984 resultados para barium bismuth tantalate


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The Raman spectrum of atelestite Bi2O(OH)(AsO4), a hydroxy-arsenate mineral containing bismuth, has been studied in terms of spectra-structure relations. The studied spectrum is compared with the Raman spectrum of atelestite downloaded from the RRUFF database. The sharp intense band at 834 cm-1 is assigned to the 1 AsO43- (A1) symmetric stretching mode and the three bands at 767, 782 and 802 cm-1 to the 3 AsO43- antisymmetric stretching modes. The bands at 310, 324, 353, 370, 395, 450, 480 and 623 cm-1 are assigned to the corresponding ν4 and ν2 bending modes and Bi-O-Bi (vibration of bridging oxygen) and Bi-O (vibration of non-bridging oxygen) stretching vibrations. Lattice modes are observed at 172, 199 and 218 cm-1. A broad low intensity band at 3095 cm-1 is attributed to the hydrogen bonded OH units in the atelestite structure. A weak band at 1082 cm-1 is assigned to  (Bi-OH) vibration.


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Samples of a large (~60 µm) chondritic porous (CP) aggregate collected from the stratosphere have been analysed in detail by analytical electron microscopy (AEM). Previous studies of CP aggregates have shown that they are extraterrestrial in origin1–3 and may be related to cometary debris4. CP aggregates are dissimilar to C1 and C2 carbonaceous chondrite matrices and many have not been significantly altered by thermal or radiation processes since their assembly5. We report here a high concentration of Bi2O3 grains within the large CP aggregate designated W7029* A (~60 µm) and suggest they formed by rapid heating (~300 °C) of elemental Bi grains within the aggregate during atmospheric entry. We examine the possibilities for terrestrial Bi contamination of CP aggregate W7029* A but judge them unlikely. Enrichment of elemental Bi within components of extraterrestrial materials is consistent with a nebula condensation model6 and implies that Bi within CP aggregate W7029* A may have formed at a late stage of the condensation process.


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Platey grains of cubic Bi2O3, α-Bi2O3, and Bi2O2.75 nanograins were associated with chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles W7029C1, W7029E5, and 2011C2 that were collected in the stratosphere at 17-19 km altitude. Similar Bi oxide nanograins were present in the upper stratosphere during May 1985. These grains are linked to the plumes of several major volcanic eruptions during the early 1980s that injected material into the stratosphere. The mass of sulfur from these eruptions is a proxy for the mass of stratospheric Bi from which we derive the particle number densities (p m -3) for "average Bi2O3 nanograins" due to this volcanic activity and those necessary to contaminate the extraterrestrial chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles via collisional sticking. The match between both values supports the idea that Bi2O3 nanograins of volcanic origin could contaminate interplanetary dust particles in the Earth's stratosphere. Copyright 1997 by the American Geophysical Union.


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Y Ba Cu oxide thin films were grown epitaxially on single cryst. yttria-stabilized zirconia substrates by laser deposition. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 thin films with various thicknesses from 100 Å to 5000 Å were deposited on (100) SrTiO3 substrates with std. BaF2 coevaporation process. The films had crit. temps. of up to 93 K. The best crit. currents were 1 × 106 A/cm2 at 77 K and 3 × 107 A/cm2 at 4.2 K. The crit. current was generally higher for thinner films. Two different etching methods were used to pattern the films for jc measurements: Ar ion etching and EDTA wet etching. The wet etching was found to work well for thicker films (>1000 Å). For the thinner films, the ion etching process was preferred because of the reduced film surface degrdn. [on SciFinder(R)]


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Bismuth zinc niobium oxide (BZN) was successfully synthesized by a diol-based sol-gel reaction utilizing metal acetate and alkoxide precursors. Thermal analysis of a liquid suspension of precursors suggests that the majority of organic precursors decompose at temperatures up to 150°C, and organic free powders form above 350°C. The experimental results indicate that a homogeneous gel is obtained at about 200°C and then converts to a mixture of intermediate oxides at 350–400°C. Finally, single-phased BZN powders are obtained between 500 and 900°C. The degree of chemical homogeneity as determined by X-ray diffraction and EDS mapping is consistent throughout the samples. Elemental analysis indicates that the atomic ratio of metals closely matches a Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 composition. Crystallite sizes of the BZN powders calculated from the Scherrer equation are about 33–98 nm for the samples prepared at 500–700°C, respectively. The particle and crystallite sizes increase with increased sintering temperature. The estimated band gap of the BZN nanopowders from optical analysis is about 2.60–2.75 eV at 500-600°C. The observed phase formations and measured results in this study were compared with those of previous reports.


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We report the ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties of the composite films of lithium tantalate (LT) nanoparticle in poly(vinylidene fluoride) PVDF matrix at different volume fractions of LT (f(LT) = 0.047, 0.09 and 0.17). For an applied electric field of 150 kV cm(-1) the nonvolatile polarization of the composite was observed to increase from 0.014 mu C cm(-2) at f(LT) = 0 to 2.06 mu C cm(-2) at f(LT) = 0.17. For f(LT) = 0.17, the composite films exhibit a saturated ferroelectric hysteresis loop with a remanent polarization (2P(r) = 4.13 mu C cm(-2)). Compared with pure poled PVDF the composite films also showed a factor of about five enhancement in the pyroelectric coefficient at f(LT) = 0.17. When used in energy detection mode the pyroelectric voltage sensitivity of the composite films was found to increase from 3.93 to 18.5 VJ(-1) with an increase in f(LT) from 0.0 to 0.17.


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Experimental studies of Bi heteroepitaxy on Si(001) have recently uncovered a self-organised nanoline motif which has no detectable width dispersion. The Bi lines can be grown with an aspect ratio that is greater than 350 : 1. This paper describes a study of the nanoline geometry and electronic structure using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ab initio theoretical methods. In particular, the effect that the lines have on Si(001) surface structure at large length scales, l > 100 nm, is studied. It has been found that Bi line growth on surfaces that have regularly spaced single height steps results in a 'preferred' domain orientation.


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In order to investigate the factors determining the relative stabilities of layered perovskite and pyrochlore structures of transition metal oxides containing trivalent bismuth, several ternary and quaternary oxides have been investigated. While d0 cations stabilize the layered perovskite structure, cations containing partially-filled d orbitals (which suppress ferroelectric distortion of MO6 octahedra) seem to favor pyrochlore-related structures. Thus, the vanadium analogue of the layered perovskite Bi4Ti3O12 cannot be prepared; instead the composition consists of a mixture of pyrochlore-type Bi1.33V2O6, Bi2O3, and Bi metal. The distortion of Bi1.33V2O6 to orthorhombic symmetry is probably due to an ordering of anion vacancies in the pyrochlore structure. None of the other pyrochlores investigated, Bi2NbCrO7, Bi2NbFeO7, TlBiM2O7 (M = Nb, Ta), shows evidence for cation ordering in the X-Ray diffraction patterns, as indeed established by structure refinement of TlBiNb2O7.


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A study of the effect of bismuth dopant on the electronic transport properties of the amorphous semiconductors Ge20S80-xBix under high pressure (up to 140 kbar) has been carried out down to liquid-nitrogen temperature. The experiments reveal that the electronic conduction is strongly composition dependent and is thermally activated with a single activation energy at all pressures and for all compositions. A remarkable resemblance between the electronic conduction process, x-ray diffraction studies, and differential thermal analysis results is revealed. It is proposed that the n-type conduction in germanium chalcogenides doped with a large Bi concentration is due to the effect of Bi dopants on the positive correlation energy defects present in germanium chalcogenides. The impurity-induced chemical modification of the network creates a favorable environment for such an interaction.


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Recent observation of n-type conduction in amorphous Ge20Ss_xBix at large bismuth concentrations (x = 11), which otherwise shows p-type conduction, has aroused considerable interest in the international scientific community [1]. The mechanism of such impurity incorporation in a germanium chalcogenide glass is not understood and is a topic of current interest. In our recent publications [2-10] we have brought to light some hitherto unknown and interesting features of bismuth dopants in chalcogen-rich Ge-X (X -- S, Se) glassy compositions. In this communication we present our new results of investigations on vitreous semiconductors Ge20S80 Bi using electron microscopy, electron diffraction of as-prepared and annealed/pressure quenched compositions. Our results provide conclusive support to the formation of composite clusters containing all the three elements, germanium, sulphur and bismuth, which crystallize in simpler stoichiometric compounds Bi2S3 and GeS2.