225 resultados para enpresa-fisioterapeuta


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En la última década numerosos trabajos de investigación científica han logrado dejar en claro la ventajas generadas a partir del entrenamiento de las capacidades condicionales de manera funcional, dejando atrás las tendencias en donde los patrones fundamentales de movimiento humano quedaban fuera del análisis del rendimiento deportivo. El interés que ha despertado en nuestro equipo de trabajo, como readaptadores del movimiento, nos lleva a indagar bajo esta perspectiva y las metodologías implementadas para su programación. El presente artículo intenta dar una perspectiva de trabajo a partir del desarrollo de un perfil preventivo, desarrollado en base a un screening funcional de movimiento. Utilizamos para ello, una matriz de datos diseñada a partir del análisis del movimiento su correcta y eficiente ejecución. Como contrapartida esto nos facilita la detección de patrones de movimiento afuncionales, patrones que no supongan una ejecución eficaz, que devendrá en puntos débiles para nuestros deportistas. Nuestro Universo de investigación son jugadores del Plantel Superior de clubes de Rugby de la ciudad de La Plata, que se desempeñan en la Primera División de la Unión de Rugby de Buenos Aires. La matriz de datos presentada utiliza como bases el Functional Movement Screen, diseñado por el fisioterapeuta Gray Cook y el Dr. Lee Burton, con adaptaciones desarrolladas, para objetivar datos en el análisis de los patrones biomecánicos humanos, con respecto al desempeño funcional y la prevención de lesiones deportivas


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En la última década numerosos trabajos de investigación científica han logrado dejar en claro la ventajas generadas a partir del entrenamiento de las capacidades condicionales de manera funcional, dejando atrás las tendencias en donde los patrones fundamentales de movimiento humano quedaban fuera del análisis del rendimiento deportivo. El interés que ha despertado en nuestro equipo de trabajo, como readaptadores del movimiento, nos lleva a indagar bajo esta perspectiva y las metodologías implementadas para su programación. El presente artículo intenta dar una perspectiva de trabajo a partir del desarrollo de un perfil preventivo, desarrollado en base a un screening funcional de movimiento. Utilizamos para ello, una matriz de datos diseñada a partir del análisis del movimiento su correcta y eficiente ejecución. Como contrapartida esto nos facilita la detección de patrones de movimiento afuncionales, patrones que no supongan una ejecución eficaz, que devendrá en puntos débiles para nuestros deportistas. Nuestro Universo de investigación son jugadores del Plantel Superior de clubes de Rugby de la ciudad de La Plata, que se desempeñan en la Primera División de la Unión de Rugby de Buenos Aires. La matriz de datos presentada utiliza como bases el Functional Movement Screen, diseñado por el fisioterapeuta Gray Cook y el Dr. Lee Burton, con adaptaciones desarrolladas, para objetivar datos en el análisis de los patrones biomecánicos humanos, con respecto al desempeño funcional y la prevención de lesiones deportivas


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El proyecto consiste en hacer el seguimiento de la recuperación de un futbolista profesional, que durante esta temporada 2012-2013 sufrió una lesión, concretamente un esguince grado II de ligamento lateral interno de la rodilla derecha. Por lo que la primera parte del proyecto es de carácter fundamentalmente teórico, estos contenidos teóricos son muy importantes para entender los siguientes puntos: Tipo de lesión como se produce y las estructuras que se ven afectadas, además de los métodos que se utilizan tanto para recuperar dicha lesión, como para prevenirla. La segunda parte consiste en recabar toda la información del trabajo que se realizó con el jugador para que su recuperación fuese a la mayor brevedad y de la forma más segura con el objetivo principal de volver a la competición. En esta parte se destaca principalmente el trabajo del fisioterapeuta, y del entrenador físico. Además durante proyecto incluyo varios protocolos tanto para la prevención de la lesión como protocolos que se pueden utilizar en la recuperación de la misma.


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O presente estudo buscou a compreensão dos motivos que levam as empresas pesquisadas do setor automobilístico a gerir o conhecimento tácito, mediados pela gestão do conhecimento, na área de gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos. As questões de pesquisa que este estudo objetivou responder foram: Como empresas estudadas utilizam o conhecimento tácito para se tornarem mais eficientes e eficazes nas atividades/ operações? De que forma o conhecimento tácito é percebido na organização por parte dos funcionários e gestores? Para responder a estas perguntas houve a investigação de duas empresas do setor automobilístico, na área de desenvolvimento de produtos. Como base teórica para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo autores como Davenport e Prusak (1998), Nonaka e Takeuchi (1997) e Choo (2006) orientam esta pesquisa. A pesquisa abrange duas empresas do ramo automobilístico na região do ABC Paulista, com equivalência no número de funcionários e porte. Dentre os entrevistados há funcionários e gestores de áreas de gestão de projetos e produtos. A metodologia aplicada ao estudo foi de caráter qualitativo por meio de pesquisa exploratória-descritiva, sendo que o método de coleta de dados se deu a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O estudo investigou quais as práticas usadas para a conversão do conhecimento, fatores facilitadores e fatores dificultadores para a conversão do conhecimento e as principais contribuições da aplicação das práticas e iniciativas voltadas gerir o conhecimento tácito, sob a ótica dos gestores e funcionários. Através do presente estudo pode-se verificar que existe a preocupação com a gestão do conhecimento nas empresas estudadas e que há práticas diversas relativas ao conhecimento tácito e que as formas de disseminação deste conhecimento são distintas. Algumas das práticas são os cursos de especialização, brainstorming e lesson learned e conversas informais. Nos fatores facilitadores há a troca de informação entre os pares, reuniões semanais, equipes multidisciplinares/ multifuncionais. Nos fatores dificultadores há a indicação de questões comportamentais, acúmulo de funções e tempo para partilhar informações.


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The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.


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The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.


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Skeletal muscle consists of muscle fiber types that have different physiological and biochemical characteristics. Basically, the muscle fiber can be classified into type I and type II, presenting, among other features, contraction speed and sensitivity to fatigue different for each type of muscle fiber. These fibers coexist in the skeletal muscles and their relative proportions are modulated according to the muscle functionality and the stimulus that is submitted. To identify the different proportions of fiber types in the muscle composition, many studies use biopsy as standard procedure. As the surface electromyography (EMGs) allows to extract information about the recruitment of different motor units, this study is based on the assumption that it is possible to use the EMG to identify different proportions of fiber types in a muscle. The goal of this study was to identify the characteristics of the EMG signals which are able to distinguish, more precisely, different proportions of fiber types. Also was investigated the combination of characteristics using appropriate mathematical models. To achieve the proposed objective, simulated signals were developed with different proportions of motor units recruited and with different signal-to-noise ratios. Thirteen characteristics in function of time and the frequency were extracted from emulated signals. The results for each extracted feature of the signals were submitted to the clustering algorithm k-means to separate the different proportions of motor units recruited on the emulated signals. Mathematical techniques (confusion matrix and analysis of capability) were implemented to select the characteristics able to identify different proportions of muscle fiber types. As a result, the average frequency and median frequency were selected as able to distinguish, with more precision, the proportions of different muscle fiber types. Posteriorly, the features considered most able were analyzed in an associated way through principal component analysis. Were found two principal components of the signals emulated without noise (CP1 and CP2) and two principal components of the noisy signals (CP1 and CP2 ). The first principal components (CP1 and CP1 ) were identified as being able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types. The selected characteristics (median frequency, mean frequency, CP1 and CP1 ) were used to analyze real EMGs signals, comparing sedentary people with physically active people who practice strength training (weight training). The results obtained with the different groups of volunteers show that the physically active people obtained higher values of mean frequency, median frequency and principal components compared with the sedentary people. Moreover, these values decreased with increasing power level for both groups, however, the decline was more accented for the group of physically active people. Based on these results, it is assumed that the volunteers of the physically active group have higher proportions of type II fibers than sedentary people. Finally, based on these results, we can conclude that the selected characteristics were able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types, both for the emulated signals as to the real signals. These characteristics can be used in several studies, for example, to evaluate the progress of people with myopathy and neuromyopathy due to the physiotherapy, and also to analyze the development of athletes to improve their muscle capacity according to their sport. In both cases, the extraction of these characteristics from the surface electromyography signals provides a feedback to the physiotherapist and the coach physical, who can analyze the increase in the proportion of a given type of fiber, as desired in each case.


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El trauma raquimedular es un enfermedad que afecta principalmente a adultos jóvenes y suele resultar en muerte o discapacidad con sus complicaciones implícitas. Las personas con trauma raquimedular presentan complicaciones multisistemicas según el tipo y nivel de lesión, además, su aparición depende del manejo médico y terapéutico temprano. Entre las complicaciones más comunes se encuentran las respiratorias, cardiovasculares (hipotensión ortostatica, disrreflexia autonómica y trombosis venosa profunda), musculoesqueléticas (espasticidad, contracturas, dolor musculoesquelético, osificación heterotopica neurogénica y osteoporosis), entre otras (disfunciones vesicales, ulceras por presión, dolor neuropático y disfunciones sexuales). Las implicaciones de las complicaciones, generadas en todos los dominios abordados por el fisioterapeuta, hacen que sea un profesional idóneo para el manejo de estos pacientes.


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Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho


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Mestrado em Fisioterapia


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O livro «Fisioterapia: legislação aplicada leis, decretos e resoluções», editado em 2015 pela editora Autografia, no Rio de Janeiro, constitui uma contribuição muito relevante para a Ética e Deontologia no Brasil. Esta obra da autoria de Carlos IURI da Silva Lúcio, resulta no âmbito da sua atividade como fisioterapeuta, auditor de Sistemas de Saúde e Saúde Pública e professor do curso de aprimoramento profissional.


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O fisioterapeuta, enquanto profissional de saúde, contacta com uma elevada heterogeneidade de utentes e ambientes e caso sejam negligenciadas as corretas medidas de prevenção e controlo da transmissão e disseminação de doenças infecciosas, o próprio fisioterapeuta além de colocar a sua própria segurança em risco, poderá tornar-se um veículo para a transmissão e disseminação das mesmas entre pacientes, entre pacientes e fisioterapeuta, outros profissionais de saúde e, concomitantemente, levar à contaminação do ambiente e comunidade em geral. Deste modo, é pertinente e urgente que o fisioterapeuta, enquanto profissional de saúde, seja portador de conhecimento sobre os princípios que compreendem as doenças infecciosas e a sua disseminação e as medidas adequadas para o seu controlo e prevenção, de forma a poder contribuir para a prevenção e controlo da infecção como elemento essencial na sua prática profissional.