957 resultados para cache placement


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在处理器从单核向多核演进的过程中,为了获得更好的性能和可扩展性,适用于多核处理器系统的Cache一致性协议变得越来越复杂。Cache一致性协议的验证一直是模型检测在工业界主要应用之一,被工业界和学术界关注。相对传统方法而言,微结构级的模型检测能够描述和验证更多的协议细节。利用NuSMV工具对Intel公司的MESIF Cache一致性协议进行模型检测在微结构层次上进行了建模,并对该协议进行模型检测,试验结果证明了此方法的有效性。


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In many multi-camera vision systems the effect of camera locations on the task-specific quality of service is ignored. Researchers in Computational Geometry have proposed elegant solutions for some sensor location problem classes. Unfortunately, these solutions utilize unrealistic assumptions about the cameras' capabilities that make these algorithms unsuitable for many real-world computer vision applications: unlimited field of view, infinite depth of field, and/or infinite servo precision and speed. In this paper, the general camera placement problem is first defined with assumptions that are more consistent with the capabilities of real-world cameras. The region to be observed by cameras may be volumetric, static or dynamic, and may include holes that are caused, for instance, by columns or furniture in a room that can occlude potential camera views. A subclass of this general problem can be formulated in terms of planar regions that are typical of building floorplans. Given a floorplan to be observed, the problem is then to efficiently compute a camera layout such that certain task-specific constraints are met. A solution to this problem is obtained via binary optimization over a discrete problem space. In preliminary experiments the performance of the resulting system is demonstrated with different real floorplans.


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The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is growing rapidly on the Internet. Web users want fast response time and easy access to a enormous variety of information across the world. Thus, performance is becoming a main issue in the Web. Fractals have been used to study fluctuating phenomena in many different disciplines, from the distribution of galaxies in astronomy to complex physiological control systems. The Web is also a complex, irregular, and random system. In this paper, we look at the document reference pattern at Internet Web servers and use fractal-based models to understand aspects (e.g. caching schemes) that affect the Web performance.


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With web caching and cache-related services like CDNs and edge services playing an increasingly significant role in the modern internet, the problem of the weak consistency and coherence provisions in current web protocols is becoming increasingly significant and drawing the attention of the standards community [LCD01]. Toward this end, we present definitions of consistency and coherence for web-like environments, that is, distributed client-server information systems where the semantics of interactions with resource are more general than the read/write operations found in memory hierarchies and distributed file systems. We then present a brief review of proposed mechanisms which strengthen the consistency of caches in the web, focusing upon their conceptual contributions and their weaknesses in real-world practice. These insights motivate a new mechanism, which we call "Basis Token Consistency" or BTC; when implemented at the server, this mechanism allows any client (independent of the presence and conformity of any intermediaries) to maintain a self-consistent view of the server's state. This is accomplished by annotating responses with additional per-resource application information which allows client caches to recognize the obsolescence of currently cached entities and identify responses from other caches which are already stale in light of what has already been seen. The mechanism requires no deviation from the existing client-server communication model, and does not require servers to maintain any additional per-client state. We discuss how our mechanism could be integrated into a fragment-assembling Content Management System (CMS), and present a simulation-driven performance comparison between the BTC algorithm and the use of the Time-To-Live (TTL) heuristic.


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We consider the problem of delivering popular streaming media to a large number of asynchronous clients. We propose and evaluate a cache-and-relay end-system multicast approach, whereby a client joining a multicast session caches the stream, and if needed, relays that stream to neighboring clients which may join the multicast session at some later time. This cache-and-relay approach is fully distributed, scalable, and efficient in terms of network link cost. In this paper we analytically derive bounds on the network link cost of our cache-and-relay approach, and we evaluate its performance under assumptions of limited client bandwidth and limited client cache capacity. When client bandwidth is limited, we show that although finding an optimal solution is NP-hard, a simple greedy algorithm performs surprisingly well in that it incurs network link costs that are very close to a theoretical lower bound. When client cache capacity is limited, we show that our cache-and-relay approach can still significantly reduce network link cost. We have evaluated our cache-and-relay approach using simulations over large, synthetic random networks, power-law degree networks, and small-world networks, as well as over large real router-level Internet maps.


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In many networked applications, independent caching agents cooperate by servicing each other's miss streams, without revealing the operational details of the caching mechanisms they employ. Inference of such details could be instrumental for many other processes. For example, it could be used for optimized forwarding (or routing) of one's own miss stream (or content) to available proxy caches, or for making cache-aware resource management decisions. In this paper, we introduce the Cache Inference Problem (CIP) as that of inferring the characteristics of a caching agent, given the miss stream of that agent. While CIP is insolvable in its most general form, there are special cases of practical importance in which it is, including when the request stream follows an Independent Reference Model (IRM) with generalized power-law (GPL) demand distribution. To that end, we design two basic "litmus" tests that are able to detect LFU and LRU replacement policies, the effective size of the cache and of the object universe, and the skewness of the GPL demand for objects. Using extensive experiments under synthetic as well as real traces, we show that our methods infer such characteristics accurately and quite efficiently, and that they remain robust even when the IRM/GPL assumptions do not hold, and even when the underlying replacement policies are not "pure" LFU or LRU. We exemplify the value of our inference framework by considering example applications.


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The effectiveness of service provisioning in largescale networks is highly dependent on the number and location of service facilities deployed at various hosts. The classical, centralized approach to determining the latter would amount to formulating and solving the uncapacitated k-median (UKM) problem (if the requested number of facilities is fixed), or the uncapacitated facility location (UFL) problem (if the number of facilities is also to be optimized). Clearly, such centralized approaches require knowledge of global topological and demand information, and thus do not scale and are not practical for large networks. The key question posed and answered in this paper is the following: "How can we determine in a distributed and scalable manner the number and location of service facilities?" We propose an innovative approach in which topology and demand information is limited to neighborhoods, or balls of small radius around selected facilities, whereas demand information is captured implicitly for the remaining (remote) clients outside these neighborhoods, by mapping them to clients on the edge of the neighborhood; the ball radius regulates the trade-off between scalability and performance. We develop a scalable, distributed approach that answers our key question through an iterative reoptimization of the location and the number of facilities within such balls. We show that even for small values of the radius (1 or 2), our distributed approach achieves performance under various synthetic and real Internet topologies that is comparable to that of optimal, centralized approaches requiring full topology and demand information.


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Background. Thoracic epidural catheters provide the best quality postoperative pain relief for major abdominal and thoracic surgical procedures, but placement is one of the most challenging procedures in the repertoire of an anesthesiologist. Most patients presenting for a procedure that would benefit from a thoracic epidural catheter have already had high resolution imaging that may be useful to assist placement of a catheter. Methods. This retrospective study used data from 168 patients to examine the association and predictive power of epidural-skin distance (ESD) on computed tomography (CT) to determine loss of resistance depth acquired during epidural placement. Additionally, the ability of anesthesiologists to measure this distance was compared to a radiologist, who specializes in spine imaging. Results. There was a strong association between CT measurement and loss of resistance depth (P < 0.0001); the presence of morbid obesity (BMI > 35) changed this relationship (P = 0.007). The ability of anesthesiologists to make CT measurements was similar to a gold standard radiologist (all individual ICCs > 0.9). Conclusions. Overall, this study supports the examination of a recent CT scan to aid in the placement of a thoracic epidural catheter. Making use of these scans may lead to faster epidural placements, fewer accidental dural punctures, and better epidural blockade.


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Current methods for large-scale wind collection are unviable in urban areas. In order to investigate the feasibility of generating power from winds in these environments, we sought to optimize placements of small vertical-axis wind turbines in areas of artificially-generated winds. We explored both vehicular transportation and architecture as sources of artificial wind, using a combination of anemometer arrays, global positioning system (GPS), and weather report data. We determined that transportation-generated winds were not significant enough for turbine implementation. In addition, safety and administrative concerns restricted the implementation of said wind turbines along roadways for transportation-generated wind collection. Wind measurements from our architecture collection were applied in models that can help predict other similar areas with artificial wind, as well as the optimal placement of a wind turbine in those areas.


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Clinical placement experience has a key role to play in the socialisation and preparation of future members of the nursing profession. Aggression experienced by healthcare workers is currently receiving considerable attention and student nurses have been identified as a group vulnerable to experiencing workplace abuse (Little 1999). The primary aim of the study is to gain a greater understanding of the nature, severity, frequency and sources of verbal abuse experienced by student nurses in health care settings in the south east of England, using as a definition, “the use of inappropriate words… causing distress” (Department of Health 2003). A convenience sample of 156 third year student nurses of all four branches of one preregistration nursing programme in the south east of England was studied with questionnaires distributed retrospectively; 11 4 student nurses returned the questionnaires equating to a response rate of 73%. Results 46% of respondents reported experiencing verbal abuse, 39% had witnessed other students experiencing verbal abuse and 61% reported that they were aware of other students experiencing verbal abuse. Students reported experiencing threats to kill, racial abuse, sexually orientated verbal abuse and bullying while gaining placement experience. Student nurses are a high risk group for experiencing verbal abuse whilst gaining placement experience.In the literature, mental health and learningdisability settings are viewed as high risk areasfor experiencing aggression (Beech and Leather 2003); this study suggests that student nurses experience verbal abuse in a variety of settings and verbal abuse may be more prevalent on general medical and surgical wards than previously expected.