983 resultados para feed rate
A series of studies was conducted to establish a methodology for the accurate and efficient determination of betaine in different feed ingredients. The final methodology involves an extraction step in which the feed sample is heated for 3h in a methanolic KOH solution using a Goldfisch apparatus. Impurities are removed by the addition of activated charcoal and concentrated (36%) HCl. After centrifugation the extractant is passed through a strong cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-X12, H+). The betaine retained in the column is eluted with 1.5 N HCl. A 2 nil aliquot of the elute is air dried and reconstituted with 1 ml of deionised water. HPLC separation with a cation exchange column (Partisil SCX-10) is used for the separation of betaine from other compounds. The mobile phase is kept constant at 50mm KH2PO4 in water, and eluted compounds are detected by UV absorbance (200nm). The flow rate is maintained at 1.5ml min(-1). This assay is very accurate over the range of betaine concentrations from 15 to 650 mug ml(-1), with a lower detection limit in feeds of approximately 500 mug g(-1) when 4g of sample is extracted. Recovery assays done with standard betaine hydrochloride and hard red wheat resulted in a consistent recovery of 80%. Betaine content was quantified in several feed ingredients, including alfalfa (1.77 mg kg(-1)), wheat (3.96 mg kg(-1)), wheat middlings (4.98 mg kg(-1)) and poultry meal (0.77 mg kg(-1)). Betaine in corn and soybean meal was not detectable by this method, even when 16g of sample was used (<125 mg kg(-1)). Betaine present in several feed ingredients should influence choline supplementation to animal feeds and may have implications for human health. (C) 2002 Society of Chemical Industry.
We tested the effects of monochromatic light on the specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake and feed efficiency (FE) of juvenile pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.). Pikeperch were reared individually for 42 days in aquaria covered with blue, green, yellow or red gelatin filters or white paper (control; n=5). Linear regression analysis indicated a significant positive effect of longer wavelengths of light on the condition factor (CF), FE and SGR. The final weight, SGR and CF were significantly higher in fish reared under red than under white light, and FE was better under green, yellow and red light than under white light (Dunnett's post hoc test, P < 0.05) while blue was comparable to white light in terms of the measured parameters. After the growth trial, the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptor cells in the retina was tested using microspectrophotometry, which revealed the presence of rods with lambda(max) at ca. 530 nm and two cone classes, absorbing maximally at ca. 535 and 603 nm, all containing a porphyropsin-based pigment. These results suggest that the presence of mid and long wavelength-sensitive cones enhances visual sensitivity under mid-wavelength and long-wavelength environments, and thus supports the finding that longer wavelengths of incoming light can improve FE and SGR of the cultivated pikeperch.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Seven male broiler strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) were compared for their growth rate, feed efficiency, and mortality due to sudden death and ascites. In addition, weekly plasma levels of thyroid hormones [3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4), T3: T4 ratio, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)] were determined. The highly productive, commercial strains were very similar in their endocrine profiles but differed markedly from the Naked Neck chickens. Naked Neck chickens were characterized by higher plasma T3 and lower T4 levels at similar ages as well as when compared on the same body weight basis. The present findings support the hypothesis that the slightly hypothyroid state of high productive broilers renders them more sensitive to metabolic disorders. Naked Neck chickens also had higher plasma GH levels than those of their age-matched commercial broilers. The coefficient of variation for GH was highest for Naked Neck chickens, which is indicative for an amplified GH burst amplitude. It may be stated that changes in plasma thyroid hormone concentration in indirect response to selection for low feed conversion and fast growth may be causatively linked to susceptibility for metabolic disturbances such as sudden death syndrome and ascites.
Study objective was to evaluate economically a Nile tilapia juvenile production, employing different feeding techniques. Tilapia fingerlings of 8g were stocked at 5 fish m-2 stocking in 50 and 150 m2 ponds, during 75 days. Treatments were: inorganic fertilization (P205 and N); organic fertilization (poultry manure) and commercial ration (32% CP). Water quality results were considered adequate for fish rearing. In juvenile production there were significant differences among treatments for individual final weight, medians were: for inorganic fertilization 12.92g (13.35g in 50 m2 and 12.49g in 150 m2); for organic fertilization 30.55g (33.69g in 50 m2 and 27.40g in 150 m2) and for commercial ration 51.23g (52.90g in 50 m2 and 50.15g in 150 m2). Survival rate ranged from 63 to 71%, with no statistic difference. Commercial ration was effective to bigger juvenile production, with a better market value. Costs considered in economic analyses were tilapia fingerlings, fertilizer, ration, labor and installation depreciation. Obtained information showed that juvenile production in 50 m2 ponds is not viable economically and, in 150 m2, production is viable only when commercial ration is used.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding management of pacu juveniles (P. mesopotamicus) under different feeding rates and its relation with productive performance, body composition and hematological characteristics. A total of 300 fish with initial weight of 84.75±4.52 g were distributed in a completely randomized design composed of four treatments (100, 90, 80 and 70% of feed supply) and five repetitions. The amount of feed was stipulated according to the quantity supplied in the treatment until apparent satiation (100%) of the day before. The decrease in the feeding rate to 70% over satiation apparently improves the apparent feed conversion without harming performance, body composition or biochemical and hematological characteristics of pacu juveniles reared in net cages. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to estimate milk production and food consumption during the occurrence of heat waves in the Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba, MG by means of bioclimatic zoning based on the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI). Therefore a history of heat wave occurrence between the years 2000-2010 was compiled. The decline in milk production (DMP) and reduced food consumption (RFC) were simulated in cities where periods of heat waves were identified. Frutal and Ituiutaba had the highest rate of heat wave occurrence per year. The DMP and RFC showed bioclimatic differences between the cities of Uberaba, Ituiutaba and Frutal. The cities with the best bioclimatic conditions were Sacramento and Patrocinio, as they presented a THI classified outside of the emergency range, with a night THI of below 76 and without heat waves. Therefore, the occurrence of heat waves can impair food intake and decrease milk production, thereby most effectively demonstrating the effects of thermal stress on dairy cows in the Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba, MG region.
The aim of this work was to investigate the s of daily prey concentration during the first 15 days of active feeding of Hoplias lacerdae larvae, and the juvenile size on the feed training. In the first phase, the larvae received five Artemia nauplii concentrations (P). In the second phase, the juveniles from each treatment were trained to accept formulated diet. Superior growth was related to higher initial daily prey concentrations (900 and 1100 nauplii larvae-1). During feed training, the growth tendency was similar to that verified in the first phase. The lowest values of specific growth rate (SGR) were registered after the introduction of the semi-moist diet used in the feed training. However, the values of SGR recovered along the experiment and similar rates were found among the treatments. Survival, mortality and cannibalism were similar in the different treatments at the end of both phases. It can be concluded that: the prey concentration affects growth of H. lacerdae during the first 15 days of active feeding, and feed training can be initialized with juveniles of about 16 mm of total length.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A sample preparation method based on ultrasound assisted-extraction (UAE) of Ca, Mg and P from swine feed has been described. The experiment was performed to cover the variables influencing the sonication process and, the method validation using standard reference material. Final solutions obtained upon sonication were analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (for Ca and Mg) and by UV-vis spectrophotometry (for P). The best conditions for metal extraction were as follows: sample mass: 100 mg in 20 mL 0.10 mol/L HCl, a particle size: <60 μm, sonication time: 5 cycles of 10 s and ultrasound power: 102 W. The UAE method was applied in digestibility assays in different piglet feeds and their results showed that it is highly comparable (P > 0.05) to the other methods used for such purposes, as block digestion, and offered a Ca, Mg and P method of quantification limit of 10.6, 12.4 and 14 mg/kg, respectively. The major advantages of the UAE method compared to other methods are the high treatment rate, low reagent usage in the extracts and, it does not generate toxic residues that might negatively affect human health and the environment, accompanied by good precision and accuracy.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact in relation of dietary electrolytes, based on changes in the balance Na+K-Cl (DEB) and the ratio (K+Cl)/Na (DER) on the performance and survival of broilers subjected to acute heat stress. A total of 1575 male broiler chicks from 1 to 46 d of age were allocated in a 5x3 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design, totaling of 15 treatments with 3 replicates of 35 birds each. The treatments consisted of 5 diets with electrolyte balances, arising from combinations DEB/DER (150/3, 250/2, 250/3, 250/4 and 350/3), associated with different times of application or not of the acute heat stress on birds at 25 and 36 d old. All diets were cornsoybean meal based and formulated to meet or exceed NRC requirements. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. It was possible to verify that a DEB of 250 mEq/kg and a DER very close to the 3:1 providing a more nutritionally adequate diet. There was, however, the impossibility of obtaining a more suitable electrolyte ratio for a very low DEB (150 mEq/kg) or very high (350 mEq/kg) and also, to a very narrow DER (2:1) or very wide (4:1), due to an unfavorable performance and survival rate of birds in these conditions electrolytes adjustments of K, Na and Cl. There was clear indication, with significant difference (P < 0.05), that the DER has the potential to improve the performance of broilers, since simultaneous adjustment made in DEB, even in conditions of acute stress. The results of performance and survival rate of this study also indicate clearly that DER could not replace the DEB, and vice versa, in practical diets for broilers. Therefore, it can be affirmed that the strategic formulation of the correct electrolyte balance for DEB and DER enhances the performance and is able to prevent the effect of heat stress in broiler chickens, leading to better performance and survival.
The modeling technique is simple, useful and practical to calculate optimum nutrient density to maximize profit margins, using nonlinear programming by predictive broiler performance. To demonstrate the influence of the broiler price could interact with nutrient density, the experiment aimed to define the quadratic equations for consumption and weight gain, based on modeling, to be applied to nonlinear programming, according to sex (male and female) in the starter (1 to 21 days), grower (22 to 42 days) and finisher phases (43 to 56 days). The experimental design was a randomized, totaling 6 treatments [energy levels of 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200 and 3300kcal AME/kg with constant nutrient : AME (Apparent Metabolizable Energy)] with 4 replicates and 10 birds per plot, using the program free download PPFR Excel workbook for feed formulation (http://www.foa.unesp.br/downloads/file_detalhes.asp?CatCod=4&SubCatCod=138&FileCod=1677). Data from this trial confirmed that there was a significant relationship between feed intake and total energy consumption of the diet, in which feed intake was increased or decreased simply to keep the amount of energy, with a constant rate of nutrient : AME. Therefore, the data support that if the essential dietary nutrients are kept in proportion to the energy density of the diet, according to the appropriate requirements (male / female) of broilers, the weight and feed conversion are significantly (P<0.05) favored by increasing the energy density of the diet. Thus, it enables the application of models for maximum profit (nonlinear formulation), to estimate the proportion of weight gain most appropriate according to the price paid by the market.
Similar to other photosynthetic microorganisms, the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis can be used to produce pigments, single cell proteins, fatty acids (which can be used for bioenergy), food and feed supplements, and biofixation of CO2. Cultivation in a specifically designed tubular photobioreactor is suitable for photosynthetic biomass production, because the cultivation area can be reduced by distributing the microbial cells vertically, thus avoiding loss of ammonia and CO2. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of light intensity and dilution rate on the photosynthetic efficiency and CO2 assimilation efficiency of A. platensis cultured in a tubular photobioreactor in a continuous process. Urea was used as a nitrogen source and CO2 as carbon source and for pH control. Steady-state conditions were achieved in most of the runs, indicating that continuous cultivation of this cyanobacterium in a tubular photobioreactor could be an interesting alternative for the large-scale fixation of CO2 to mitigate the greenhouse effect while producing high protein content biomass.
The PhD project was focused on the study of the poultry welfare conditions and improvements. The project work was divided into 3 main research activities. A) Field evaluation of chicken meat rearing conditions kept in intensive farms. Considering the lack of published reports concerning the overall Italian rearing conditions of broiler chickens, a survey was carried out to assess the welfare conditions of broiler reared in the most important poultry companies in Italy to verify if they are in accordance with the advices given in the European proposal COM (2005) 221 final. Chicken farm conditions, carcass lesions and meat quality were investigated. 1. The densities currently used in Italy are in accordance with the European proposal COM 221 final (2005) which suggests to keep broilers at a density lower than 30-32 kg live weight/m2 and to not exceed 38-40 kg live weight/m2. 2. The mortality rates in summer and winter agree with the mortality score calculated following the formula reported in the EU Proposal COM 221 final (2005). 3. The incidence of damaged carcasses was very low and did not seem related to the stocking density. 4. The FPD scores were generally above the maximum limit advised by the EU proposal COM 221 final (2005), although the stocking densities were lower than 30-32 kg live weight per m2. 5. It can be stated that the control of the environmental conditions, particularly litter quality, appears a key issue to control the onset of foot dermatitis. B) Manipulation of several farm parameters, such litter material and depth, stocking density and light regimen to improve the chicken welfare conditions, in winter season. 1. Even though 2 different stocking densities were established in this study, the performances achieved from the chickens were almost identical among groups. 2. The FCR was significantly better in Standard conditions contrarily to birds reared in Welfare conditions with lower stocking density, more litter material and with a light program of 16 hours light and 8 hours dark. 3. In our trial, in Standard groups we observed a higher content of moisture, nitrogen and ammonia released from the litter. Therefore it can be assumed that the environmental characteristics have been positively changed by the improvements of the rearing conditions adopted for Welfare groups. 4. In Welfare groups the exhausted litters of the pens were dryer and broilers showed a lower occurrence of FPD. 5. The prevalence of hock burn lesions, like FPD, is high with poor litter quality conditions. 6. The combined effect of a lower stocking density, a greater amount of litter material and a photoperiod similar to the natural one, have positively influenced the chickens welfare status, as a matter of fact the occurrence of FPD in Welfare groups was the lowest keeping the score under the European threshold of the proposal COM 221 final(2005). C) The purpose of the third research was to study the effect of high or low stocking density of broiler chickens, different types of litter and the adoption of short or long lighting regimen on broiler welfare through the evaluation of their productivity and incidence of foot pad dermatitis during the hot season. 1. The feed efficiency was better for the Low Density than for High Density broilers. 2. The appearance of FPD was not influenced by stocking density. 3. The foot examination revealed that the lesions occurred more in birds maintained on chopped wheat straw than on wood shaving. 4. In conclusion, the adoptions of a short light regimen similar to that occurring in nature during summer reduces the feed intake without modify the growth rate thus improving the feed efficiency. Foot pad lesion were not affected neither by stocking densities nor by light regimens whereas wood shavings exerted a favourable effect in preserving foot pad in good condition. D) A study was carried out to investigate more widely the possible role of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplemented in the diet of a laying hen commercial strain (Lohmann brown) in comparison of diets supplemented with D3 or with D3 + 25- hydroxycholecalciferol. Egg traits during a productive cycle as well as the bone characteristics of the layers have been as well evaluated to determine if there the vitamin D3 may enhance the welfare status of the birds. 1. The weight of the egg and of its components is often greater in hens fed a diet enriched with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. 2. Since eggs of treated groups are heavier and a larger amount of shell is needed, a direct effect on shell strength is observed. 3. At 30 and at 50 wk of age hens fed 25 hydroxycholecalciferol exhibited greater values of bone breaking force. 4. Radiographic density values obtained in the trial are always higher in hens fed with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol of both treatments: supplemented for the whole laying cycle (25D3) or from 40 weeks of age onward (D3+25D3).