903 resultados para Work-related accident prevention


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We present here the results of a study of 21 work-related accidents that occurred in a Brazilian manufacturing company. The aim was to assess the safety level of the company to improve its work accident prevention policy. In the last 6 months of 1992 and 1993, all accidents resulting in 15 days' absence from work, reported for social security purposes, were analyzed using the INRS causal tree method (ADC) and a questionnaire completed on site. Potential risk factors for accidents were identified based on the specific factors highlighted by the ADC. More universal trees were also compiled for the safety assessment. Three hundred and thirty specific accident factors were recorded (man of 15.71 per accident). This is consistent with there being multiple causes of accidents rather than the assertion of Brazilian business safety departments that accidents are due to 'dangerous' or 'unsafe' behavior. Introducing the idea of culpability into accidents prevents the implementation of an appropriate information feedback process, essential for effective prevention. However, the large number of accidents related to 'material' (78%) and 'environment' (70%) indicates that working conditions are poor. This shows that the technical risks, mostly due to unsafe machinery and equipment are not being dealt with. Seventy-five potential accident factors were identified. Of these, 35% were 'organizational', a high proportion for the company studied. Improvisation occurs at all levels, particularly at the organizational level. This is, thus a major determinant for entire series of, if not most, accident situations. The poor condition of equipment also plays a major role in accidents. The effects of poor equipment on safety exacerbate the organizational shortcomings. The company's safety intervention policy should improve the management of human resources (rules designating particular workers for particular workstations; instructions for the safe operation of machines and equipment; training of operators, etc.) and introduce programs to detect risks and to improve the safety of machines and equipment. We also recommend the establishment of a program to follow the results of any preventive measures adopted.


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We present here the results of a study of 21 work-related accidents that occurred in a Brazilian manufacturing company. The aim was to assess the safety level of the company to improve its work accident prevention policy. In the last 6 months of 1992 and 1993, all accidents resulting in 15 days' absence from work, reported for social security purposes, were analyzed using the INRS causal tree method (ADC) and a questionnaire completed on site. Potential risk factors for accidents were identified based on the specific factors highlighted by the ADC. More universal trees were also compiled for the safety assessment. Three hundred and thirty specific accident factors were recorded (mean of 15.71 per accident). This is consistent with there being multiple causes of accidents rather than the assertion of Brazilian business safety departments that accidents are due to dangerous or unsafe behavior. Introducing the idea of culpability into accidents prevents the implementation of an appropriate information feedback process, essential for effective prevention. However, the large number of accidents related to material (78%) and environment (70%) indicates that working conditions are poor. This shows that the technical risks, mostly due to unsafe machinery and equipment are not being dealt with. Seventy-five potential accident factors were identified. Of these, 35% were organizational, a high proportion for the company studied. Improvisation occurs at all levels, particularly at the organizational level. This is thus a major determinant for entire series of, if not most, accident situations. The poor condition of equipment also plays a major role in accidents. The effects of poor equipment on safety exacerbate the organizational shortcomings. The company's safety intervention policy should improve the management of human resources (rules designating particular workers for particular workstations; instructions for the safe operation of machines and equipment; training of operators, etc.) and introduce programs to detect risks and to improve the safety of machines and equipment. We also recommend the establishment of a program to follow the results of any preventive measures adopted.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between stressful life events and occupational accidents. Methods: This was a population-based case-control study, carried out in the city of Botucatu, in southeast Brazil. The cases consisted of 108 workers who had recently experienced occupational accidents. Each case was matched with three controls. The cases and controls answered a questionnaire about recent exposure to stressful life events. Results: Reporting of environmental problems, being a victim of assault, not having enough food at home and nonoccupational fatigue were found to be risk factors for work-related accidents with estimated incidence rate ratios of 1.4 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.1-1.7], 1.3 (95% CI 1.1 1-1.7), 1.3 (95% CI 1.1-1.6), and 1.4 (95% CI 1.2-1.7) respectively. Conclusions: The findings of the study suggested that nonwork variables contribute to occupational accidents, thus broadening the understanding of these phenomena, which can support new approaches to the prevention of occupational accidents.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The Work Disability Diagnosis Interview (WoDDI) is a structured interview guide developed by the University of Sherbrooke, Canada to help clinicians detect the most important work-related disability predictors and to identify one or more causes of prolonged absenteeism. This methodological study aims for the cross-cultural adaptation of the WoDDI for the Brazilian context. The method followed international guidelines for studies of this kind, including the following steps: initial translation, synthesis of translations, back translation, evaluation by an expert committee and testing of the penultimate version. These steps allowed obtaining conceptual, semantic, idiomatic, experiential and operational equivalences, in addition to content validity. The results showed that the translated WoDDI is adapted to the Brazilian context and can be used after training.


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Workplace accidents involving machines are relevant for their magnitude and their impacts on worker health. Despite consolidated critical statements, explanation centered on errors of operators remains predominant with industry professionals, hampering preventive measures and the improvement of production-system reliability. Several initiatives were adopted by enforcement agencies in partnership with universities to stimulate production and diffusion of analysis methodologies with a systemic approach. Starting from one accident case that occurred with a worker who operated a brake-clutch type mechanical press, the article explores cognitive aspects and the existence of traps in the operation of this machine. It deals with a large-sized press that, despite being endowed with a light curtain in areas of access to the pressing zone, did not meet legal requirements. The safety devices gave rise to an illusion of safety, permitting activation of the machine when a worker was still found within the operational zone. Preventive interventions must stimulate the tailoring of systems to the characteristics of workers, minimizing the creation of traps and encouraging safety policies and practices that replace judgments of behaviors that participate in accidents by analyses of reasons that lead workers to act in that manner.


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Background: sulla base delle evidenze emerse dalle rassegne sistematiche in materia (Johnstone, 1994; Cohen et al.,1998; Robson et al., 2012; Burke et al., 2006; Ricci et al., 2015) si è ipotizzato che la formazione alla salute e sicurezza sul lavoro sia maggiormente efficace quando non è presentata come obbligatoria e venga articolata su più livelli di apprendimento, attraverso metodologie adeguate per ogni livello, con docenti che abbiano caratteristiche corrispondenti allo specifico obiettivo di apprendimento e la cui durata sia parametrata all’obiettivo stesso. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è valutare se esista e quanto sia intensa la relazione causale tra la formazione alla sicurezza sul lavoro e i suoi effetti sul miglioramento delle conoscenze, degli atteggiamenti, dei comportamenti, degli esiti per la salute, del clima di sicurezza aziendale, del controllo comportamentale percepito dai lavoratori, delle condizioni operative e procedure interne, oltre l’eventuale effetto di moderazione determinato da caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti e dal gradimento della formazione. Metodo: la variabile indipendente è costituita dell’intervento formativo erogato, articolato in tre condizioni: formazione obbligatoria, formazione non obbligatoria, gruppo di controllo: sono stati posti a confronto due interventi di pari durata (16 settimane, per 10h complessive), realizzati con identiche modalità (step1 audio-visivo; step2 affiancamento su lavoro da parte del preposto; step3 discussione di auto-casi), ma differenziati rispetto all’essere presentati uno come formazione obbligatoria, l’altro come non obbligatoria. I due gruppi sono anche stati confrontati con un gruppo di controllo per il quale la formazione è prevista successivamente. I partecipanti sono stati assegnati in modo casuale al gruppo con obbligo formativo, senza obbligo formativo, di controllo. Sono stati presi come indicatori (variabili dipendenti) per valutare l’effetto della formazione: I livello – conoscenze: riconoscimento o produzione di un maggior numero di risposte corrette. II livello – atteggiamenti e credenze: maggiore propensione a mettere in atto comportamenti auto ed etero protettivi. III livello – comportamenti: comportamenti osservati più adeguati per la tutela della salute propria e altrui. IV livello – salute: maggior grado di benessere bio-psico-sociale auto-riferito. Le misure di esito consistono nella variazione tra la rilevazione iniziale e ogni rilevazione successiva, sulla base delle diverse misure registrate per ognuno dei quattro livelli dell’intervento formativo. Lo stesso confronto del tempo è stato realizzato per le misure del clima di sicurezza aziendale, del controllo comportamentale percepito dai lavoratori, delle condizioni operative e procedure interne, oltre l’eventuale effetto di moderazione determinato da caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti e dal gradimento della formazione, quest’ultimo misurato solo immediatamente al termine dell’intervento. Risultati: le condizioni di intervento non differiscono in termini di efficacia, la formazione determina infatti gli stessi risultati per i partecipanti del gruppo obbligo formativo e di quello non obbligo, con una significativa differenza post-intervento rispetto al gruppo di controllo. La formazione ha un effetto forte nel miglioramento delle conoscenze che solo parzialmente decade nel tempo, ma comunque mantenendo un livello maggiore rispetto ai valori iniziali. In relazione al miglioramento di atteggiamenti e comportamenti sicuri nel lavoro al Videoterminale, l’effetto della formazione è modesto: per gli atteggiamenti si registra solo un miglioramento verso l’applicazione delle procedure come utili realmente e non come mero adempimento, ma tale effetto decade entro quattro mesi riportando i partecipanti su valori iniziali; i comportamenti invece migliorano nel tempo, ma con deboli differenze tra partecipanti alla formazione e gruppo di controllo, tuttavia tale miglioramento non decade in seguito. Non si registrano invece effetti della formazione nella direzione attesa in termini di esiti per la salute, per il miglioramento del clima di sicurezza e come maggior controllo comportamentale percepito, non risultano nemmeno dati evidenti di moderazione degli effetti dovuti a caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti. Inoltre emerge che il gradimento per la formazione è correlato con migliori atteggiamenti (strumento audio-visivo), il miglioramento del clima di sicurezza e un maggior controllo comportamentale percepito (studio di auto-casi), ovvero gli step che hanno visto l’intervento di formatori qualificati. Infine, la formazione ha determinato migliori condizioni operative e l’adeguamento delle procedure interne. Conclusioni: la presente ricerca ci consente di affermare che la formazione erogata è stata efficace, oltre che molto gradita dai partecipanti, in particolare quando il formatore è qualificato per questa attività (step1 e 3). L’apprendimento prodotto è tanto più stabile nel tempo quanto più i contenuti sono in stretta relazione con l’esperienza lavorativa quotidiana dei partecipanti, mentre negli altri casi il decremento degli effetti è alquanto rapido, di conseguenza ribadiamo la necessità di erogare la formazione con continuità nel tempo. E’ risultato comunque modesto l’effetto della formazione per migliorare gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti nel lavoro al VDT, ma, al di là di alcuni limiti metodologici, sono obiettivi ambiziosi che richiedono più tempo di quanto abbiamo potuto disporre in questa occasione e il cui conseguimento risente molto delle prassi reali adottate nel contesto lavorativo dopo il termine della formazione. Le evidenze finora prodotte non hanno poi chiarito in modo definitivo se attraverso la formazione si possano determinare effetti significativi nel miglioramento di esiti per la salute, anche eventualmente attraverso interventi di supporto individuale. Inoltre l’assenza di differenze significative negli effetti tra i partecipanti assegnati alla condizione di obbligo e quelli di non obbligo, eccezion fatta in direzione opposta alle attese per la misura del danno da lavoro, suggeriscono che nell’erogare la formazione, occorre sottolineare in misura molto rilevante l’importanza dell’intervento che viene realizzato, anche qualora esistesse una prescrizione normativa cogente. Infine, la ricerca ci ha fornito anche indicazioni metodologiche e misure valide che invitano ad estendere questa formazione, e la sua valutazione di efficacia, a diversi comparti economici e svariate mansioni. Nel fare questo è possibile fare riferimento, e testare nuovamente, un modello che indica la corretta percezione del rischio (conoscenza) come fattore necessario, ma non sufficiente per ottenere, con la mediazione di atteggiamenti favorevoli allo specifico comportamento, azioni sicure, attraverso le quali si rinforza l’atteggiamento e migliorano le conoscenze. La formazione, per raggiungere i propri obiettivi, deve tuttavia agire anche sui meccanismi di conformismo sociale favorevoli alla safety, questi originano da conoscenze e azioni sicure e reciprocamente le rinforzano.


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Nos dias de hoje, continua a assistir-se a elevados níveis de sinistralidade, no eventual reflexo de deficientes ou inexistentes estruturas de prevenção de riscos profissionais em muitos locais de trabalho. A necessidade de segurança, higiene, prevenção e formação no trabalho é, simultaneamente, uma reflexão sobre nós mesmos e as nossas atitudes, intervenientes prioritários, cada vez mais dependentes e exigentes com o trabalho e com tudo o que ele implica. Todavia, nos locais de trabalho são frequentemente criadas situações de perigo para a saúde e para a integridade física dos trabalhadores. A nível mundial, fontes ligadas à OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) e à OIT (Organização Internacional do Trabalho) referem que as condições de trabalho de cerca de 2/3 da população ativa estão abaixo dos padrões mínimos de qualidade, ou seja representam um risco real para a saúde e integridade física dos indivíduos. As estatísticas mundiais apontam para a existência de cerca de 157 milhões de novos casos de doenças profissionais por ano e de 120 milhões de acidentes de trabalho, dos quais 220 mil acidentes são fatais.


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Prior research linking demographic (e.g., age, ethnicity/race, gender, and tenure) and underlying psychological (e.g., personality, attitudes, and values) dissimilarity variables to individual group member's work-related outcomes produced mixed and contradictory results. To account for these findings, this study develops a contingency framework and tests it using meta-analytic and structural equation modelling techniques. In line with this framework, results showed different effects of surface-level (i.e., demographic) dissimilarity and deep-level (i.e., underlying psychological) dissimilarity on social integration, and ultimately on individual effectiveness related outcomes (i.e., turnover, task, and contextual performance). Specifically, surface-level dissimilarity had a negative effect on social integration under low but not under high team interdependence. In return, social integration fully mediated the negative relationship between surface-level dissimilarity and individual effectiveness related outcomes under low interdependence. In contrast, deep-level dissimilarity had a negative effect on social integration, which was stronger under high and weaker under low team interdependence. Contrary to our predictions, social integration did not mediate the negative relationship between deep-level dissimilarity and individual effectiveness related outcomes but suppressed positive direct effects of deep-level dissimilarity on individual effectiveness related outcomes. Possible explanations for these counterintuitive findings are discussed. © 2011 The British Psychological Society.


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There is a heightened need for the practitioner to be alert to the determinants of functional limitations and disabilities owing to the ageing workforce. This study investigated the association between work type and disability in older age in both the paid and the previously unexplored, unpaid worker (household labour).Data on demographic factors, physical measurements, work history and functional status were collected on three hundred and fifty seven 57-80-year-olds. Past or present work was identified as either physically demanding or not. Functional limitations and activities of daily living (ADL) disabilities were assessed using validated scales. Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between the dependent variables and work type (physically demanding work or not physically demanding work).Over half of the sample reported doing physically demanding work. 20 % had complete function (n = 67), 65 % (n = 223) functional limitations and 15 % (n = 53) ADL disability. Physically demanding work was associated with functional limitations [OR 2.52 (1.41, 4.51), p = 0.01] and ADL disability [OR 2.10 (1.06, 4.17), p = 0.03] after adjustment for a measure of obesity and gender. When gender stratified, looking only at females, physically demanding work was associated with ADL disability [OR 2.79 (1.10, 7.07), p = 0.03] adjusted for a measure of obesity and household labour. Physically demanding work was related to functional limitations and ADL disability in older age. This is valuable information to inform practitioners in the treatment of older people with functional limitations and disabilities and in guiding interventions in the prevention of work related disability.


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International audience


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The objective of this study was to estimate the spatial distribution of work accident risk in the informal work market in the urban zone of an industrialized city in southeast Brazil and to examine concomitant effects of age, gender, and type of occupation after controlling for spatial risk variation. The basic methodology adopted was that of a population-based case-control study with particular interest focused on the spatial location of work. Cases were all casual workers in the city suffering work accidents during a one-year period; controls were selected from the source population of casual laborers by systematic random sampling of urban homes. The spatial distribution of work accidents was estimated via a semiparametric generalized additive model with a nonparametric bidimensional spline of the geographical coordinates of cases and controls as the nonlinear spatial component, and including age, gender, and occupation as linear predictive variables in the parametric component. We analyzed 1,918 cases and 2,245 controls between 1/11/2003 and 31/10/2004 in Piracicaba, Brazil. Areas of significantly high and low accident risk were identified in relation to mean risk in the study region (p < 0.01). Work accident risk for informal workers varied significantly in the study area. Significant age, gender, and occupational group effects on accident risk were identified after correcting for this spatial variation. A good understanding of high-risk groups and high-risk regions underpins the formulation of hypotheses concerning accident causality and the development of effective public accident prevention policies.