952 resultados para co-operating target


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Il Tumore a Cellule Giganti dell’osso (TCG) è una rara neoplasia che rappresenta il 5% dei tumori di natura ossea; sebbene venga considerato un tumore a decorso benigno può manifestare caratteri di aggressività locale dando origine a recidive locali nel 10-25% dei casi, e nel 2-4% dei casi metastatizza a livello polmonare. In questo studio è stata valutata l’espressione dei miRNA mediante miRNA microarray in 10 pazienti affetti da TCG, 5 con metastasi e 5 liberi da malattia; sono stati riscontrati miRNA differenzialmente espressi tra i 2 gruppi di pazienti e la successiva validazione mediante Real Time PCR ha confermato una differenza significativa per il miR-136 (p=0.04). Mediante analisi bioinformatica con il software TargetScan abbiamo identificato RANK e NF1B come target del miR-136 e ne abbiamo studiato l’espressione mediante Real Time PCR su una più ampia casistica di pazienti affetti da TCG, metastatico e non, evidenziando una maggior espressione di NF1B nel gruppo di pazienti metastatici, mentre RANK non ha dimostrato una differenza significativa. L’analisi di Western Blot ha rilevato una maggiore espressione di entrambe le proteine nei pazienti metastatici rispetto ai non metastatici. Successivamente è stato condotto uno studio di immunoistochimica su TMA di 163 campioni di pazienti affetti da TCG a diverso decorso clinico che ha dimostrato una maggiore e significativa espressione di entrambe i target nei pazienti con metastasi rispetto ai non metastatici; le analisi di popolazione mediante Kaplan-Meier hanno confermato la correlazione tra over-espressione di RANK, NF1B e ricaduta con metastasi (p=0.001 e p<0.0005 rispettivamente). Lo studio di immunoistochimica è stato ampliato alle proteine maggiormente coinvolte nell’osteolisi che risultano avere un significato prognostico; tuttavia mediante analisi di ROC, la co-over-espressione di RANK, RANKL e NF1B rappresenta il migliore modello per predire la comparsa di metastasi (AUC=0.782, p<0.0005).


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The development of High-Integrity Real-Time Systems has a high footprint in terms of human, material and schedule costs. Factoring functional, reusable logic in the application favors incremental development and contains costs. Yet, achieving incrementality in the timing behavior is a much harder problem. Complex features at all levels of the execution stack, aimed to boost average-case performance, exhibit timing behavior highly dependent on execution history, which wrecks time composability and incrementaility with it. Our goal here is to restitute time composability to the execution stack, working bottom up across it. We first characterize time composability without making assumptions on the system architecture or the software deployment to it. Later, we focus on the role played by the real-time operating system in our pursuit. Initially we consider single-core processors and, becoming less permissive on the admissible hardware features, we devise solutions that restore a convincing degree of time composability. To show what can be done for real, we developed TiCOS, an ARINC-compliant kernel, and re-designed ORK+, a kernel for Ada Ravenscar runtimes. In that work, we added support for limited-preemption to ORK+, an absolute premiere in the landscape of real-word kernels. Our implementation allows resource sharing to co-exist with limited-preemptive scheduling, which extends state of the art. We then turn our attention to multicore architectures, first considering partitioned systems, for which we achieve results close to those obtained for single-core processors. Subsequently, we shy away from the over-provision of those systems and consider less restrictive uses of homogeneous multiprocessors, where the scheduling algorithm is key to high schedulable utilization. To that end we single out RUN, a promising baseline, and extend it to SPRINT, which supports sporadic task sets, hence matches real-world industrial needs better. To corroborate our results we present findings from real-world case studies from avionic industry.


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Escherichia coli kann C4-Dicarboxylate sowohl unter aeroben als auch unter anaeroben Bedingungen zur Energiekonservierung nutzen. Die Synthese der beteiligten Transporter und Enzyme wird auf der Transkriptionsebene durch das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert. DcuS ist der Sensor für C4-Dicarboxylate. Der Antwortregulator DcuR wird von DcuS aktiviert und induziert die Expression des C4-Dicarboxylat-Transporters DctA unter aeroben Verhältnissen. Anaerob verstärkt DcuSR die Expression des Fumarat/Succinat-Antiporters DcuB, der Fumarase B und der Fumaratreduktase FrdABCD. DctA und DcuB agieren als Co-Sensoren von DcuS und üben einen negativen Effekt auf die Genexpression von dctA bzw. dcuB aus.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktion von DctA und DcuB als Co-Sensoren von DcuS untersucht. Sowohl für DcuB als auch für DctA wurde eine direkte Protein-Protein-Interaktion mit DcuS über ein bakterielles Two-Hybrid System nachgewiesen. DcuS bildete ein Transporter-Sensor-Cluster mit DctA und DcuB. C-terminale Verkürzung und die Mutagenese einzelner Aminosäuren der C-terminalen Helix 8b von DctA führten zu einem Verlust der Interaktion mit DcuS. Mit dieser Interaktion gingen sowohl die regulatorische Funktion als auch die Transportfunktion der Punktmutante DctA-L414A verloren. Ein Verlust der Interaktion wurde ebenfalls zwischen einer konstitutiv aktiven DcuS-Mutante und wildtypischem DctA beobachtet. Ebenso zeigte sich eine partielle Reduktion der Interaktion von DcuS mit DctA, wenn DcuS nach der zweiten Transmembranhelix verkürzt wurde. Die Interaktion zwischen DcuS und DctA wurde durch den Effektor Fumarat modifiziert, ging aber nicht komplett verloren.rnDctA konnte in verschiedenen Plasmidsystemen überproduziert werden und bildete Homotrimere. Die Topologie von DctA wurde mit experimentellen und in silico Methoden aufgeklärt. DctA ähnelt der Struktur und Topologie des Aminosäuretransporters Glt aus Pyrococcus horikoshii. DctA besitzt acht Transmembranhelices mit einem cytosolischen N- und C-Terminus sowie zwei Haarnadelschleifen. Die Substratbindung findet höchstwahrscheinlich in den Haarnadelschleifen statt und der Transport erfolgt nach dem „alternating access“ Modell.rnAußerdem wurde die Funktion des Transporters YfcC untersucht. Das Gen yfcC wurde mit Schlüsselgenen des Acetatstoffwechsels co-transkribiert. In yfcC-Deletionsstämmen zeigte sich ein stammspezifischer Defekt bei Wachstum mit Acetat und Transport von Acetat.


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In a prior bioinformatic analysis by Hüyseyin Binbas, potential Tbx targets sequences in wing-related genes have been identified. Guided by this information, enhancer trap/reporter lacZ insertions were characterized by X-gal staining first in wildtype and then in l(1)omb imaginal discs.rnIn several lines I observed an increase in reporter expression in a l(1)omb mutant background. Since Omb is assumed to function predominantly as a transcriptional repressor, this may indicate direct regulation. Repression by Omb was observed e.g. for brk and tkv. These genes are negatively regulated by Dpp, while omb is induced by Dpp. Omb which mediates the effects of Dpp on proliferation could, thus, also mediate the Dpp effect on patterning of the wing disc. However, brk and tkv were not completely derepressed in l(1)omb indicating that Dpp represses these genes also by an Omb-independent mechanism.rnMore frequently I observed loss of reporter expression in an l(1)omb mutant background. In these cases, regulation by Omb presumably is indirect. For example, STAT92E-lacZ expression in the wildtype eye was symmetrically expressed at the dorsal and ventral margins. In l(1)omb, ventral expression was selectively lost. Loss of omb is known to cause ventral overproliferation of the eye by activation of the Jak/STAT pathway. STAT92E expression is negatively regulated by Jak/STAT signaling suggesting that loss of omb activates Jak/STAT further upstream in the pathway.rnRegional overproliferation of eye and wing in the l(1)omb mutant background proved a complicating issue in the search for Omb targets. This effect made it difficult to decide whether an expanded reporter expression pattern was due to tissue expansion or reporter gene derepression. For instance hth-lacZ appeared to expand along the ventral eye disc margin in l(1)omb. Without addtional experiments it cannot be concluded whether this is due to de-repression or to activation in association with the proliferative state. Parallel to my experiments, evidence accumulated in our laboratory that loss of omb may attenuate Wg and Hegehog signaling. Since these diffusible proteins are the main patterning molecules in the wing imaginal disc, with dpp being downstream of Hh, many of the observed effects could be secondary to reduced Wg and Hh activity. Examples are ab-lacZ, Dll-lacZ and vgBE-lacZ (reduced expression on the dorso-ventral boundary) and inv-lacZ (late larval expression in the anterior wing disc compartment is lost) or sal-lacZ. Epistasis experiment will be required to clarifiy these issues.rnFurthermore, loss of omb appeared to induce cell fate changes. It was reported previously that in an omb null mutant, the dorsal determinant apterous (ap) is ectopically expressed in the ventral compartment (an effect I did not observe with the strongly hypomorphic l(1)omb15, indicating strong dose dependence). Ventral repression of ap is maintained by epigenetic mechanisms. The patchy and variable nature of ectopic expression of ap or grn-1.1-lacZ points to an effect of omb on epigenetic stability.rnIn the second part of my thesis, an analysis of Omb expression in the Drosophila embryonic ventral nervous system was performed. Omb was found co-expressed with Eve in the medial aCC and RP2 motorneurons as well as the fpCC interneuron and the mediolateral CQ neurons. Additionally, Omb was detected in the Eg positive NB7-3 GW serotonergic motoneuron and the N2-4 neurons. Omb was not found in Repo positive glial cells. During embryonic stage 14, Omb showed some coepression with Dpn or Pros. At the embryonic stage 16, Omb was expressed in minor subset of Mid and Wg positive cells.


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Recently, we reported a functional interaction between miR-21 and its identified chemokine target CCL20 in colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines. Here, we investigated whether such functional interactions are permitted at the cellular level which would require an inverse correlation of expression and also co-expression of miR-21 and CCL20 in the same cell. Expression profiling was performed using qPCR, and ELISA, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were applied for the presentation of their cellular localization. We demonstrated that miR-21 as well as CCL20 were both significantly upregulated in CRC tissues; thus, showing no antidromic expression pattern. This provided an initial clue that miR-21 and CCL20 may not be expressed in the same cell. In addition, we located miR-21 expression at the cellular level predominantly in stromal cells such as tumor-associated fibroblasts and to a minor degree in immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes. Likewise, CCL20 expression was primarily detected in tumor-infiltrating immune cells. Thus, investigating the cellular localization of miR-21 and its target CCL20 revealed that both molecules are expressed predominantly in the microenvironment of CRC tumors.


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Both climate change and socio-economic development will significantly modify the supply and consumption of water in future. Consequently, regional development has to face aggravation of existing or emergence of new conflicts of interest. In this context, transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge is considered as an important means for coping with these challenges. Accordingly, the MontanAqua project aims at developing strategies for more sustainable water management in the study area Crans-Montana-Sierre (Switzerland) in a transdisciplinary way. It strives for co-producing system, target and transformation knowledge among researchers, policy makers, public administration and civil society organizations. The research process basically consisted of the following steps: First, the current water situation in the study region was investigated. How much water is available? How much water is being used? How are decisions on water distribution and use taken? Second, participatory scenario workshops were conducted in order to identify the stakeholders’ visions of regional development. Third, the water situation in 2050 was simulated by modeling the evolution of water resources and water use and by reflecting on the institutional aspects. These steps laid ground for jointly assessing the consequences of the stakeholders’ visions of development in view of scientific data regarding governance, availability and use of water in the region as well as developing necessary transformation knowledge. During all of these steps researchers have collaborated with stakeholders in the support group RegiEau. The RegiEau group consists of key representatives of owners, managers, users, and pressure groups related to water and landscape: representatives of the communes (mostly the presidents), the canton (administration and parliament), water management associations, agriculture, viticulture, hydropower, tourism, and landscape protection. The aim of the talk is to explore potentials and constraints of scientific modeling of water availability and use within the process of transdisciplinary co-producing strategies for more sustainable water governance.


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The skin is composed of two major compartments, the dermis and epidermis. The epidermis forms a barrier to protect the body. The stratified epithelium has self-renewing capacity throughout life, and continuous turnover is mediated by stem cells in the basal layer. p63 is structurally and functionally related to p53. In spite of their structural similarities, p63 is critical for the development and maintenance of stratified epithelial tissues, unlike p53. p63 is highly expressed in the epidermis and previously has been shown to play a critical role in the development and maintenance of the epidermis. The study of p63 has been complicated due to the existence of multiple isoforms: those with a transactivation domain (TAp63) and those lacking this domain (ΔNp63). Mice lacking p63 cannot form skin, have craniofacial and skeletal defects and die within hours after birth. These defects are due to the ability of p63 to regulate multiple processes in skin development including epithelial stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and adherence programs. To determine the roles of these isoforms in skin development and maintenance, isoform specific p63 conditional knock out mice were generated by our lab. TAp63-/- mice age prematurely, develop blisters, and display wound-healing defects that result from hyperproliferation of dermal stem cells. That results in premature depletion of these cells, which are necessary for wound repair, that indicates TAp63 plays a role in dermal/epidermal maintenance. To study the role of ΔNp63, I generated a ΔNp63-/- mouse and analyzed the skin by performing immunofluorescence for markers of epithelial differentiation. The ΔNp63-/- mice developed a thin, disorganized epithelium but differentiation markers were expressed. Interestingly, the epidermis from ΔNp63-/- mice co-expressed K14 and K10 in the same cell suggesting defects in epidermal differentiation and stratification. This phenotype is reminiscent of the DGCR8fl/fl;K14Cre and Dicerfl/fl;K14Cre mice skin. Importantly, DGCR8-/- embryonic stem cells (ESCs) display a hyperproliferation defect by failure to silence pluripotency genes. Furthermore, I have observed that epidermal cells lacking ΔNp63 display a phenotype reminiscent of embryonic stem cells instead of keratinocytes. Thus, I hypothesize that genes involved in maintaining pluripotency, like Oct4, may be upregulated in the absence of ΔNp63. To test this, q-RT PCR was performed for Oct4 mRNA with wild type and ΔNp63-/- 18.5dpc embryo skin. I found that the level of Oct4 was dramatically increased in the absence of ΔNp63-/-. Based on these results, I hypothesized that ΔNp63 induces differentiation by silencing pluripotency regulators, Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog directly through the regulation of DGCR8. I found that DGCR8 restoration resulted in repression of Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog in ΔNp63-/- epidermal cells and rescue differentiation defects. Loss of ΔNp63 resulted in pluripotency that caused defect in proper differentiation and stem cell like phenotype. This led me to culture the ΔNp63-/- epidermal cells in neuronal cell culture media in order to address whether restoration of DGCR8 can transform epidermal cells to neuronal cells. I found that DGCR8 restoration resulted in a change in cell fate. I also found that miR470 and miR145 play a role in the induction of pluripotency by repressing Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog. This indicates that ΔNp63 induces terminal differentiation through the regulation of DGCR8.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate the diagnostic performance of seven non-invasive tests (NITs) of liver fibrosis and to assess fibrosis progression over time in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. METHODS Transient elastography (TE) and six blood tests were compared to histopathological fibrosis stage (METAVIR). Participants were followed over three years with NITs at yearly intervals. RESULTS Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) for significant fibrosis (> = F2) in 105 participants was highest for TE (0.85), followed by FIB-4 (0.77), ELF-Test (0.77), APRI (0.76), Fibrotest (0.75), hyaluronic acid (0.70), and Hepascore (0.68). AUROC for cirrhosis (F4) was 0.97 for TE followed by FIB-4 (0.91), APRI (0.89), Fibrotest (0.84), Hepascore (0.82), ELF-Test (0.82), and hyaluronic acid (0.79). A three year follow-up was completed by 87 participants, all on antiretroviral therapy and in 20 patients who completed HCV treatment (9 with sustained virologic response). TE, APRI and Fibrotest did not significantly change during follow-up. There was weak evidence for an increase of FIB-4 (mean increase: 0.22, p = 0.07). 42 participants had a second liver biopsy: Among 38 participants with F0-F3 at baseline, 10 were progessors (1-stage increase in fibrosis, 8 participants; 2-stage, 1; 3-stage, 1). Among progressors, mean increase in TE was 3.35 kPa, in APRI 0.36, and in FIB-4 0.75. Fibrotest results did not change over 3 years. CONCLUSION TE was the best NIT for liver fibrosis staging in HIV/HCV co-infected patients. APRI-Score, FIB-4 Index, Fibrotest, and ELF-Test were less reliable. Routinely available APRI and FIB-4 performed as good as more expensive tests. NITs did not change significantly during a follow-up of three years, suggesting slow liver disease progression in a majority of HIV/HCV co-infected persons on antiretroviral therapy.


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AIMS Skeletal muscle wasting affects 20% of patients with chronic heart failure and has serious implications for their activities of daily living. Assessment of muscle wasting is technically challenging. C-terminal agrin-fragment (CAF), a breakdown product of the synaptically located protein agrin, has shown early promise as biomarker of muscle wasting. We sought to investigate the diagnostic properties of CAF in muscle wasting among patients with heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS We assessed serum CAF levels in 196 patients who participated in the Studies Investigating Co-morbidities Aggravating Heart Failure (SICA-HF). Muscle wasting was identified using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in 38 patients (19.4%). Patients with muscle wasting demonstrated higher CAF values than those without (125.1 ± 59.5 pmol/L vs. 103.8 ± 42.9 pmol/L, P = 0.01). Using receiver operating characteristics (ROC), we calculated the optimal CAF value to identify patients with muscle wasting as >87.5 pmol/L, which had a sensitivity of 78.9% and a specificity of 43.7%. The area under the ROC curve was 0.63 (95% confidence interval 0.56-0.70). Using simple regression, we found that serum CAF was associated with handgrip (R = - 0.17, P = 0.03) and quadriceps strength (R = - 0.31, P < 0.0001), peak oxygen consumption (R = - 0.5, P < 0.0001), 6-min walk distance (R = - 0.32, P < 0.0001), and gait speed (R = - 0.2, P = 0.001), as well as with parameters of kidney and liver function, iron metabolism and storage. CONCLUSION CAF shows good sensitivity for the detection of skeletal muscle wasting in patients with heart failure. Its assessment may be useful to identify patients who should undergo additional testing, such as detailed body composition analysis. As no other biomarker is currently available, further investigation is warranted.


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A major concern of electrocatalysis research is to assess the structural and chemical changes that a catalyst may itself undergo in the course of the catalyzed process. These changes can influence not only the activity of the studied catalyst but also its selectivity toward the formation of a certain product. An illustrative example is the electroreduction of carbon dioxide on tin oxide nanoparticles, where under the operating conditions of the electrolysis (that is, at cathodic potentials), the catalyst undergoes structural changes which, in an extreme case, involve its reduction to metallic tin. This results in a decreased Faradaic efficiency (FE) for the production of formate (HCOO–) that is otherwise the main product of CO2 reduction on SnOx surfaces. In this study, we utilized potential- and time-dependent in operando Raman spectroscopy in order to monitor the oxidation state changes of SnO2 that accompany CO2 reduction. Investigations were carried out at different alkaline pH levels, and a strong correlation between the oxidation state of the surface and the FE of HCOO– formation was found. At moderately cathodic potentials, SnO2 exhibits a high FE for the production of formate, while at very negative potentials the oxide is reduced to metallic Sn, and the efficiency of formate production is significantly decreased. Interestingly, the highest FE of formate production is measured at potentials where SnO2 is thermodynamically unstable; however, its reduction is kinetically hindered.


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Since 9/11, 2001, a new form of religious extremism has arguably emerged, one which paradoxically portrays itself as a counter to another perceived extremism regarded as a real and imminent threat. Within North America and Western Europe, as elsewhere, there is an upsurge of various forms of reactionary rhetoric and opposition expressed towards Islam and Muslims. An increase in extremist behaviour, even violence, is appearing from quarters opposed to, or varyingly fearful of, Islamic extremism if not Islam or Muslims. Islamophobia, as a manifestation of fear of an exclusionary Islam, manifests as exclusionary or negatively reactive behaviours with Muslims and Islam as the target. This article explores the idea that Islamophobia can be regarded as a manifestation of religious extremism and, further, that such extremism is construable as “reactive co-radicalization.” It focuses on two European cases – the 2009 Swiss ban on the building of minarets and the 2011 Norwegian massacre carried out by Anders Breivik – as examples of this “reactive co-radicalization.” This term, I suggest, is an apt denominator for the exclusionary reaction to the rising presence of Islam within otherwise secular, albeit nominally Christian, Western European and North American societies, among others.


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Wilms tumor is a childhood tumor of the kidney arising from the undifferentiated metanephric mesenchyme. Tumorigenesis is attributed to a number of genetic and epigenetic alterations. In 20% of Wilms tumors, Wilms tumor gene 1 (WT1) undergoes inactivating homozygous mutations causing loss of function of the zinc finger transcription factor it encodes. It is hypothesized that mutations in WT1 result in dysregulation of downstream target genes, leading to aberrant kidney development and/or Wilms tumor. These downstream target genes are largely unknown, and identification is important for further understanding Wilms tumor development. Heatmap data of human Wilms tumor protein expression, generated by reverse phase protein assay analysis (RPPA), show significant correlation between WT1 mutation status and low PRKCα expression (p= 0.00013); additionally, p-PRKCα (S657) also shows decreased expression in these samples (p= 0.00373). These data suggest that the WT1 transcription factor regulates PRKCα expression, and that PRKCα plays a potential role in Wilms tumor tumorigenesis. We hypothesize that the WT1 transcription factor directly/indirectly regulates PRKCα and mutations occurring in WT1 lead to decreased expression of PRKCα. Prkcα and Wt1 have been shown to co-localize in E14.5 mesenchymal cells of the developing kidney. siRNA knockdown, in-vivo ablation, and tet-inducible expression of Wt1 each independently confirm regulation of Prkcα expression by Wt1 at both RNA and protein levels, and investigation into possible WT1 binding sites in PRKCα regulatory regions has identified multiple sites to be confirmed by luciferase reporter constructs. With the goal of identifying WT1 and PRKCα downstream targets, RPPA analysis of protein expression in mesenchymal cell culture, following lentiviral delivered shRNA knockdown of Wt1 and shRNA knockdown of Prkcα, will be carried out. Apart from Wilms tumor, WT1 also plays an important role in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). WT1 mutation status has been implicated, controversially, as an independent poor-prognosis factor in leukemia, leading to decreased probability of overall survival, complete remission, and disease free survival. RPPA analysis of AML patient samples showed significant decreases in PRKCα/p-PRKCα protein expression in a subset of patients (Kornblau, personal communication); therefore, the possible role of WT1 and PRKCα in leukemia disease progression is an additional focus of this study. WT1 mutation analysis of diploid leukemia patient samples revealed two patients with mutations predicted to affect WT1 activity; of these two samples, only one corresponded to the low PRKCα expression cohort. Further characterization of the role of WT1 in AML, and further understanding of WT1 regulated PRKCα expression, will be gained following RPPA analysis of protein expression in HL60 leukemia cell lines with lentiviral delivered shRNA knockdown of WT1 and shRNA knockdown of PRKCα.


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Gasification is a technology that can replace traditional management alternatives used up to date to deal with this waste (landfilling, composting and incineration) and which fulfils the social, environmental and legislative requirements. The main products of sewage sludge gasification are permanent gases (useful to generate energy or to be used as raw material in chemical synthesis processes), liquids (tars) and char. One of the main problems to be solved in gasification is tar production. Tars are organic impurities which can condense at relatively high temperatures making impossible to use the produced gases for most applications. This work deals with the effect of some primary tar removal processes (performed inside the gasifier) on sewage sludge gasification products. For this purpose, analysis of the gas composition, tar production, cold gas efficiency and carbon conversion were carried out. The tests were performed with air in a laboratory scale plant consisting mainly of a bubbling bed gasifier. No catalyzed and catalyzed (10% wt of dolomite in the bed and in the feeding) tests were carried out at different temperatures (750ºC, 800ºC and 850ºC) in order to know the effect of these parameters in the gasification products. As far as tars were concerned, qualitative and quantitative tar composition was determined. In all tests the Equivalence Ratio (ER) was kept at 0.3. Temperature is one of the most influential variables in sewage sludge gasification. Higher temperatures favoured hydrogen and CO production while CO2 content decreased, which might be partially explained by the effect of the cracking, Boudouard and CO2 reforming reactions. At 850ºC, cold gas efficiency and carbon conversion reached 49% and 76%, respectively. The presence of dolomite as catalyst increased the production of H2 reaching contents of 15.5% by volume at 850 °C. Similar behaviour was found for CO whereas CO2 and CnHm (light hydrocarbons) production decreased. In the presence of dolomite, a tar reduction of up to 51% was reached in comparison with no catalyzed tests, as well as improvements on cold gas efficiency and carbon conversion. Several assays were developed in order to test catalyst performance under more rough gasification conditions. For this purpose, the throughput value (TR), defined as kg sludge “as received” fed to the gasifier per hour and per m2 of cross sectional area of the gasifier, was modified. Specifically, the TR values used were 110 (reference value), 215 and 322 kg/h·m2. When TR increased, the H2, CO and CH4 production decreased while the CO2 and the CnHm production increased. Tar production increased drastically with TR during no catalysed tests what is related to the lower residence time of the gas inside the reactor. Nevertheless, even at TR=322 kg/h·m2, tar production decreased by nearly 50% with in-bed use of dolomite in comparison with no catalyzed assays under the same operating conditions. Regarding relative tar composition, there was an increase in benzene and naphthalene content when temperature increased while the content of the rest of compounds decreased. The dolomite seemed to be effective all over the range of molecular weight studied showing tar removal efficiencies between 35-55% in most cases. High values of the TR caused a significant increase in tar production but a slight effect on tar composition.


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Tcf/Lef family transcription factors are the downstream effectors of the Wingless/Wnt signal transduction pathway. Upon Wingless/Wnt signalling, β-catenin translocates to the nucleus, interacts with Tcf (1–3) and thus activates transcription of target genes (4,5). Tcf factors also interact with members of the Groucho (Grg/TLE) family of transcriptional co-repressors (6). We have now tested all known mammalian Groucho family members for their ability to interact specifically with individual Tcf/Lef family members. Transcriptional activation by any Tcf could be repressed by Grg-1, Grg-2/TLE-2, Grg-3 and Grg-4 in a reporter assay. Specific interactions between Tcf and Grg proteins may be achieved in vivo by tissue- or cell type-limited expression. To address this, we determined the expression of all Tcf and Grg/TLE family members in a panel of cell lines. Within any cell line, several Tcfs and TLEs are co-expressed. Thus, redundancy in Tcf/Grg interactions appears to be the rule. The ‘long’ Groucho family members containing five domains are repressors of Tcf-mediated transactivation, whereas Grg-5, which only contains the first two domains, acts as a de-repressor. As previously shown for Drosophila Groucho, we show that long Grg proteins interact with histone deacetylase-1. Although Grg-5 contains the GP homology domain that mediates HDAC binding in long Grg proteins, Grg-5 fails to bind this co-repressor, explaining how it can de-repress transcription.


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p300 and its family member, CREB-binding protein (CBP), function as key transcriptional coactivators by virtue of their interaction with the activated forms of certain transcription factors. In a search for additional cellular targets of p300/CBP, a protein-protein cloning strategy, surprisingly identified SRC-1, a coactivator involved in nuclear hormone receptor transcriptional activity, as a p300/CBP interactive protein. p300 and SRC-1 interact, specifically, in vitro and they also form complexes in vivo. Moreover, we show that SRC-1 encodes a new member of the basic helix-loop-helix-PAS domain family and that it physically interacts with the retinoic acid receptor in response to hormone binding. Together, these results implicate p300 as a component of the retinoic acid signaling pathway, operating, in part, through specific interaction with a nuclear hormone receptor coactivator, SRC-1.