923 resultados para academic success
Unique as snowflakes, learning communities are formed in countless ways. Some are designed specifically for first-year students, while others offer combined or clustered upper-level courses. Most involve at least two linked courses, and some add residential and social components. Many address core general education and basic skills requirements. Learning communities differ in design, yet they are similar in striving to enhance students' academic and social growth. First-year learning communities foster experiences that have been linked to academic success and retention. They also offer unique opportunities for librarians interested in collaborating with departmental faculty and enhancing teaching skills. This article will explore one librarian's experiences teaching within three first-year learning communities at Buffalo State College.
Peña, Bensimon, and Colyar (2006) noted: “Not only do African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans have lower graduation rates than [do] Whites and Asian Americans, they also experience inequalities in just about every indicator of academic success – from earned grade point average to placement on the dean’s list to graduation rates in competitive majors” (p. 48). While these and other racialized outcomes disparities cannot be attributed to a narrow set of explanatory factors, one thing is known for sure: College students who are actively engaged inside and outside the classroom are considerably more likely than are their disengaged peers to persist through baccalaureate degree attainment. Furthermore, engaged students typically accrue the desired outcomes that are central to liberal education. This is especially true for engagement in what Kuh (2008) refers to as “high-impact” educational experiences – study abroad programs, learning communities, undergraduate research programs, service learning opportunities, and summer internships, to name a few. Unfortunately, racial minority undergraduates are considerably less likely than are their White peers to enjoy the educational benefits associated with these experiences.
An International Professional Development Collaboration in Literacy Education is a report of an international professional development project in Guatemala designed to improve literacy instructional practices and thereby raise student achievement in reading and writing. The opportunity for coaching Guatemalan teachers in teaching literacy strategies and skills provides data for this participatory action research study. This research is intended to contribute to cross-cultural understanding by graduate and undergraduate students in literacy, improved pedagogical techniques, international outreach in developing countries, and student academic success worldwide.
Because the demographic composition of todays immigrants to the US differs so much from those of natives, immigrants may be less likely to socially integrate into U.S. society, and specically less likely to marry natives. This paper explores the relationship between immigrants' marriage patterns and the academic outcomes of their children. Using 2000 Census data, it is found that while marital decisions of foreign born females do not affect their children's academic success, foreign born males that marry foreign born females are less likely to have children that are high school dropouts. These relationships remain after using various methods to control for the endogeneity of the intermarriage decision. Although we cannot disentangle whether the benefits of same-nativity marriages for foreign born males arise from a more efficient technology in human capital production within the household or from increased participation in ethnic networks, it does appear that immigrant males have better educated children when they marry immigrant females.
Much has been written about the relation of social support to health outcomes. Support networks were found to be predictive of health status. Not so clear was the manner in which social support helped the individual to avoid health complications. Whereas some aspects of the support network were protective, others were burdensome. Duties to one's network could serve as a stressor and duties outside one's network might stress the support system itself. Exposure to one's network was associated with certain health risks while disruption in one's social support network was associated with other health risks.^ Many factors contributed to the impact of a social support network upon the individual member: the characteristics of the individual, the individual's role or position within the network, qualities of the network and duties or indebtedness of the individual to the network. This investigation considered the possibility that performance could serve as a stressor in a fashion similar to an exposure to a health hazard.^ Because the literature includes many examples of studies in which the subjects were college students, academic progress is a performance common to most subjects. A profile of the support networks of successful students was contrasted with those of less successful students in this correlational study.^ What was uncovered in this investigation was a very complex web of interrelated constructs. Most aspects of the social support network did not significantly predict academic performance. Only a limited number of characteristics were associated with academic success: the frequency of support, student age, the existence of a 'mentor' within one' s network, and the extent to which one received a predominant source of support. Other factors had a tendency to be negatively correlated with midterm grade, suggesting those factors may impede academic performance.^ Medical status did not predict grades, but was correlated with many aspects of the network. Disruptions in particular parts of one's network were correlated with particular health categories. In fact, disruption in social support was more predictive of academic outcomes than medical complications. Whereas the individual's values were related to the contributing factors, only the individual's satisfaction with certain aspects of the support network were predictive of higher midterm grades in a psychology class. Dissatisfaction was associated with lower grades, suggesting a disruptive effect within the network. Associations among the features of support networks which predicted academic progress were considered. ^
The Bologna Declaration and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area are promoting the use of active learning methodologies such as cooperative learning and project based learning. This study was motivated by the comparison of the results obtained after applying Cooperative Learning (CL) and Project Based Learning (PBL) to a subject of Computer Engineering. The fundamental hypothesis tested was whether the academic success achieved by the students of the first years was higher when CL was applied than in those cases to which PBL was applied. A practical case, by means of which the effectiveness of CL and PBL are compared, is presented in this work. This study has been carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where these mechanisms have been applied to the Operating Systems I subject from the Technical Engineering in Computer Systems degree (OSIS) and to the same subject from the Technical Engineering in Computer Management degree (OSIM). Both subjects have the same syllabus, are taught in the same year and semester and share also formative objectives. From this study we can conclude that students¿ academic performance (regarding the grades given) is greater with PBL than with CL. To be more specific, the difference is between 0.5 and 1 point for the individual tests. For the group tests, this difference is between 2.5 and 3 points. Therefore, this study refutes the fundamental hypothesis formulated at the beginning. Some of the possible interpretations of these results are referred to in this study.
Although it may sound reasonable that American education continues to be more effective at sending high school students to college, in a study conducted in 2009, The Council of the Great City Schools states that "slightly more than half of entering ninth grade students arrive performing below grade level in reading and math, while one in five entering ninth grade students is more than two years behind grade level...[and] 25% received support in the form of remedial literacy instruction or interventions" (Council of the Great City Schools, 2009). Students are distracted with technology (Lei & Zhao, 2005), family (Xu & Corno, 2003), medical illnesses (Nielson, 2009), learning disabilities and perhaps the most detrimental to academic success, the very lack of interest in school (Ruch, 1963). In a Johns Hopkins research study, Building a Graduation Nation - Colorado (Balfanz, 2008), warning signs were apparent years before the student dropped out of high school. The ninth grade was often referenced as a critical point that indicated success or failure to graduate high school. The research conducted by Johns Hopkins illustrates the problem: students who become disengaged from school have a much greater chance of dropping out of high school and not graduating. The first purpose of this study was to compare different measurement models of the Student School Engagement (SSE) using Factor Analysis to verify model fit with student engagement. The second purpose was to determine the extent to which the SSE instrument measures student school engagement by investigating convergent validity (via the SSE and Appleton, Christenson, Kim and Reschly's instrument and Fredricks, Blumenfeld, Friedel and Paris's instrument), discriminant validity (via Huebner's Student Life Satisfaction Survey) and criterion-related validity (via the sub-latent variables of Aspirations, Belonging and Productivity and student outcome measures such as achievement, attendance and discipline). Discriminant validity was established between the SSE and the Appleton, Christenson, Kim and Reschly's model and Fredricks, Blumenfeld, Friedel and Paris's (2005) Student Engagement Instruments (SEI). When confirming discriminant validity, the SSE's correlations were weak and statistically not significant, thus establishing discriminant validity with the SLSS. Criterion-related validity was established through structural equation modeling when the SSE was found to be a significant predictor of student outcome measures when both risk score and CSAP scores were used. The third purpose of this study was to assess the factorial invariance of the SSE instrument across gender to ensure the instrument is measuring the intended construct across different groups. Conclusively, configural, weak and metric invariances were established for the SSE as a non-significant change in chi-square indicating that all parameters including the error variances were invariant across groups of gender. Engagement is not a clearly defined psychological construct; it requires more research in order to fully comprehend its complexity. Hopefully, with parental and teacher involvement and a sense of community, student engagement can be nurtured to result in a meaningful attachment to school and academic success.
A percepção sobre as causas dos acontecimentos faz parte da vida cotidiana. Atribui-se causas aos eventos na busca de entendimento que permita prever, controlar e alterar resultados futuros. Questões como \"Por que não passei na prova?\" e \"Porque fui o primeiro colocado no vestibular?\" conduzem à percepção de uma causa explicativa, seja para o fracasso ou para o sucesso. A Teoria da Atribuição Causal tem sido examinada para compreender e explicar como as pessoas interpretam os determinantes de seu sucesso ou fracasso em situações de desempenho. As causas percebidas estarão relacionadas à percepção de cada indivíduo sobre o evento, o que não implica causalidade real, dado que a ação será efetivada de acordo com a percepção de cada indivíduo sobre o evento. A abordagem teórica utilizada nessa pesquisa foi a Teoria da Atribuição Causal, proposta por Bernard Weiner, no contexto educacional, com foco nas atribuições causais para sucesso e fracasso acadêmicos. Neste cenário, o objetivo principal da pesquisa foi identificar as causas percebidas como explicativas do desempenho acadêmico de estudantes do curso de Ciências Contábeis. Buscou-se também obter evidências e subsidiar a discussão sobre a relação entre o sucesso e o fracasso acadêmico, a modalidade de ensino, a autoestima e o perfil do estudante. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário aplicado aos estudantes de Ciências Contábeis de duas Universidades Federais que oferecem o curso em duas modalidades de ensino (presencial e a distância) e 738 respostas válidas foram obtidas para análise. O questionário foi estruturado em três blocos (I - desempenho e causas percebidas, II - mensuração da autoestima e III - perfil do estudante). Os resultados apresentaram um perfil com idade média dos estudantes de 27,4 anos (34,27 na modalidade EaD e 24,87 na modalidade Presencial). A maioria dos estudantes (83%) exercia atividade remunerada (90% na EaD e 80% na presencial) e as mulheres representaram a maioria dos respondentes (62% na modalidade EaD e 58% na modalidade presencial). As causas internas, especificamente o esforço e a capacidade, foram mais indicadas como explicativas do sucesso acadêmico e as causas externas, especificamente a dificuldade da tarefa, a flexibilidade de horário e a influência negativa do professor, foram as mais indicadas como explicativas do fracasso acadêmico. Como os resultados apontam que os estudantes indicaram com frequência a própria capacidade para explicar o sucesso, pode-se admitir manifestação da tendência autoservidora, que contribui para a manutenção da autoestima, diante da influência positiva na motivação. Entre as causas do sucesso, a capacidade associou-se a um nível mais elevado de autoestima e a causa sorte associou-se a um nível mais baixo de autoestima. Entre as causas do fracasso, a dificuldade da tarefa associou-se ao nível mais baixo de autoestima. Uma análise geral permite observar que os estudantes dedicam pouco tempo aos estudos, atribuem sucesso principalmente a si mesmos e o fracasso a terceiros, e apresentam uma elevada autoestima associada principalmente ao sucesso atribuído à capacidade. Em futuras pesquisas, recomenda-se estudos pilotos, com objetivo de definir outras atribuições causais para elaboração de novos instrumentos de coleta de dados, por meio de abordagem metodológica qualitativa, que possam ampliar os achados e contribuir com a literatura.
This study explored the connection between social support and self-advocacy in college students with disabilities. The College Students with Disabilities Campus Climate Survey (Lombardi, Gerdes, & Murray, 2011) was used to gather data from undergraduate students at a midsize western private university. Social support was found to be a significant predictor of self-advocacy in college students with disabilities. Peer support, family support, and faculty teaching practices made up the construct of social support. Peer support and faculty teaching practices were found to be significant predictors of student self-advocacy. Family support was not found to be significant. The data was examined for group differences between genders, disability types, and disability status (high incidence disabilities versus low incidence disabilities). No significant group differences were found. These findings suggest helping students build social support will increase their level of self-advocacy, which in turn may increase academic success.
The language barrier prevents Latino students from experiencing academic success, and prevents Latino parents from participating in their children's education. Through a review of journal articles, research projects, doctoral dissertations, legislation, and books, this project studies the benefits and dangers of various methods of translating and interpreting in the education system, including issues created by language barriers in schools, common methods of translating and interpreting, and legislation addressing language barriers and education. The project reveals that schools use various methods to translate and interpret, including relying on children, school staff and machine translation, although such methods are often problematic and inaccurate. The project also reveals that professional translation and interpretation are superior to the various non-professional methods.
Se conoce poco sobre la relación existente entre la ansiedad escolar y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Este estudio analizó la relación entre ansiedad escolar y el rendimiento académico en una población de 520 estudiantes españoles de 12 a 18 años (M = 15.38, DE = 1.95). Los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes con alto rendimiento en castellano (lengua y literatura) presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en ansiedad ante el fracaso y castigo escolar, ansiedad ante la agresión, ansiedad conductual y ansiedad psicofisiológica. Igualmente, los estudiantes con alto rendimiento en matemáticas presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en ansiedad ante el fracaso y castigo escolar, ansiedad ante la agresión y ansiedad conductual. Además, los alumnos con éxito académico presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en ansiedad ante el fracaso y castigo escolar, ansiedad conductual y ansiedad psicofisiológica. Sin embargo, los alumnos con fracaso escolar presentaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en ansiedad ante la evaluación social. Finalmente, la ansiedad ante el fracaso y castigo escolar fue un predictor significativo del alto rendimiento en las asignaturas de castellano (lengua y literatura) y matemáticas, mientras que la ansiedad ante el fracaso y castigo escolar y la ansiedad ante la evaluación social fueron predictores significativos del éxito académico general. Así, los resultados indican un mayor rendimiento académico de los alumnos que presentan determinados temores escolares. Estos resultados podrían ser utilizados por profesores, psicólogos escolares y psicólogos clínicos como base empírica para desarrollar acciones preventivas y de intervención más eficaces del bajo rendimiento académico.
As escolas têm como objetivo primário preparar os jovens para a integração na sociedade. Como tal, estimulam o desenvolvimento de competências para tornar os alunos aptos para as adversidades do futuro. Tradicionalmente, admite-se que as capacidades cognitivas têm um grande peso no sucesso escolar. Contudo, as competências socio afetivas têm sido sugeridas como variáveis potencialmente explicativas do desempenho escolar. O presente estudo pretendeu verificar a associação entre a Inteligência Emocional (IE) na Gestão de Conflitos e no sucesso escolar de alunos (n=52; média ± desvio-padrão: 17,7±0,7 anos) do ensino secundário dos Estabelecimentos Militares de Ensino - não superior (EME’s). A metodologia de investigação apresentou duas fases: 1) pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a IE, gestão de conflitos e o sucesso escolar; 2) aplicação e análise dos questionários, o MSCEIT e o autodiagnóstico dos estilos de gestão de conflitos. Observou-se que os alunos dos EME’s contêm valores de IE superiores aos valores reportados na sua faixa etária, e que utilizam maioritariamente três estilos de gestão de conflitos, nomeadamente: a competição (preferencial), inação, e (o menos utilizado) a cedência. Verificou-se que a IE não prediz a gestão de conflitos, contudo observou-se uma correlação positiva, entre o estilo cedência e a IE. Verificou-se também que a IE prediz 33% da disciplina de matemática, e é diferenciadora quanto ao género.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This research aimed to provide a comparative analysis of South Asian and White British students in their academic attainment at school and university and in their search for employment. Data were gathered by using a variety of methodological techniques. Completed postal questionnaires were received from 301 South Asian and White British undergraduates from 12 British universities, who were in their final year of study in 1985. In depth interviews were also conducted with 49 graduates who were a self selected group from the original sample. Additional information was also collected by using diary report forms and by administering a second postal questionnaire to selected South Asian and White British participants. It was found that while the pre-university qualifications of the White British and South Asian undergraduates did not differ considerably, many members in the latter group had travelled a more arduous path to academic success. For some South Asians, school experiences included the confrontation of racist attitudes and behaviour, both from teachers and peers. The South Asian respondents in this study were more likely than their White British counterparts, to have attempted some C.S.E. examinations, obtained some of their `O' levels in the Sixth Form and retaken their `A' levels. As a result the South Asians were on average older than their White British peers when entering university. A small sample of South Asians also found that the effects of racism were perpetuated in higher education where they faced difficulty both academically and socially. Overall, however, since going to university most South Asians felt further drawn towards their `cultural background', this often being their own unique view of `Asianess'. Regarding their plans after graduation, it was found that South Asians were more likely to opt for further study, believing that they needed to be better qualified than their White British counterparts. For those South Asians who were searching for work, it was noted that they were better qualified, willing to accept a lower minimum salary, had made more job applications and had started searching for work earlier than the comparable White British participants. Also, although generally they were not having difficulty in obtaining interviews, South Asian applicants were less likely to receive an offer of employment. In the final analysis examining their future plans, it was found that a large proportion of South Asian graduates were aspiring towards self employment.
Evidence of the relationship between altered cognitive function and depleted Fe status is accumulating in women of reproductive age but the degree of Fe deficiency associated with negative neuropsychological outcomes needs to be delineated. Data are limited regarding this relationship in university women in whom optimal cognitive function is critical to academic success. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between body Fe, in the absence of Fe-deficiency anaemia, and neuropsychological function in young college women. Healthy, non-Anaemic undergraduate women (n 42) provided a blood sample and completed a standardised cognitive test battery consisting of one manual (Tower of London (TOL), a measure of central executive function) and five computerised (Bakan vigilance task, mental rotation, simple reaction time, immediate word recall and two-finger tapping) tasks. Women's body Fe ranged from - 4·2 to 8·1 mg/kg. General linear model ANOVA revealed a significant effect of body Fe on TOL planning time (P= 0.002). Spearman's correlation coefficients showed a significant inverse relationship between body Fe and TOL planning time for move categories 4 (r - 0.39, P= 0.01) and 5 (r - 0.47, P= 0.002). Performance on the computerised cognitive tasks was not affected by body Fe level. These findings suggest that Fe status in the absence of anaemia is positively associated with central executive function in otherwise healthy college women. Copyright © The Authors 2012.