988 resultados para barometric formula


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Il seguente lavoro di tesi è finalizzato alla realizzazione dell’elettronica di controllo per una vettura prototipo, Nel Capitolo 1 della tesi viene descritto più nel dettaglio il progetto Formula SAE, introducendo gli aspetti peculiari della competizione; successivamente segue una breve descrizione del team UniBo Motorsport. Il Capitolo 2 descrive l’elettronica implementata nella stagione 2013 evidenziandone i punti di forza e le debolezze al fine di poter trarre delle conclusioni per comprendere la direzione intrapresa con questo lavoro di tesi. Nel Capitolo 3 viene presentata la soluzione proposta,motivandone le scelte e la necessità di suddividere il lavoro in più unità distinte, mantenendo le peculiarità tecniche del già eccellente lavoro effettuato nel corso degli anni da chi mi ha preceduto ed aggiungendo quelle funzionalità che permettono di mantenere la soluzione in una posizione dominante nel panorama della Formula Student. La progettazione dell’hardware che compone la soluzione proposta è descritta nel Capitolo 4, introducendo dapprima la metodologia adottata per la progettazione partendo dalle specifiche fino ad arrivare al prodotto finito ed in seguito ne viene descritta l’applicazione ad ogni unità oggetto del lavoro. Sono state progettate da zero tre unità: una centralina di controllo motore (ECU), una di controllo veicolo (VCU) ed un controller lambda per la gestione di sonde UEGO. Un aiuto fondamentale nella progettazione di queste tre unità è stato dato da Alma Automotive, azienda che fin dal principio ha supportato, anche economicamente, le varie evoluzioni dell’hardware e del software della vettura. Infine viene descritto nel capitolo 5 il software che verrà eseguito sulle unità di controllo, ponendo particolare risalto al lavoro di adattamento che si è reso necessario per riutilizzare il software in uso negli anni precedenti.


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After briefly discuss the natural homogeneous Lie group structure induced by Kolmogorov equations in chapter one, we define an intrinsic version of Taylor polynomials and Holder spaces in chapter two. We also compare our definition with others yet known in literature. In chapter three we prove an analogue of Taylor formula, that is an estimate of the remainder in terms of the homogeneous metric.


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The thesis presents a probabilistic approach to the theory of semigroups of operators, with particular attention to the Markov and Feller semigroups. The first goal of this work is the proof of the fundamental Feynman-Kac formula, which gives the solution of certain parabolic Cauchy problems, in terms of the expected value of the initial condition computed at the associated stochastic diffusion processes. The second target is the characterization of the principal eigenvalue of the generator of a semigroup with Markov transition probability function and of second order elliptic operators with real coefficients not necessarily self-adjoint. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we study the Brownian motion and some of its main properties, the stochastic processes, the stochastic integral and the Itô formula in order to finally arrive, in the last section, at the proof of the Feynman-Kac formula. The second chapter is devoted to the probabilistic approach to the semigroups theory and it is here that we introduce Markov and Feller semigroups. Special emphasis is given to the Feller semigroup associated with the Brownian motion. The third and last chapter is divided into two sections. In the first one we present the abstract characterization of the principal eigenvalue of the infinitesimal generator of a semigroup of operators acting on continuous functions over a compact metric space. In the second section this approach is used to study the principal eigenvalue of elliptic partial differential operators with real coefficients. At the end, in the appendix, we gather some of the technical results used in the thesis in more details. Appendix A is devoted to the Sion minimax theorem, while in appendix B we prove the Chernoff product formula for not necessarily self-adjoint operators.


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This dissertation analyses the live simultaneous interpretation from English into Italian of six 2013 Formula 1 World Championship podium interviews and focuses on four main aspects: how the interpreter handled the décalage at the end of the interview and during the turn-taking; if he used any marker to indicate that he was starting to translate a new turn of the source text; what he did when overlapped speech in the source texts occurred; what happened when the Italian commentators talked during the interpreter’s translation. In the first chapter a description mainly of what a Formula 1 podium interview is and what an interpreter translates during the Formula 1 weekends is present. In the second chapter a literature review on media interpreting, with particular attention put on Straniero Sergio’s paper on translating Formula 1 press-conferences (2003), and turn-taking is provided. In the third chapter the methodology used to obtain and process the video and audio files of source and target texts and to transcribe them is described. We concentrated primarily on Thibault’s multimodal text transcription techniques (2000) and on how they were used and adapted to fit the purposes of this dissertation. In the fourth chapter the results obtained through the analysis of the source and target texts are shown and described, focusing only on the objectives of the dissertation, without aiming to provide a qualitative evaluation of the interpretations. In the fifth and last chapter the conclusions and some final remarks are made, based on the results obtained during the analysis and the hope for a more in depth knowledge of Italian Formula 1 interpreter’s working conditions.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a trilingual translation from English into Italian and from Italian into Spanish of a policy statement from the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) regarding road safety. The document, named “Formula Zero: a strategy for reducing fatalities and injuries on track and road”, was published in June 2000 and involves an approach about road safety inspired by another approach introduced in Sweden called ‘Vision Zero’. This work consists of six sections. The first chapter introduces the main purposes and activities of the Federation, as well as the institutions related to it and Vision Zero. The second chapter presents the main lexical, morphosyntactic and stylistic features of the institutional texts and special languages. In particular, the text contains technical nomenclature of transports and elements of sport language, especially regarding motor sport and Formula One. In the third chapter, the methodology is explained, with all the resources used during the preliminary phase and the translation, including corpora, glossaries, expert consultancy and specialised sites. The fourth chapter focuses on the morphosyntactic and terminology features contained in the text, while the fifth chapter presents the source text and the target texts. The final chapter deals with all the translation strategies that are applied, alongside with all the challenging elements detected. Therefore, the dissertation concludes with some theoretical and practical considerations about the role of inverse translation and English as Lingua Franca (ELF), by comparing the text translated into Spanish to the original in English, using Italian as a lingua franca.


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Il tema centrale di questa tesi è lo studio del problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano in R^2 usando le serie di Fourier. Il problema di Dirichlet per il Laplaciano consiste nel determinare una funzione f armonica e regolare in un dominio limitato D quando sono noti i valori che f assume sul suo bordo. Ammette una sola soluzione, ma non esistono criteri generali per ricavarla. In questa tesi si mostra come la formula integrale di Poisson, sotto determinate condizioni, risolva il problema di Dirichlet in R^2 e in R^n.


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Clenshaw’s recurrenee formula is used to derive recursive algorithms for the discrete cosine transform @CT) and the inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT). The recursive DCT algorithm presented here requires one fewer delay element per coefficient and one fewer multiply operation per coeflident compared with two recently proposed methods. Clenshaw’s recurrence formula provides a unified development for the recursive DCT and IDCT algorithms. The M v e al gorithms apply to arbitrary lengtb algorithms and are appropriate for VLSI implementation.


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Glucose supply markedly changes during the transition to extrauterine life. In this study, we investigated diet effects on glucose metabolism in neonatal calves. Calves were fed colostrum (C; n = 7) or milk-based formula (F; n = 7) with similar nutrient content up to d 4 of life. Blood plasma samples were taken daily before feeding and 2 h after feeding on d 4 to measure glucose, lactate, nonesterified fatty acids, protein, urea, insulin, glucagon, and cortisol concentrations. On d 2, additional blood samples were taken to measure glucose first-pass uptake (FPU) and turnover by oral [U-(13)C]-glucose and i.v. [6,6-(2)H(2)]-glucose infusion. On d 3, endogenous glucose production and gluconeogenesis were determined by i.v. [U-(13)C]-glucose and oral deuterated water administration after overnight feed deprivation. Liver tissue was obtained 2 h after feeding on d 4 and glycogen concentration and activities and mRNA abundance of gluconeogenic enzymes were measured. Plasma glucose and protein concentrations and hepatic glycogen concentration were higher (P < 0.05), whereas plasma urea, glucagon, and cortisol (d 2) concentrations as well as hepatic pyruvate carboxylase mRNA level and activity were lower (P < 0.05) in group C than in group F. Orally administered [U-(13)C]-glucose in blood was higher (P < 0.05) but FPU tended to be lower (P < 0.1) in group C than in group F. The improved glucose status in group C resulted from enhanced oral glucose absorption. Metabolic and endocrine changes pointed to elevated amino acid degradation in group F, presumably to provide substrates to meet energy requirements and to compensate for impaired oral glucose uptake.


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The crystal structure of kyzylkumite, ideally Ti2V3+O5(OH), from the Sludyanka complex in South Baikal, Russia was solved and refined (including the hydrogen atom position) to an agreement index, R1, of 2.34 using X-ray diffraction data collected on a twinned crystal. Kyzylkumite crystallizes in space group P21/c, with a = 8.4787(1), b = 4.5624(1), c = 10.0330(1) Å, β = 93.174(1)°, V = 387.51(1) Å3 and Z = 4. Tivanite, TiV3+O3OH, and kyzylkumite have modular structures based on hexagonal close packing of oxygen, which are made up of rutile TiO2 and montroseite V3+O(OH) slices. In tivanite the rutile:montroseite ratio is 1:1, in kyzylkumite the ratio is 2:1. The montroseite module may be replaced by the isotypic paramontroseite V4+O2 module, which produces a phase with the formula Ti2V4+O6. In the metamorphic rocks of the Sludyanka complex, vanadium can be present as V4+ and V3+ within the same mineral (e.g. in batisivite, schreyerite and berdesinskiite). Kyzylkumite has a flexible composition with respect to the M4+/M3+ ratio. The relationship between kyzylkumite and a closely related Be-bearing kyzylkumite-like mineral with an orthorhombic norbergite-type structure from Byrud mine, Norway is discussed. Both minerals have similar X-ray powder diffraction patterns.


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Unroofing of the Black Mountains, Death Valley, California, has resulted in the exposure of 1.7 Ga crystalline basement, late Precambrian amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks, and a Tertiary magmatic complex. The Ar-40/Ar-39 cooling ages, obtained from samples collected across the entire length of the range (>55 km), combined with geobarometric results from synextensional intrusions, provide time-depth constraints on the Miocene intrusive history and extensional unroofing of the Black Mountains. Data from the southeastern Black Mountains and adjacent Greenwater Range suggest unroofing from shallow depths between 9 and 10 Ma. To the northwest in the crystalline core of the range, biotite plateau ages from approximately 13 to 6.8 Ma from rocks making up the Death Valley turtlebacks indicate a midcrustal residence (with temperatures >300-degrees-C) prior to extensional unroofing. Biotite Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from both Precambrian basement and Tertiary plutons reveal a diachronous cooling pattern of decreasing ages toward the northwest, subparallel to the regional extension direction. Diachronous cooling was accompanied by dike intrusion which also decreases in age toward the northwest. The cooling age pattern and geobarometric constraints in crystalline rocks of the Black Mountains suggest denudation of 10-15 km along a northwest directed detachment system, consistent with regional reconstructions of Tertiary extension and with unroofing of a northwest deepening crustal section. Mica cooling ages that deviate from the northwest younging trend are consistent with northwestward transport of rocks initially at shallower crustal levels onto deeper levels along splays of the detachment. The well-known Amargosa chaos and perhaps the Badwater turtleback are examples of this "splaying" process. Considering the current distance of the structurally deepest samples away from moderately to steeply east tilted Tertiary strata in the southeastern Black Mountains, these data indicate an average initial dip of the detachment system of the order of 20-degrees, similar to that determined for detachment faults in west central Arizona and southeastern California. Beginning with an initially listric geometry, a pattern of footwall unroofing accompanied by dike intrusion progress northwestward. This pattern may be explained by a model where migration of footwall flexures occur below a scoop-shaped banging wall block. One consequence of this model is that gently dipping ductile fabrics developed in the middle crust steepen in the upper crust during unloading. This process resolves the low initial dips obtained here with mapping which suggests transport of the upper plate on moderately to steeply dipping surfaces in the middle and upper crust.