314 resultados para Walloon dialect.
Lullabies in Kvevlax. Linguistic structures and constructions. The study is a linguistic analysis of constructions that shape the texts used in lullabies in Kvevlax in Ostrobothnia in Finland. The empirical goal is to identify linguistic constructions in traditional lullabies that make use of the dialect of the region. The theoretical goal was to test the usability of Construction Grammar (CxG) in analyses of this type of material, and to further develop the formal description of Construction Grammar in such a way as to make it possible to analyze all kinds of linguistically complex texts. The material that I collected in the 1960s comprises approximately 600 lullabies and concomitant interviews with the singers on the use of lullabies. In 1991 I collected additional material in Kvevlax. The number of informants is close to 250. Supplementary material covering the Swedish-language regions in Finland was compiled from the archives of the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland. The first part of the study is mainly based on traditional grammar and gives general information about the language and the structures used in the lullabies. In the detailed study of the Kvevlax lullabies in the latter part of the study I use a version of Construction Grammar intended for the linguistic analysis of usage-based texts. The analysis focuses on the most salient constructions in the lullabies. The study shows that Construction Grammar as a method has more general applicability than traditional linguistic methods. The study identifies important constructions, including elements typical of this genre, that structure the text in different variants of the same lullabies. In addition, CxG made it possible to study pragmatic aspects of the interactional, cultural and contextual language that is used in communication with small children. The constructions found in lullabies are also used in language in general. In addition to being able to give detailed linguistic descriptions of the texts, Construction Grammar can also explain the multidimensionality of language and the variations in the texts. The use of CxG made it possible to show that variations are not random but follow prototypical linguistic patterns, constructions. Constructions are thus found to be linguistic resources with built-in variation potentials.
Presentado en las II. Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskal-Erromantze Linguistika II. Jardunaldietan aurkeztua (Bilbo, 2007)
[EU] Gure diputazioetako artxiboetan gordetzen diren eskuizkribu anitzetarik bat ematen dut lan honetan argitara: Nafarroako Artxibo Nagusiko Bonaparte Ondarean B-118 signatura daraman "Doctrina Uscaraz", erronkarieraz idatzitako dotrina osatugabea. Testu honen edizioa paratzeaz gain, iruzkina ere eransten dut, hala testuko puntu ilunak hobeki ulertarazteko nola kontu askotan hain bitxi gertatzen zaigun erronkariera ezagutzeko aurrerapauso txiki bat egiteko asmoz.
Beatriz Fernández & Pello Salaburu (arg. / eds.)
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o vocativo nem, oriundo do dialeto social da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no imaginário linguístico brasileiro, a partir do conceito de Patrick Charaudeau (2008) sobre o imaginário sociodiscursivo. A perspectiva teórica abordada está centrada na Análise do Discurso. Apresenta-se, no início, o referencial teórico que embasou o estudo e, posteriormente, descreve-se o percurso da pesquisa, que contempla o corpus colhido em redes sociais de relacionamento e blogs. Além do material encontrado para a pesquisa, também foram aproveitadas algumas experiências pessoais sobre o tema, tanto em sala de aula, quanto em conversas com amigos. Durante a pesquisa, buscou-se realizar a descrição do vocábulo, a partir de breves comentários a respeito da variação linguística e preconceito linguístico, bem como sobre atitudes, crenças e imaginários. A análise conduzida demonstrou os tipos de crença negativa que circulam em determinado grupo social, bem como a construção da identidade, de alguns indivíduos das classes consideradas desprestigiadas socialmente, que pode ser percebida por determinadas atitudes dos falantes. Há algum tempo, não era observada nos falantes uma afirmação da identidade. Esse comportamento recente só pode ser analisado dessa forma, visto que este estudo aconteceu quase que em tempo real. Como resultado, a pesquisa revelou o imaginário negativo que os falantes da variedade prestigiosa da língua cultivam em relação aos usos, e aos usuários, do referido item lexical. Da mesma forma, foi observado como os usuários do vocativo se posicionavam frente à rejeição. Tais reflexões podem colaborar para os estudos linguísticos de forma a minimizar o preconceito linguístico no ensino da língua materna em relação à variedade que faz parte do dialeto desprestigiado socialmente
[eus] Jakina da eskolan arrakasta izateko hizkuntzaren erabilera aldagai garrantzitsua dela. Hori horrela, lan honetan 4-7 urte bitarteko hamabi neska mutilen jariotasuna eta lexikoaren ezagutza aztertzen dira. Betiere, kontuan izanda haur horien ama hizkuntza ezberdina dela, hots, euskara edota erdara (atzerriko edozein hizkuntza). Helburua herriko hizkera lagunartean (eskolan) bertan gauzatzen dela frogatzea da. Horretarako, haur hauek galdetegi baten bidez elkarrizketatu dira. Jarraian transkribatu eta honen azterketa linguistikoa egin da, jariotasuna eta lexiko aztertuz. Azkenik, konparaketa taulez baliatuz galdetegietako emaitzak aztertu dira eta zenbait haurrek hitz egiterako orduan erakusten duten jariotasuna handitu ahal izateko eskolan lantzeko zenbait proposamen egin dira.
[EUS] Lan honetan aurkikuntza baten berri ematen dugu: Plentziako armarri batean aurkitutako hiru euskal esaera zahar (1603) aurkezten eta hizkuntzaren eta historiaren ikuspuntutik aztertzen ditugu. Hiru esaerotatik bi «Refranes y sentencias» 1596) lanean agertzen dira, eta hori datu garrantzitsua da; izan ere, Lakarrak 1996) errefrau-bilduma anonimo horren jatorriaz egindako proposamena berresteko argudio berria da. Zehazki, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebala proposatu zuen Lakarrak bildumako errefrauen jatorri gisa. Beste alde batetik, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebaleko euskararen zenbait ezaugarri baliatuta, Arrasateko erreketari buruzko zenbait kantu eremu horretan sortu zirela proposatzen dugu —zehazki, Butroeko (Gatika) dorretxearen inguruan—, hizkuntzari dagozkion argudioak historiari buruzkoekin osatuta.
Gotzon Aurrekoetxea, Jesus Mari Makazaga & Patxi Salaberri Muñoa (eds.)
This paper extends n-gram graphone model pronunciation generation to use a mixture of such models. This technique is useful when pronunciation data is for a specific variant (or set of variants) of a language, such as for a dialect, and only a small amount of pronunciation dictionary training data for that specific variant is available. The performance of the interpolated n-gram graphone model is evaluated on Arabic phonetic pronunciation generation for words that can't be handled by the Buckwalter Morphological Analyser. The pronunciations produced are also used to train an Arabic broadcast audio speech recognition system. In both cases the interpolated graphone model leads to improved performance. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.
Adaptation to speaker and environment changes is an essential part of current automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. In recent years the use of multi-layer percpetrons (MLPs) has become increasingly common in ASR systems. A standard approach to handling speaker differences when using MLPs is to apply a global speaker-specific constrained MLLR (CMLLR) transform to the features prior to training or using the MLP. This paper considers the situation when there are both speaker and channel, communication link, differences in the data. A more powerful transform, front-end CMLLR (FE-CMLLR), is applied to the inputs to the MLP to represent the channel differences. Though global, these FE-CMLLR transforms vary from time-instance to time-instance. Experiments on a channel distorted dialect Arabic conversational speech recognition task indicates the usefulness of adapting MLP features using both CMLLR and FE-CMLLR transforms. © 2013 IEEE.
We have developed a compiler for the lexically-scoped dialect of LISP known as SCHEME. The compiler knows relatively little about specific data manipulation primitives such as arithmetic operators, but concentrates on general issues of environment and control. Rather than having specialized knowledge about a large variety of control and environment constructs, the compiler handles only a small basis set which reflects the semantics of lambda-calculus. All of the traditional imperative constructs, such as sequencing, assignment, looping, GOTO, as well as many standard LISP constructs such as AND, OR, and COND, are expressed in macros in terms of the applicative basis set. A small number of optimization techniques, coupled with the treatment of function calls as GOTO statements, serve to produce code as good as that produced by more traditional compilers. The macro approach enables speedy implementation of new constructs as desired without sacrificing efficiency in the generated code. A fair amount of analysis is devoted to determining whether environments may be stack-allocated or must be heap-allocated. Heap-allocated environments are necessary in general because SCHEME (unlike Algol 60 and Algol 68, for example) allows procedures with free lexically scoped variables to be returned as the values of other procedures; the Algol stack-allocation environment strategy does not suffice. The methods used here indicate that a heap-allocating generalization of the "display" technique leads to an efficient implementation of such "upward funargs". Moreover, compile-time optimization and analysis can eliminate many "funargs" entirely, and so far fewer environment structures need be allocated at run time than might be expected. A subset of SCHEME (rather than triples, for example) serves as the representation intermediate between the optimized SCHEME code and the final output code; code is expressed in this subset in the so-called continuation-passing style. As a subset of SCHEME, it enjoys the same theoretical properties; one could even apply the same optimizer used on the input code to the intermediate code. However, the subset is so chosen that all temporary quantities are made manifest as variables, and no control stack is needed to evaluate it. As a result, this apparently applicative representation admits an imperative interpretation which permits easy transcription to final imperative machine code. These qualities suggest that an applicative language like SCHEME is a better candidate for an UNCOL than the more imperative candidates proposed to date.
Wilkinson, Jane, 'Staging Swissness: Inter- and Intracultural Theatre Translation', Language and Intercultural Communication (2005) 5(1) pp.72-85 RAE2008
[EUS] Bizitza ohiturak aldatzen ari direla begi bistakoa da, eta horrek hizkuntza baten garapenean eragina izaten du. Proiektu honen bitartez, Goizuetako euskalkiak azken berrogeita hamar urte hauetan, gutxi gorabehera, izan duen garapena frogatzen saiatuko naiz. Horretarako, ikerketa bat egin dut gazte eta adinduen artean, euskalkiaren ezaugarrietan eman diren aldakuntzak zeintzuk izan diren ikusteko. Ikerketa honekin hizkuntzaren “transmisioa” nolakoa izan den ikusi ahalko da. Lan honen bidez, euskalkiak eman duen beherakada, hein batean, oraingo biztanleriak kanpo harreman gehiago dituelako eta bizi ohitura berriak hartzen ari delako eman dela ikusten da. Etorkizuneko irakasle bezala, proiektu honen bidez eskualde bakoitzeko hizkuntza garapenaren jakitun izatea ezinbestekoa dela ikusten da.
The concept of identity has attracted significant academic attention. This article unpacks what constitutes the Scouse identity, how it is constructed and its different dimensions, with particular reference to place, phonology and race. Its novelty lies in developing the underused concept of “sonic geography” to examine the extent to which sound, for example a distinctive accent and/or dialect, affects the construction of local identity. Empirically this is conducted through a detailed analysis of the Scouse, or Liverpudlian, identity. The article also deploys the concept of “sonic exclusion” to examine the role a distinguishing vernacular plays in shaping local identity and the extent to which it determines “who is in” and “who is out” as a Scouser. The conclusion is that an effective understanding of a Scouser is not only spatial – someone born in Liverpool – because the sonoric landscape of spoken Scouse, and thereby Scouse identity, extends beyond the contemporary political and geographic boundaries of the City of Liverpool.
For modern FPGA, implementation of memory intensive processing applications such as high end image and video processing systems necessitates manual design of complex multilevel memory hierarchies incorporating off-chip DDR and onchip BRAM and LUT RAM. In fact, automated synthesis of multi-level memory hierarchies is an open problem facing high level synthesis technologies for FPGA devices. In this paper we describe the first automated solution to this problem.
By exploiting a novel dataflow application modelling dialect, known as Valved Dataflow, we show for the first time how, not only can such architectures be automatically derived, but also that the resulting implementations support real-time processing for current image processing application standards such as H.264. We demonstrate the viability of this approach by reporting the performance and cost of hierarchies automatically generated for Motion Estimation, Matrix Multiplication and Sobel Edge Detection applications on Virtex-5 FPGA.