profil anti-diabétique de certaines plantes médicinales Cries et surtout à celui d’A.balsamea dont les composés actifs peuvent aider dans le développement de nouvelles molécules anti-diabétiques. De plus, les résultats de cette thèse ont montré que l’activité antidiabétique du BJ implique le contrôle de l’homéostasie de glucose au niveau du foie et du muscle. L’identification du catéchol comme principe actif avec potentiel anti-diabétique prometteur pourra servir pour des fins thérapeutiques ultérieures.


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In this work, cholesterol oxide formation and alteration of fatty acid composition were analyzed in n-3 enriched eggs under different storage periods and two temperatures. The eggs enriched with n-3 fatty acids were stored at 5 or 25 degrees C for 45 days and subsequently boiled or fried. For each treatment, 12 yolks were analyzed every 15 days including time zero. The concentrations of the cholesterol oxides 7-ketocholesterol, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol, and 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol increased during the storage period and were higher in fried eggs. Only the 7-ketocholesterol was affected by the storage temperature, and its concentration was highest in eggs stored at 25 degrees C. There was no significant difference in the contents of cholesterol and vitamin E at the different storage periods; however, the concentration of vitamin E decreased with thermal treatment. In addition, the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially 18:3, 20:5, and 22:6, were reduced throughout the storage at 5 and 25 degrees C.


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IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha/beta, and IL-10 measurements were performed in elicited peritoneal cells from control, diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic rats. Production/liberation of these cytokines was decreased in elicited peritoneal cells from diabetic rats. These changes were abolished by insulin treatment of diabetic rats. The alterations observed might be involved in the impaired inflammatory response and high occurrence of apoptosis observed in neutrophils under diabetic states.


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Hyperhomocysteinemia has been related to various diseases, including homocystinuria, neurodegenerative and hepatic diseases. In the present study we initially investigated the effect of chronic homocysteine administration on some parameters of oxidative stress, named total radical-trapping antioxidant potential, total antioxidant reactivity, catalase activity, chemiluminescence, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, and total thiol content in liver of rats. We also performed histological analysis, evaluating steatosis, inflammatory infiltration, fibrosis, and glycogen/glycoprotein content in liver tissue sections from hyperhomocysteinemic rats. Finally, we evaluated the activities of aminotransferases in liver and plasma of hyperhomocysteinemic rats. Wistar rats received daily subcutaneous injection of Hcy from their 6th to their 28th day of life. Twelve hours after the last injection the rats were sacrificed, liver and plasma were collected. Hyperhomocysteinemia decreased antioxidant defenses and total thiol content, and increased lipid peroxidation in liver of rats, characterizing a reliable oxidative stress. Histological analysis indicated the presence of inflammatory infiltrate, fibrosis and reduced content of glycogen/glycoprotein in liver tissue sections from hyperhomocysteinemic rats. Aminotransferases activities were not altered by homocysteine. Our data showed a consistent profile of liver injury elicited by homocysteine, which could contribute to explain, at least in part, the mechanisms involved in human liver diseases associated to hyperhomocysteinemia. (C) 2009 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ticks are obligatory blood-feeding arthropods and important vectors of both human and animal disease agents. Besides its metabolic role, insulin signaling pathway (ISP) is widely described as crucial for vertebrate and invertebrate embryogenesis, development and cell survival. In such cascade, Phosphatidylinositol 3-OH Kinase (PI3K) is hierarchically located upstream Protein Kinase B (PKB). To study the insulin-triggered pathway and its possible roles during embryogenesis we used a culture of embryonic Rhipicephalus microplus cells (BME26). Exogenous insulin elevated cell glycogen content in the absence of fetal calf serum (FCS) when compared to cells without treatment. Moreover, in the presence of PI3K inhibitors (Wortmannin or LY294002) these effects were blocked. We observed an increase in the relative expression level of PI3K`s regulatory subunit (p85), as determined by qRT-PCR. In the presence of PI3K inhibitors these effects on transcription were also reversed. Additionally, treatment with Wortmannin increased the expression level of the insulin-regulated downstream target glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3 beta). The p85 subunit showed elevated transcription levels in ovaries from fully engorged females, but was differentially expressed during tick embryogenesis. These results strongly suggest the presence of an insulin responsive machinery in BME26 cells, and its correlation with carbohydrate/glycogen metabolism also during embryogenesis. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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There is evidence of increased systemic expression of active GSK3B in Alzheimer`s disease patients, which apparently is associated with the formation of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Due to its central role in the pathogenesis of AD, GSK3B is currently a promising target of the pharmaceutical industry. Whilst trials with specific GSK inhibitors in AD are under way, major attention has been focused on the neuroprotective effects of lithium. Whereas the direct and indirect inhibitory effects of lithium over GSK3 activity have been documented by several groups, its effects over Gsk3 transcription have not yet been addressed. We used quantitative PCR to evaluate the transcriptional regulation of Gsk3a and Gsk3b in lithium-treated primary cultures of rat cortical and hippocampal neurons. We found a significant and dose-dependent reduction in the expression of Gsk3b, which was specific to hippocampal cells. This same effect was further confirmed in vivo by measuring Gsk3 expression in different brain regions and in peripheral leukocytes of adult rats treated with lithium. Our studies show that LiCl can modulate Gsk3b transcription in vitro and in vivo. This observation suggest new regulatory effects of lithium over Gsk3b, contributing to the better understanding of its mechanisms of action, offering a new and complementary explanation for Gsk3b modulation and reinforcing its potential for the inhibition of key pathological pathways in Alzheimer`s disease.


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Formulations containing poloxamer 407 (P407), carbopol 934P (C934P), and propolis extract (PE) were designed for the treatment of periodontal disease. Gelation temperature, in vitro drug release, rheology, hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, mucoadhesion, and syringeability of formulations were determined. Propolis release from formulations was controlled by the phenomenon of relaxation of polymer chains. Formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow and low degrees of thixotropy or rheopexy. In most samples, increasing the concentration of C934P content significantly increased storage modulus (G'), loss modulus (G ''), and dynamic viscosity (n') at 5 degrees C, G '' exceeded G'. At 25 and 37 degrees C, n' of each formulation depended on the oscillatory frequency. Formulations showed thermoresponsive behavior, existing as a liquid at room temperature and gel at 34-37 degrees C. Increasing the C934P content or temperature significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, and adhesiveness. The greatest mucoadhesion was noted in the formulation containing 15% P407 (w/w) and 0.25% C934P (w/w). The work of syringeability values of all formulations were similar and very desirable with regard to ease of administration. The data obtained in these formulations indicate a potentially useful role in the treatment of periodontitis and suggest they are worthy of clinical evaluation. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Abnormal regulation of glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta (GSK3B) activity has been implicated in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Many pharmacological agents, including antidepressants, can modulate GSK3B. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of short-and long-term sertraline treatment on the expression and phosphorylation of GSK3B in platelets of patients with late-life major depression. Methods: Thirty-nine unmedicated elderly adults with major depressive disorder (MOD) were initially included in this study. The comparison group comprised 18 age-matched, healthy individuals. The expression of total and Ser-9 phosphorylated GSK3B (pGSK3B) was determined by Enzyme Immunometric Assay (EIA) in platelets of patients and controls at baseline, and after 3 and 12 months of sertraline treatments for patients only. During this period, patients were continuously treated with therapeutic doses of sertraline. GSK3B activity was indirectly estimated by calculating the proportion of inactive (phosphorylated) forms (pGSK3B) in relation to the total expression of the enzyme (i.e.. GSK3B ratio). Results: Depressed patients had significantly higher levels of pGSK3B as compared to controls (p < 0.001). Within the MDD group, after 3 months of sertraline treatment no significant changes were observed in GSK3B expression and phosphorylation state, as compared to baseline levels. However, after 12 months of treatment we found a significant increase in the expression of total GSK3B (p = 0.05), in the absence of any significant changes in pGSK3B (p = 0.12), leading to a significant reduction in GSK3B ratio (p = 0.001). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that GSK3B expression was upregulated by the continuous treatment with sertraline, along with an increment in the proportion of active forms of the enzyme. This is compatible with an increase in overall GSK3B activity, which may have been induced by the long-term treatment of late-life depression with sertraline. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.