977 resultados para Vocal duets with continuo.


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Background and purpose: We are developing a technique for highly focused vocal cord irradiation in early glottic carcinoma to optimally treat a target volume confined to a single cord. This technique, in contrast with the conventional methods, aims at sparing the healthy vocal cord. As such a technique requires sub-mm daily targeting accuracy to be effective, we investigate the accuracy achievable with on-line kV-cone beam CT (CBCT) corrections. Materials and methods: CBCT scans were obtained in 10 early glottic cancer patients in each treatment fraction. The grey value registration available in X-ray volume imaging (XVI) software (Elekta, Synergy) was applied to a volume of interest encompassing the thyroid cartilage. After application of the thus derived corrections, residue displacements with respect to the planning CT scan were measured at clearly identifiable relevant landmarks. The intra- and inter-observer variations were also measured. Results: While before correction the systematic displacements of the vocal cords were as large as 2.4 ± 3.3 mm (cranial-caudal population mean ± SD Σ), daily CBCT registration and correction reduced these values to less than 0.2 ± 0.5 mm in all directions. Random positioning errors (SD σ) were reduced to less than 1 mm. Correcting only for translations and not for rotations did not appreciably affect this accuracy. The residue random displacements partly stem from intra-observer variations (SD = 0.2-0.6 mm). Conclusion: The use of CBCT for daily image guidance in combination with standard mask fixation reduced systematic and random set-up errors of the vocal cords to <1 mm prior to the delivery of each fraction dose. Thus, this facilitates the high targeting precision required for a single vocal cord irradiation. © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to verify clinical target volume-planning target volume (CTV-PTV) margins in single vocal cord irradiation (SVCI) of T1a larynx tumors and characterize inter- and intrafraction target motion.

METHODS AND MATERIALS: For 42 patients, a single vocal cord was irradiated using intensity modulated radiation therapy at a total dose of 58.1 Gy (16 fractions × 3.63 Gy). A daily cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan was performed to online correct the setup of the thyroid cartilage after patient positioning with in-room lasers (interfraction motion correction). To monitor intrafraction motion, CBCT scans were also acquired just after patient repositioning and after dose delivery. A mixed online-offline setup correction protocol ("O2 protocol") was designed to compensate for both inter- and intrafraction motion.

RESULTS: Observed interfraction, systematic (Σ), and random (σ) setup errors in left-right (LR), craniocaudal (CC), and anteroposterior (AP) directions were 0.9, 2.0, and 1.1 mm and 1.0, 1.6, and 1.0 mm, respectively. After correction of these errors, the following intrafraction movements derived from the CBCT acquired after dose delivery were: Σ = 0.4, 1.3, and 0.7 mm, and σ = 0.8, 1.4, and 0.8 mm. More than half of the patients showed a systematic non-zero intrafraction shift in target position, (ie, the mean intrafraction displacement over the treatment fractions was statistically significantly different from zero; P<.05). With the applied CTV-PTV margins (for most patients 3, 5, and 3 mm in LR, CC, and AP directions, respectively), the minimum CTV dose, estimated from the target displacements observed in the last CBCT, was at least 94% of the prescribed dose for all patients and more than 98% for most patients (37 of 42). The proposed O2 protocol could effectively reduce the systematic intrafraction errors observed after dose delivery to almost zero (Σ = 0.1, 0.2, 0.2 mm).

CONCLUSIONS: With adequate image guidance and CTV-PTV margins in LR, CC, and AP directions of 3, 5, and 3 mm, respectively, excellent target coverage in SVCI could be ensured.


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A presente tese apresenta-se num formato bipartido, sendo a primeira parte uma investigação teórica e a segunda parte um conjunto de composições originais que procuram estabelecer, directa e indirectamente, uma relação com a temática investigada. A investigação incide sobre as diferentes relações que se podem estabelecer entre estruturas intervalares e estruturas espectrais, a partir de um conjunto representativo de obras de diferentes compositores. As obras originais da segunda parte configuram um objecto final de análise e reflexão. As composições que integram a segunda parte da tese são: Inês – sete miniaturas sobre A Castro, para soprano e orquestra, sobre excertos de “Castro”, de António Ferreira; Um sino contra o tempo, para flauta, clarinete, percussão e piano; Terra, para orquestra de cordas; Dor e Amor, para voz, flauta, clarinete, percussão, harpa, piano, violino, viola e violoncelo, sobre poemas de Nuno Júdice; e Ode a Gaia, para soprano solo, coro misto e electrónica, a partir de textos de diversos autores e épocas, desde Homero a Fernando Pessoa. Esta investigação surge a partir da convicção de que é possível e enriquecedor para a composição a coexistência e o estabelecimento de uma relação entre estruturas que valorizam as qualidades dos intervalos que as constituem e estruturas de tipo espectral. Se o pensamento intervalar pode ser relacionado com princípios de estruturação ligados a toda uma tradição musical, desde a música modal, à tonal e à atonal, o pensamento espectral relaciona-se com o estudo do fenómeno sonoro e do timbre e é integrado mais tardiamente no séc. XX como um possível modelo estruturante na composição. A investigação sobre as obras seleccionadas, sobretudo de compositores que colocam o fenómeno da percepção num plano central, procura diferentes interacções entre os dois tipos de estrutura, interrogando-se sobre em que medida é que essa interacção influencia ou é mesmo determinante para o resultado musical final. São analisadas diferentes aplicações, tais como: a procura de qualidades acústicas na criação de estruturas intervalares, a criação de timbres particulares para linhas estruturantes, a manipulação tímbrica de estruturas verticais, a inter-relação de camadas intervalares e espectrais na textura musical de forma sincrónica e diacrónica, e o surgimento de material intervalar a partir de estruturas espectrais. Os principais resultados passam pela confirmação de que o pensamento intervalar é compatível com o pensamento espectral e vice-versa, podendo-se concluir que são essenciais diferentes funções para os dois tipos de estrutura na textura musical e que quer as estruturas intervalares quer as espectrais se relacionam com diferentes aspectos da percepção, tendo, assim, uma influência determinante no resultado musical final, na eficácia da escuta e na sua fruição.


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Portugal has strong musical traditions, which have been perpetrated by decades through folkloristic activities. In folk groups from Alto Minho (north of Portugal), folk singing is mostly performed by cantadeiras, amateur female solo singers who learn this style orally. Their vocal characteristics are distinctive when compared with other regions of the country; however, deep understanding of these vocal practices is still missing. The present work aims at studying Alto Minho cantadeira’s vocal performance in a multidimensional perspective, envisioning social, cultural and physiological understanding of this musical style. Thus, qualitative and quantitative data analyses were carried out, to: (i) describe current performance practices, (ii) explore existent perceptions about most relevant voice features in this region, (iii) investigate physiological and acoustic properties of this style, and (iv) compare this style of singing with other non-classical singing styles of other countries. Dataset gathered involved: 78 groups whose members were telephone interviewed, 13 directors who were asked to fill in a questionnaire on performance practices, 1 cantadeira in a pilot study, 16 cantadeiras in preliminary voice recordings, 77 folk group members in listening tests, and 10 cantadeiras in multichannel recordings, including audio, ELG, air flow and intra-oral pressure signals. Data were analysed through thematic content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics, hierarchical principal components, and multivariate linear regression models. Most representative voices have a high pitched and loud voice, with a bright timbre, predominance of chest register without excessive effort, and good text intelligibility with regional accent. High representativeness levels were obtained by few cantadeiras; these sing with high levels of subglottal pressure and vocal fold contact quotient, predominance of high spectrum energy and vocal loudness, corroborating indications of prevalence of pressed phonation. These vocal characteristics resemble belting in musical theatre and share similarities with country (USA) and ojikanje (Croatia) singing. Strategies that may contribute to the preservation of this type of singing and the vocal health of current cantadeiras are discussed, pointing at the direction of continuous education among folk groups, following practices that are already adopted elsewhere in Europe.


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La voix est tout sauf un stimulus auditif ordinaire. Pour cause, elle prend son importance de manière très précoce chez l’Homme lorsque, dans l’environnement amniotique, le fœtus entend pour la toute première fois la voix de sa mère. C’est en quelque sorte par l’intermédiaire de cette voix que les premiers contacts avec le monde extérieur, mais également avec l’Autre, s’effectuent. Le statut particulier de la voix humaine perdure au fil du développement, devenant plus tard le principal médium véhiculant le langage oral, si significatif pour l’Homme. En parallèle, et de manière tout aussi adaptative, elle permet la transmission d’informations non langagières renseignant sur l’identité, l’état émotionnel mais également le statut social de chaque individu. C’est ainsi que simplement en entendant la voix d’une personne inconnue, il est généralement possible d’en extrapoler son âge, son genre, mais également d’avoir une idée assez précise de l’état émotionnel dans lequel elle se trouve. Les capacités permettant d’extraire de la voix les divers éléments informationnels qu’elle contient ne seraient toutefois pas stables au fil du temps. Ainsi, le vieillissement normal semble associé à des difficultés de traitement des informations vocales de nature langagière, mais également non langagière. De nombreuses études se sont intéressées au déclin des capacités de traitement du discours avec l’âge. Beaucoup moins de travaux ont cependant considéré les conséquences du vieillissement sur le domaine paralinguistique et, lorsque des travaux s’y sont attardés, c’est essentiellement la sphère affective qui a été investiguée. En raison de ce peu d’études, mais également de leur focus portant spécifiquement sur la sphère émotionnelle, il est extrêmement ardu de généraliser les résultats obtenus au traitement vocal général. La présente thèse s’est donc intéressée aux capacités de traitement de la voix dans le vieillissement normal. La première étude de cette thèse (Article 1) avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact du vieillissement normal sur les capacités comportementales de traitement paralinguistique vocal non émotionnel. Pour ce faire, une batterie informatisée composée de quatre tâches a été élaborée : la batterie d’évaluation de la perception vocale (Batterie EPV; tâches de catégorisation de genre, de discrimination de sources sonores, adaptative de discrimination et de mémorisation). Cette batterie permettait de comparer les performances d’adultes jeunes et âgés lors du traitement de stimuli vocaux et non vocaux, mais également lors du traitement de divers stimuli vocaux. Cette première étude met en évidence, pour trois des quatre tâches comportementales, des performances inférieures chez les adultes âgés et ce, malgré le contrôle statistique des contributions du déclin auditif et cognitif. Pour les aînés, le traitement de stimuli vocaux, en comparaison au traitement de stimuli non vocaux, n’était toutefois pas systématiquement inférieur à celui des jeunes adultes. Sans que les performances ne puissent être prédites par la mesure cognitive utilisée comme covariable (performances au MoCA), il appert que les demandes cognitives inhérentes aux tâches participent à ces différences intergroupes. Le second article de ce travail visait quant à lui à explorer à l’aide de l’imagerie par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), l’influence du vieillissement normal sur les réseaux neuronaux sous-tendant le traitement de l’information vocale, une telle investigation n’ayant jamais été effectuée auparavant. Pour ce faire, une tâche d’écoute passive (permettant le contraste de blocs de sons vocaux et non vocaux) ainsi qu’une tâche adaptative de discrimination ont été utilisées. La tâche adaptative, basée sur une type de protocole psycoacoustique « up-down », assurait l’obtention de niveau de performance équivalent entre les deux groupes, une condition nécessaire pour la comparaison de groupe au niveau neurofonctionnel. La comparaison des adultes jeunes et âgés n’a mis en évidence aucune disparité quant au recrutement des aires répondant préférentiellement à la voix : les aires vocales temporales (AVT). Ce résultat suggère que l’âge n’affecte pas la mobilisation des aires spécialisées dans le traitement de la voix. Néanmoins, à l’extérieur des AVT et chez les aînés, le sous recrutement d’une portion du cortex auditif a été observé, en parallèle au recrutement additionnel de régions pariétale, temporale et frontale (Article 2 – Étude 1). Lors de la réalisation d’une tâche adaptative de discrimination, contrairement à ce qui était attendu, les seuils de discrimination des deux groupes d’âges étaient comparables. Pour effectuer la tâche, les participants âgés ont cependant recruté un réseau neuronal plus étendu que celui des jeunes adultes, et pour les aînés, l’activation additionnelle de régions frontale et temporale sous-tendaient la réalisation de la tâche (Article 2 - Étude 2). Les données comportementales présentées dans cette thèse suggèrent que l’effet délétère que semble avoir le vieillissement normal sur les capacités de traitement paralinguistique vocal affectif est également retrouvé lors du traitement d’informations vocales émotionnellement neutres. En parallèle, la mise en place de phénomènes de plasticité cérébrale est objectivée. Ces derniers ne toucheraient cependant pas les réseaux spécialisés dans le traitement de la voix, qui seraient recrutés de manière comparable par les adultes jeunes et âgés. Néanmoins, la tâche d’écoute passive a mis en évidence la présence, chez les aînés, du recrutement sous-optimal d’une portion du cortex auditif (gyrus temporal transverse). En parallèle, et ce pour les deux tâches, des réseaux neuronaux surnuméraires étaient sollicitées par les adultes âgés, permettant potentiellement d’assurer, chez les ainés, le maintien de performances adéquates.


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Introducción. La parálisis de pliegue vocal unilateral constituye una de las causas de incompetencia glótica, presentando síntomas como disfonía, tos crónica, aspiración y fonastenia, afectando de forma significativa el desempeño y calidad de vida del paciente. Según las diversas corrientes de trabajo se ha manejado esta patología con terapia vocal como coadyuvante en opciones quirúrgicas como la laringoplastia de inyección. Objetivo. Realizar seguimiento clínico de pacientes con parálisis vocal unilateral que consultan al Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana centro de referencia de III nivel de Cundinamarca. Materiales y Métodos. Se toma una población de 36 pacientes aleatorizados en dos grupos cuyas intervenciones son manejo con terapia vocal (conservador) y laringoplastia de inyección con grasa. Resultados. Cierre glótico postratamiento mayor en el grupo de intervención médica con terapia vocal ( promedio 10-20 sesiones ) donde se logró un cierre completo en el 77,8% de los pacientes comparado con 33,3% en el grupo de intervención quirúrgico . Conclusión. Es preciso realizar detección temprana, establecer la etiología en nuestra población e instauración de una terapéutica oportuna como el manejo conservador con terapia vocal para disminuir los malos hábitos fonatorios adoptados por estos pacientes, establecer un manejo adecuado para mejorar los síntomas clínicos y generar políticas preventivas para minimizar las complicaciones inherentes a la patología.


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Este proyecto que se llevara a cabo en la compañía Plusagro S.A.S. la cual busca mejorar de forma sustancial la cultura organizacional de la compañía, para que desarrolle al máximo las ventajas competitivas que encuentra en el mercado, una de estas grandes ventajas es que al tener la exclusividad de su proveedor principal Kursan. Se vuelve de suma importancia saber que existen otras marcas en el mercado de los productos agrícolas que ofrece Plusagro S.A.S. pero se ha encontrado en común acuerdo con clientes insatisfechos que la calidad de los productos turcos en cuánto a maquinaría lechera es superior a la de otras marcas que importan la maquinaria lechera desde China y Corea. Por esto es fundamental recalcar que Kursan es uno de los productores mundiales de estas máquinas desde 1984 la más fuerte en toda la región de oriente medio y su sede principal está ubicada en Estambul, Turquía. (Kursan, 2014). El negocio de Plusagro S.A.S. se encuentra en uno de los sectores más competitivos del país, pero sin duda alguna es uno de los que más importancia está cobrando, debido al boom agrícola que están viviendo en las regiones ganaderas y agricultoras del país después de las nuevas medidas de inversión que está tomando el gobierno nacional para que sean más competitivas en su desarrollo y crecimiento a nivel nacional. (MinAgricultura, 2014), uno de los ítems más importantes que podemos encontrar, es el hecho de que Colombia y Bélgica iniciaran un plan de trabajo para ampliar el comercio de productos agropecuarios, según el titular de la cartera agropecuaria, este plan de trabajo, que se implementará en enero de 2015, tendrá como prioridad los temas fitosanitarios y de buenas prácticas agrícolas (MinAgricultura, 2014). En lo cual Plusagro S.A.S puede buscar una gran ventaja competitiva que lo lleve a obtener un valor agregado al ya tener conocimiento del mercado europeo será más sencillo entrar a negociar con nuevos proveedores que vengan de este país. También de estos mercados no explorados se pueden llegar a encontrar nuevas prácticas agrícolas, diversas especies animales y nuevas tecnologías en cuanto a maquinaría. De igual forma la empresa ha presentado un crecimiento económico bastante alto, para el poco tiempo que lleva en el mercado, esto se ve evidenciado en las ventas que se realizaron el año 2013 las cuales ascienden a $730.500.000. (Plusagro S.A.S., 2013). Este crecimiento no se debe a solo suerte, este se ha trabajado con diversas estrategias desde el momento en el que se pensó la creación de la empresa, ya que esta nace de la necesidad de los ganaderos y agricultores del sector o localización en donde comenzó a comercializarse los productos, en los municipios de Cumaral, Restrepo y los caseríos como Guacabina y actualmente se ha extendido a diversos municipios del departamento del Meta, como lo son Acacias, Castilla la Nueva, Guamal, Cubarral, San Martín, Puerto López, Barranca de Upía, Puerto Gaitán, Granada y Vista Hermosa . (Plusagro S.A.S., 2014) Se espera que con la realización de este proyecto enfocado en una metodología Sure - Step (Paso Seguro) de Microsoft aplicada a las necesidades de la compañía, se pueda mejorar considerablemente la organización para así mejorar estos promedios de ventas y crecer en el aspecto económico. (Microsoft Dynamics, 2010). Es importante resaltar que ningún proyecto es perfecto y hay que estar consiente que pueden presentarse diversos obstáculos en el camino, pero la idea de implementar la Sure - Step está fundamentada en minimizar estos riesgo que pueden ocurrir en el proyecto y que si se fundamenta en unas fases especificas se pueda gestionar y finalizar con éxito, conllevando a que Plusagro S.A.S. pueda mejorar su cultura organizacional y siga con un crecimiento constante en el mercado.


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To examine the basis of emotional changes to the voice, physiological and electroglottal measures were combined with acoustic speech analysis of 30 men performing a computer task in which they lost or gained points under two levels of difficulty. Predictions of the main effects of difficulty and reward on the voice were not borne out by the data. Instead, vocal changes depended largely on interactions between gain versus loss and difficulty. The rate at which the vocal folds open and close (fundamental frequency; f0) was higher for loss than for gain when difficulty was high, but not when difficulty was low. Electroglottal measures revealed that f0 changes corresponded to shorter glottal open times for the loss conditions. Longer closed and shorter open phases were consistent with raised laryngeal tension in difficult loss conditions. Similarly, skin conductance indicated higher sympathetic arousal in loss than gain conditions, particularly when difficulty was high. The results provide evidence of the physiological basis of affective vocal responses, confirming the utility of measuring physiology and voice in the study of emotion.


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Some vocal disorders in teachers are associated with occupational factors, but there are few studies that analyze the influence of vocal habits, fluid intake, mastication, and sleep on these disorders. The objective was to analyze the Occurrence of vocal fatigue, hoarseness, and dry throat in elementary and high school teachers and their association with vocal habits, fluid intake, mastication, and sleep. A sample of 422 elementary and secondary school teachers was Studied using a specific questionnaire. The multiple regression analysis showed that hoarseness was associated with absence of water intake (odds ratio (OR) = 1.7; P = 0.047), yelling/speaking loudly (OR = 1.6; P = 0.058), jaw-opening limitations (OR = 3.8; P = 0.003). average of: 6 hours of sleep/light (OR = 1.7; P = 0.039), and waking-up feeling replenished (OR = 2.0; P = 0.020). The presence of vocal fatigue was significantly associated with yelling/speaking loudly (OR = 2.2: P = 0.013), speaking excessively (OR = 2.4; P = 0.023), difficulty to open the mouth to masticate (OR = 6.6; P = 0.003), less than 6 hours of sleep (OR = 4.0; P = 0.008), and waking-up feeling replenished (sometimes OR = 2.8: P = 0.003; or never OR = 3.3 P = 0.002). The presence of dry throat was associated with being a former smoker (OR = 3.3; P = 0.011) and having jaw-opening limitations (OR = 3.9; P = 0.021). In recent years, speech and hearing interventions with teachers have focused on health-care promotion actions and prevention of vocal disorders, prioritizing issues related with hydration and healthy vocal use habits. However, the findings in the present study show the need to further focus on lifestyle habits related to sleep and eating habits.


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Anuran amphibians exhibit different patterns of energy substrate utilization that correlate with the intensity of vocal and locomotor activities. Given the remarkable differences among species in breeding and feeding strategies, and the different ways energy is used in the whole animal, the suggested correlations between calling and locomotor behavior and the level of energy substrates in the muscles responsible for such activities are more complex than previously reported. We explored the relationships between calling and locomotor behavior and energy supply to trunk and hindlimb muscles, respectively, within the ecologically diverse tree-frog genus Scinax. Specifically, we measured the relative amount of carbohydrates and lipids in these two groups of muscles, and in the liver of three species of Scinax that differ in vocal and locomotor performance, and compared our results with those of two other species for which comparable data are available. We also compared the contents of lipids and carbohydrates of conspecific males collected at the beginning and after 4 h of calling activity. The stomach content to potential feeding opportunities across species was also assessed in both groups of males. Scinax hiemalis and S. rizibilis exhibit comparatively low and episodic calling during long periods of activity whereas S. crospedospilus calls at higher rates over shorter periods. Male S. hiemalis had highest levels of trunk muscle glycogen followed by those of S. rizilbilis and S. crospedospilus, respectively. There was no correlation between total lipid content in trunk muscle and calling rate among different species, suggesting that other metabolic aspects may be responsible for the energetic support for vocal activity. The levels of lipids and carbohydrates in trunk and hindlimb muscles and liver of males collected at the beginning and 4 h into the calling period were similar across species, so the extent of energetic reserves does not appear to constrain vocal or locomotor activity. Finally, we found exceptionally high levels of carbohydrates and lipids in the liver of S. rizibilis, a trait perhaps related to a long and demanding breeding period.


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Objectives: Studies of the viscoelastic properties of the vocal folds are normally performed with rheometers that use parallel assigned a fixed value. In tissues subject to variation of thickness plates whose interplate space is usually at between samples, fixed gaps could result in different compressions, compromising the comparison among them. We performed,in experimental study to determine whether different compressions call lead to different results in measurements of dynamic viscosity (DV) of vocal fold samples. Methods: We Measured the DV of vocal fold samples of 10 larynges of cadavers under 3 different compression levels, corresponding to 0.2, 0.5, and 10 N on an 8-mm-diameter parallel-plate rheometer. Results: The DV directly varied with compression. We observed statistically significant differences between the results of 0.2 and 10 N (p = 0.0396) and 0.5 and 10 N (p = 0.0442). Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the level of compression influences the DV measure and Suggests that a defined compression level should be used in rheometric studies of biological tissues.


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Many territorial species have the ability to recognise neighbours from stranger individuals. If the neighbouring individual is assumed to pose less of a threat, the territorial individual responds less and avoids unnecessary confrontations with familiar individuals at established boundaries, thus avoiding the costly energy expenditure associated with fighting. Territorial male Australian fur seals respond more to strangers than to neighbouring males. The present study evaluated which acoustic features were important in the neighbour–stranger recognition process in male Australian fur seals. The results reveal that there was an increase in response strength or intensity from males when they heard more bark units, indicating the importance of repetition to detect a caller. However, lengthening and shortening the inter-unit spaces, (i.e. changing the rhythm of the call) did not appear to significantly affect an animal's response. In addition, the whole frequency spectrum was considered important to recognition with results suggesting that they may vary in their importance. A call containing the dominant and surrounding harmonics was considered important to a male's ability to recognise its neighbour. Furthermore, recognition occurs even with a partial bark, but males need to hear between 25 and 75% of each bark unit from neighbouring seals. Our study highlights which acoustic features induce stronger or weaker responses from territorial males, decoding the important features in neighbour–stranger recognition.


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Vocal variation may be important in population divergence. We studied geographical variation in contact calls of parrots of the crimson rosella, Platycercus elegans, complex, which is characterized by striking geographical plumage coloration variation. This complex has long been considered a rare example of a ring species (where two divergent forms coexist in sympatry but are connected by a chain of intermediate populations forming a geographical ring). We tested whether contact call variation is consistent with the ring species hypothesis. We recorded calls throughout the ring, including several sites from the three main population groups forming the ring and interfaces between them. We analysed duration, peak frequency, fundamental frequency and frequency modulation. We found significant differences, particularly in fundamental frequency and frequency modulation, at multiple biogeographical scales ranging from local populations to subspecies level. Discriminant function analyses showed some populations could be reliably discriminated from call structure. However, our results provided little support for three key predictions of the ring species hypothesis: (1) calls of the terminal, most divergent forms were not significantly different in three of the four acoustic variables, and differences did not appear to be maintained in sympatry, (2) phenotypically/geographically intermediate populations were not characterized by intermediate calls, and (3) call variation was not concordant with geographical sequence around the ring from one terminal form to the other. Our results underscore the emerging view that the evolutionary histories and phenotypic variability of many long-held ring species may be inadequately described by the ring species hypothesis and require alternative explanations. (C) 2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Baylis (1982, Acoustic Communication in Birds, Academic Press) decried the serious lack of experimental verification for the various hypotheses proposed to explain vocal mimicry in songbirds. With few exceptions, our understanding of the function and acquisition of this fascinating behaviour seems to have scarcely progressed. We examine the proposed functional explanations and supporting evidence, and summarize advances made since Baylis's (1982) review. We conclude that there is no compelling evidence to support any of the functional hypotheses but, rather, that almost all of the data concerning song mimicry are consistent with the learning mistakes hypothesis, whereby birds learn simple and common sounds, frequently using them in inappropriate contexts. Additionally, many apparently mimicked sounds are calls, not songs, which themselves may not be learned by the models. It is plausible that many examples of call mimicry are, in fact, due to evolutionary convergence.


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Vocal mimicry is one of the more striking aspects of avian vocalization and is widespread across songbirds. However, little is known about how mimics acquire heterospecific and environmental sounds. We investigated geographical and individual variation in the mimetic repertoires of males of a proficient mimic, the spotted bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus maculatus. Male bower owners shared more of their mimetic repertoires with neighbouring bower owners than with more distant males. However, interbower distance did not explain variation in the highly repeatable renditions given by bower owners of two commonly mimicked species. From the similarity between model and mimic vocalizations and the patterns of repertoire sharing among males, we suggest that the bowerbirds are learning their mimetic repertoire from heterospecifics and not from each other.