935 resultados para defect revolution
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that share a unique but remarkably conserved biphasic developmental cycle that relies on a eukaryotic host cell for survival. Although the phylum was originally thought to only contain one family, the Chlamydiaceae, a total of nine families are now recognized. These so-called Chlamydia-like organisms (CLOs) are also referred to as 'environmental chlamydiae', as many were initially isolated from environmental sources. However, these organisms are also emerging pathogens, as many, such as Parachlamydia sp., Simkania sp. and Waddlia sp., have been associated with human disease, and others, such as Piscichlamydia sp. and Parilichlamydia sp., have been documented in association with diseases in animals. Their strict intracellular nature and the requirement for cell culture have been a confounding factor in characterizing the biology and pathogenicity of CLOs. Nevertheless, the genomes of seven CLO species have now been sequenced, providing new information on their potential ability to adapt to a wide range of hosts. As new isolation and diagnostic methods advance, we are able to further explore the richness of this phylum with further research likely to help define the true pathogenic potential of the CLOs while also providing insight into the origins of the 'traditional' chlamydiae.
AIM: Transanal minimal invasive surgery (TAMIS) of rectal lesions is increasingly being used, but the technique is not yet standardized. The aims of this study were to evaluate peri-operative complications and long-term functional outcome of the technique and to analyse whether or not the rectal defect needs to be closed. METHOD: Consecutive patients undergoing TAMIS using the SILS port (Covidien) and standard laparoscopic instruments were studied. RESULTS: Seventy-five patients (68% male) of mean age 67 (± 15) years underwent single-port transanal surgery at three different centres for 37 benign lesions and 38 low-risk cancers located at a mean of 6.4 ± 2.3 cm from the anal verge. The median operating time was 77 (25-245) min including a median time for resection of 36 (15-75) min and for closure of the rectal defect of 38 (9-105) min. The defect was closed in 53% using interrupted (75%) or a running suture (25%). Intra-operative complications occurred in six (8%) patients and postoperative morbidity was 19% with only one patient requiring reoperation for Grade IIIb local infection. There was no difference in the incidence of complications whether the rectal defect was closed or left open. Patients were discharged after 3.4 (1-21) days. At a median follow-up of 12.8 (2-29) months, the continence was normal (Vaizey score of 1.5; 0-16). CONCLUSION: Transanal rectal resection can be safely and efficiently performed by means of a SILS port and standard laparoscopic instruments. The rectal defect may be left open and at 1 year continence is not compromised.
We have investigated doped and undoped layers of microcrystalline silicon prepared by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition optically, electrically and by means of transmission electron microscopy. Besides needle-like crystals grown perpendicular to the substrate's surface, all of the layers contained a noncrystalline phase with a volume fraction between 4% and 25%. A high oxygen content of several per cent in the porous phase was detected by electron energy loss spectrometry. Deep-level transient spectroscopy of the crystals suggests that the concentration of electrically active defects is less than 1% of the undoped background concentration of typically 10^17 cm -3. Frequency-dependent measurements of the conductance and capacitance perpendicular to the substrate surface showed that a hopping process takes place within the noncrystalline phase parallel to the conduction in the crystals. The parasitic contribution to the electrical circuit arising from the porous phase is believed to be an important loss mechanism in the output of a pin-structured photovoltaic solar cell deposited by hot-wire CVD.
The optical and electrical recovery processes of the metastable state of the EL2 defect artificially created in n‐type GaAs by boron or oxygen implantation are analyzed at 80 K using optical isothermal transient spectroscopy. In both cases, we have found an inhibition of the electrical recovery and the existence of an optical recovery in the range 1.1-1.4 eV, competing with the photoquenching effect. The similar results obtained with both elements and the different behavior observed in comparison with the native EL2 defect has been related to the network damage produced by the implantation process. From the different behavior with the technological process, it can be deduced that the electrical and optical anomalies have a different origin. The electrical inhibition is due to the existence of an interaction between the EL2 defect and other implantation‐created defects. However, the optical recovery seems to be related to a change in the microscopic metastable state configuration involving the presence of vacancies
During transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TA-TAVR), the apical closure remains a challenge for the surgeon, having the risk for ventricular tear and massive bleeding. Apical closure devices are already under clinical evaluation, but only a few can lead to a full percutaneous TA-TAVR. We describe the successful use of a 9-mm myocardial occluder (ventricular septal defect occluder) that was used to seal the apex after a standard TA-TAVR (using the Sapien XT 23-mm transcatheter valve and the Ascendra + delivery system). The placement of the nonmodified myocardial occluder was performed through the Ascendra + delivery system, with a very small amount of blood loss and an acceptable sealing of the apical tear. This approach is feasible and represents a further step toward true-percutaneous transapical heart valve procedures. Modified apical occluders are under evaluation in animal models.
Automated Fiber Placement is being extensively used in the production of major composite components for the aircraft industry. This technology enables the production of tow-steered panels, which have been proven to greatly improve the structural efficiency of composites by means of in-plane stiffness variation and load redistribution. However, traditional straight-fiber architectures are still preferred. One of the reasons behind this is related to the uncertainties, as a result of process-induced defects, in the mechanical performance of the laminates. This experimental work investigates the effect of the fiber angle discontinuities between different tow courses in a ply on the un-notched and open-hole tensile strength of the laminate. The influence of several manufacturing parameters are studied in detail. The results reveal that 'ply staggering' and '0% gap coverage' is an effective combination in reducing the influence of defects in these laminates
Hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttavan siittiöiden puolihäntävian molekyyligenetiikka Suomalaisissa Yorkshire karjuissa yleistyi 1990-luvun lopulla autosomaalisesti ja resessiivisesti periytyvä hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttava siittiöiden puolihäntävika (ISTS, immotile short tail sperm). Sairaus aiheuttaa normaalia lyhyemmän ja täysin liikkumattoman siittiön hännän muodostuksen. Muita oireita sairailla karjuilla ei ole havaittu ja emakot ovat oireettomia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa siittiöiden puolihäntävian aiheuttava geenivirhe ja kehittää DNA-testi markkeri- ja geeniavusteiseen valintaan. Koko genomin kartoituksessa vian aiheuttava alue paikannettiin sian kromosomiin 16. Paikannuksen perusteella kahden geenimerkin haplotyyppi kehitettiin käytettäväksi markkeri-avusteisessa valinnassa. Sairauteen kytkeytyneen alueen hienokartoitusta jatkettiin geenitestin kehittämiseksi kantajadiagnostiikkaan. Vertailevalla kartoituksella oireeseen kytkeytynyt alue paikannettiin 2 cM:n alueelle ihmisen kromosomiin viisi (5p13.2). Tällä alueella sijaitsevia geenejä vastaavista sian sekvensseistä löydetyn muuntelun perusteella voitiin tarkentaa sairauteen kytkeytyneitä haplotyyppejä. Haplotyyppien perusteella puolihäntäoireeseen kytkeytynyt alue rajattiin kahdeksan geenin alueelle ihmisen geenikartalla. Alueelle paikannetun kandidaattigeenin (KPL2) sekvensointi paljasti introniin liittyneen liikkuvan DNA-sekvenssin, Line-1 retroposonin. Tämä retroposoni muuttaa geenin silmikointia siten, että sitä edeltävä eksoni jätetään pois tai myös osa introni- ja inserttisekvenssiä liitetään geenin mRNA tuotteeseen. Molemmissa tapauksissa tuloksena on lyhentynyt KPL2 proteiini. Tähän retroposoni-inserttiin perustuva geenitesti on ollut sianjalostajien käytössä vuodesta 2006. KPL2 geenin ilmenemisen tarkastelu sialla ja hiirellä paljasti useita kudosspesifisiä silmikointimuotoja. KPL2 geenin pitkä muoto ilmenee pääasiassa vain kiveksessä, mikä selittää geenivirheen aiheuttamat erityisesti siittiön kehitykseen liittyvät oireet. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen hiiren siittiön hännän kehityksen aikana ja mahdollinen yhteistoiminta IFT20 proteiinin kanssa viittaavat tehtävään proteiinien kuljetuksessa siittiön häntään. Mahdollisen kuljetustehtävän lisäksi KPL2 saattaa toimia myös siittiön hännän rakenneosana, koska se paikannettiin valmiin siittiön hännän keskiosaan. Lisäksi KPL2 proteiini saattaa myös toimia Golgin laitteessa sekä Sertolin solujen ja spermatidien liitoksissa, mutta nämä havainnot kuitenkin vaativat lisätutkimuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että KPL2 geeni on tärkeä siittiön hännän kehitykselle ja sen rakennemuutos aiheuttaa siittiöiden puolihäntäoireen suomalaisilla Yorkshire karjuilla. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen ja paikannus siittiön kehityksen aikana antaa viitteitä proteiinin toiminnasta. Koska KPL2 geenisekvenssi on erittäin konservoitunut, nämä tulokset tuovat uutta tietoa kaikkien nisäkkäiden siittiöiden kehitykseen ja urosten hedelmättömyyteen syihin.
Emerging human rights are destined to modify, improve and transform a number of already traditional concepts so as to achieve greater guarantees and protection for the rights of individuals and collectivities. One of the big changes that will be brought about by the concept and conception of emerging human rights is that, following on from the processes of positivization, generalization, internationalization and specification, they represent the beginning of the fifth historical process in the consolidation of human rights, namely the process of interaction. A number of breakthroughs have already been achieved, such as the recognition of emerging biocultural rights in the recently adopted Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and shared benefits.
We introduce a method for surface reconstruction from point sets that is able to cope with noise and outliers. First, a splat-based representation is computed from the point set. A robust local 3D RANSAC-based procedure is used to filter the point set for outliers, then a local jet surface - a low-degree surface approximation - is fitted to the inliers. Second, we extract the reconstructed surface in the form of a surface triangle mesh through Delaunay refinement. The Delaunay refinement meshing approach requires computing intersections between line segment queries and the surface to be meshed. In the present case, intersection queries are solved from the set of splats through a 1D RANSAC procedure
It is important to develop drying technologies for Eucalyptus grandis lumber, which is one of the most planted species of this genus in Brazil and plays an important role as raw material for the wood industry. The general aim of this work was to assess the conventional kiln drying of juvenile wood of three clones of Eucalyptus grandis. The specific aims were to compare the behavior between: i) drying defects indicated by tests with wood specimens and conventional kiln-dried boards; and ii) physical properties and the drying quality. Five 11-year-old trees of each clone were felled, and only flatsawn boards of the first log were used. Basic density and total shrinkage were determined, and the drying test with wood specimens at 100 °C was carried out. Kiln drying of boards was performed, and initial and final moisture content, moisture gradient in thickness, drying stresses and drying defects were assessed. The defect scoring method was used to verify the behavior between the defects detected by specimen testing and the defects detected in kiln-dried boards. As main results, the drying schedule was too severe for the wood, resulting in a high level of boards with defects. The behavior between the defects in the drying test with specimens and the defects of kiln-dried boards was different, there was no correspondence, according to the defect scoring method.