912 resultados para design processes


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Les applications Web en général ont connu d’importantes évolutions technologiques au cours des deux dernières décennies et avec elles les habitudes et les attentes de la génération de femmes et d’hommes dite numérique. Paradoxalement à ces bouleversements technologiques et comportementaux, les logiciels d’enseignement et d’apprentissage (LEA) n’ont pas tout à fait suivi la même courbe d’évolution technologique. En effet, leur modèle de conception est demeuré si statique que leur utilité pédagogique est remise en cause par les experts en pédagogie selon lesquels les LEA actuels ne tiennent pas suffisamment compte des aspects théoriques pédagogiques. Mais comment améliorer la prise en compte de ces aspects dans le processus de conception des LEA? Plusieurs approches permettent de concevoir des LEA robustes. Cependant, un intérêt particulier existe pour l’utilisation du concept patron dans ce processus de conception tant par les experts en pédagogie que par les experts en génie logiciel. En effet, ce concept permet de capitaliser l’expérience des experts et permet aussi de simplifier de belle manière le processus de conception et de ce fait son coût. Une comparaison des travaux utilisant des patrons pour concevoir des LEA a montré qu’il n’existe pas de cadre de synergie entre les différents acteurs de l’équipe de conception, les experts en pédagogie d’un côté et les experts en génie logiciel de l’autre. De plus, les cycles de vie proposés dans ces travaux ne sont pas complets, ni rigoureusement décrits afin de permettre de développer des LEA efficients. Enfin, les travaux comparés ne montrent pas comment faire coexister les exigences pédagogiques avec les exigences logicielles. Le concept patron peut-il aider à construire des LEA robustes satisfaisant aux exigences pédagogiques ? Comme solution, cette thèse propose une approche de conception basée sur des patrons pour concevoir des LEA adaptés aux technologies du Web. Plus spécifiquement, l’approche méthodique proposée montre quelles doivent être les étapes séquentielles à prévoir pour concevoir un LEA répondant aux exigences pédagogiques. De plus, un répertoire est présenté et contient 110 patrons recensés et organisés en paquetages. Ces patrons peuvent être facilement retrouvés à l’aide du guide de recherche décrit pour être utilisés dans le processus de conception. L’approche de conception a été validée avec deux exemples d’application, permettant de conclure d’une part que l’approche de conception des LEA est réaliste et d’autre part que les patrons sont bien valides et fonctionnels. L’approche de conception de LEA proposée est originale et se démarque de celles que l’on trouve dans la littérature car elle est entièrement basée sur le concept patron. L’approche permet également de prendre en compte les exigences pédagogiques. Elle est générique car indépendante de toute plateforme logicielle ou matérielle. Toutefois, le processus de traduction des exigences pédagogiques n’est pas encore très intuitif, ni très linéaire. D’autres travaux doivent être réalisés pour compléter les résultats obtenus afin de pouvoir traduire en artéfacts exploitables par les ingénieurs logiciels les exigences pédagogiques les plus complexes et les plus abstraites. Pour la suite de cette thèse, une instanciation des patrons proposés serait intéressante ainsi que la définition d’un métamodèle basé sur des patrons qui pourrait permettre la spécification d’un langage de modélisation typique des LEA. L’ajout de patrons permettant d’ajouter une couche sémantique au niveau des LEA pourrait être envisagée. Cette couche sémantique permettra non seulement d’adapter les scénarios pédagogiques, mais aussi d’automatiser le processus d’adaptation au besoin d’un apprenant en particulier. Il peut être aussi envisagé la transformation des patrons proposés en ontologies pouvant permettre de faciliter l’évaluation des connaissances de l’apprenant, de lui communiquer des informations structurées et utiles pour son apprentissage et correspondant à son besoin d’apprentissage.


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Mainstream business process modelling techniques promote a design paradigm wherein the activities to be performed within a case, together with their usual execution order, form the backbone of a process model, on top of which other aspects are anchored. This paradigm, while eective in standardised and production-oriented domains, shows some limitations when confronted with processes where case-by-case variations and exceptions are the norm. In this thesis we develop the idea that the eective design of exible process models calls for an alternative modelling paradigm, one in which process models are modularised along key business objects, rather than along activity decompositions. The research follows a design science method, starting from the formulation of a research problem expressed in terms of requirements, and culminating in a set of artifacts that have been devised to satisfy these requirements. The main contributions of the thesis are: (i) a meta-model for object-centric process modelling incorporating constructs for capturing exible processes; (ii) a transformation from this meta-model to an existing activity-centric process modelling language, namely YAWL, showing the relation between object-centric and activity-centric process modelling approaches; and (iii) a Coloured Petri Net that captures the semantics of the proposed meta-model. The meta-model has been evaluated using a framework consisting of a set of work ow patterns. Moreover, the meta-model has been embodied in a modelling tool that has been used to capture two industrial scenarios.


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Entrepreneurship, creativity, and design are all ingredients of the innovation process and are sometimes confused, misapplied, and used interchangeably. This conceptual paper responds to recent calls for further investigation of the links between entrepreneurship and related disciplines, and explores a solution focused approach most strongly developed and applied in new product and enterprise development — that of design and design thinking. The paper extends prior research on entrepreneurship, creativity, and design, and argues for tighter links between these notions in the establishment and ongoing evolution of enterprises.


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Nursing training for an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a resource intensive process. High demands are made on staff, students and physical resources. Interactive, 3D computer simulations, known as virtual worlds, are increasingly being used to supplement training regimes in the health sciences; especially in areas such as complex hospital ward processes. Such worlds have been found to be very useful in maximising the utilisation of training resources. Our aim is to design and develop a novel virtual world application for teaching and training Intensive Care nurses in the approach and method for shift handover, to provide an independent, but rigorous approach to teaching these important skills. In this paper we present a virtual world simulator for students to practice key steps in handing over the 24/7 care requirements of intensive care patients during the commencing first hour of a shift. We describe the modelling process to provide a convincing interactive simulation of the handover steps involved. The virtual world provides a practice tool for students to test their analytical skills with scenarios previously provided by simple physical simulations, and live on the job training. Additional educational benefits include facilitation of remote learning, high flexibility in study hours and the automatic recording of a reviewable log from the session. To the best of our knowledge, we believe this is a novel and original application of virtual worlds to an ICU handover process. The major outcome of the work was a virtual world environment for training nurses in the shift handover process, designed and developed for use by postgraduate nurses in training.


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Process modeling is an important design practice in organizational improvement projects. In this paper, we examine the design of business process diagrams in contexts where novice analysts only have basic design tools such as paper and pencils available, and little to no understanding of formalized modeling approaches. Based on a quasi-experimental study with 89 BPM students, we identify five distinct process design archetypes ranging from textual to hybrid and graphical representation forms. We examine the quality of the designs and identify which representation formats enable an analyst to articulate business rules, states, events, activities, temporal and geospatial information in a process model. We found that the quality of the process designs decreases with the increased use of graphics and that hybrid designs featuring appropriate text labels and abstract graphical forms appear well-suited to describe business processes. We further examine how process design preferences predict formalized process modeling ability. Our research has implications for practical process design work in industry as well as for academic curricula on process design.


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The environment moderates behaviour using a subtle language of ‘affordances’ and ‘behaviour-settings’. Affordances are environmental offerings. They are objects that demand action; a cliff demands a leap and binoculars demand a peek. Behaviour-settings are ‘places;’ spaces encoded with expectations and meanings. Behaviour-settings work the opposite way to affordances; they demand inhibition; an introspective demeanour in a church or when under surveillance. Most affordances and behaviour-settings are designed, and as such, designers are effectively predicting brain reactions. • Affordances are nested within, and moderated by behaviour-settings. Both trigger automatic neural responses (excitation and inhibition). These, for the best part cancel each other out. This balancing enables object recognition and allows choice about what action should be taken (if any). But when excitation exceeds inhibition, instinctive action will automatically commence. In positive circumstances this may mean laughter or a smile. In negative circumstances, fleeing, screaming or other panic responses are likely. People with poor frontal function, due to immaturity (childhood or developmental disorders) or due to hypofrontality (schizophrenia, brain damage or dementia) have a reduced capacity to balance excitatory and inhibitory impulses. For these people, environmental behavioural demands increase with the decline of frontal brain function. • The world around us is not only encoded with symbols and sensory information. Opportunities and restrictions work on a much more primal level. Person/space interactions constantly take place at a molecular scale. Every space we enter has its own special dynamic, where individualism vies for supremacy between the opposing forces of affordance-related excitation and the inhibition intrinsic to behaviour-settings. And in this context, even a small change–the installation of a CCTV camera can turn a circus to a prison. • This paper draws on cutting-edge neurological theory to understand the psychological determinates of the everyday experience of the designed environment.


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This study focuses on self-employed industrial designers and how they emerge new venture ideas. More specifically, this study strives to determine what design entrepreneurs do when they create new venture ideas, how venture ideas are nurtured into being, and how the processes are organized to bring such ideas to the market in the given industrial context. In contemporary times when the concern for the creative class is peaking, the research and business communities need more insight of the kind that this study provides, namely how professionals may contribute to their entrepreneurial processes and other agents’ business processes. On the one hand, the interviews underlying this study suggest that design entrepreneurs may act as reactive service providers who are appointed by producers or marketing parties to generate product-related ideas on their behalf. On the other hand, the interviews suggest that proactive behaviour that aims on generating own venture ideas, may force design entrepreneurs to take considerable responsibility in organizing their entrepreneurial processes. Another option is that they strive to bring venture ideas to the market in collaboration, or by passing these to other agents’ product development processes. Design entrepreneurs’ venture ideas typically emerge from design related starting points and observations. Product developers are mainly engaged with creating their own ideas, whereas service providers refer mainly to the development of other agents’ venture ideas. In contrast with design entrepreneurs, external actors commonly emphasize customer demand as their primary source for new venture ideas, as well as development of these in close interaction with available means of production and marketing. Consequently, design entrepreneurs need to address market demand since without sales their venture ideas may as well be classified as art. In case, they want to experiment with creative ideas, then there should be another source of income to support this typically uncertain and extensive process. Currently, it appears like a lot of good venture ideas and resources are being wasted, when venture ideas do not suite available production or business procedures. Sufficient communication between design entrepreneurs and other agents would assist all parties in developing production efficient and distributable venture ideas. Overall, the findings suggest that design entrepreneurs are often involved simultaneously in several processes that aim at emerging new product related ventures. Consequently, design entrepreneurship is conceptualized in this study as a dual process. This implies that design entrepreneurs can simultaneously be in charge of their entrepreneurial processes, as they operate as resources in other agents’ business processes. The interconnection between activities and agents suggests that these kinds of processes tend to be both complex and multifaceted to their nature.


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Case study on the Heart of Worcestershire College and how they are meeting the FELTAG recommendation of achieving a 10% wholly online component of all programmes from September 2015