964 resultados para channel deepening baywide monitoring programs


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The dinoflagellates of Alexandrium genus are known to be producers of paralytic shellfish toxins that regularly impact the shellfish aquaculture industry and fisheries. Accurate detection of Alexandrium including A. minutum is crucial for environmental monitoring and sanitary issues. In this study, we firstly developed a quantitative lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) using super-paramagnetic nanobeads for A. minutum whole cells. This dipstick assay relies on two distinct monoclonal antibodies used in a sandwich format and directed against surface antigens of this organism. No sample preparation is required. Either frozen or live cells can be detected and quantified. The specificity and sensitivity are assessed by using phytoplankton culture and field samples spiked with a known amount of cultured A. minutum cells. This LFIA is shown to be highly specific for A. minutum and able to detect reproducibly 105 cells/L within 30 min. The test is applied to environmental samples already characterized by light microscopy counting. No significant difference is observed between the cell densities obtained by these two methods. This handy super-paramagnetic lateral flow immnunoassay biosensor can greatly assist water quality monitoring programs as well as ecological research.


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Neste trabalho foram analisados os parâmetros cinéticos e a atividade colinesterásica de duas espécies de peixes estuarinos: a corvina Micropogonias furnieri (Teleostei, Scianidae) e o bagre Cathorops spixii (Teleostei, Ariidae), buscando avaliar o uso destas espécies como bioindicadores da presença de compostos anticolinesterásicos no meio aquático. Os exemplares de corvina e bagre, respectivamente, foram coletados nos estados do RS (Lagoa dos Patos) e PR (Baía de Paranaguá) no inverno (corvina) e verão (corvina e bagre) em dois pontos de coleta: um local controle e outro poluído. Os peixes foram anestesiados (bezocaína, 200 ppm) e os cérebros dissecados, homogeneizados e centrifugados. Foram estimados os parâmetros cinéticos (Vmax e Kmap), utilizando iodeto de acetiltiocolina como substrato, nas seguintes concentrações: 0,025; 0,05; 0,2; 0,8; 1,6; 3,2 e 9 mM. Nos estudos de inibição enzimática foi utilizado o carbamato eserina em concentrações de 0,3 a 10 mM e de 1x10-4 a 1 µM, a fim de determinar os parâmetros cinéticos de inibição e a concentração de eserina que inibia 50% da atividade colinesterásica (CI50), respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram pouca variação nos valores de Kmap nas duas espécies, porém diferenças significativas nos valores de CI50 foram observadas, indicando que a ChE do cérebro da corvina M. furnieri é resistente à inibição por eserina. Nos estudos de cinética de inibição da ChE do cérebro do bagre C. spixii, foram encontradas diferenças entre alguns parâmetros, quando foram comparados os peixes coletados no local controle com aqueles coletados no local poluído. Houve uma maior atividade colinesterásica de bagres coletados no local poluído (p<0,05), sendo que o mesmo resultado foi observado em exemplares de corvinas M. furnieri coletados durante o inverno no local poluído. Os resultados obtidos in vitro demonstram que a ChE de M. furnieri possui pouca sensibilidade à eserina. 5 Porém, o fato de ter sido registrada inibição colinesterásica nos organismos coletados durante o verão região poluída sugere a possibilidade de alterações significativas na capacidade de bio-oxidação de pesticidas nesta espécie, ou a possibilidade de inibição por outros contaminantes que também afetam a atividade colinesterásica, como por exemplo, metais. No caso de C. spixii, a determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos e de atividade colinesterásica sugere que pode estar ocorrendo alterações bioquímicas nos peixes previamente expostos a contaminantes no ambiente, provavelmente devido a respostas adaptativas ao ambiente impactado. Desta forma, o presente estudo indica a importância de estudos cinéticos prévios, quando se utiliza ou pretende utilizar, a atividade colinesterásica como bioindicador da presença de compostos anticolinesterásicos no ambiente em espécies aquáticas. 


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The implementation of the WFD in the French overseas takes into account local, morphological, climatic and socioeconomic peculiarities, as well as specificities of their ecosystems. This document provide an up-to-date assessment of the state of characteristics of the coastal water bodies, of development of indicators and of WFD monitoring programs in each of the French overseas departments: Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Reunion Island and Mayotte.


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Aims: To determine the detectability of a global weedy perennial weed Hypochaeris radicata and its relationship with five common observer, species and environmental variables. Methods: Trained independent observers conducted time-limited repeat surveys of H. radicata during autumn in an endangered grassy box-gum woodland ecosystem in south-east Australia. Single-species single-season site-occupancy modelling was used to determine if detectability of H. radicata was altered by five covariates, observer, litter height, grazing, maximum plant height and flowering state. Important Findings: Detectability for H. radicata varied significantly with observer, litter height, plant maximum height and flowering state, but not with grazing. Despite significant observer-specific variation, there was a consistent increase in detectability with plant height and when plants are in flower for all observers. Detectability generally decreased as litter height increases. Perfect or constant detection rates cannot be assumed in plant surveys, even for easily recognizable plants in simple survey conditions. Understanding how detectability is influenced by common survey variables can help improve the efficacy of plant monitoring programs by quantifying the extent of uncertainty in inferences made from survey data, or by determining optimal survey conditions to increase the reliability of collected data. For plants with traits similar to H. radicata, surveying when most plants are at maximum height or in flower, increasing search intensity when litter levels are high and minimizing observer-related heterogeneity are potentially simple and effective ways to reduce detection errors. We speculate that detection rates may be lower, more variable and involve additional covariates when surveying during the peak flowering spring season with the presence of more warm season and taller annual species.


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Okadaic acid and its analogues are potent phosphatase inhibitors that cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish by humans. This group of toxins is transmitted worldwide but the number of poisoning incidents has declined over the last 20 years due to legislation and monitoring programs that were implemented for bivalves. In the summer of 2012 and 2013, we collected a total of 101 samples of 22 different species that were made up of benthic and subtidal organisms such echinoderms, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods from Madeira, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) and the northwestern coast of Morocco. The samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Our main objective was to detect new vectors for these biotoxins. We can report nine new vectors for these toxins in the North Atlantic: Astropecten aranciacus, Arbacia lixula, Echinaster sepositus, Holothuria sanctori, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Onchidella celtica, Aplysia depilans, Patella spp., and Stramonita haemostoma. Differences in toxin contents among the species were found. Even though low concentrations were detected, the levels of toxins that were present, especially in edible species, indicate the importance of these types of studies. Routine monitoring should be extended to comprise a wider number of vectors other than for bivalves of okadaic acid and its analogues.


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Marine protected areas (MPAs) are an increasingly utilised marine and coastal management tool, designation rising steeply over the last twenty years. MPAs are most commonly designated for conservation objectives and the management is thus focused primarily on meeting conservation associated monitoring programs gathering data on a narrow suite of biological indicators. However, a wide range of potential social and economic impacts and the ability to meet the goals of an influenced by the often unmonitored perceptions and buy-in of local stakeholders. Here we examine stakeholder perceptions concerning a coastal MPA in South Australia. We conducted semi-structured interviews individuals engaged in the MPA' s planning and designation process, as well as those involved with management. We explored their understanding of the purpose of the MPA, whether they thought successful and the future management challenges the MPA might face. In particular, we focused on stakeholders indicators they thought should be used to monitor the ongoing performance of the MPA. varied between stakeholder groups, however, the majority of respondents highlighted the importance economic factors in the ongoing performance of the MPA. The vast majority of them suggested both biological socio-economic indicators that should be incorporated into monitoring programs. Our findings highlight MPA planning and management, when defining goals and developing monitoring programs, to incorporate social and economic, as well as, biological indicators.


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There are three key drivers of the biodiversity crisis: (1) the well known existing threats to biodiversity such as habitat loss, invasive pest species and resource exploitation; (2) direct effects of climate-change, such as on coastal and high elevation communities and coral reefs; and (3) the interaction between existing threats and climate-change. The third driver is set to accelerate the biodiversity crisis beyond the impacts of the first and second drivers in isolation. In this review we assess these interactions, and suggest the policy and management responses that are needed to minimise their impacts. Renewed management and policy action that address known threats to biodiversity could substantially diminish the impacts of future climate-change. An appropriate response to climate-change will include a reduction of land clearing, increased habitat restoration using indigenous species, a reduction in the number of exotic species transported between continents or between major regions of endemism, and a reduction in the unsustainable use of natural resources. Achieving these measures requires substantial reform of international, national and regional policy, and the development of new or more effective alliances between scientists, government agencies, non-government organisations and land managers. Furthermore, new management practices and policy are needed that consider shifts in the geographic range of species, and that are responsive to new information acquired from improved research and monitoring programs. The interactions of climate-change with existing threats to biodiversity have the potential to drive many species to extinction, but there is much that can be done now to reduce this risk.


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Seafloor habitats on continental shelf margins are increasingly being the subject of worldwide conservation efforts to protect them from human activities due to their biological and economic value. Quantitative data on the epibenthic taxa which contributes to the biodiversity value of these continental shelf margins is vital for the effectiveness of these efforts, especially at the spatial resolution required to effectively manage theseecosystems. We quantified the diversity of morphotype classes on an outcropping reef system characteristic of the continental shelf margin in the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve, southeastern Australia. The system is uniquely characterized by long linear outcropping ledge features in sedimentary bedrock that differ markedly from the surrounding low-profile, sand-inundated reefs. We characterize a reef system harboring rich morphotype classes, with a total of 55 morphotype classes identified from the still images captured by an autonomous underwater vehicle. The morphotype class Cnidaria/Bryzoa/Hydroid matrix dominated the assemblages recorded. Both a and b diversitydeclined sharply with distance from nearest outcropping reef ledge feature. Patterns of the morphotype classes were characterized by (1) morphotype turnover at scales of 5 to 10s m from nearest outcropping reef ledge feature, (2) 30 % of morphotype classes were recordedonly once (i.e. singletons), and (3) generally low levels of abundance (proportion cover) of the component morphotype class. This suggests that the assemblages in this region contain a considerable number of locally rare morphotype classes. This study highlights the particular importance of outcropping reef ledge features in this region, as they provide a refuge against sediment scouring and inundation common on the low profile reef that characterizes this region. As outcropping reef features, they represent a small fraction of overall reef habitat yet contain much of the epibenthic faunal diversity. This study has relevance to conservation planning for continental shelf habitats, as protecting a single, or few, areas of reef is unlikely to accurately represent the geomorphic diversity of cross-shelf habitats and the morphotype diversity that is associated with these features. Equally, whendesigning monitoring programs these spatially-discrete, but biologically rich outcropping reef ledge features should be considered as distinct components in stratified sampling designs.


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Okadaic acid and its analogues are potent phosphatase inhibitors that cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish by humans. This group of toxins is transmitted worldwide but the number of poisoning incidents has declined over the last 20 years due to legislation and monitoring programs that were implemented for bivalves. In the summer of 2012 and 2013, we collected a total of 101 samples of 22 different species that were made up of benthic and subtidal organisms such echinoderms, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods from Madeira, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) and the northwestern coast of Morocco. The samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Our main objective was to detect new vectors for these biotoxins. We can report nine new vectors for these toxins in the North Atlantic: Astropecten aranciacus, Arbacia lixula, Echinaster sepositus, Holothuria sanctori, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Onchidella celtica, Aplysia depilans, Patella spp., and Stramonita haemostoma. Differences in toxin contents among the species were found. Even though low concentrations were detected, the levels of toxins that were present, especially in edible species, indicate the importance of these types of studies. Routine monitoring should be extended to comprise a wider number of vectors other than for bivalves of okadaic acid and its analogues.


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Resumen: Introducción El dolor lumbar es un trastorno músculo esquelético que afecta la parte baja de la espalda, considerado como un problema de salud pública y catalogado como un desastre en el sitio de trabajo, se encuentra en las 10 primeras causas de enfermedad profesional reportadas por las entidades prestadoras de servicios de salud, generando ausentismo y discapacidad laboral en los países industrializados, con costos que oscilan de los 20 mil a los 98 millones de dólares en los Estados Unidos. Objetivo Determinar la prevalencia de patologías lumbares calificadas y sus factores ocupacionales asociados en una entidad promotora de salud de Bogotá Colombia durante 2013 al 2014. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios pertenecientes a 318 pacientes de una entidad promotora de salud en la ciudad de Bogotá que fueron diagnosticados con patologías lumbares (lumbalgia-lumbago, discopatía lumbar, trastorno de disco intervertebral, espondilolistesis, espondilólisis, hernia discal), y remitidos a medicina laboral o solicitaron calificación de origen en primera oportunidad, en el periodo comprendido entre el año 2013 al 2014. Las variables incluidas fueron sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y diagnósticos médicos, específicamente patologías lumbares. Se realizó distribuciones de frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, análisis de asociación mediante la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson y un análisis multivariado a través del modelo de regresión binaria logística y el análisis de concordancia usando el índice de Kappa. Para las pruebas se utilizó un nivel de significación de 0,05. Se digitó y depuró en SPSS versión 23. Resultado El total de usuarios diagnosticados con patologías lumbares fue de 318 de los cuales el 57,2% fueron de sexo masculino con edad promedio de 43 años (D.E 7,9 años). Se encontró asociación significativa entre lumbalgia y movimientos de columna lumbar y levantamiento de carga (p<0,05); discopatía lumbar y movimientos de columna lumbar y factores multicausales (p<0,05); trastorno de disco intervertebral y factores multicausales (p<0.05), hernia de disco y levantamiento de cargas (p<0,05). Respecto a espondilolistesis y espondilólisis no se encontró asociación con ningún factor de riesgo, pero si se encontró asociación significativa entre origen y movimientos de columna lumbar (p= 0.010), con postura mantenida (p= 0.014), con causas multifactoriales (p= 0.000). El grado de concordancia entre la entidad promotora de salud y la administradora de riesgos laborales arrojó un valor en el índice de kappa de 0.432 (p= 0.000) correspondiendo a un grado de acuerdo moderado; para la concordancia entre la entidad promotora de salud y la junta de calificación el índice de kappa fue de 0.680 (p= 0.000) grado de acuerdo alto. Conclusión Las patologías lumbares tienen un alta prevalencia en la población trabajadora como en la no trabajadora, encontrándose un gran número de factores condicionantes a estas enfermedades generando altos costos en días perdidos laborales y en días de incapacidad: Por lo tanto, es importante determinar si estas son catalogadas de origen común o de origen laboral, para establecer programas de vigilancia epidemiológica y programas preventivos.


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Failure to detect a species at sites where it is present (i.e. imperfect detection) is known to occur frequently, but this is often disregarded in monitoring programs and metapopulation studies. Here we modelled for the first time the probability of patch occupancy by a threatened small mammal, the southern water vole (Arvicola sapidus, while accounting for the probability of detection given occupancy. Based on replicated presence sign surveys conducted in autumn (November–December 2013) and winter (February–March 2014) in a farmland landscape, we used occupancy detection modelling to test the effects of vegetation, sampling effort, observer experience, and rainfall on detection probability. We then assessed whether occupancy was related to patch size, isolation, vegetation, or presence of water, after correcting for imperfect detection. The mean detection probabilities of water vole signs in autumn (0.71) and winter (0.81) indicated that false absences may be generated in about 20–30% of occupied patches surveyed by a single observer on a single occasion. There was no statistical support for the effects of covariates on detectability. After controlling for imperfect detection, the mean probabilities of occupancy in autumn (0.31) and winter (0.29) were positively related to patch size and presence of water, and negatively so, albeit weakly, to patch isolation. Overall, our study underlined the importance of accounting for imperfect detection in sign surveys of small mammals such as water voles, pointing out the need to use occupancy detection modelling together with replicate surveys for accurately estimating occupancy and the factors affecting it.


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The purpose of this proof-of-concept study was to determine the relevance of direct measurements to monitor the load applied on the osseointegrated fixation of transfemoral amputees during static load bearing exercises. The objectives were (A) to introduce an apparatus using a three-dimensional load transducer, (B) to present a range of derived information relevant to clinicians, (C) to report on the outcomes of a pilot study and (D) to compare the measurements from the transducer with those from the current method using a weighing scale. One transfemoral amputee fitted with an osseointegrated implant was asked to apply 10 kg, 20 kg, 40 kg and 80 kg on the fixation, using self-monitoring with the weighing scale. The loading was directly measured with a portable kinetic system including a six-channel transducer, external interface circuitry and a laptop. As the load prescribed increased from 10 kg to 80 kg, the forces and moments applied on and around the antero-posterior axis increased by 4 fold anteriorly and 14 fold medially, respectively. The forces and moments applied on and around the medio-lateral axis increased by 9 fold laterally and 16 fold from anterior to posterior, respectively. The long axis of the fixation was overloaded and underloaded in 17 % and 83 % of the trials, respectively, by up to ±10 %. This proof-of-concept study presents an apparatus that can be used by clinicians facing the challenge of improving basic knowledge on osseointegration, for the design of equipment for load bearing exercises and for rehabilitation programs.


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The Channel Islands—sometimes called the Galapagos of North America—are known for their great beauty, rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and recreational opportunities. In 1980, in recognition of the islands’ importance, the United States Congress established a national park encompassing 5 of California’s Channel Islands (Santa Barbara, Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and San Miguel Islands) and waters within 1 nautical mile of the islands. In the same year, Congress declared a national marine sanctuary around each of these islands, including waters up to 6 nautical miles offshore. Approximately 60,000 people visit the Channel Islands each year for aquatic recreation such as fishing, sailing, kayaking, wildlife watching, surfing, and diving. Another 30,000 people visit the islands for hiking, camping, and sightseeing. Dozens of commercial fishing boats based in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oxnard, and other ports go to the Channel Islands to catch squid, spiny lobster, sea urchin, rockfish, crab, sheephead, flatfish, and sea cucumber, among other species. In the past few decades, advances in fishing technology and the rising number of fishermen, in conjunction with changing ocean conditions and diseases, have contributed to declines in some marine fishes and invertebrates at the Channel Islands. In 1998, citizens from Santa Barbara and Ventura proposed establishment of no-take marine reserves at the Channel Islands, beginning a 4-year process of public meetings, discussions, and scientific analyses. In 2003, the California Fish and Game Commission designated a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in state waters around the northern Channel Islands. In 2006 and 2007, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) extended the MPAs into the national marine sanctuary’s deeper, federal waters. To determine if the MPAs are protecting marine species and habitats, scientists are monitoring ecological changes. They are studying changes in habitats; abundance and size of species of interest; the ocean food web and ecosystem; and movement of fish and invertebrates from MPAs to surrounding waters. Additionally, scientists are monitoring human activities such as commercial and recreational fisheries, and compliance with MPA regulations. This booklet describes some results from the first 5 years of monitoring the Channel Islands MPAs. Although 5 years is not long enough to determine if the MPAs will accomplish all of their goals, this booklet offers a glimpse of the changes that are beginning to take place and illustrates the types of information that will eventually be used to assess the MPAs’ effectiveness. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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Research cruises were conducted in August-October 2007 to complete the third annual remotely operated vehicle (ROV)-based assessments of nearshore rocky bottom finfish at ten sites in the northern Channel Islands. Annual surveys at the Channel Islands have been conducted since 2004 at four sites and were expanded to ten sites in 2005 to monitor potential marine protected area (MPA)effects on baseline fish density. Six of the ten sites are in MPAs and four in nearby fished reference areas. In 2007 the amount of soft-only substrate on the 141 track lines surveyed was again estimated in real-time in order to target rocky bottom habitat. These real-time estimates of hard and mixed substrate for all ten sites averaged 57%, 1% more than the post-processed average of 56%. Surveys generated 69.9 km of usable video for use in finfish density calculations, with target rocky bottom habitat accounting for 56% (39.1 km) for all sites combined. The amount of rocky habitat sampled by site averaged 3.8 km and ranged from 3.3 km sampled at South Point, a State Marine Reserve (SMR) off Santa Rosa Island, to 4.7 km at Anacapa Island SMR. A sampling goal of 75 transects at all 10 sites was met using real-time habitat estimates combined with precautionary over-sampling by 10%. A total of seventy kilometers of sampling is projected to produce at least seventy-five 100 m2 transects per site. Thirteen of 26 finfish taxa observed were selected for quantitative evaluation over the time series based on a minimum criterion of abundance (0.05/100 m2). Ten of these 13 finfish appear to be more abundant at the state marine reserves relative to fished areas when densities were averaged across the 2005 to 2007 period. One of the species that appears to be more abundant in fished areas was señorita, a relatively small prey species that is not a commercial or recreational target. (PDF contains 83 pages.)