679 resultados para fibre sensor


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This thesis describes an investigation into methods for controlling the mode distribution in multimode optical fibres. The major contributions presented in this thesis are summarised below. Emerging standards for Gigabit Ethernet transmission over multimode optical fibre have led to a resurgence of interest in the precise control, and specification, of modal launch conditions. In particular, commercial LED and OTDR test equipment does not, in general, comply with these standards. There is therefore a need for mode control devices, which can ensure compliance with the standards. A novel device consisting of a point-load mode-scrambler in tandem with a mode-filter is described in this thesis. The device, which has been patented, may be tuned to achieve a wide range of mode distributions and has been implemented in a ruggedised package for field use. Various other techniques for mode control have been described in this work, including the use of Long Period Gratings and air-gap mode-filters. Some of the methods have been applied to other applications, such as speckle suppression and in sensor technology. A novel, self-referencing, sensor comprising two modal groups in the Mode Power Distribution has been designed and tested. The feasibility of a two-channel Mode Group Diversity Multiplexed system has been demonstrated over 985m. A test apparatus for measuring mode distribution has been designed and constructed. The apparatus consists of a purpose-built video microscope, and comprehensive control and analysis software written in Visual Basic. The system may be fitted with a Silicon camera or an InGaAs camera, for measurement in the 850nm and 130nm transmission windows respectively. A limitation of the measurement method, when applied to well-filled fibres, has been identified and an improvement to the method has been proposed, based on modelled Laguerre Gauss field solutions.


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The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings, and the application of arrays of such gratings as strain sensors and as true time delay elements for the control of phased array antennas is reported. Chirped period Bragg gratings were produced using the fibre deformation fabrication technique, with chirps of between 2.9nm and 17.3nm achieved. Arrays of 5mm and 2mm long uniform period Bragg gratings were fabricated using the inscription method, for use as true time delay elements,dissimilar wavefronts and their spectral characteristics recorded. The uniform period grating arrays were used to create minimum time delays of 9.09ps, 19.02ps and 31ps; making them suitable for controlling phased array antennas operating at RF frequencies of up to 3GHz, with 10° phase resolution. Four 4mm long chirped gratings were produced using the dissimilar wavefronts fabrication method, having chirps of 7nm, 12nm, 20nm and 30nm, and were used to create time delays of between 0.3ps and 59ps. Hence they are suitable for controlling phased array antennas at RF frequencies of up to 48GHz. The application of in fibre Bragg gratings as strain sensors within smart structure materials was investigated, with their sensitivity to applied strain and compression measured for both embedded and surface mounted uniform period and fibre Fabry-Perot filter gratings. A fibre Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing scheme based on a liquid crystal filled Fabry-Perot etalon tuneable transmission filter was proposed, successfully constructed and fully characterised. Three characteristics of the LCFP etalon were found to pose operational limitations to its application in a Bragg grating sensor system; most significantly, the resonance peak wavelength was highly (-2,77nm/°C) temperature dependent. Several methods for minimising this temperature sensitivity were investigated, but enjoyed only limited success. It was therefore concluded that this type (E7 filled) of LCFP etalon is unsuitable for use as a Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing element.


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The use of high intensity femtosecond laser sources for inscribing fibre gratings has attained significant interest. The principal advantage of high-energy pulses is their ability for grating inscription in any material type without preprocessing or special core doping - the inscription process is controlled multi-photon absorption, void generation and subsequent local refractive index changes. The formation of grating structures in photonics crystal fibre has proven difficult, as the presence of holes within the fibre that allow wave-guidance impair and scatter the femtosecond inscription beam. Here we report on the consistent manufacture of long period gratings in endlessly single mode microstructure fibre and on their characterisation to external perturbations. Long period gratings are currently the subject of considerable research interest due to their potential applications as filters and as sensing devices, responsive to strain, temperature, bending and refractive index. Compared to the more mature fibre Bragg grating sensors, LPGs have more complex spectra, usually with broader spectral features. On the other hand they are intrinsically sensitive to bending and refractive index. Perhaps more importantly, the fibre design and choice of grating period can have a considerable influence over the sensitivity to the various parameters, for example allowing the creation of a bend sensor with minimal temperature cross-sensitivity. This control is not possible with FBG sensors. Here we compare the effects of symmetric and asymmetric femtosecond laser inscription.


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This thesis presents the fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and long period gratings (LPGs) in polymer optical fibre (POF). Possible fabrication techniques were discussed to fabricate FBGs in polymer optical fibre including a detailed description of the phase mask inscription technique used to fabricate FBGs in both single and multi mode microstructured polymer optical fibre (mPOF). Complementing the fabrication of polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings (POFBGs), a technique has been developed to permanently splice POF to silica optical fibre with the use of an optical adhesive. This allowed for the fabricated POFBGs to be characterised away from the optical table, allowing for application specific characterisation. Furthermore Bragg gratings have been fabricated in polymer POF with a Bragg response within the 800nm spectral region. Within this spectral region, POF predominantly manufactured from PMMA experiences considerably smaller attenuation losses when compared to the attenuation losses within the 1550nm spectral region. The effect of thermally annealing fabricated POFBGs has been studied. This included demonstrating the ability to tune the Bragg wavelength of a POFBG sensor to a desired wavelength. Thermal annealing has also been used to manufacture wavelength division multiplexed sensors with the use of a single phase mask. Finally POFBGs have been fabricated in Topas Cyclic Olefin Copolymer. Fabrication of Bragg gratings within this copolymer allowed for the first demonstration of near immunity to relative humidity whilst monitoring changes in temperature of the environment the POFBG sensor was in. Bragg gratings fabricated in the Topas copolymer demonstrated sensitivity to relative humidity which was 65 times less than that of a PMMA based POFBG sensor. This decrease in sensitivity has the potential to significantly reduce the potential of cross sensitivity to relative humidity whilst being employed to monitor measurands such as temperature and axial strain.


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The sensitivity of a fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensor fabricated in polymer optical fibre (POF) to hydrostatic pressure was investigated for the first time. In this initial investigative work a reflected Bragg response of a FBG fabricated in multimode microstructured POF (MMmPOF) was monitored, whilst the hydrostatic pressure was increased up to 10MPa. Positive sensitivities were observed, meaning a positive wavelength shift to increasing pressure, as opposed to negative sensitivities monitored when using a FBG sensor fabricated in silica optical fibre. The FBG sensors fabricated in the MMmPOF gave fractional changes in wavelength and hence sensitivities of at least 64.05×10-6/MPa, which is some 25 times larger than the -2.50×10-6/MPa sensitivity of a FBG sensor fabricated in silica optical fibre that was measured in this work. Furthermore this work highlighted a decrease in sensitivity of the FBG sensor fabricated in the MMmPOF by some 50% by sealing the holes of the mPOF at the tip of the fibre with an adhesive. This offers the potential to tailor the response of the sensor to hydrostatic pressure.


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A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre and post-fabrication UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask, producing a surface relief grating structure. These devices showed high spectral sensitivity in the aqueous index regime ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices were then coated with human thrombin binding aptamer. Several concentrations of thrombin in buffer solution were made, ranging from 1nM to 1µM. All the concentrations were detectable by the devices demonstrating that sub-nM concentrations may be monitored.


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PMMA based polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings have been used for humidity, temperature and concentration sensing. Due to the water affinity of PMMA, the characteristic wavelength of the grating is largely modulated by the water content in the fibre. The rate of water transportation between fibre and surrounding depends on the permeability coefficient for PMMA, which is a function of surrounding temperature and humidity. This leads to increased water content with increasing humidity and temperature. Consequently the wavelength of the grating shows a nonlinear change over varying humidity and temperature. This nonlinearity needs to be calibrated prior to sensor application.


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The present work addresses the control of the mPOF Bragg grating spectrum properties through acousto-optic modulation. For the first time, the interaction of a flexural acoustic wave, generated by longitudinal excitation of different frequencies, with the Bragg grating will be presented. Also it will be demonstrated the quasi linear relationship between PZT load and maximum reflected power/ 3dB bandwidth of the reflected spectrum.


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Long period gratings written into a standard optical fibre were modified by a femtosecond laser, which produced an asymmetric change to the cladding's refractive index resulting in a directional bend sensor.


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Two distributive tactile sensing systems are presented, based on fibre Bragg grating sensors. The first is a onedimensional metal strip with an array of 4 sensors, which is capable of detecting the magnitude and position of a contacting load. This system is compared experimentally with a similar system using resistive strain gauges. The second is a two-dimensional steel plate with 9 sensors which is able to distinguish the position and shape of a contacting load. This system is compared with a similar system using 16 infrared displacement sensors. Each system uses neural networks to process the sensor data to give information concerning the type of contact.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) ensures the structural health and safety of critical structures covering a wide range of application areas. This thesis presents novel, low-cost and good-performance fibre Bragg grating (FBG) based systems for detection of Acoustic Emission (AE) in aircraft structures, which is a part of SHM. Importantly a key aim, during the design of these systems, was to produce systems that were sufficiently small to install in an aircraft for lifetime monitoring. Two important techniques for monitoring high frequency AE that were developed as a part of this research were, Quadrature recombination technique and Active tracking technique. Active tracking technique was used extensively and was further developed to overcome the limitations that were observed while testing it at several test facilities and with different optical fibre sensors. This system was able to eliminate any low frequency spectrum shift due to environmental perturbation and keeps the sensor always working at optimum operation point. This is highly desirable in harsh industrial and operationally active environments. Experimental work carried out in the laboratory has proved that such systems can be used for high frequency detection and have capability to detect up to 600 kHz. However, the range of frequency depends upon the requirement and design of the interrogation system as the system can be altered accordingly for different applications. Several optical fibre configurations for wavelength detection were designed during the course of this work along with industrial partners. Fibre Bragg grating Fabry-Perot (FBG-FP) sensors have shown higher sensitivity and usability than the uniform FBGs to be used with such system. This was shown experimentally. The author is certain that further research will lead to development of a commercially marketable product and the use of active tracking systems can be extended in areas of healthcare, civil infrastructure monitoring etc. where it can be deployed. Finally, the AE detection system has been developed to aerospace requirements and was tested at NDT & Testing Technology test facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK on A350 testing panels.


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In this thesis, I present the studies on fabrication, spectral and polarisation characterisation of fibre gratings with tilted structures at 45º and > 45º (namely 45º- TFGs and ex 45º-TFGs throughout this thesis) and a range of novel applications with these two types of grating. One of the major contributions made in this thesis is the systematic investigation of the grating structures, inscription analysis and spectral and polarisation properties of both types of TFGs. I have inscribed 45º-TFGs in standard telecom and polarisation maintaining (PM) fibres. Two wavelength regions of interest have been explored including 1.55 µm and 1.06 µm. Detailed analysis on fabrication and characterisation of 45º-TFGs on PM fibres have also been carried out for the first time. For ex 45º- TFGs, fabrication has been investigated only on low-cost standard telecom fibre. Furthermore, thermal responses have been measured and analysed showing that both types of TFG have low responsivity to temperature change. More importantly, their refractive index (RI) responses have been characterised to verify the high responsivity to surrounding medium. Based on the unique polarisation properties, both types of TFG have been applied in fibre laser systems to improve the laser performance, which forms another major contribution of the research presented in this thesis. The integration of a 45º-TFG to the Erbium doped fibre laser (EDFL) enables single polarisation laser output at a single wavelength. When combing with ex 45º-TFGs, the EDFL can be transformed to a multi-wavelength switchable laser with single polarisation output. Furthermore, by utilising the polarisation property of the TFGs, a 45º-TFG based mode locked fibre laser is implemented. This laser can produce laser pulses at femtosecond scale and is the first application of TFG in the field of nonlinear optics. Another important contribution from the studies is the development of TFG based passive and active optical sensor systems. An ex 45º-TFG has been successfully developed into a liquid level sensor showing high sensitivity to water based solvents. Strain and twist sensors have been demonstrated via a fibre laser system using both 45°- and ex 45º-TFG with capability identifying not just the twist rate but also the direction. The sensor systems have shown the added advantage of low cost signal demodulation. In addition, load sensor applications have been demonstrated using the 45º-TFG based single polarisation EDFL and the experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical simulation.


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A multicore fibre (MCF) sensor to measure the radial deformation of a compliant cylinder under compression is presented. The sensor is connectorised and need not be permanently bonded to the test object. A differential measurement technique using FBGs written into the MCF makes the sensor temperature insensitive. FBG measurement of axial strain of a cylinder under compression is also reported.


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We describe a demultiplexing scheme for fibre optic Bragg grating sensors in which signal recovery is achieved by locking each sensor grating to a corresponding receiver grating. As a demonstration, the technique is applied to strain and temperature sensing, achieving a resolution of 3.0 µe and 0.2°C, respectively.


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Over the last twenty years, we have been continuously seeing R&D efforts and activities in developing optical fibre grating devices and technologies and exploring their applications for telecommunications, optical signal processing and smart sensing, and recently for medical care and biophotonics. In addition, we have also witnessed successful commercialisation of these R&Ds, especially in the area of fibre Bragg grating (FBG) based distributed sensor network systems and technologies for engineering structure monitoring in industrial sectors such as oil, energy and civil engineering. Despite countless published reports and papers and commercial realisation, we are still seeing significant and novel research activities in this area. This invited paper will give an overview on recent advances in fibre grating devices and their sensing applications with a focus on novel fibre gratings and their functions and grating structures in speciality fibres. The most recent developments in (i) femtosecond inscription for microfluidic/grating devices, (2) tilted grating based novel polarisation devices and (3) dual-peak long-period grating based DNA hybridisation sensors will be discussed.