975 resultados para corante azul básico 41


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A comprehensive study was conducted on mesoporous MCM-41. Spectroscopic examinations demonstrated that three types of silanol groups, i.e., single, (SiO)3Si-OH, hydrogen-bonded, (SiO)3Si-OH-OH-Si(SiO)3, and geminal, (SiO)2Si(OH)2, can be observed. The number of silanol groups/nm2, ?OH, as determined by NMR, varies between 2.5 and 3.0 depending on the template-removal methods. All these silanol groups were found to be the active sites for adsorption of pyridine with desorption energies of 91.4 and 52.2 kJ mol-1, respectively. However, only free silanol groups (involving single and geminal silanols) are highly accessible to the silylating agent, chlorotrimethylsilane. Silylation can modify both the physical and chemical properties of MCM-41.


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The discovery of mesoporous molecular sieves, MCM-41, which possesses a regular hexagonal array of uniform pore openings, aroused a worldwide resurgence in this field. This is not only because it has brought about a series of novel mesoporous materials with various compositions which may find applications in catalysis, adsorption, and guest-host chemistry, but also it has opened a new avenue for creating zeotype materials. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the field of MCM-41. Beginning with the chemistry of surfactant/silicate solutions, progresses made in design and synthesis, characterization, and physicochemical property evaluation of MCM-41 are enumerated. Proposed formation mechanisms are presented, discussed, and identified. Potential applications are reviewed and projected. More than 100 references are cited.


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Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the action of enzymes at the atomic level. Among them, the recent proposals involving short hydrogen bonds as a step in catalysis by Gerlt and Gassman [1] and proton transfer through low barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) [2, 3] have attracted attention. There are several limitations to experimentally testing such hypotheses, Recent developments in computational methods facilitate the study of active site-ligand complexes to high levels of accuracy, Our previous studies, which involved the docking of the dinucleotide substrate UpA to the active site of RNase A [4, 5], enabled us to obtain a realistic model of the ligand-bound active site of RNase A. From these studies, based on empirical potential functions, we were able to obtain the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates of RNase A, bound to the ligand UpA. A quantum mechanical study is required to investigate the catalytic process which involves the cleavage and formation of covalent bonds. In the present study, we have investigated the strengths of some of the hydrogen bonds between the active site residues of RNase A and UpA at the ab initio quantum chemical level using the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates as the starting point. The 49 atom system and other model systems were optimized at the 3-21G level and the energies of the optimized systems were obtained at the 6-31G* level. The results clearly indicate the strengthening of hydrogen bonds between neutral residues due to the presence of charged species at appropriate positions. Such a strengthening manifests itself in the form of short hydrogen bonds and a low barrier for proton transfer. In the present study, the proton transfer between the 2'-OH of ribose (from the substrate) and the imidazole group from the H12 of RNase A is influenced by K41, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the neutral hydrogen bond, reducing the barrier for proton transfer.


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The feasibility of state-wide eradication of 41 invasive plant taxa currently listed as ‘Class 1 declared pests’ under the Queensland Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 was assessed using the predictive model ‘WeedSearch’. Results indicated that all but one species (Alternanthera philoxeroides) could be eradicated, provided sufficient funding and labour were available. Slightly less than one quarter (24.4%) (n = 10) of Class 1 weed taxa could be eradicated for less than $100 000 per taxon. An additional 43.9% (n = 18) could be eradicated for between $100 000 and $1M per taxon. Hence, 68.3% of Class 1 weed taxa (n = 28) could be eradicated for less than $1M per taxon. Eradication of 29.3% (n = 12) is predicted to cost more than $1M per taxon. Comparison of these WeedSearch outputs with either empirical analysis or results from a previous application of the model suggests that these costs may, in fact, be underestimates. Considering the likelihood that each weed will cost the state many millions of dollars in long-term losses (e.g. losses to primary production, environmental impacts and control costs), eradication seems a wise investment. Even where predicted costs are over $1M, eradication can still offer highly favourable benefit:cost ratios. The total (cumulative) cost of eradication of all 41 weed taxa is substantial; for all taxa, the estimated cost of eradication in the first year alone is $8 618 000. This study provides important information for policy makers, who must decide where to invest public funding.


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Handwritten on verso: zu obest mein Atelier (My studio on the top floor)


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Aluminium iodide reduces sulphonyl chlorides to disulphides and sulphoxides to sulphides under mild conditions in acetonitrile.


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Handwritten on verso: zu obest mein Atelier (My studio on the top floor)


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Mesoporous MCM-41 type silicas containing molybdenum and cobalt have been prepared with pore sizes in the range 30-38 Angstrom and 54-59 Angstrom. Catalytic properties of these materials have been examined with respect to the oxidation of cyclooctene and aniline.


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The short-lived radionuclide Ca-41 plays an important role in constraining the immediate astrophysical environment and the formation timescale of the nascent solar system due to its extremely short half-life (0.1 Myr). Nearly 20 years ago, the initial ratio of Ca-41/Ca-40 in the solar system was determined to be (1.41 +/- 0.14) x 10(-8), primarily based on two Ca-Al-rich Inclusions (CAIs) from the CV chondrite Efremovka. With an advanced analytical technique for isotopic measurements, we reanalyzed the potassium isotopic compositions of the two Efremovka CAIs and inferred the initial ratios of Ca-41/Ca-40 to be (2.6 +/- 0.9) x 10(-9) and (1.4 +/- 0.6) x 10(-9) (2 sigma), a factor of 7-10 lower than the previously inferred value. Considering possible thermal processing that led to lower Al-26/Al-27 ratios in the two CAIs, we propose that the true solar system initial value of Ca-41/Ca-40 should have been similar to 4.2 x 10(-9). Synchronicity could have existed between Al-26 and Ca-41, indicating a uniform distribution of the two radionuclides at the time of CAI formation. The new initial Ca-41 abundance is 4-16 times lower than the calculated value for steady-state galactic nucleosynthesis. Therefore, Ca-41 could have originated as part of molecular cloud materials with a free decay time of 0.2-0.4 Myr. Alternative possibilities, such as a last-minute input from a stellar source and early solar system irradiation, could not be definitively ruled out. This underscores the need for more data from diverse CAIs to determine the true astrophysical origin of Ca-41.


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Three refractory coarse grained CAIs from the Efremovka CV3 chondrite, one (E65) previously shown to have formed with live Ca-41, were studied by ion microprobe for their Al-26-Mg-26 and Be-10-B-10 systematic in order to better understand the origin of Be-10. The high precision Al-Mg data and the inferred Al-26/Al-27 values attest that the precursors of the three CAIs evolved in the solar nebula over a period of few hundred thousand years before last melting-crystallization events. The initial Be-10/Be-9 ratios and delta B-10 values defined by the Be-10 isochrons for the three Efremovka CAIs are similar within errors. The CAI Be-10 abundance in published data underscores the large range for initial Be-10/Be-9 ratios. This is contrary to the relatively small range of Al-26/Al-27 variations in CAIs around the canonical ratio. Two models that could explain the origin of this large Be-10/Be-9 range are assessed from the collateral variations predicted for the initial delta B-10 values: (i) closed system decay of Be-10 from a ``canonical'' Be-10/Be-9 ratio and (ii) formation of CAIs from a mixture of solid precursors and nebula gas irradiated during up to a few hundred thousand years. The second scenario is shown to be the most consistent with the data. This shows that the major fraction of Be-10 in CAIs was produced by irradiation of refractory grains, while contributions of galactic cosmic rays trapping and early solar wind irradiation are less dominant. The case for Be-10 production by solar cosmic rays irradiation of solid refractory precursors poses a conundrum for Ca-41 because the latter is easily produced by irradiation and should be more abundant than what is observed in CAIs. Be-10 production by irradiation from solar energetic particles requires high Ca-41 abundance in early solar system, however, this is not observed in CAIs. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Actualmente el cultivo de tejidos vegetales como una de las técnicas más modernas en la agricultura, permite obtener elevados volúmenes de material vegetal de buena calidad para la siembra en numerosos cultivos, impactando directamente en el incremento de la calidad y rendimiento de las cosechas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de las variedades de papa Desirée, DT0-28 y Baraka en tres medios de cultivo: Ml (Sales MS + 0.5 mg/l * AIA + 0.2 mg/l Kinetina + 0.2 mg/1 Tiamina-HCL); M2 (Sales MS + 0.2 mg/l Tiamina-HCL) y M3 (Sales MS + 0.25 mg/l **GA3 + 0.2 mg/l Tiamina-HCL) y tres subcultivos continuos. Se evaluaron las variables Altura de plántula, Longitud de entrenudos y Número de hojas. Las tres variedades manifestaron una dinámica de crecimiento muy variada en los medios de cultivo y en los subcultivos, Desirée registró disminución del número de hojas en la medida que incrementaron los subcultivos. Igual tendencia mostró DT0-28. Por el contrario Baraka superó ligeramente el número de hojas en el subcultivo dos al obtenido en el subcultivo uno, alcanzando los valores más altos en el subcultivo tres. Desirée y Baraka presentaron un comportamiento aceptable en el medio dos y DT0-28 en el medio tres. *AlA = Acido lndolAcético **G3 = Acido Giberélico


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Resumen: La Educación en valores es uno de los ejes que han de convertirse en uno de los puntos centrales de la educación del siglo XXI. Junto con las competencias laborales y la educación en la democracia, los valores hacen al desarrollo de la integralidad de la persona y su calidad de vida. La enseñanza y consecuente evaluación de valores en nuestras escuelas han de llevarse a cabo en un clima psicoético institucional acorde a los mismos.


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En dos plantaciones de espárrago verde (Asparagus officinalis L.) en el centro de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires, del cultivar UC 157 F2, iniciadas con arañas y plantines, durante su primer año de cosecha, se determinó la tasa de elongación diaria y total hasta el momento de la ramificación de los turiones, el número de días hasta alcanzar el largo exportable (22.5 cm) y los días hasta el momento de la ramificación con el objetivo de estudiar su comportamiento en la zona centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Las mediciones se efectuaron durante seis semanas, desde el 26 de septiembre hasta el 4 de noviembre de 2005, desde la emergencia del turión hasta el día de su ramificación (rama de 5 mm sobre su bráctea). La elongación máxima hasta el día de ramificación en promedio y para ambos sistemas de inicio, varió 2 desde 35.3 cm al principio de la cosecha hasta 22.8 cm al final de la misma. Las tasas de elongación relativas variaron en promedio para ambos sistemas de inicio, entre 0.11 cm cm-1 d-1 y 0.38 cm cm-1 d-1 dependiendo de la temperatura del aire. Al mismo tiempo las parcelas constituyentes del ensayo fueron sometidas a una cosecha comercial durante las seis semanas de evaluación. Los espárragos cosechados constituyeron el rendimiento total (kg ha-1) para cada sistema de inicio entre los cuales no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Este estudio permitiría explicar las diferencias de rendimiento comercial para un mismo cultivar en diferentes zonas de producción. Se concluye que para una zona dada, la elongación y sobre todo la ramificación, son variables prioritarias para la determinación del potencial productivo de un cultivar, debiendo tener en cuenta las condiciones de temperatura en las cual se pretende producir este cultivo y el mercado de destino de la producción debido a las mercadas preferencias entre sus consumidores.