970 resultados para anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies
The ovarian cystic teratoma is a rare cause of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia by warm antibodies, resistant to corticotherapy, with few case reports published in the medical literature. We present a case of a 45-year-old woman admitted to hospital due to general weakness. Laboratory studies revealed macrocytic anaemia, biochemical parameters of haemolysis and peripheral spherocytosis. The direct Coombs test was positive. Viral serologies, anti-nuclear antibodies, anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies and β2-microglobulin were negative. CT scan of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis showed a heterogeneous right anexial lesion. The patient was treated with corticotherapy without improvement of anaemia. Regression of extra-vascular haemolysis and normalisation of haemoglobin was obtained only after laparoscopic splenectomy and right ooforectomy, and the histopathology of the right anexial mass revealed a cystic teratoma. Previously published cases controlled the haemolysis by surgically removing the lesion associated with splenectomy.
RESUMO:Aterosclerose é uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade no mundo ocidental. É responsável, direta ou indiretamente, pela maior percentagem de gastos com a saúde na maioria dos países europeus. A “teoria lipídica” da aterosclerose, que se baseia na dislipidemia como causa primária para a doença vascular tem algumas implicações práticas importantes: permite a definição de linhas de orientação e protocolos simples e ainda estabelece alvos terapêuticos que podem ser atingidos na maior parte dos casos com a atual intervenção farmacológica. A associação da aterosclerose com o sistema imunológico (a “teoria imunológica”), forneceu por sua vez novas formas de explorar os mecanismos envolvidos e abriu novas perspetivas para um conhecimento mais completo da doença. No entanto, levanta dificuldades evidentes no que diz respeito às possibilidades terapêuticas. De todos os intervenientes no processo aterosclerótico (bioquímicos, imunológicos e anatómicos), as lipoproteínas de elevada densidade (HDL) são atualmente reconhecidas como um dos fatores mais importantes na aterogénese. Isto é baseado no reconhecimento das múltiplas propriedades anti-aterogénicas das HDL como por exemplo: a anti-oxidante, a anti-inflamatória e a antitrombótica, bem como o seu importante papel na melhoraria da função endotelial. Atualmente, é consensual que as funções anti-aterogénicas das HDL vão além do seu papel no transporte reverso do colesterol (RCT) e a importância das HDL no processo aterosclerótico baseia-se não apenas no seu papel protetor impedindo a formação da placa de ateroma, mas também na estabilização destas, prevenindo a sua ruptura e, consequentemente o evento trombótico. Como fundamentais no processo aterosclerótico estão reconhecidos dois principais conjuntos de eventos: um caracterizado por alterações no metabolismo das lipoproteínas que resultam em lipoproteínas pró-inflamatórias e pró-oxidantes que interagem com os componentes celulares da parede arterial e que conduzem à formação da placa de ateroma; o outro evento é a resposta imunológica desencadeada contra um novo conjunto de antigénios que por sua vez leva à produção de citoquinas pró-inflamatórias. Dada a complexidade da HDL e das suas múltiplas funções estas lipoproteínas tornaram-se um potencial alvo para a resposta auto-imune, e cujas consequências podem explicar algumas das associações identificados em estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos. Contudo esta interação entre o sistema imunológico e HDL nunca foi exaustivamente estudada. Portanto, pomos a hipótese de que em condições oxidativas e pró-inflamatórias, um aumento do antigénio (HDL) conduz a um consequente acréscimo na produção de anticorpos anti-HDL (aHDL) responsáveis pela alteração quantitativa e / ou qualitativa das HDL. O conceito de que estes anticorpos podem contribuir tanto para a evolução a longo prazo do processo aterosclerótico, como para o desencadeamento de eventos clínicos pode também explicar a heterogeneidade encontrada em cada doente e nos grandes estudos clínicos, no que diz respeito aos fatores de risco e outcomes clínicos. Para além disso, a confirmação desta hipótese pode permitir explicar porque é que as intervenções terapêuticas atualmente em desenvolvimento para aumentar os níveis de HDL, não conseguem mostrar a tão esperada redução do risco vascular. O objetivo geral desta tese foi identificar e caracterizar a resposta humoral contra os componentes da HDL, e avaliar possíveis mecanismos que possam contribuir para a modificação das propriedades anti-aterogénicas das HDL. Para alcançar este objetivo investigou-se: 1) A presença de anticorpos aHDL em doentes com lúpus eritematoso sistémico (SLE) e em doentes com manifestações clínicas de aterosclerose, como os doentes com doença arterial coronária (CAD), acidente vascular cerebral isquémico (IS) e diabetes tipo 2; 2) Os principais alvos antigénicos dentro do complexo das HDL e a associação entre os títulos de anticorpos aHDL e diferentes características clínicas destas doenças; 3) As modificações das funções normais associadas às HDL, em particular da função anti-oxidante e anti-inflamatória; 4) A atividade biológica dos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes através de um conjunto de experiências in vitro de inibição da atividade da paraoxonase 1 (PON1) e da expressão de moléculas de adesão em culturas de células endoteliais. Para tal foi necessário estabelecer um método de isolamento dos anticorpos. Os anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes foram utilizados de forma a identificar as potenciais alterações dos sistemas celulares utilizados; 5) O efeito de fármacos usados no tratamento das dislipidemias, em particular o ácido nicotínico e as estatinas, na variação dos títulos de anticorpos aHDL através de ensaios clínicos randomizados, controlados com placebo e em dupla ocultação. Os métodos utilizados neste trabalho incluíram: técnicas imunológicas (como por exemplo, enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay - ELISA, ensaio imunoturbidimetrico e cromatografia de imuno-afinidade) técnicas bioquímicas (tais como a quantificação de atividade enzimática por espectrofotometria e por luminescência), experiências com cultura de células e citometria de fluxo. Os nossos resultados mostram que: 1) A presença de anticorpos aHDL, e mais especificamente anticorpos contra alguns do seus principais componentes como a apolipoproteína A-I (ApoA-I, principal apolipoproteína presente nas HDL) e a PON1 (o enzima que mais contribui para a propriedade anti-oxidante das HDL), quer em doentes com doenças auto-imunes, como o SLE, quer em doentes com manifestações clínicas de aterosclerose, como CAD, IS e diabetes tipo 2. Os doentes apresentaram títulos de anticorpos IgG aHDL, aApoA-I e aPON1 significativamente mais elevados do que controlos saudáveis com a mesma idade e sexo. 2) A correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre os títulos de aHDL e aApoA-I e aPON1 sugere que estes sejam dois dos principais alvos antigénicos dentro do complexo das HDL. Os anticorpos encontrados nestes doentes estão associados com a diminuição da atividade da PON1 e a uma redução da capacidade anti-oxidante total (TAC) do soro, um aumento dos biomarcadores de disfunção endotelial (como por exemplo dos metabolitos do óxido nítrico - NO2- e NO3-, as moléculas de adesão vascular e intracelular - VCAM-1 e ICAM-1 e os níveis de 3-nitrotirosina). Nos doentes com SLE os títulos destes estão associados a um aumento do dano cardiovascular e à atividade global da doença avaliados pelas escalas SLICC/ACR DI e BILAG score, respetivamente. Enquanto que nos doentes com diabetes tipo 2 estes anticorpos estão associados com um aumento dos níveis de glicemia em jejum (FGP) e hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c). 3) Após se ter estabelecido um método de isolamento dos anticorpos que permite isolar quantidades significativas de anticorpos do soro de doentes sem perder a sua especificidade, foi identificada a capacidade dos anticorpos isolados do soro de doentes inibirem de uma forma dependente da concentração a atividade da PON1 até um máximo de 70% no caso dos doentes com SLE e ente 7-52% no caso dos anticorpos isolados de doentes com CAD e IS. 4) O efeito anti-inflamatório das HDL na inibição da produção de VCAM-1 induzida por citoquinas (como o TNF-) foi revertido em mais de 80% pelos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes. 5) A angiogenesis induzida por HDL através do aumento do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) foi anulada em 65% pelos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes. 6) Os atuais agentes farmacológicos disponíveis para aumentar as concentrações de HDL-C estão associados a um aumento dos títulos de anticorpos.-------- ABSTRACTAtherosclerosis is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. It is also responsible, directly or indirectly, for the highest percentage of health costs in most European countries. Despite the use of new technologies for the diagnosis of vascular disease and regardless of the major advances in treatment, the atherosclerosis-related clinical burden is still raising. The “lipid theory” of atherogenesis, which identifies dyslipidemia as the primary cause of this vascular disease has some important practical implications: it allows the definition of simple guidelines and establishes therapeutic targets which can be generally met with current pharmacologic intervention. The association between atherosclerosis an the immune system (the immune concept) has in turn provided new ways of exploring the mechanisms involved in this condition and has opened new perspectives in the understanding of the disease. However, it raises obvious difficulties when it comes to treatment options. Of all the players (biochemical, immunological and anatomical) involved in this matter, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are currently recognised as one of the most important factors in atherogenesis. This is based on the recognition of HDL's multiple anti-atherogenic properties: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic, as well as its capacity to improve endothelial function. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that the anti-atherogenic functions of HDL go beyond reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), and the importance of HDL is based not just on its ability to reduce atheroma formation but also on its ability to stabilise plaques, therefore preventing their rupture and ultimately thrombosis. Two main set of events have been recognised as fundamental in atherogenesis: one, characterized by lipoprotein metabolism alterations, resulting in pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidative lipoproteins, which interact with the normal cellular elements of the arterial wall leading to atheroma formation; the other, the immune cellular response towards new sets of antigens which lead to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Given to HDL complexity and multiple functions this lipoprotein has became a potential target for an auto-immune response, the consequences of which may explain some of the association identified in epidemiological and clinical studies, though the interaction between the immune system and HDL has never been thoroughly addressed. Therefore, we hypothesized that under oxidative and pro-inflammatory conditions, the increase in the antigen (HDL) would lead to a consequent increase in the production of anti-HDL (aHDL) antibodies be responsible for quantitative and/or qualitative changes of HDL. The concept that these antibodies may contribute either to the long-term evolution of atherosclerosis or to the triggering of clinical events may also explain the heterogeneity found in individual patients and in large cohorts regarding risk factors and clinical outcomes. Moreover this may be a major breakthrough in understanding why therapeutic interventions that increase HDL levels, failed to show the anticipated reduction in vascular risk. The overall aims of this thesis were to identified and characterize the humoral response towards HDL components and to evaluate the possible mechanisms that may contribute to the modifications of the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL. To achieve this objective we investigated: 1) the presence of aHDL antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in patients with atherosclerosis-related clinical events, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), ischemic stroke (IS) and type 2 diabetes; 2) the association between the titres of aHDL antibodies and different clinical features of these diseases; 3) the modifications of the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL; 4) the biologic effect of aHDL antibodies isolated from serum of patients on the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of HDL; 5) the effect of different pharmacologic treatments for dyslipidemia on the prevalence and activity of aHDL antibodies. The methodologies used in this work included immunologic-related techniques (e.g. enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay – ELISA, immunoturbidimetric immunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography), biochemical techniques (enzymatic assays with quantification by spectrophotometry and luminescence methods), cell culture experiments and flow cytometry. Our results indicate that: 1) The titres of IgG aHDL, anti-apolipoprotein A-I (aApoA-I) and anti-paraoxonase 1 (aPON1) antibodies were higher in patients with SLE, CAD, IS and type 2 diabetes when compared with age and sex matched healthy controls. 2) The antibodies found in these patients were associated with decreased PON1 activity, (the enzyme responsible for most of the anti-oxidant effect of HDL), reduced total anti-oxidant capacity (TAC) of serum and increased biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction (nitric oxide metabolites, adhesion molecules, nitrotyrosine). In patients with SLE the antibody titres were associated with an increase in disease-related cardiovascular damage and activity whereas in patients with type 2 diabetes they were directly related with the fasting glucose plasma (FGP) levels and the glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c). 3) The antibodies isolated from serum of our patients, directly inhibited HDL-associated PON1 activity in a dose dependent way ranging from 7 to 52%. 4) The anti-inflammatory effect of HDL, measured by the percentage of inhibition of the cytokine-induced production of vascular adhesion molecules (VCAM-1), was reduced in more than 80% by aHDL antibodies isolated from our patients. 5) The HDL-induced angiogenesis by increasing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels was abrogated in 65% by the antibodies isolated from serum of patients. 6) The current available pharmacologic agents for increasing HDL-C concentrations were associated with an increase in the titres of IgG aApoA-I antibodies. This increase was higher in the extended release niacin when compared to statins probably due to their dampening effect on oxidative stress. In conclusion, aHDL antibodies are present in different pathologic conditions. aHDL antibodies represent a family of self-reacting immunoglobulins, of which ApoA-I and PON1 might be the most relevant targets. These antibodies are biologically active, interfering with the HDL anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and, consequently, with the atherosclerotic process. The pathogenic potential of these antibodies may lead to the identification of a new biomarker for vascular disease, whilst presenting itself as a novel target for a different treatment approach which may redefine the treatment strategies and clinical trials design for HDL interventions in the future.
INTRODUCTION: Persistence of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome in individuals negative for the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) reflects occult infection. The aim of this study was to identify occult HBV infection among hemodialysis patients at 5 clinics in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, between August 2006 and August 2007. METHODS: Serum samples underwent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to investigate total antibodies against HBcAg (anti-HBc), HBsAg, and antibodies against HBsAg (anti-HBs). Samples that were HBsAg-negative were tested for total anti-HBc, and those that were positive for total anti-HBc were tested for anti-HBs. HBV DNA was investigated with an in-house PCR technique to identify samples positive for total anti-HBc. Subsequently, the samples positive for HBV DNA were sequenced to identify the genotype and mutations. RESULTS: The study population (n = 752) had a mean age of 50 15.1 years and included both sexes. All samples analyzed were negative for HBsAg. The seroprevalence of total anti-HBc was 26.7% (201/752), while that of anti-HBs was 67.2% (135/201). Total anti-HBc alone was detected in 5.7% of the patients. Occult infection was found in 1.5%, comprising genotypes A (33.3%, 1/3) and D (66.7%, 2/3). No mutations were found. CONCLUSIONS: The study detected occult hepatitis B virus infection in hemodialysis patients. Molecular studies on HBV are of fundamental importance because they identify patients that had been considered virus-negative but who, in reality, host the virus and have the ability to transmit it to other patients and staff.
INTRODUCTION: The northeast region of Brazil is endemic for zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of infection in dogs in Petrolina.METHODS: Blood samples were collected from dogs (n = 600), and bone-marrow biopsy was performed in animals with positive serological test results that presented clinical signs of ZVL. The serological analyses were performed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (S7(r)Biogene).RESULTS: Of the 600 dogs tested, 19% (115/600) presented anti-L. infantum chagasi antibodies.CONCLUSIONS: Our data are important because canine infection is an important risk factor for the human disease.
The straightforward anatomical organisation of the developing and mature rat spinal cord was used to determine and interpret the time of appearance and expression patterns of microtubule-associated proteins (MAP) 1b and 2. Immunoblots revealed the presence of MAP1b and 2 in the early embryonic rat spinal cord and confirmed the specificity of the used anti-MAP mouse monoclonal antibodies. The immunocytochemical data demonstrated a rostral-to-caudal and ventral-to-dorsal gradient in the expression of MAP1b/2 within the developing spinal cord. In the matrix layer, MAP1b was found in a distinct radial pattern distributed between the membrana limitans interna and externa between embryonal day (E)12 and E15. Immunostaining for vimentin revealed that this MAP1b pattern was morphologically and topographically different from the radial glial pattern which was present in the matrix layer between E13 and E19. The ventral-to-dorsal developmental gradient of the MAP1b staining in the spinal cord matrix layer indicates a close involvement of MAP1b either in the organisation of the microtubules in the cytoplasmatic extensions of the proliferating neuroblasts or neuroblast mitosis. MAP2 could not be detected in the developing matrix layer. In the mantle and marginal layer, MAP1b was abundantly present between E12 and postnatal day (P)0. After birth, the staining intensity for MAP1b gradually decreased in both layers towards a faint appearance at maturity. The distribution patterns suggest an involvement of MAP1b in the maturation of the motor neurons, the contralaterally and ipsilaterally projecting axons and the ascending and descending long axons of the rat spinal cord. MAP2 was present in the spinal cord grey matter between E12 and maturity, which reflects a role for MAP2 in the development as well as in the maintenance of microtubules. The present description of the expression patterns of MAP1b and 2 in the developing spinal cord suggests important roles of the two proteins in various morphogenetic events. The findings may serve as the basis for future studies on the function of MAP1b and 2 in the development of the central nervous system.
Cytokines are important in the cell-mediated response to Schistosoma mansoni eggs. We have found that Th2 cytokine responses (e.G. IL-4 and IL-5) are argumented after egg laying begins while the response (IL-2 and IFN-*) are down regulated in S. mansoni infected mice. Treatment of mice with anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibodies (Mab) suppressed the eosinophil response almost completley but did not affect granuloma size and slightly increased hepatic fibrosis. Anti-IL-4 treatment abolished IgE responses in infected mice and decreased hepatic fibrosis slightly. Anti-IFN-* treatment had no effect on hepatic pathology. Anti-IL-2 treatment decreased granuloma size significantly and decreased hepatic fibrosis markedly. Anti-IL-2 treatment dramatically decreased IL-5 secretion by splenic cells in vitro and decreased peripheral blood and tissue eosinophilia. In contrast IL-4 secretion was unaffected and serum IgE was normal or increased. IL-2 and IFN-* secretion by splenic cells of treated mice were slightly but not significantly increased suggesting that anti-IL-2 treatment affecting Th2 rather than Th1 responses.
Twenty young male Cebus apella monkeys were infected with CAl Trypanosoma cruzi strain and reinfected with CA l or Tulahuen T.cruzi strains, with different doses and parasite source. Subpatent parasitemia was usually demonstrated in acute and chronic phases. Patent parasitemia was evident in one monkey in the acute phase and in four of them in the chronic phase after re-inoculations with high doses of CAl strain. Serological conversion was observed in all monkeys; titers were low, regardless of the methods used to investigate anti-T. cruzi specific antibodies. Higher titers were induced only when re-inoculations were perfomed with the virulent Tulahuén strain or high doses of CAl strain. Clinical electrocardiographic and ajmaline test evaluations did not reveal changes between infected and control monkeys. Histopathologically, cardiac lesions were always characterized by focal or multifocal mononuclear infiltrates and/or isolated fibrosis, as seen during the acute and chronic phases; neither amastigote nests nor active inflammation and fibrogenic processes characteristic of human acute and chronic myocarditis respectively, were observed. These morphological aspects more closely resemble those found in the "indeterminate phase" and contrast with the more diffuse and progressive pattern of the human chagasic myocarditis. All monkeys survived and no mortality was observed.
In the present work we review the existing evidence for a LPS-induced cytokine-mediated eosinophil accumulation in a model of acute inflammation. Intrathoracic administration of LPS into rodents (mice, rats or guinea pigs) induces a significant increase in the number of eosinophils recovered from the pleural fluid 24 hr later. This phenomenon is preceded by a neutrophil influx and accompanied by lymphocyte and monocyte accumulation. The eosinophil accumulation induced by LPS is not affected by inhibitors of cyclo or lipoxygenase nor by PAF antagonists but can be blocked by dexamethasone or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Transfer of cell-free pleural wash from LPS injected rats (LPS-PW) to naive recipient animals induces a selective eosinophil accumulation within 24 hr. The eosinophilotactic activity present on the LPS-PW has a molecular weight ranging between 10 and 50 kDa and its effect is abolished by trypsin digestion of the pleural wash indicating the proteic nature of this activity. The production of the eosinophilotactic activity depends on the interaction between macrophages and T-lymphocytes and its effect can not be blocked by anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibodies. Accumulated evidence suggest that the eosinophil accumulation induced by LPS is a consequence of a eosinophilotactic cytokine produced through macrophage and T-cell interactions in the site of a LPS-induced inflammatory reaction.
The purpose of this study was the evaluation of Helicobacter pylori infections in children and adults from two indigenous communities of Delta Amacuro State, Venezuela, that differ in hygienic conditions of the housing. The evaluation was performed in 98 children (mean age 7 ± 3.37 years) and their mothers (33.96 ± 13.77 years) from two communities of Warao lineage. Anti-H. pylori serum IgG and secretory anti-H. pylori IgA antibodies were de-termined, as well as total secretory IgA and H. pylori antigens in feces. Serological prevalence of H. pylori infection was 38% in children and 84% their in mothers. Children from the community that had the most deficient sanitary and hygienic conditions had significantly lower titers of specific IgG antibodies and total secretory IgA (P < 0.0001) and a high percentage of them had H. pylori antigens in their feces (P < 0.0001). The levels of specific IgA were similar in both groups. The results indicate that in these populations there is a high prevalence of H. pylori infection and that poor hygienic conditions can increase the risk of infection and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
In order to evaluate the taeniosis-cysticercosis complex in a population of a peasants' settlement, located at Teodoro Sampaio, state of São Paulo, Brazil (longitude 52° 36'12 ", latitude 22° 17'12 ") a series of laboratory markers were determined. After signing an informed consent, participants answered a standardized questionnaire. To determine anti-Taenia solium cysticercus antibodies, the samples were tested by enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay using 18-and 14-kDa antigen proteins from vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (VF-Tcra). The reactive and inconclusive ELISA samples were tested by immunoblotting. Total IgE levels were determined by chemmiluminescence's assay and hemogram by flow cytometer flux counter. A total of 84 individuals, 5.9% presented anti-T. solium cysticercus antibodies in ELISA and 3.6% were strongly reactive in the 18/14 kDa immunoblotting confirmatory test. All of the individuals with positive antibodies showed elevated Total IgE levels. We conclude that the frequency of anti-T. solium cysticercus antibodies in this population is higher than other regions considered endemic in São Paulo. Thus, it is important to carry out surveys in Peasants' settlement areas with the objective of establishing public health measures for prevention and control of infectious diseases such as taeniosis-cysticercosis.
We investigated whether sequestered Trypanosoma cruzi antigens found in heart interstitial dendritic cells (IDCs) contribute to the residual myocarditis found in mice following treatment with benznidazole, a specific chemotherapeutic drug. IDCs are antigen-presenting cells that are MHC-II-receptor dependent. Swiss mice were divided into two experimental groups: the 1st group was infected with the Colombian strain of T. cruzi, which is resistant to treatment with benznidazole, and the 2nd group was infected with clone 21SF-C 3, which has a medium susceptibility to the drug. Treatment of the Colombian strain group started on the 120th day post-infection and for the 21SF-C3 strain group treatment was started on the 90th day. In both groups, treatment lasted for 90 days. The animals were sacrificed either 150 or 200 days post-treatment. The myocardium was analysed by immunohistochemistry using anti-MAC3, 33D1, CD11b and CD11c monoclonal antibodies for IDCs or anti-T. cruzi purified antibodies. Parasite antigens were expressed on the IDC membranes in both treated and untreated mice. Myocarditis subsided following treatment, evidenced by both histological and morphometrical evaluation. A reduction in the number of IDCs carrying T. cruzi antigens in the treated group indicates that the elimination of parasites influences antigen presentation with concomitant decreases in inflammation. There is a correlation between the presence of T. cruzi antigens in these cells and the chronic focal, residual myocarditis seen in treated mice.
In Leishmania amazonensis, kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 (KMP-11) expression increases during metacyclogenesis and is higher in amastigotes than in promastigotes, suggesting a role for this protein in the infection of the mammalian host. We show that the addition of KMP-11 exacerbates L. amazonensis infection in peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice by increasing interleukin (IL)-10 secretion and arginase activity while reducing nitric oxide (NO) production. The doses of KMP-11, the IL-10 levels and the intracellular amastigote loads were strongly, positively and significantly correlated. The increase in parasite load induced by KMP-11 was inhibited by anti-KMP-11 or anti-IL-10 neutralising antibodies, but not by isotype controls. The neutralising antibodies, but not the isotype controls, were also able to significantly decrease the parasite load in macrophages cultured without the addition of KMP-11, demonstrating that KMP-11-induced exacerbation of the infection is not dependent on the addition of exogenous KMP-11 and that the protein naturally expressed by the parasite is able to promote it. In this study, the exacerbating effect of KMP-11 on macrophage infection with Leishmania is for the first time demonstrated, implicating it as a virulence factor in L. amazonensis. The stimulation of IL-10 production and arginase activity and the inhibition of NO synthesis are likely involved in this effect.
Nerve biopsy examination is an important auxiliary procedure for diagnosing pure neural leprosy (PNL). When acid-fast bacilli (AFB) are not detected in the nerve sample, the value of other nonspecific histological alterations should be considered along with pertinent clinical, electroneuromyographical and laboratory data (the detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA with polymerase chain reaction and the detection of serum anti-phenolic glycolipid 1 antibodies) to support a possible or probable PNL diagnosis. Three hundred forty nerve samples [144 from PNL patients and 196 from patients with non-leprosy peripheral neuropathies (NLN)] were examined. Both AFB-negative and AFB-positive PNL samples had more frequent histopathological alterations (epithelioid granulomas, mononuclear infiltrates, fibrosis, perineurial and subperineurial oedema and decreased numbers of myelinated fibres) than the NLN group. Multivariate analysis revealed that independently, mononuclear infiltrate and perineurial fibrosis were more common in the PNL group and were able to correctly classify AFB-negative PNL samples. These results indicate that even in the absence of AFB, these histopathological nerve alterations may justify a PNL diagnosis when observed in conjunction with pertinent clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data.
The expression on a significant number of thymocytes of idiotypic structures (Ti) restricted to HPB-ALL or Jurkat cells is demonstrated. As many as 2-4% of thymocytes were stained with anti-Ti HPB-ALL or anti-Ti Jurkat monoclonal antibodies, when analyzed by flow microfluorometry. Immunohistochemical localization studies performed on frozen thymus specimens of either fetal or pediatric origin indicated a scattered distribution of Ti-positive cells in both the cortex and the medulla. From lysates of 125I-labeled pediatric thymocytes, anti-Ti HPB-ALL and anti-Ti Jurkat monoclonal antibodies precipitated disulfide-linked heterodimers comparable to those precipitated from 125I-labeled HPB-ALL or Jurkat cells as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis.
Résumé Introduction : La conjonctivite giganto-papillaire chez des patients porteurs de lentilles de contact survient lors d'une intolérance et/ou d'une allergie aux lentilles de contact. L'éotaxine est un CC chémokine produisant un puissant effet chémotactique sur les éosinophiles, qui sont impliqués dans les allergies. Le but de cette étude est de mesurer le taux d'éotaxine dans les larmes de patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et de le comparer à celui de sujets normaux. Les taux d'éotaxine sont également corrélés avec le degré de conjonctivite giganto-papillaire. Méthode : Environ 10 Ill de larmes ont été collectés avec une rnicropipette en verre chez 16 patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et chez 10 volontaires normaux. La conjonctivite giganto-papillaire a été évaluée selon une échelle de 0 à 4 en référence à des images photographiques de la paupière supérieure réalisées à la lampe à fente. La concentration de l'éotaxine dans les larmes a été mesurée par un ELISA utilisant un anticorps d'éotaxine de souris dirigé contre l'anticorps humain. Pour l'analyse statistique des résultats, le test de Wilcox/Kruskal-Wallis a été utilisé. Résultats : La concentration moyenne d'éotaxine était de 2698 +233 (SEM) pg/ml chez les patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et de 1498 139 pg/ml chez les sujets normaux. La différence était statistiquement significative avec P = 0.0004. Le score moyen des papilles était de 1.75 ±0.19 chez les patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et de 0.2 +0.13 chez les sujets normaux (P <0.0001). Le grading des papilles a pu être mis en relation avec le taux d'éotaxine dans les larmes (R2- 0.6562 avec P <0.0001). Conclusion : Une augmentation du taux d'éotaxine dans les larmes a été mesurée chez les patients porteurs de lentilles de contact. Les taux d'éotaxine ont été corrélés avec la sévérité de la conjonctivite giganto-papillaire. Ces données suggèrent que l'éotaxine pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la formation des papilles. Abstract : Purpose: Giant papillary conjunctivitis in patients wearing contact lenses occurs after intolerance and/or allergy to contact lenses. Eotaxin is a CC chemokine with a potent and specific chemotactic effect for eosinophils, which are involved in allergies. The purpose of this study is to measure the eotaxin levels in tears of patients wearing contact lenses and in normal subjects. Eotaxin levels were also correlated with the grade of giant papillary conjunctivitis. Methods: Around 10µL of tears were collected with glass capillaries in 16 patients wearing contact lenses and in 10 normal volunteers. Giant papillary conjunctivitis was graded from 0 to 4 by reference to standard slit-lamp photographs of the superior tarsal conjunctiva. Eotaxin concentration in tears was measured by ELSA using mouse anti-human eotaxin monoclonal antibodies. For the statistical analysis of the results, the paired Wilcoxon/Kruskai-Wallis test was used. Results: The mean concentration of eotaxin was 2698 ± 233 (SEM) pg/mL in patients wearing contact lenses and 1498 ± 139 pg/mL normal subjects. The difference was statistically significant (P =0.0004). The mean score of papilla grade was 1.75 ± 0.19 in patients wearing contact lenses and 01 ± 0.13 in normal subjects (P < 0.0001). Papilla grade could be correlated to the eotaxin level in tears (R2 = 0.6562 and P< 0.0001), Conclusion: An increase of eotaxin levels in tears was measured in patients wearing contact lenses. Eotaxin levels correlated with the severity of giant papillary conjunctivitis. These data suggest that eotaxin could play a role in papilla formation.