160 resultados para cardiometabolic


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INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, sendo muitos dos fatores de risco passíveis de prevenção e controle. Embora as DCV sejam complexas em sua etiologia e desenvolvimento, a concentração elevada de LDL-c e baixa de HDL-c constituem os fatores de risco modificáveis mais monitorados na prática clínica, embora não sejam capazes de explicar todos os eventos cardiovasculares. Portanto, investigar como intervenções farmacológicas e nutricionais podem modular parâmetros oxidativos, físicos e estruturais das lipoproteínas pode fornecer estimativa adicional ao risco cardiovascular. Dentre os diversos nutrientes e compostos bioativos relacionados às DCV, os lipídeos representam os mais investigados e descritos na literatura. Nesse contexto, os ácidos graxos insaturados (ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9) têm sido foco de inúmeros estudos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos em indivíduos adultos com múltiplos fatores de risco e sem evento cardiovascular prévio. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, baseado em intervenção nutricional (3,0 g/dia de ácidos graxos) sob a fórmula de cápsulas contendo: ômega-3 (37 por cento de EPA e 23 por cento de DHA) ou ômega-6 (65 por cento de ácido linoleico) ou ômega-9 (72 por cento de ácido oleico). A amostra foi composta por indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 30 e 74 anos, apresentando pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco: Dislipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesidade e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica. Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética, os indivíduos foram distribuídos nos três grupos de intervenção. No momento basal, os indivíduos foram caracterizados quanto aos aspectos demográficos (sexo, idade e etnia) e clínicos (medicamentos, doenças atuais e antecedentes familiares). Nos momentos basal e após 8 semanas de intervenção, amostras de sangue foram coletadas após 12h de jejum. A partir do plasma foram analisados: perfil lipídico (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteínas AI e B, ácidos graxos não esterificados, atividade da PON1, LDL(-) e auto-anticorpos, ácidos graxos, glicose, insulina, tamanho e distribuição percentual da LDL (7 subfrações e fenótipo A e não-A) e HDL (10 subfrações). O efeito do tempo, da intervenção e associações entre os ácidos graxos e aspectos qualitativos das lipoproteínas foram testados (SPSS versão 20.0, p <0,05). RESULTADOS: Uma primeira análise dos resultados baseada em um corte transversal demonstrou, por meio da análise de tendência linear ajustada pelo nível de risco cardiovascular, que o maior tercil plasmático de DHA se associou positivamente com HDL-c, HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Observou-se também que o maior tercil plasmático de ácido linoleico se associou positivamente com HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Esse perfil de associação não foi observado quando foram avaliados os parâmetros dietéticos. Avaliando uma subamostra que incluiu indivíduos tabagistas suplementados com ômega-6 e ômega-3, observou-se que ômega-3 modificou positivamente o perfil lipídico e as subfrações da HDL. Nos modelos de regressão linear ajustados pela idade, sexo e hipertensão, o DHA plasmático apresentou associações negativas com a HDLPEQUENA. Quando se avaliou exclusivamente o efeito do ômega-3 em indivíduos tabagistas e não tabagistas, observou-se que fumantes, do sexo masculino, acima de 60 anos de idade, apresentando baixo percentual plasmático de EPA e DHA (<8 por cento ), com excesso de peso e gordura corporal elevada, apresentam maior probabilidade de ter um perfil de subfrações de HDL mais aterogênicas. Tendo por base os resultados acima, foi comparado o efeito do ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos. O ômega-3 promoveu redução no TG, aumento do percentual de HDLGRANDE e redução de HDLPEQUENA. O papel cardioprotetor do ômega-3 foi reforçado pelo aumento na incorporação de EPA e DHA, no qual indivíduos com EPA e DHA acima de 8 por cento apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter HDLGRANDE e menor de ter HDLPEQUENA. Em adição, observou-se também que o elevado percentual plasmático de ômega-9 se associou com partículas de LDL menos aterogênicas (fenótipo A). CONCLUSÃO: Ácidos graxos plasmáticos, mas não dietéticos, se correlacionam com parâmetros cardiometabólicos. A suplementação com ômega-3, presente no óleo de peixe, promoveu redução no TG e melhoria nos parâmetros qualitativos da HDL (mais HDLGRANDE e menos HDLPEQUENA). Os benefícios do ômega-3 foram particularmente relevantes nos indivíduos tabagistas e naqueles com menor conteúdo basal de EPA e DHA plasmáticos. Observou-se ainda que o ômega-9 plasmático, presente no azeite de oliva, exerceu impacto positivo no tamanho e subfrações da LDL.


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Na oitava sessão do comité intergovernamental da UNESCO, decorrida no dia 4 de Dezembro de 2013 em Baku, capital do Azerbaijão e a propósito de uma candidatura plurinacional envolvendo 7 países (Portugal, Espanha, Marrocos, Itália, Grécia, Chipre e Croácia), a dieta mediterrânica (DM) foi considerada Património Imaterial da Humanidade. Um dos sinais da descaracterização da DM é o consumo excessivo de alimentos fritos. Para além da recorrência familiar a esta técnica culinária não descuremos a oferta de uma multiplicidade de produtos alimentares tipo snack (fritos) que aumentam o aporte lipídico na dieta (gorduras degradadas) e são veículo de substâncias potencialmente tóxicas como é o caso da acrilamida. As doenças cardiometabólicas (DCM ) afetam a qualidade de vida das populações. A funcionalidade do padrão mediterrânico na reabilitação da saúde mostra-nos o antídoto a estilos de vida nefastos (fast food, sedentarismo) numa sociedade de consumo. Num contexto de nutriprevenção, a slow food mediterrânica poderá ser a solução para atenuar o risco de doença e reduzir os custos em saúde. Constituiu objetivo principal do presente trabalho fundamentar a importância que a DM apresenta para a saúde cardiometabólica e avaliar os prejuízos decorrentes do consumo de alimentos submetidos a fritura, mais concretamente à batata frita (incaracterística da referida dieta). O desenvolvimento desta dissertação mostra que o balanço entre os efeitos benéficos da DM na saúde e as consequências nefastas de um produto de grande consumo (batata frita) apela à utilização esporádica do processo de fritura e à implementação de metodologias tecnológicas que diminuam o teor de acrilamida, apontando para a importância da educação/reeducação alimentar, estruturada a partir de conhecimentos ponderados da antropologia da alimentação.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-04


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Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), present in 6-12% of women of reproductive age, the criterion of Rotterdam, is characterized by hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance (IR) and its inflammatory state, exacerbated by obesity and factors associated with the increase in damage DNA. Weight loss, combined with healthy eating, acts restoring the reproductive and metabolic functions in the SOP, though its influence in reducing DNA damage in PCOS are unknown. Aim: To investigate whether there are differences between DNA damage markers and factors of cardiometabolic risk in women with PCOS and control, and evaluate the effectiveness of nutritional intervention in DNA damage markers and cardiometabolic risk markers in overweight and obese women with PCOS. Methods: the study was conducted in two studies and the participants were aged between 18 and 35 years. In the first study, a prospective case-control, were included 27 women diagnosed with PCOS and 20 controls. In the second study, clinical trial of nutritional intervention with 12-week calorie-restricted diet 500Kcal / day. The genotoxicity, DNA damage (intensity tail, tail moment and tail length) was evaluated by the comet assay. Anthropometric data, dietary intake, hormonal, biochemical and inflammatory were evaluated in different studies. Results: there was no significant difference between the DNA damage marker tail intensity (p = 0.18), tail moment (p = 0.76) and tail length (p = 0.109) in PCOS when compared to the control group. Data after nutritional intervention in PCOS women with overweight and obesity showed a decrease in DNA damage markers: tail intensity (24.35 ± 5.86 - pre-diet vs. 17.15 ± 5.04 -Post-diet) and tail moment (20.47 ± 7.85 - pre-diet vs. 14.13 ± 6.29 -post-diet) (p <0.001). Reduction of weight (3.5%) and decreased cardiometabolic markers IR and hyperandrogenism. Conclusion: women with PCOS have a worse cardiometabolic risk profile compared to control however similar genotoxicity identified by DNA damage. Nutritional intervention reduced the genotoxicity of overweight and obese women with PCOS, and reduce the factors of cardiometabolic risk.


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Background: The management of childhood obesity is challenging. Aims: Thesis, i) reviews the evidence for lifestyle treatment of obesity, ii) explores cardiometabolic burden in childhood obesity, iii) explores whether changes in body composition predicts change in insulin sensitivity (IS), iv) develops and evaluates a lifestyle obesity intervention; v) develops a mobile health application for obesity treatment and vi) tests the application in a clinical trial. Methods: In Study 1, systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the 12‐month effects of lifestyle and mHealth interventions were conducted. In Study 2, the prevalence of cardiometabolic burden was estimated in a consecutive series of 267 children. In Study 3, body composition was estimated with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and linear regression analyses were used to estimate the extent to which each methods predicted change in IS. Study 4 describes the development of the Temple Street W82GO Healthy Lifestyle intervention for clinical obesity in children and a controlled study of treatment effect in 276 children is reported. Study 5 describes the development and testing of the Reactivate Mobile Obesity Application. Study 6 outlines the development and preliminary report from a clinical effectiveness trial of Reactivate. Results: In Study 1, meta--‐analyses BMI SDS changed by -0.16 (-0.24,‐0.07, p<0.01) and -0.03 (-0.13, 0.06, p=0.48). In study 2, cardiometabolic comorbidities were common (e.g. hypertension in 49%) and prevalence increased as obesity level increased. In Study 3, BC changes significantly predicted changes in IS. In Study 4, BMI SDS was significantly reduced in W82GO compared to controls (p<0.001). In Study 5, the Reactivate application had good usability indices and preliminary 6‐month process report data from Study 6, revealed a promising effect for Reactivate. Conclusions: W82GO and Reactivate are promising forms of treatment.


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Heart failure (HF) is an increasingly prevalent and costly multifactorial syndrome with high morbidity and mortality rates. The exact pathophysiological mechanisms leading to the development of HF are not completely understood. Several emerging paradigms implicate cardiometabolic risk factors, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, myocardial fibrosis, and myocyte dysfunction as key factors in the gradual progression from a healthy state to HF. Inflammation is now a recognized factor in disease progression in HF and a therapeutic target. Furthermore, the monocyte-platelet interaction has been highlighted as an important pathophysiological link between inflammation, thrombosis, endothelial activation, and myocardial malfunction. The contribution of monocytes and platelets to acute cardiovascular injury and acute HF is well established. However, their role and interaction in the pathogenesis of chronic HF are not well understood. In particular, the cross talk between monocytes and platelets in the peripheral circulation and in the vicinity of the vascular wall in the form of monocyte-platelet complexes (MPCs) may be a crucial element, which influences the pathophysiology and progression of chronic heart disease and HF. In this review, we discuss the role of monocytes and platelets as key mediators of cardiovascular inflammation in HF, the mechanisms of cell activation, and the importance of monocyte-platelet interaction and complexes in HF pathogenesis. Finally, we summarize recent information on pharmacological inhibition of inflammation and studies of antithrombotic strategies in the setting of HF that can inform opportunities for future work. We discuss recent data on monocyte-platelet interactions and the potential benefits of therapy directed at MPCs, particularly in the setting of HF with preserved ejection fraction.


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L’obésité est un problème de santé publique reconnu. Dans la dernière décennie l’obésité abdominale (OA) a été considérée comme une maladie métabolique qui contribue davantage au risque de diabète et de maladies cardiovasculaires que l’obésité générale définie par l’indice de masse corporelle. Toutefois, dans les populations d’origine africaine, la relation entre l’OA et les autres biomarqueurs de risque cardiométabolique (RCM) demeure obscure à cause du manque d’études chez ces populations et de l’absence de valeurs-seuils spécifiques pour juger d’une OA. Cette étude visait à comparer la prévalence des biomarqueurs de RCM (OA, hypertension artérielle, hyperglycémie, dyslipidémie, résistance à l'insuline et inflammation pré-clinique) chez les Béninois de Cotonou et les Haïtiens de Port-au-Prince (PAP), à étudier l’association de l’OA avec les autres biomarqueurs de RCM, à documenter le rôle du niveau socio-économique (NSE) et du mode de vie dans cette association et à ’identifier les indicateurs anthropométriques de l’OA -tour de taille (TT) et le ratio TT/hauteur (TT/H)- et les seuils qui prédisent le mieux le RCM à Cotonou et à PAP. Il s’est agi d’une analyse de données transversales chez 452 adultes (52 % hommes) apparemment en bonne santé, âgés de 25 à 60 ans, avec 200 sujets vivant à Cotonou (Bénin) et 252 sujets à PAP (Haïti). Les biomarqueurs de RCM considérés étaient : le syndrome métabolique (SMet) d’après les critères harmonisés de 2009 et ses composantes individuelles - une OA à partir d’un TT ≥ 94cm chez les hommes et ≥ 80cm chez les femmes, une hypertension, une dyslipidémie et une hyperglycémie; la résistance à l’insuline définie chez l’ensemble des sujets de l’étude à partir du 75e centile de l’Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA-IR); un ratio d’athérogénicité élevé (Cholestérol sérique total/HDL-Cholestérol); et l’inflammation pré-clinique mesurée à partir d’un niveau de protéine C-réactive ultrasensible (PCRus) entre 3 et 10 mg/l. Le ratio TT/H était aussi considéré pour définir l’OA à partir d’un seuil de 0,5. Les données sur les habitudes alimentaires, la consommation d’alcool, le tabagisme, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les conditions socio-économiques incluant le niveau d’éducation et un proxy du revenu (basé sur l’analyse par composante principale des biens et des possessions) ont été recueillies au moyen d’un questionnaire. Sur la base de données de fréquence de consommation d’aliments occidentaux, urbains et traditionnels, des schémas alimentaires des sujets de chaque ville ont été identifiés par analyse typologique. La validité et les valeurs-seuils de TT et du ratio TT/H prédictives du RCM ont été définies à partir des courbes ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics). Le SMet était présent chez 21,5 % et 16,1 % des participants, respectivement à Cotonou et à PAP. La prévalence d’OA était élevée à Cotonou (52,5 %) qu’à PAP (36%), avec une prévalence plus élevée chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Le profil lipidique sérique était plus athérogène à PAP avec 89,3 % d’HDL-c bas à PAP contre 79,7 % à Cotonou et un ratio CT/HDL-c élevé de 73,4 % à PAP contre 42 % à Cotonou. Les valeurs-seuils spécifiques de TT et du TT/H étaient respectivement 94 cm et 0,59 chez les femmes et 80 cm et 0,50 chez les hommes. Les analyses multivariées de l’OA avec les biomarqueurs de RCM les plus fortement prévalents dans ces deux populations montraient que l’OA était associée à un risque accru de résistance à l’insuline, d’athérogénicité et de tension artérielle élevée et ceci, indépendamment des facteurs socio-économiques et du mode de vie. Deux schémas alimentaires ont émergé, transitionnel et traditionnel, dans chaque ville, mais ceux-ci ne se révélaient pas associés aux biomarqueurs de RCM bien qu’ils soient en lien avec les variables socio-économiques. La présente étude confirme la présence de plusieurs biomarqueurs de RCM chez des sujets apparemment sains. En outre, l’OA est un élément clé du RCM dans ces deux populations. Les seuils actuels de TT devraient être reconsidérés éventuellement à la lumière d’études de plus grande envergure, afin de mieux définir l’OA chez les Noirs africains ou d’origine africaine, ce qui permettra une surveillance épidémiologique plus adéquate des biomarqueurs de RCM.


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INTRODUCTION Young people with psychosis typically have higher rates of premature cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders compared to non-psychotic peers. This has been primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet composition, misuse of harmful substances and higher rates of obesity and smoking. When prescribed obesogenic antipsychotic medication, a weight gain of >12 kg within 2 years is typical. PURPOSE: To examine the benefits of a 12 wk exercise and lifestyle intervention entitled ‘Supporting Health and Promoting Exercise’ (SHAPE) for young people recently diagnosed with psychosis. METHODS Participants (n=26; 8 females; mean age 27.7 ± 5.1) engaged in weekly 45’ education sessions on healthy lifestyle behaviors, including: managing anxiety and depression, mindfulness and relaxation training, substance misuse, smoking cessation, healthy eating and nutritional advice, dental and sexual health care. This was followed by a 45’ exercise session including activities such as circuit and resistance training, yoga, and badminton, led by qualified exercise instructors. Anthropometric data were measured at baseline, 12 wk and 12 month post-intervention. Lifestyle behaviors and clinical measurements, including resting heart rate, blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c and prolactin, were assessed at baseline and 12 months post-intervention as part of their routine clinical care plan. Significant differences over time were assessed using Paired Sample t-tests. RESULTS SHAPE participants (n=26) presented with first episode psychosis (n=11), schizophrenia (n=11), bipolar disorder (n=2), at risk mental state (n=1), and persistent delusion disorder (n=1) of which 52% were prescribed highly obesogenic antipsychotic medications (Clozapine and Olanzepine). Mean baseline data suggests participants were at an increased health risk due to elevated values in mean BMI (70% were overweight or obese), waist circumference, resting heart rate, and triglycerides (see Table 1 & 2). Over 50% reported smoking daily and 85% had elevated resting blood pressure (>120/80 mm Hg). At 12 wk post-intervention, no changes were observed in mean BMI or waist circumference (see Table 1); 19 participants either maintained (mean 0.5 kg: range ± 2 kg) or decreased (mean -5.7 kg: range 2-7 kg) weight; 7 participants increased weight (mean 4.9 kg: range 2.0-9.6 kg). At 12 month post-intervention (n=16), no change was evident in mean BMI, waist circumference, or any other clinical variable (see Table 2). Positive impacts on lifestyle behaviors included 7 participants eating ~400g of fruit/vegetables daily, 2 ceased substance use, 2 ceased alcohol use, 4 ceased smoking and 5 were less sedentary. CONCLUSION At the start of the programme, participants were already at an increased risk for cardiometabolic disorders. Findings suggest that SHAPE supported young people with psychosis to: -attenuate their physical health risk following a 12 wk exercise and lifestyle intervention which were sustained at 12 months follow up. -make positive lifestyle behavior changes leading to sustained improvements in weight maintenance and physical health.


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La protéine de liaison aux facteurs de croissance analogues à l’insuline (IGFBP)-2 est une protéine circulante fortement associée à la résistance à l’insuline qui module les effets métaboliques d’IGF-I et IGF-II en s’y associant directement, et qui exerce aussi des actions IGF-indépendantes via sa liaison à la matrice extracellulaire et aux intégrines. Chez l’homme, de faibles niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés à un profil lipidique délétère, ainsi qu’à une augmentation de la masse grasse et de la résistance à l’insuline. Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse montrent chez l’humain et la souris que les niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés de manière indépendante aux composantes du risque cardiométabolique. Chez l’homme, de faibles niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés à la dyslipidémie athérogène. Une valeur seuil d’IGFBP-2 de 221.5 ng/mL a permis de discriminer entre les sujets métaboliquement sains et ceux répondant aux critères du syndrome métabolique. En plus de son association avec la résistance à l’insuline et les composantes du profil lipidique, de faibles niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés à une fonction cardiaque diminuée chez les patients atteints de sténose aortique, tel qu’évaluée par le volume d’éjection indexé, un indice de fonction global du ventricule gauche qui intègre la fonction pompe et le remodelage du tissu. Chez l’homme, des niveaux d’IGFBP-2 élevés sont associés à un tissu adipeux brun plus volumineux ainsi qu’à une activité métabolique plus importante de ce dernier. Ces observations, telles qu’évaluées par PET/CT, sont aussi validées chez les souris surexprimant la forme humaine d’IGFBP-2. Nos travaux démontrent que les niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont fortement associés au métabolisme des lipoprotéines et des lipides, à la fonction cardiaque ainsi qu’à l’activité du tissu adipeux brun. L’influence des niveaux d’IGFBP-2 par différentes altérations métaboliques menant à l’augmentation du risque cardiométabolique pourrait faire de ce dernier un biomarqueur précoce et intégrateur. Les travaux exposés dans la présente thèse soulignent aussi un rôle mécanistique potentiel pour IGFBP-2 dans la protection contre certaines altérations du métabolisme.


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Background: Depression is a major health problem worldwide and the majority of patients presenting with depressive symptoms are managed in primary care. Current approaches for assessing depressive symptoms in primary care are not accurate in predicting future clinical outcomes, which may potentially lead to over or under treatment. The Allostatic Load (AL) theory suggests that by measuring multi-system biomarker levels as a proxy of measuring multi-system physiological dysregulation, it is possible to identify individuals at risk of having adverse health outcomes at a prodromal stage. Allostatic Index (AI) score, calculated by applying statistical formulations to different multi-system biomarkers, have been associated with depressive symptoms. Aims and Objectives: To test the hypothesis, that a combination of allostatic load (AL) biomarkers will form a predictive algorithm in defining clinically meaningful outcomes in a population of patients presenting with depressive symptoms. The key objectives were: 1. To explore the relationship between various allostatic load biomarkers and prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients, especially in patients diagnosed with three common cardiometabolic diseases (Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Diabetes and Stroke). 2 To explore whether allostatic load biomarkers predict clinical outcomes in patients with depressive symptoms, especially in patients with three common cardiometabolic diseases (CHD, Diabetes and Stroke). 3 To develop a predictive tool to identify individuals with depressive symptoms at highest risk of adverse clinical outcomes. Methods: Datasets used: ‘DepChron’ was a dataset of 35,537 patients with existing cardiometabolic disease collected as a part of routine clinical practice. ‘Psobid’ was a research data source containing health related information from 666 participants recruited from the general population. The clinical outcomes for 3 both datasets were studied using electronic data linkage to hospital and mortality health records, undertaken by Information Services Division, Scotland. Cross-sectional associations between allostatic load biomarkers calculated at baseline, with clinical severity of depression assessed by a symptom score, were assessed using logistic and linear regression models in both datasets. Cox’s proportional hazards survival analysis models were used to assess the relationship of allostatic load biomarkers at baseline and the risk of adverse physical health outcomes at follow-up, in patients with depressive symptoms. The possibility of interaction between depressive symptoms and allostatic load biomarkers in risk prediction of adverse clinical outcomes was studied using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Finally, the value of constructing a risk scoring scale using patient demographics and allostatic load biomarkers for predicting adverse outcomes in depressed patients was investigated using clinical risk prediction modelling and Area Under Curve (AUC) statistics. Key Results: Literature Review Findings. The literature review showed that twelve blood based peripheral biomarkers were statistically significant in predicting six different clinical outcomes in participants with depressive symptoms. Outcomes related to both mental health (depressive symptoms) and physical health were statistically associated with pre-treatment levels of peripheral biomarkers; however only two studies investigated outcomes related to physical health. Cross-sectional Analysis Findings: In DepChron, dysregulation of individual allostatic biomarkers (mainly cardiometabolic) were found to have a non-linear association with increased probability of co-morbid depressive symptoms (as assessed by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score HADS-D≥8). A composite AI score constructed using five biomarkers did not lead to any improvement in the observed strength of the association. In Psobid, BMI was found to have a significant cross-sectional association with the probability of depressive symptoms (assessed by General Health Questionnaire GHQ-28≥5). BMI, triglycerides, highly sensitive C - reactive 4 protein (CRP) and High Density Lipoprotein-HDL cholesterol were found to have a significant cross-sectional relationship with the continuous measure of GHQ-28. A composite AI score constructed using 12 biomarkers did not show a significant association with depressive symptoms among Psobid participants. Longitudinal Analysis Findings: In DepChron, three clinical outcomes were studied over four years: all-cause death, all-cause hospital admissions and composite major adverse cardiovascular outcome-MACE (cardiovascular death or admission due to MI/stroke/HF). Presence of depressive symptoms and composite AI score calculated using mainly peripheral cardiometabolic biomarkers was found to have a significant association with all three clinical outcomes over the following four years in DepChron patients. There was no evidence of an interaction between AI score and presence of depressive symptoms in risk prediction of any of the three clinical outcomes. There was a statistically significant interaction noted between SBP and depressive symptoms in risk prediction of major adverse cardiovascular outcome, and also between HbA1c and depressive symptoms in risk prediction of all-cause mortality for patients with diabetes. In Psobid, depressive symptoms (assessed by GHQ-28≥5) did not have a statistically significant association with any of the four outcomes under study at seven years: all cause death, all cause hospital admission, MACE and incidence of new cancer. A composite AI score at baseline had a significant association with the risk of MACE at seven years, after adjusting for confounders. A continuous measure of IL-6 observed at baseline had a significant association with the risk of three clinical outcomes- all-cause mortality, all-cause hospital admissions and major adverse cardiovascular event. Raised total cholesterol at baseline was associated with lower risk of all-cause death at seven years while raised waist hip ratio- WHR at baseline was associated with higher risk of MACE at seven years among Psobid participants. There was no significant interaction between depressive symptoms and peripheral biomarkers (individual or combined) in risk prediction of any of the four clinical outcomes under consideration. Risk Scoring System Development: In the DepChron cohort, a scoring system was constructed based on eight baseline demographic and clinical variables to predict the risk of MACE over four years. The AUC value for the risk scoring system was modest at 56.7% (95% CI 55.6 to 57.5%). In Psobid, it was not possible to perform this analysis due to the low event rate observed for the clinical outcomes. Conclusion: Individual peripheral biomarkers were found to have a cross-sectional association with depressive symptoms both in patients with cardiometabolic disease and middle-aged participants recruited from the general population. AI score calculated with different statistical formulations was of no greater benefit in predicting concurrent depressive symptoms or clinical outcomes at follow-up, over and above its individual constituent biomarkers, in either patient cohort. SBP had a significant interaction with depressive symptoms in predicting cardiovascular events in patients with cardiometabolic disease; HbA1c had a significant interaction with depressive symptoms in predicting all-cause mortality in patients with diabetes. Peripheral biomarkers may have a role in predicting clinical outcomes in patients with depressive symptoms, especially for those with existing cardiometabolic disease, and this merits further investigation.


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L’obésité est un problème de santé publique reconnu. Dans la dernière décennie l’obésité abdominale (OA) a été considérée comme une maladie métabolique qui contribue davantage au risque de diabète et de maladies cardiovasculaires que l’obésité générale définie par l’indice de masse corporelle. Toutefois, dans les populations d’origine africaine, la relation entre l’OA et les autres biomarqueurs de risque cardiométabolique (RCM) demeure obscure à cause du manque d’études chez ces populations et de l’absence de valeurs-seuils spécifiques pour juger d’une OA. Cette étude visait à comparer la prévalence des biomarqueurs de RCM (OA, hypertension artérielle, hyperglycémie, dyslipidémie, résistance à l'insuline et inflammation pré-clinique) chez les Béninois de Cotonou et les Haïtiens de Port-au-Prince (PAP), à étudier l’association de l’OA avec les autres biomarqueurs de RCM, à documenter le rôle du niveau socio-économique (NSE) et du mode de vie dans cette association et à ’identifier les indicateurs anthropométriques de l’OA -tour de taille (TT) et le ratio TT/hauteur (TT/H)- et les seuils qui prédisent le mieux le RCM à Cotonou et à PAP. Il s’est agi d’une analyse de données transversales chez 452 adultes (52 % hommes) apparemment en bonne santé, âgés de 25 à 60 ans, avec 200 sujets vivant à Cotonou (Bénin) et 252 sujets à PAP (Haïti). Les biomarqueurs de RCM considérés étaient : le syndrome métabolique (SMet) d’après les critères harmonisés de 2009 et ses composantes individuelles - une OA à partir d’un TT ≥ 94cm chez les hommes et ≥ 80cm chez les femmes, une hypertension, une dyslipidémie et une hyperglycémie; la résistance à l’insuline définie chez l’ensemble des sujets de l’étude à partir du 75e centile de l’Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA-IR); un ratio d’athérogénicité élevé (Cholestérol sérique total/HDL-Cholestérol); et l’inflammation pré-clinique mesurée à partir d’un niveau de protéine C-réactive ultrasensible (PCRus) entre 3 et 10 mg/l. Le ratio TT/H était aussi considéré pour définir l’OA à partir d’un seuil de 0,5. Les données sur les habitudes alimentaires, la consommation d’alcool, le tabagisme, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les conditions socio-économiques incluant le niveau d’éducation et un proxy du revenu (basé sur l’analyse par composante principale des biens et des possessions) ont été recueillies au moyen d’un questionnaire. Sur la base de données de fréquence de consommation d’aliments occidentaux, urbains et traditionnels, des schémas alimentaires des sujets de chaque ville ont été identifiés par analyse typologique. La validité et les valeurs-seuils de TT et du ratio TT/H prédictives du RCM ont été définies à partir des courbes ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics). Le SMet était présent chez 21,5 % et 16,1 % des participants, respectivement à Cotonou et à PAP. La prévalence d’OA était élevée à Cotonou (52,5 %) qu’à PAP (36%), avec une prévalence plus élevée chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Le profil lipidique sérique était plus athérogène à PAP avec 89,3 % d’HDL-c bas à PAP contre 79,7 % à Cotonou et un ratio CT/HDL-c élevé de 73,4 % à PAP contre 42 % à Cotonou. Les valeurs-seuils spécifiques de TT et du TT/H étaient respectivement 94 cm et 0,59 chez les femmes et 80 cm et 0,50 chez les hommes. Les analyses multivariées de l’OA avec les biomarqueurs de RCM les plus fortement prévalents dans ces deux populations montraient que l’OA était associée à un risque accru de résistance à l’insuline, d’athérogénicité et de tension artérielle élevée et ceci, indépendamment des facteurs socio-économiques et du mode de vie. Deux schémas alimentaires ont émergé, transitionnel et traditionnel, dans chaque ville, mais ceux-ci ne se révélaient pas associés aux biomarqueurs de RCM bien qu’ils soient en lien avec les variables socio-économiques. La présente étude confirme la présence de plusieurs biomarqueurs de RCM chez des sujets apparemment sains. En outre, l’OA est un élément clé du RCM dans ces deux populations. Les seuils actuels de TT devraient être reconsidérés éventuellement à la lumière d’études de plus grande envergure, afin de mieux définir l’OA chez les Noirs africains ou d’origine africaine, ce qui permettra une surveillance épidémiologique plus adéquate des biomarqueurs de RCM.


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Background: Hyperuricemia is related to Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and cardiovascular diseases, but the use of serum uric acid (UA) to diagnose MetS is currently ignored in clinical practices. Objectives: To examine the impact of serum UA on the diagnostic of MetS and the relationship of serum UA with cardiometabolic risk factors in apparently healthy Brazilian middle-aged men residents in a city of Minas Gerais. Methods: In a cross-sectional analysis, 289 apparently healthy middle-aged men underwent anthropometric, clinical, sociodemographic and blood serum biochemical evaluation. By using receive operating curve the internal cutoff of serum UA was determined (5.25 mg/dL). Results: Subjects with two or more components of MetS exhibited higher serum UA as compared to those with one or none component. The inclusion of serum UA ≥ 5.25mg/dL as an additional component of MetS increased the occurrence of this syndrome by 13%. Subjects with UA ≥ 5.25mg/dL showed high prevalence for MetS and association with its components (central obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension) as well as atherogenic risk. Conclusions: Serum UA has an important impact on the diagnostic of MetS and is related to cardiometabolic risk factors in apparently healthy Brazilian middle-aged men. Its use in clinical practices could aggregate accuracy to diagnose MetS.


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BACKGROUND: Active video games (AVGs) have gained interest as a way to increase physical activity in children and youth. The effect of AVGs on acute energy expenditure (EE) has previously been reported; however, the influence of AVGs on other health-related lifestyle indicators remains unclear.

OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aimed to explain the relationship between AVGs and nine health and behavioural indicators in the pediatric population (aged 0-17 years). DATA SOURCES: Online databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, psycINFO, SPORTDiscus and Cochrane Central Database) and personal libraries were searched and content experts were consulted for additional material.

DATA SELECTION: Included articles were required to have a measure of AVG and at least one relevant health or behaviour indicator: EE (both habitual and acute), adherence and appeal (i.e., participation and enjoyment), opportunity cost (both time and financial considerations, and adverse events), adiposity, cardiometabolic health, energy intake, adaptation (effects of continued play), learning and rehabilitation, and video game evolution (i.e., sustainability of AVG technology).

RESULTS: 51 unique studies, represented in 52 articles were included in the review. Data were available from 1992 participants, aged 3-17 years, from 8 countries, and published from 2006-2012. Overall, AVGs are associated with acute increases in EE, but effects on habitual physical activity are not clear. Further, AVGs show promise when used for learning and rehabilitation within special populations. Evidence related to other indicators was limited and inconclusive.

CONCLUSIONS: Controlled studies show that AVGs acutely increase light- to moderate-intensity physical activity; however, the findings about if or how AVG lead to increases in habitual physical activity or decreases in sedentary behaviour are less clear. Although AVGs may elicit some health benefits in special populations, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend AVGs as a means of increasing daily physical activity.


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Sedentary behaviour has emerged as a unique determinant of health in adults. Studies in children and adolescents have been less consistent. We reviewed the evidence to determine if the total volume and patterns (i.e. breaks and bouts) of objectively measured sedentary behaviour were associated with adverse health outcomes in young people, independent of moderate-intensity to vigorous-intensity physical activity. Four electronic databases (EMBASE MEDLINE, Ovid EMBASE, PubMed and Scopus) were searched (up to 12 November 2015) to retrieve studies among 2- to 18-year-olds, which used cross-sectional, longitudinal or experimental designs, and examined associations with health outcomes (adiposity, cardio-metabolic, fitness, respiratory, bone/musculoskeletal, psychosocial, cognition/academic achievement, gross motor development and other outcomes). Based on 88 eligible observational studies, level of evidence grading and quantitative meta-analyses indicated that there is limited available evidence that the total volume or patterns of sedentary behaviour are associated with health in children and adolescents when accounting for moderate-intensity to vigorous-intensity physical activity or focusing on studies with low risk of bias. Quality evidence from studies with robust designs and methods, objective measures of sitting, examining associations for various health outcomes, is needed to better understand if the overall volume or patterns of sedentary behaviour are independent determinants of health in children and adolescents.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical practice guidelines globally recommend lifestyle modification including diet and exercise training as first-line treatment for obesity. The clinical benefits of exercise training in adults with obesity is well-documented; however, there is no strong evidence for the effectiveness of exercise training for weight loss in class II and class III obesity. The purpose of the randomised controlled trial described in this protocol article is to examine the effect of exercise training, in addition to a very low energy diet (VLED), in clinically severe obese women for changes in body composition, physical function, quality of life, and markers of cardiometabolic risk.

METHODS/DESIGN: Sixty women, aged 18-50 years with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 34.9 kg.m(2) and at least one obesity-related co-morbidity, will be recruited for this 12-month study. Participants will be randomised to either exercise plus energy restriction (n = 30), or energy restriction alone (n = 30). All participants will follow an energy-restricted individualised diet incorporating a VLED component. The exercise intervention group will also receive exercise by supervised aerobic and resistance training and a home-based exercise programme totalling 300 minutes per week. Primary outcome measures include body composition and aerobic fitness. Secondary outcome measures include: physical function, cardiometabolic risk factors, quality of life, physical activity, and mental health. All outcome measures will be conducted at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months.

DISCUSSION: Previous research demonstrates various health benefits of including exercise training as part of a healthy lifestyle at all BMI ranges. Although clinical practice guidelines recommend exercise training as part of first-line treatment for overweight and obesity, there are few studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of exercise in class II and class III obesity. The study aims to determine whether the addition of exercise training to a VLED provides more favourable improvements in body composition, physical function, quality of life, and markers of cardiometabolic risk for women with clinically severe obesity, compared to VLED alone.