877 resultados para dissolution mechanisms
The anaerobic protozoa Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Entamoeba histolytica infect up to a billion people each year. G. duodenalis and E. histolytica are primarily pathogens of the intestinal tract, although E. histolytica can form abscesses and invade other organs, where it can be fatal if left untreated. T. vaginalis infection is a sexually transmitted infection causing vaginitis and acute inflammatory disease of the genital mucosa. T. vaginalis has also been reported in the urinary tract fallopian tubes, and pelvis and can cause pneumonia, bronchitis, and oral lesions. Respiratory infections can be acquired perinatally. T. vaginalis infections have been associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight, and increased mortality as well as predisposing to human immunodeficiency virus infection, AIDS, and cervical cancer. All three organisms lack mitochondria and are susceptible to the nitroimidazole metronidazole because of similar low-redox-potential anaerobic metabolic pathways. Resistance to metronidazole and other drugs has been observed clinically and in the laboratory. Laboratory studies have identified the enzyme that activates metronidazole, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, to its nitroso form and distinct mechanisms of decreasing drug susceptibility that are induced in each organism. Although the nitroimidazoles have been the drug family of choice for treating the anaerobic protozoa, G. duodenalis is less susceptible to other antiparasitic drugs, such as furazolidone, albendazole, and quinacrine. Resistance has been demonstrated for each agent and the mechanism of resistance has been investigated. Metronidazole resistance in T. vaginalis is well documented, and the principal mechanisms have been defined Bypass metabolism, such as alternative oxidoreductases, have been discovered in both organisms. Aerobic versus anaerobic resistance in T. vaginalis is discussed. Mechanisms of metronidazole resistance in E. histolytica have recently been investigated ruing laboratory-induced resistant isolates. Instead of downregulation of the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and ferredoxin pathway as seen in G. duodenalis and T. vaginalis, E. histolytica induces oxidative stress mechanisms, including superoxide dismutase and peroxiredoxin. The review examines the value of investigating both clinical and laboratory-induced syngeneic drug-resistant isolates and dissection of the complementary data obtained. Comparison of resistance mechanisms in anaerobic bacteria and the parasitic protozoa is discussed as well as the value of studies of the epidemiology of resistance.
The beta -amino acid, taurine, is a full agonist of the human glycine receptor al subunit when recombinantly expressed in a mammalian (HEK293) cell line, but a partial agonist of the same receptor when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Several residues in the Ala101-Thr112 domain have previously been identified as determinants of beta -amino acid binding and gating mechanisms in Xenopus oocyte-expressed receptors. The present study used the substituted cysteine accessibility method to investigate the role of this domain in controlling taurine-specific binding and gating mechanisms of glycine receptors recombinantly expressed in mammalian cells. Asn102 and Glu103 are identified as taurine and glycine binding sites, whereas Ala101 is eliminated as a possible binding site. The N102C mutation also abolished the antagonistic actions of taurine, indicating that this site does not discriminate between the putative agonist- and antagonist-bound conformations of beta -amino acids. The effects of mutations from Lys104-Thr112 indicate that the mechanism by which this domain controls beta -amino acid-specific binding and gating processes differs substantially depending on whether the receptor is expressed in mammalian cells or Xenopus oocytes. Thr112 is the only domain element in mammalian cell-expressed GlyRs which was demonstrated to discriminate between glycine and taurine.
Selected isolates of Cladosporium tenuissimum were tested for their ability to inhibit in vitro aeciospore germination of the two-needle pine stem rusts Cronartium flaccidum and Peridermium pini and to suppress disease development in planta. The antagonistic fungus displayed a number of disease-suppressive mechanisms. Aeciospore germination on water agar slides was reduced at 12, 18, and 24 h when a conidial suspension (1.5 x 10(7) conidia per ml) of the Cladosporium tenuissimum isolates was added. When the aeciospores were incubated in same-strength conidial suspensions for 1, 11, 21, and 31 days, viability was reduced at 20 and 4 degreesC. Light and scanning electron microscopy showed that rust spores were directly parasitized by Cladosporium tenuissimum and that the antagonist had evolved several strategies to breach the spore wail and gain access to the underlying tissues. Penetration occurred with or without appressoria. The hyperparasite exerted a mechanical force to destroy the spore structures (spinules, cell wall) by direct contact, penetrated the aeciospores and subsequently proliferated within them. However, an enzymatic action could also be involved. This was shown by the dissolution of the host tell wall that comes in contact with the mycelium of the mycoparasite, by the lack of indentation in the host wall at the contact site, and by the minimal swelling at the infecting hyphal tip. Culture filtrates of the hyperparasite inhibited germination of rust propagules. A compound purified from the filtrates was characterized by chemical and spectroscopic analysis as cladosporol, a known beta -1,3-glucan biosynthesis inhibitor. Conidia of Cladosporium tenuissimum reduced rust development on new infected pine seedlings over 2 years under greenhouse conditions. Because the fungus is an aggressive mycoparasite, produces fungicidal metabolites, and can survive and multiply in forest ecosystems without rusts, it seems a promising agent for the biological control of pine stem rusts in Europe.
The neuropathological changes associated with Huntington's disease (HD) are most marked in the head of the caudate nucleus and, to a lesser extent, in the putamen and globus pallidus, suggesting that at least part of the language impairments found in patients with HD may result from non-thalamic subcortical (NTS) pathology. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that a signature profile of impaired language functions is found in patients who have sustained damage to the non-thalamic subcortex, either focally induced or resulting from neurodegenerative pathology. The language abilities of a group of patients with Huntington's disease (n=13) were compared with those of an age- and education-matched group of patients with chronic NTS lesions following stroke (n=13) and a non-neurologically impaired control group (n=13). The three groups were compared on language tasks that assessed both primary and more complex language abilities. The primary language battery consisted of The Western Aphasia Battery and The Boston Naming Test, whilst the more complex cognitive-linguistic battery employed selected subtests from The Test of Language Competence-Expanded, The Test of Word Knowledge and The Word Test-Revised. On many of the tests of primary language function from the Western Aphasia Battery, both the HD and NTS participants performed in a similar manner to the control participants. The language performances of the HD participants were significantly more impaired (p<0.05 using modified Bonferroni adjustments) than the control group, however, on various lexico-semantic tasks (e. g. the Boston Naming Test and providing definitions), on both single-word and sentence-level generative tasks (e. g. category fluency and formulating sentences), and on tasks which required interpretation of ambiguous, figurative and inferential meaning. The difficulties that patients with HD experienced with tasks assessing complex language abilities were strikingly similar, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the language profile produced by NTS participants. The results provide evidence to suggest that a signature language profile is associated with damage to the non-thalamic subcortex resulting from either focal neurological insult or a degenerative disease.
Propagation of nonstationary curved and stretched premixed flames with multistep reaction mechanisms
The propagation speed of a thin premixed flame disturbed by an unsteady fluid flow of a larger scale is considered. The flame may also have a general shape but the reaction zone is assumed to be thin compared to the flame thickness. Unlike in preceding publications, the presented asymptotic analysis is performed for a general multistep reaction mechanism and, at the same time, the flame front is curved by the fluid flow. The resulting equations define the propagation speed of disturbed flames in terms of the properties of undisturbed planar flames and the flame stretch. Special attention is paid to the near-equidiffusion limit. In this case, the flame propagation speed is shown to depend on the effective Zeldovich number Z(f) , and the flame stretch. Unlike the conventional Zeldovich number, the effective Zeldovich number is not necessarily linked directly to the activation energies of the reactions. Several examples of determining the effective Zeldovich number for reduced combustion mechanisms are given while, for realistic reactions, the effective Zeldovich number is determined from experiments. Another feature of the present approach is represented by the relatively simple asymptotic technique based on the adaptive generalized curvilinear system of coordinates attached to the flame (i.e., intrinsic disturbed flame equations [IDFE]).
Available evidence suggests that there are at least two locations for dormancy mechanisms in primary dormant seeds: mechanisms based within the embryo covering structures, and mechanisms based within the embryo. Mechanisms within the covering structures may involve mechanical, permeability and chemical barriers to germination. Mechanisms within the embryo may involve the expression of certain genes, levels of certain plant growth regulators, the activity of important respiratory pathways or the mobilisation and utilisation of food reserves. In addition, some embryos may be too immature to germinate immediately and must undergo a further growth phase before germination is possible. An individual species could have one or several of these various dormancy mechanisms and these mechanisms need to be understood when selecting treatments to overcome dormancy. The way in which certain dormancy breaking agents are thought to work is discussed and practical applications of such agents in field situations are explained.
Neutrophils constitute 50-60% of all circulating leukocytes; they present the first line of microbicidal defense and are involved in inflammatory responses. To examine immunocompetence in athletes, numerous studies have investigated the effects of exercise on the number of circulating neutrophils and their response to stimulation by chemotactic stimuli and activating factors. Exercise causes a biphasic increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, arising from increases in catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Moderate intensity exercise may enhance neutrophil respiratory burst activity, possibly through increases in the concentrations of growth hormone and the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. In contrast, intense or long duration exercise may suppress neutrophil degranulation and the production of reactive oxidants via elevated circulating concentrations of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol. There is evidence of neutrophil degranulation and activation of the respiratory burst following exercise-induced muscle damage. In principle, improved responsiveness of neutrophils to stimulation following exercise of moderate intensity could mean that individuals participating in moderate exercise may have improved resistance to infection. Conversely, competitive athletes undertaking regular intense exercise may be at greater risk of contracting illness. However there are limited data to support this concept. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in the neutrophil responses to exercise, researchers have examined changes in the expression of cell membrane receptors, the production and release of reactive oxidants and more recently, calcium signaling. The investigation of possible modifications of other signal transduction events following exercise has not been possible because of current methodological limitations. At present, variation in exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil function appears to be due to differences in exercise protocols, training status, sampling points and laboratory assay techniques.
Mechanisms and diversity of resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola in Sorghum bicolor
Sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett) is the most important pest of grain sorghum worldwide, and plant resistance is an important component for the control of this pest. To identify sorghum genotypes with diverse mechanisms of resistance to sorghum midge, we studied oviposition, larval survival, and midge damage in 27 sorghum midge-resistant genotypes, and a susceptible check under greenhouse conditions. Observations were also recorded on floral characteristics and compensation in grain mass. Of the 28 sorghum genotypes tested, 19 showed high levels of antixenosis to oviposition as a component of resistance, and had
Almost 50 years after the first sighting of small pits that covered the surface of mammalian cells, investigators are now getting to grips with the detailed workings of these enigmatic structures that we now know as caveolae.
Purinergic stimulation of airway epithelial cells induces Cl- secretion and modulates Na+ absorption by an unknown mechanism. To gain insight into this mechanism, we used a perfused micro-Ussing chamber to assess transepithelial voltage (V-te) and amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (Isc-Amil) in mouse trachea. Exposure to apical ATP or UTP (each 100 mumol/l) caused a large initial increase in lumen negative V-te and I-sc corresponding to a transient Cl- secretion, while basolateral application of ATP/UTP induced only a small secretory response. Luminal, but not basolateral, application of nucleotides was followed by a sustained and reversible inhibition of Isc-Amil that was independent of extracellular Ca2+ or activation of protein kinase C and was not induced by carbachol (100 mumol/l) or the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (1 mumol/l). Removal of extracellular Cl- or exposure to 200 muM DIDS reduced UTP-mediated inhibition of Isc-Amil Substantially. The phospholipase inhibitor U73122 (10 mumol/l) and pertussis toxin (PTX 200 ng/ml) both attenuated UTP-induced Cl- secretion and inhibition of Isc-Amil. Taken together, these data imply a contribution of Cl- conductance and PTX-sensitive G proteins to nucleotide-dependent inhibition of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ current in the mouse trachea.
Approximately half of the motoneurons generated during normal embryonic development undergo programmed cell death. Most of this death occurs during the time when synaptic connections are being formed between motoneurons and their target, skeletal muscle. Subsequent muscle activity stemming from this connection helps determine the final number of surviving motoneurons. These observations have given rise to the idea that motoneuron survival is dependent upon access to muscle derived trophic factors, presumably through intact neuromuscular synapses. However, it is not yet understood how the muscle regulates the supply of such trophic factors, or if there are additional mechanisms operating to control the fate of the innervating motoneuron. Recent observations have highlighted target independent mechanisms that also operate to support the survival of motoneurons, such as early trophic-independent periods of motoneuron death, trophic factors derived from Schwann cells and selection of motoneurons during pathfinding. Here we review recent investigations into motoneuron cell death when the molecular signalling between motoneurons and muscle has been genetically disrupted. From these studies, we suggest that in addition to trophic factors from muscle and/or Schwann cells, specific adhesive interactions between motoneurons and muscle are needed to regulate motoneuron survival. Such interactions, along with intact synaptic basal lamina, may help to regulate the supply and presentation of trophic factors to motoneurons.
The synaptic conductance of the On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells was measured during visual stimulation to determine whether the direction selectivity is a property of the circuitry presynaptic to the ganglion cells or is generated by postsynaptic interaction of excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Three synaptic asymmetries were identified that contribute to the generation of direction-selective responses: (1) a presynaptic mechanism producing stronger excitation in the preferred direction, (2) a presynaptic mechanism producing stronger inhibition in the opposite direction, and (3) postsynaptic interaction of excitation with spatially offset inhibition. Although the on- and off-responses showed the same directional tuning, the off-response was generated by all three mechanisms, whereas the on- response was generated primarily by the two presynaptic mechanisms. The results indicate that, within a single neuron, different strategies are used within distinct dendritic arbors to accomplish the same neural computation.