614 resultados para discontinuity


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During lightning strike to a tall grounded object (TGO), reflections of current waves are known to occur at either ends of the TGO. These reflection modify the channel current and hence, the lightning electromagnetic fields. This study aims to identify the possible contributing factors to reflection at a TGO-channel junction for the current waves ascending on the TGO. Possible sources of reflection identified are corona sheath and discontinuity of resistance and radius. For analyzing the contribution of corona sheath and discontinuity of resistance at the junction, a macroscopic physical model for the return stroke developed in our earlier work is employed. NEC-2D is used for assessing the contribution of abrupt change in radii at a TGO-channel junction. The wire-cage model adopted for the same is validated using laboratory experiments. Detailed investigation revealed the following. The main contributor for reflection at a TGO-channel junction is the difference between TGO and channel core radii. Also, the discontinuity of resistance at a TGO-channel junction can be of some relevance only for the first microsecond regime. Further, corona sheath does not play any significant role in the reflection.


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The transport processes of the dissolved chemicals in stratified or layered soils have been studied for several decades. In case of the solute transport through stratified layers, interface condition plays an important role in determining appropriate transport parameters. First‐ type and third‐ type interface conditions are generally used in the literature. A first‐type interface condition will result in a continuous concentration profile across the interface at the expense of solute mass balance. On the other hand, a discontinuity in concentration develops when a third‐ type interface condition is used. To overcome this problem, a combined first‐ and third‐ type condition at the interface has been widely employed which yields second‐ type condition. This results in a similar break‐through curve irrespective of the layering order, which is non‐physical. In this work, an interface condition is proposed which satisfies the mass balance implicitly and brings the distinction between the breakthrough curves for different layering sequence corroborating with the experimental observations. This is in disagreement with the earlier work by H. M. Selim and co‐workers but, well agreement with the hypothetical result by Bosma and van der Zee; and Van der Zee.


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Wavelet transform analysis of projected fringe pattern for phase recovery in 3-D shape measurement of objects is investigated. The present communication specifically outlines and evaluates the errors that creep in to the reconstructed profiles when fringe images do not satisfy periodicity. Three specific cases that give raise to non-periodicity of fringe image are simulated and leakage effects caused by each one of them are analyzed with continuous complex Morlet wavelet transform. Same images are analyzed with FFT method to make a comparison of the reconstructed profiles with both methods. Simulation results revealed a significant advantage of wavelet transform profilometry (WTP), that the distortions that arise due to leakage are confined to the locations of discontinuity and do not spread out over the entire projection as in the case of Fourier transform profilometry (FTP).


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A robust numerical solution of the input voltage equations (IVEs) for the independent-double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor requires root bracketing methods (RBMs) instead of the commonly used Newton-Raphson (NR) technique due to the presence of nonremovable discontinuity and singularity. In this brief, we do an exhaustive study of the different RBMs available in the literature and propose a single derivative-free RBM that could be applied to both trigonometric and hyperbolic IVEs and offers faster convergence than the earlier proposed hybrid NR-Ridders algorithm. We also propose some adjustments to the solution space for the trigonometric IVE that leads to a further reduction of the computation time. The improvement of computational efficiency is demonstrated to be about 60% for trigonometric IVE and about 15% for hyperbolic IVE, by implementing the proposed algorithm in a commercial circuit simulator through the Verilog-A interface and simulating a variety of circuit blocks such as ring oscillator, ripple adder, and twisted ring counter.


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Sr2SbMnO6 (SSMO) ceramics were, fabricated using the nanocrystalline powders obtained via molten salt synthesis (MSS) method. High temperature X-ray diffraction studies confirmed the structural phase transition (room temperature tetragonal (I4/mcm) to the cubic phase (Pm-3m)) temperature to be around 736K. The discontinuity in the phase transition indicated its first order nature reflecting the presence of ferroelectric-like distortions in SSMO prepared from MSS which seemed to be unique as it was not observed so far in the case of SSMO prepared using solid-state reaction method. The dielectric behavior of SSMO was studied in the 300-950 K temperature range at high frequencies (MHz range) in order to suppress the of space charge and related effects that dominate at such higher temperatures and mask the real phase transition.


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Mass balance between metal and electrolytic solution, separated by a moving interface, in stable pit growth results in a set of governing equations which are solved for concentration field and interface position (pit boundary evolution), which requires only three inputs, namely the solid metal concentration, saturation concentration of the dissolved metal ions and diffusion coefficient. A combined eXtended Finite Element Model (XFEM) and level set method is developed in this paper. The extended finite element model handles the jump discontinuity in the metal concentrations at the interface, by using discontinuous-derivative enrichment formulation for concentration discontinuity at the interface. This eliminates the requirement of using front conforming mesh and re-meshing after each time step as in conventional finite element method. A numerical technique known as level set method tracks the position of the moving interface and updates it over time. Numerical analysis for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304 is presented. The above proposed method is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental results, exact solutions and some other approximate solutions.


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Mass balance between metal and electrolytic solution, separated by a moving interface, in stable pit growth results in a set of governing equations which are solved for concentration field and interface position (pit boundary evolution). The interface experiences a jump discontinuity in metal concentration. The extended finite-element model (XFEM) handles this jump discontinuity by using discontinuous-derivative enrichment formulation, eliminating the requirement of using front conforming mesh and re-meshing after each time step as in the conventional finite-element method. However, prior interface location is required so as to solve the governing equations for concentration field for which a numerical technique, the level set method, is used for tracking the interface explicitly and updating it over time. The level set method is chosen as it is independent of shape and location of the interface. Thus, a combined XFEM and level set method is developed in this paper. Numerical analysis for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304 is presented. The above proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental results, exact solutions and some other approximate solutions. An empirical model for pitting potential is also derived based on the finite-element results. Studies show that pitting profile depends on factors such as ion concentration, solution pH and temperature to a large extent. Studying the individual and combined effects of these factors on pitting potential is worth knowing, as pitting potential directly influences corrosion rate.


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Crystals of Boc-gamma y(4)(R)Val-Val-OH undergo a reversible first-order single crystal to single crystal phase transition at T-c approximate to 205 K from the orthorhombic space group P22(1)2(1) (Z' = 1) to the monoclinic space group P2(1) (Z' = 2) with a hysteresis of similar to 2.1 K. The low-temperature monoclinic form is best described as a nonmerohedral twin with similar to 50% contributions from its two components. The thermal behavior of the dipeptide crystals was characterized by differential scanning calorimetry experiments. Visual changes in birefringence of the sample during heating and cooling cycles on a hot-stage microscope with polarized light supported the phase transition. Variable-temperature unit cell check measurements from 300 to 100 K showed discontinuity in the volume and cell parameters near the transition temperature, supporting the first-order behavior. A detailed comparison of the room-temperature orthorhombic form with the low-temperature (100 K) monoclinic form revealed that the strong hydrogen-bonding motif is retained in both crystal systems, whereas the non-covalent interactions involving side chains of the dipeptide differ significantly, leading to a small change in molecular conformation in the monoclinic form as well as a small reorientation of the molecules along the ac plane. A rigid-body thermal motion analysis (translation, libration, screw; correlation of translation and libration) was performed to study the crystal entropy. The reversible nature of the phase transition is probably the result of an interplay between enthalpy and entropy: the low-temperature monoclinic form is enthalpically favored, whereas the room-temperature orthorhombic form is entropically favored.


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The problem of modelling the transient response of an elastic-perfectly-plastic cantilever beam, carrying an impulsively loaded tip mass, is,often referred to as the Parkes cantilever problem 25]; The permanent deformation of a cantilever struck transversely at its tip, Proc. R. Soc. A., 288, pp. 462). This paradigm for classical modelling of projectile impact on structures is re-visited and updated using the mesh-free method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The purpose of this study is to investigate further the behaviour of cantilever beams subjected to projectile impact at its tip, by considering especially physically real effects such as plastic shearing close to the projectile, shear deformation, and the variation of the shear strain along the length and across the thickness of the beam. Finally, going beyond macroscopic structural plasticity, a strategy to incorporate physical discontinuity (due to crack formation) in SPH discretization is discussed and explored in the context of tip-severance of the cantilever beam. Consequently, the proposed scheme illustrates the potency for a more refined treatment of penetration mechanics, paramount in the exploration of structural response under ballistic loading. The objective is to contribute to formulating a computational modelling framework within which transient dynamic plasticity and even penetration/failure phenomena for a range of materials, structures and impact conditions can be explored ab initio, this being essential for arriving at suitable tools for the design of armour systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using polydispersity index as an additional order parameter we investigate freezing/melting transition of Lennard-Jones polydisperse systems (with Gaussian polydispersity in size), especially to gain insight into the origin of the terminal polydispersity. The average inherent structure (IS) energy and root mean square displacement (RMSD) of the solid before melting both exhibit quite similar polydispersity dependence including a discontinuity at solid-liquid transition point. Lindemann ratio, obtained from RMSD, is found to be dependent on temperature. At a given number density, there exists a value of polydispersity index (delta (P)) above which no crystalline solid is stable. This transition value of polydispersity(termed as transition polydispersity, delta (P) ) is found to depend strongly on temperature, a feature missed in hard sphere model systems. Additionally, for a particular temperature when number density is increased, delta (P) shifts to higher values. This temperature and number density dependent value of delta (P) saturates surprisingly to a value which is found to be nearly the same for all temperatures, known as terminal polydispersity (delta (TP)). This value (delta (TP) similar to 0.11) is in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 0.12, but differs from hard sphere transition where this limiting value is only 0.048. Terminal polydispersity (delta (TP)) thus has a quasiuniversal character. Interestingly, the bifurcation diagram obtained from non-linear integral equation theories of freezing seems to provide an explanation of the existence of unique terminal polydispersity in polydisperse systems. Global bond orientational order parameter is calculated to obtain further insights into mechanism for melting.


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The complex nature of the structural disorder in the lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 has a profound impact on the perceived global structure and polar properties. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of electric field and temperature on the local structure around theBi and Ti atoms using extended x-ray absorption fine structure. Detailed analysis revealed that poling brings about a noticeable change in the bond distances associated with the Bi-coordination sphere, whereas the Ti coordination remains unaffected. We also observed discontinuity in the Bi-O bond lengths across the depolarization temperature of the poled specimen. These results establish that the disappearance of the monoclinic-like (Cc) global distortion, along with the drastic suppression of the short-ranged in-phase octahedral tilt after poling B. N. Rao et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 224103 (2013)] is a result of the readjustment of theA-O bonds by the electric field, so as to be in conformity with the rhombohedral R3c structure.


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Using a molecular model for octamethylcydotetrasiloxane (OMCTS), molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to probe the phase state of OMCTS confined between two mica surfaces in equilibrium With a reservoir. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for elevations ranging from 5 to 35 K above the melting point for the OMCTS model used in this study. The Helmholtz free energy is, computed for a specific confinement using the :two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) method. Analysis of the in-plane pair correlation functions did not reveal signatures of freezing even under an extreme confinement of two layers. OMCTS is found to orient with a wide distribution of orientations with respect to the mica surface, with a distinct preference for the surface parallel configuration in the contact layers. The self-intermediate scattering function is found to decay with increasing relaxation times as the surface separation is decreased, and the two-step relaxation in the scattering function, a signature of glassy dynamics, distinctly evolves as the temperature is lowered. However, even at 5 K above the melting point, we did not observe a freezing transition and the self-intermediate scattering functions relax within 200 ps for the seven-layered confined system. The self diffusivity and relaxation times obtained from the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential fits to the late alpha-relaxation exhibit power law scalings with the packing fraction as predicted by mode coupling theory. A distinct discontinuity in the Helmholtz free energy, potential energy, and a sharp change in the local bond order parameter, Q(4), was observed at 230 K for a five-layered system upon cooling, indicative of a first-order transition. A freezing point depression of about 30 K was observed for this five-layered confined system, and at the lower temperatures, contact layers were found to be disordered with long-range order present only in the inner layers. These dynamical signatures indicate that confined OMCTS undergoes a slowdown akin to a fluid approaching a glass transition upon increasing confinement, and freezing under confinement would require substantial subcooling below the bulk melting point of OMCTS.


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A finite flexible perforated panel set in a differently perforated rigid baffle is considered. The radiation efficiency from such a panel is derived using a 2-D wavenumber domain formulation. This generalization is later used to represent a more practical case of a perforated panel fixed in an unperforated baffle. The perforations are in the form of an array of uniformly distributed circular holes. A complex impedance model for the holes available in the literature is used. An averaged fluid particle velocity is derived using the continuity equation and the surface pressure is derived using an appropriate momentum equation. The discontinuity in the perforate impedance (due to different hole dimensions or perforation ratio) at the panel-baffle interface is carefully taken into account. It is found that there exists a `coupling' of different wavenumbers of the spatially mean fluid particle velocity field. The change in the resonance frequencies and the modeshapes of the panel due to the perforations is taken into account using the Receptance method. Analytical expressions for the radiated power and radiation efficiency are derived in an integral form and numerical results are presented. Several comparisons are made to understand the radiation efficiency curves. Since both the resistive and reactive components of the hole impedance are taken into account, the model is directly applicable to micro-perforated panels also. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pulsed fluidization is of considerable interest in process engineering for improving fluidization quality. Quantitative understanding of the pulsed two-phase flow behaviors is very important for proper design and optimum operation of such contactors. The


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The magnetic moment of square planar melt processed YBa2Cu3O7-δ thick films is observed to scale with the cube of the sample width at 4.2 K, suggesting that current flow on the length scale of the film determines its magnetization at this temperature. A well-defined discontinuity in slope in the scaling data at a sample width corresponding to the average grain size (≈2 mm) implies the coexistence of distinct intra- and inter-grain critical current densities of 1.1 × 105Acm-2 and 0.4 × 105Acm-2 at 1 T and 4.2 K. The presence of a critical state in the films at 4.2T is confirmed by removing the central section from a specimen. The observed change in magnetic moment is in excellent agreement with theory for fields greater than ≈2 T. A critical state is not observed at 77 K which suggests that the grains are only weakly coupled at the higher temperature. © 1994.