955 resultados para existential threat


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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an incapacitating syndrome that follows a traumatic experience. Predator exposure promotes long-lasting anxiogenic effect in rodents, an effect related to symptoms found in PTSD patients. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychotomimetic component of Cannabis sativa with anxiolytic effects. The present study investigated the anti-anxiety actions of CBD administration in a model of PTSD. Male Wistar rats exposed to a predator (cat) received, 1 h later, singled or repeated i.p. administration of vehicle or CBD. Seven days after the stress animals were submitted to the elevated plus maze. To investigate the involvement of 5HT1A receptors in CBD effects animals were pre-treated with WAY100635, a 5HT1A receptor antagonist. To explore possible neurobiological mechanisms involved in these effects, 5HT1A receptor mRNA and BDNF protein expression were measured in the hippocampus, frontal cortex, amygdaloid complex and dorsal periaqueductal gray. Repeated administration of CBD prevented long-lasting anxiogenic effects promoted by a single predator exposure. Pretreatment with WAY100635 attenuated CBD effects. Seven days after predator exposure 5HT1A mRNA expression was up regulated in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. CBD and paroxetine failed to prevent this effect. No change in BDNF expression was found. In conclusion, predator exposure promotes long-lasting up-regulation of 5HT1A receptor gene expression in the hippocampus and frontal cortex. Repeated CBD administration prevents the long-lasting anxiogenic effects observed after predator exposure probably by facilitating 5HT1A receptors neurotransmission. Our results suggest that CBD has beneficial potential for PTSD treatment and that 5HT1A receptors could be a therapeutic target in this disorder. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nel mondo della sicurezza informatica, le tecnologie si evolvono per far fronte alle minacce. Non è possibile prescindere dalla prevenzione, ma occorre accettare il fatto che nessuna barriera risulterà impenetrabile e che la rilevazione, unitamente ad una pronta risposta, rappresenta una linea estremamente critica di difesa, ma l’unica veramente attuabile per poter guadagnare più tempo possibile o per limitare i danni. Introdurremo quindi un nuovo modello operativo composto da procedure capaci di affrontare le nuove sfide che il malware costantemente offre e allo stesso tempo di sollevare i comparti IT da attività onerose e sempre più complesse, ottimizzandone il processo di comunicazione e di risposta.


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Ein durchgängiger Befund internationaler Schulleistungsvergleichsstudien bezieht sich auf die niedrigere Lesekompetenz von Jungen im Vergleich zu Mädchen (OECD, 2010). Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, zu prüfen, welchen Einfluss negative Stereotype – im Sinne der Stereotype Threat-Theorie (Steele & Aronson, 1995) – auf die Leseleistung von Jungen haben. Basierend auf Befunden aus der Lese- und Stereotype Threat-Forschung wurde ein Mediator-Moderator-Modell des Stereotype Threat-Effekts (vgl. Schmader, Johns & Forbes, 2008) auf die Leseleistung von Jungen abgeleitet und überprüft. Um diese Fragestellungen zu beantworten, wurden zwei quasiexperimentelle Untersuchungen mit Schülern achter und neunter Klassen durchgeführt. An der ersten Untersuchung nahmen insgesamt 167 Schüler (n = 69 Jungen, n = 98 Mädchen) zweier Gymnasien in privater Trägerschaft teil. Um die Fragestellungen an einer weniger selektiven Stichprobe untersuchen zu können, erfolgte eine zweite Untersuchung mit Schülern (N = 441) öffentlicher Schulen und verschiedener Schulformen, wobei der Fokus ausschließlich auf den männlichen Schülern (n = 188 Jungen; n = 122 Gymnasiasten, n = 66 Realschüler plus) lag. Für beide Experimente kann zusammenfassend festgehalten werden, dass sich, entgegen der Erwartungen, kein leistungsmindernder Stereotype Threat-Effekt auf die Leseleistung von Jungen zeigte. Ferner konnten keine signifikante Mediatoren und Moderatoren eines leistungsmindernden Stereotype Threat-Effekts auf die Leseleistung von Jungen identifiziert werden. Ziel zukünftiger Forschung muss sein, den Einfluss negativer Stereotype auf die Leistungen männlicher Probanden im Sinne von Mitgliedern dominanter Gruppen zu untersuchen. Besonderes Augenmerk sollte auf die stereotypisierte Fähigkeitsdomäne gelegt werden. Weiterhin ist wichtig, der Frage nach zugrunde liegenden Prozessen und Voraussetzungen für das Erleben von Stereotype Threat nachzugehen. Studien weisen darauf hin, dass unterschiedlich stigmatisierte Gruppen unterschiedlich auf Stereotype Threat reagieren. Daher sollte der Fokus zukünftiger Forschung darauf liegen, die Prozesse und Voraussetzungen näher zu untersuchen, die für Mitglieder sonst positiv stereotypisierter Gruppen in solchen Situationen zum Tragen kommen.


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Il Cryptolocker è un malware diffuso su scala globale appartenente alla categoria ransomware. La mia analisi consiste nel ripercorrere le origini dei software maligni alla ricerca di rappresentanti del genere con caratteristiche simili al virus che senza tregua persevera a partire dal 2013: il Cryptolocker. Per imparare di più sul comportamento di questa minaccia vengono esposte delle analisi del malware, quella statica e quella dinamica, eseguite sul Cryptolocker (2013), CryptoWall (2014) e TeslaCrypt (2015). In breve viene descritta la parte operativa per la concezione e la configurazione di un laboratorio virtuale per la successiva raccolta di tracce lasciate dal malware sul sistema e in rete. In seguito all’analisi pratica e alla concentrazione sui punti deboli di queste minacce, oltre che sugli aspetti tecnici alla base del funzionamento dei crypto, vengono presi in considerazione gli aspetti sociali e psicologici che caratterizzano un complesso background da cui il virus prolifica. Vengono confrontate fonti autorevoli e testimonianze per chiarire i dubbi rimasti dopo i test. Saranno questi ultimi a confermare la veridicità dei dati emersi dai miei esperimenti, ma anche a formare un quadro più completo sottolineando quanto la morfologia del malware sia in simbiosi con la tipologia di utente che va a colpire. Capito il funzionamento generale del crypto sono proprio le sue funzionalità e le sue particolarità a permettermi di stilare, anche con l’aiuto di fonti esterne al mio operato, una lista esauriente di mezzi e comportamenti difensivi per contrastarlo ed attenuare il rischio d’infezione. Vengono citati anche le possibili procedure di recupero per i dati compromessi, per i casi “fortunati”, in quanto il recupero non è sempre materialmente possibile. La mia relazione si conclude con una considerazione da parte mia inaspettata: il potenziale dei crypto, in tutte le loro forme, risiede per la maggior parte nel social engineering, senza il quale (se non per certe categorie del ransomware) l’infezione avrebbe percentuali di fallimento decisamente più elevate.


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The concept of warning behaviors offers an additional perspective in threat assessment. Warning behaviors are acts which constitute evidence of increasing or accelerating risk. They are acute, dynamic, and particularly toxic changes in patterns of behavior which may aid in structuring a professional's judgment that an individual of concern now poses a threat - whether the actual target has been identified or not. They require an operational response. A typology of eight warning behaviors for assessing the threat of intended violence is proposed: pathway, fixation, identification, novel aggression, energy burst, leakage, directly communicated threat, and last resort warning behaviors. Previous research on risk factors associated with such warning behaviors is reviewed, and examples of each warning behavior from various intended violence cases are presented, including public figure assassination, adolescent and adult mass murder, corporate celebrity stalking, and both domestic and foreign acts of terrorism. Practical applications and future research into warning behaviors are suggested. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The risk of transmission of pathogens from free-ranging wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) to outdoor domestic pigs (S. scrofa domesticus) is of increasing concern in many European countries. We assess this risk, using Switzerland as an example. We estimated 1) the prevalence of important pathogens in wild boars and 2) the risk of interactions between wild boars and outdoor pigs. First, we tested 252 wild boars from selected areas between 2008 and 2010 for infection with Brucella spp. Bacterial prevalence was estimated to 28.8% (confidence interval [CI] 23.0-34.0) when using bacterial culture (B. suis Biovar 2) and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Antibody prevalence was 35.8% (CI 30.0-42.0), which was significantly higher than in previous studies in Switzerland. We also tested 233 wild boars for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Antibody prevalence was 0.43% (CI 0.01-2.4) for EU-PRRSV and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction results were negative. These findings suggest that B. suis is increasingly widespread in wild boars and PRRSV is currently not of concern. Second, we documented the spatial overlap between free-ranging wild boars and outdoor piggeries by mapping data on their respective occurrence. Wild boars are most widespread in the mountain range along the western and northern Swiss borders, while most piggeries are located in central lowlands. A risk of interaction is mainly expected at the junction between these two bioregions. This risk may increase if wild boars expand eastward and southward beyond anthropogenic barriers believed to limit their range. Therefore, we evaluated the potential of expansion of the wild boar population. Population trends suggest a continuous increase of wild boars for the past 15 yr. Surveillance of selected wildlife passages using cameras on highways and main roads indicates that these barriers are permeable (average of up to 13 wild boar crossings per 100 days). Thus an increase of wild boar range should be considered. There may be a risk of B. suis spillover from wild boars in Switzerland, which could increase in the future. Data on the occurrence of interactions between pigs and wild boars are needed to assess this risk.


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Predicting the behavior of phobic patients in a confrontational situation is challenging. While avoidance as a major clinical component of phobias suggests that patients orient away from threat, findings based on cognitive paradigms indicate an attentional bias towards threat. Here we present eye movement data from 21 spider phobics and 21 control subjects, based on 3 basic oculomotor tasks and a visual exploration task that included close-up views of spiders. Relative to the control group, patients showed accelerated reflexive saccades in one of the basic oculomotor tasks, while the fear-relevant exploration task evoked a general slowing in their scanning behavior and pronounced oculomotor avoidance. However, this avoidance strongly varied within the patient group and was not associated with the scores from spider avoidance-sensitive questionnaire scales. We suggest that variation of oculomotor avoidance between phobics reflects different strategies of how they cope with threat in confrontational situations.