994 resultados para Valencian Touristic Areas Plan
Computers have dramatically changed the way we live, conduct business, and deliver education. They have infiltrated the Bahamian public school system to the extent that many educators now feel the need for a national plan. The development of such a plan is a challenging undertaking, especially in developing countries where physical, financial, and human resources are scarce. This study assessed the situation with regard to computers within the Bahamian public school system, and provided recommended guidelines to the Bahamian government based on the results of a survey, the body of knowledge about trends in computer usage in schools, and the country's needs. ^ This was a descriptive study for which an extensive review of literature in areas of computer hardware, software, teacher training, research, curriculum, support services and local context variables was undertaken. One objective of the study was to establish what should or could be relative to the state-of-the-art in educational computing. A survey was conducted involving 201 teachers and 51 school administrators from 60 randomly selected Bahamian public schools. A random stratified cluster sampling technique was used. ^ This study used both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Quantitative methods were used to summarize the data about numbers and types of computers, categories of software available, peripheral equipment, and related topics through the use of forced-choice questions in a survey instrument. Results of these were displayed in tables and charts. Qualitative methods, data synthesis and content analysis, were used to analyze the non-numeric data obtained from open-ended questions on teachers' and school administrators' questionnaires, such as those regarding teachers' perceptions and attitudes about computers and their use in classrooms. Also, interpretative methodologies were used to analyze the qualitative results of several interviews conducted with senior public school system's officials. Content analysis was used to gather data from the literature on topics pertaining to the study. ^ Based on the literature review and the data gathered for this study a number of recommendations are presented. These recommendations may be used by the government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to establish policies with regard to the use of computers within the public school system. ^
Objectionable odors remain at the top of air pollution complaints in urban areas such as Broward County that is subject to increasing residential and industrial developments. The odor complaints in Broward County escalated by 150 percent for the 2001 to 2004 period although the population increased by only 6 percent. It is estimated that in 2010 the population will increase to 2.5 million. Relying solely on enforcing the local odor ordinance is evidently not sufficient to manage the escalating odor complaint trends. An alternate approach similar to odor management plans (OMPs) that are successful in managing major malodor sources such as animal farms is required. ^ This study aims to develop and determine the feasibility of implementing a comprehensive odor management plan (COMP) for the entire Broward County. Unlike existing OMPs for single sources where the receptors (i.e. the complainants) are located beyond the boundary of the source, the COMP addresses a complex model of multiple sources and receptors coexisting within the boundary of the entire county. Each receptor is potentially subjected to malodor emissions from multiple sources within the county. Also, the quantity and quality of the source/receptor variables are continuously changing. ^ The results of this study show that it is feasible to develop a COMP that adopts a systematic procedure to: (1) Generate maps of existing odor complaint areas and malodor sources, (2) Identify potential odor sources (target sources) responsible for existing odor complaints, (3) Identify possible odor control strategies for target sources, (4) Determine the criteria for implementing odor control strategies, (5) Develop an odor complaint response protocol, and (6) Conduct odor impact analyses for new sources to prevent future odor related issues. Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to identify existing complaint areas. A COMP software that incorporates existing United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air dispersion software is developed to determine the target sources, predict the likelihood of new complaints, and conduct odor impact analysis. The odor response protocol requires pre-planning field investigations and conducting surveys to optimize the local agency available resources while protecting the citizen's welfare, as required by the Clean Air Act. ^
Researchers interested in exploring topics of concern to the hospitality industry can discover a wide range of areas to be explored and a variety of sources to fund the research. The authors discuss a four-step plan for conducting and publishing quality research, including tips for the writing process.
This dissertation examines the quality of hazard mitigation elements in a coastal, hazard prone state. I answer two questions. First, in a state with a strong mandate for hazard mitigation elements in comprehensive plans, does plan quality differ among county governments? Second, if such variation exists, what drives this variation? My research focuses primarily on Florida's 35 coastal counties, which are all at risk for hurricane and flood hazards, and all fall under Florida's mandate to have a comprehensive plan that includes a hazard mitigation element. Research methods included document review to rate the hazard mitigation elements of all 35 coastal county plans and subsequent analysis against demographic and hazard history factors. Following this, I conducted an electronic, nationwide survey of planning professionals and academics, informed by interviews of planning leaders in Florida counties. I found that hazard mitigation element quality varied widely among the 35 Florida coastal counties, but were close to a normal distribution. No plans were of exceptionally high quality. Overall, historical hazard effects did not correlate with hazard mitigation element quality, but some demographic variables that are associated with urban populations did. The variance in hazard mitigation element quality indicates that while state law may mandate, and even prescribe, hazard mitigation in local comprehensive plans, not all plans will result in equal, or even adequate, protection for people. Furthermore, the mixed correlations with demographic variables representing social and disaster vulnerability shows that, at least at the county level, vulnerability to hazards does not have a strong effect on hazard mitigation element quality. From a theory perspective, my research is significant because it compares assumptions about vulnerability based on hazard history and demographics to plan quality. The only vulnerability-related variables that appeared to correlate, and at that mildly so, with hazard mitigation element quality, were those typically representing more urban areas. In terms of the theory of Neo-Institutionalism and theories related to learning organizations, my research shows that planning departments appear to have set norms and rules of operating that preclude both significant public involvement and learning from prior hazard events.
In the current managed Everglades system, the pre-drainage, patterned mosaic of sawgrass ridges, sloughs and tree islands has been substantially altered or reduced largely as a result of human alterations to historic ecological and hydrological processes that sustained landscape patterns. The pre-compartmentalization ridge and slough landscape was a mosaic of sloughs, elongated sawgrass ridges (50-200m wide), and tree islands. The ridges and sloughs and tree islands were elongated in the direction of the water flow, with roughly equal area of ridge and slough. Over the past decades, the ridge-slough topographic relief and spatial patterning have degraded in many areas of the Everglades. Nutrient enriched areas have become dominated by Typha with little topographic relief; areas of reduced flow have lost the elongated ridge-slough topography; and ponded areas with excessively long hydroperiods have experienced a decline in ridge prevalence and shape, and in the number of tree islands (Sklar et al. 2004, Ogden 2005).
The Autonomous Region of Castilla-La Mancha develops from the approval of the Spanish Constitution a whole executive and legislative branch to implement its policies on environmental protection. The new legislation (Law 9/1999, of 26 May) has pursued the conservation and the integral protection of the natural elements of the territory demanding to new criteria as such the environmental quality of ecosystems or the exceptional landscape. The spread and the declaration of new natural spaces have caused a double geographical and territorial model. First, natural spaces located in rural mountainous areas with depopulation and aging problems. And second, natural spaces situated in areas densely populated
Shows cadastral and topographic data (land tracts with proprietors' names) in unurbanized areas.
O turismo é um fenómeno que ganhou terreno nas últimas décadas. A sua transversalidade fez com que se alastrasse a diversas áreas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de muitos países. Depois da Europa e América exploradas, voltou-se para Ásia e África, à descoberta do diferente. No início dos anos 90 deu-se uma viragem na política, muitos países em África abriram-se às eleições partidárias, pondo o fim ao partido único. Cabo Verde, a partir de 1990, conjuntamente com a abertura política abriu-se às cooperações, às privatizações e aos investimentos estrangeiros, e oportunamente, o sector turístico. Foi ganhando importância, ao ponto de os governos assumirem o fenómeno como um dos motores do desenvolvimento e de combate à pobreza. A presente dissertação pretende descrever o desenvolvimento do sector a partir de 1990 à actualidade, verificar a adequação das estratégias à realidade do país. Percebe-se a necessidade de planear o turismo, envolver mais a comunidade, desenvolver um turismo competitivo e sustentável, apostando na formação dos profissionais e na segurança. Fica explícito que a articulação dos sectores públicos e privados constitui a chave para o sucesso do turismo no arquipélago. ABSTRACT; Tourism is a phenomenon that won the ground in the last century. Its transversally makes it spread in several areas, helping to the development of many countries. After explorations of Europe and America, it returns to Asia and Africa to discover the different. In the beginning of years 90 gave a political change, many countries in Africa opened supporter elections, putting stop to unique party from 1990, Cape Verde, together with opening party opened to cooperation, privatizations and foreign investments and later on touristic sector. It won the importance that mode the government assume the phenomenon as one of the motor of development and fight against poverty. The present dissertation pretends to describe the sector development from 1990 till now, check suitable strategies to the reality of the country. We can see the need to plan tourism, develop our community, and develop a competitive and sustainable tourism by investing in staff training and safety. It is explicit that the articulation of public and private sectors is the key to the success of tourism in the archipelago.
Good schools are essential for building thriving urban areas. They are important for preparing the future human resource and directly contribute to social and economic development of a place. They not only act as magnets for prospective residents, but also are necessary for retaining current population. As public infrastructure, schools mirror their neighborhood. “Their location, design and physical condition are important determinants of neighborhood quality, regional growth and change, and quality of life.”2 They impact housing development and utility requirements among many things. Hence, planning for schools along with other infrastructure in an area is essential. Schools are very challenging to plan, especially in urbanizing areas with changing demographic dynamics, where the development market and housing development can shift drastically a number of times. In such places projecting the future school enrollments is very difficult and in case of large population influx, school development can be unable to catch up with population growth which results in overcrowding. Typical is the case of Arlington County VA. In the past two decades the County has changed dramatically from a collection of bedroom communities in Washington DC Metro Region to a thriving urban area. Its metro accessible urban corridors are among most desired locations for development in the region. However, converting single family neighborhoods into high density areas has put a lot of pressure on its school facilities and has resulted in overcrowded schools. Its public school enrollment has grown by 19% from 2009 to 2014.3 While the percentage of population under 5 years age has increased in last 10 years, those in the 5-19 age group have decreased4. Hence, there is more pressure on the elementary school facilities than others in the County. Design-wise, elementary schools, due to their size, can be imagined as a community component. There are a number of strategies that can be used to develop elementary school in urbanizing areas as a part of the neighborhood. Experimenting with space planning and building on partnership and mixed-use opportunities can help produce better designs for new schools in future. This thesis is an attempt to develop elementary school models for urbanizing areas of Arlington County. The school models will be designed keeping in mind the shifting nature of population and resulting student enrollments in these areas. They will also aim to be efficient and sustainable, and lead to the next generation design for elementary school education. The overall purpose of the project is to address barriers to elementary school development in urbanizing areas through creative design and planning strategies. To test above mentioned ideas, the Joint-Use School typology of housing +school design has been identified for elementary school development in urbanizing areas in this thesis project. The development is based on the Arlington Public School’s Program guidelines (catering to 600 students). The site selected for this project is Clarendon West (part of Red Top Cab Properties) in Clarendon, Arlington County VA.
Las ramas jurídicas son estudiadas por el estudiante de Abogacía en asignaturas separadas a lo largo de la carrera. Ahora bien, es necesaria una asignatura al final de la misma que reúna a todas las ramas del Derecho estudiadas separadamente. Es decir, una visión de síntesis de todas las ramas del mundo jurídico. Esa asignatura necesaria es la Teoría General del Derecho. La misma aporta la noción de “unidad” del fenómeno jurídico, es decir, la comprensión del Derecho como “sistema jurídico”. Permite al estudiante avanzado la reflexión superadora de las particularidades de cada rama del Derecho y el enfoque de lo “común” y lo “abarcativo” de todo el fenómeno jurídico. La asignatura debe constituirse en el camino para que el alumno avanzado de Derecho logre autónomamente la comprensión y reflexión de: la noción de unidad del Derecho, la finalidad del Derecho, la idea de cambio en el Derecho, la noción de complejidad pura del Derecho, la noción de rama jurídica, la noción de autonomía de las ramas, la crisis de las respuestas que brindan las ramas jurídicas tradicionales, y el replanteo sobre la necesidad de surgimiento de nuevas ramas jurídicas.
Biogeochemical-Argo is the extension of the Argo array of profiling floats to include floats that are equipped with biogeochemical sensors for pH, oxygen, nitrate, chlorophyll, suspended particles, and downwelling irradiance. Argo is a highly regarded, international program that measures the changing ocean temperature (heat content) and salinity with profiling floats distributed throughout the ocean. Newly developed sensors now allow profiling floats to also observe biogeochemical properties with sufficient accuracy for climate studies. This extension of Argo will enable an observing system that can determine the seasonal to decadal-scale variability in biological productivity, the supply of essential plant nutrients from deep-waters to the sunlit surface layer, ocean acidification, hypoxia, and ocean uptake of CO2. Biogeochemical-Argo will drive a transformative shift in our ability to observe and predict the effects of climate change on ocean metabolism, carbon uptake, and living marine resource management. Presently, vast areas of the open ocean are sampled only once per decade or less, with sampling occurring mainly in summer. Our ability to detect changes in biogeochemical processes that may occur due to the warming and acidification driven by increasing atmospheric CO2, as well as by natural climate variability, is greatly hindered by this undersampling. In close synergy with satellite systems (which are effective at detecting global patterns for a few biogeochemical parameters, but only very close to the sea surface and in the absence of clouds), a global array of biogeochemical sensors would revolutionize our understanding of ocean carbon uptake, productivity, and deoxygenation. The array would reveal the biological, chemical, and physical events that control these processes. Such a system would enable a new generation of global ocean prediction systems in support of carbon cycling, acidification, hypoxia and harmful algal blooms studies, as well as the management of living marine resources. In order to prepare for a global Biogeochemical-Argo array, several prototype profiling float arrays have been developed at the regional scale by various countries and are now operating. Examples include regional arrays in the Southern Ocean (SOCCOM ), the North Atlantic Sub-polar Gyre (remOcean ), the Mediterranean Sea (NAOS ), the Kuroshio region of the North Pacific (INBOX ), and the Indian Ocean (IOBioArgo ). For example, the SOCCOM program is deploying 200 profiling floats with biogeochemical sensors throughout the Southern Ocean, including areas covered seasonally with ice. The resulting data, which are publically available in real time, are being linked with computer models to better understand the role of the Southern Ocean in influencing CO2 uptake, biological productivity, and nutrient supply to distant regions of the world ocean. The success of these regional projects has motivated a planning meeting to discuss the requirements for and applications of a global-scale Biogeochemical-Argo program. The meeting was held 11-13 January 2016 in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France with attendees from eight nations now deploying Argo floats with biogeochemical sensors present to discuss this topic. In preparation, computer simulations and a variety of analyses were conducted to assess the resources required for the transition to a global-scale array. Based on these analyses and simulations, it was concluded that an array of about 1000 biogeochemical profiling floats would provide the needed resolution to greatly improve our understanding of biogeochemical processes and to enable significant improvement in ecosystem models. With an endurance of four years for a Biogeochemical-Argo float, this system would require the procurement and deployment of 250 new floats per year to maintain a 1000 float array. The lifetime cost for a Biogeochemical-Argo float, including capital expense, calibration, data management, and data transmission, is about $100,000. A global Biogeochemical-Argo system would thus cost about $25,000,000 annually. In the present Argo paradigm, the US provides half of the profiling floats in the array, while the EU, Austral/Asia, and Canada share most the remaining half. If this approach is adopted, the US cost for the Biogeochemical-Argo system would be ~$12,500,000 annually and ~$6,250,000 each for the EU, and Austral/Asia and Canada. This includes no direct costs for ship time and presumes that float deployments can be carried out from future research cruises of opportunity, including, for example, the international GO-SHIP program (http://www.go-ship.org). The full-scale implementation of a global Biogeochemical-Argo system with 1000 floats is feasible within a decade. The successful, ongoing pilot projects have provided the foundation and start for such a system.
During dry periods in the Mediterranean area, the lack of water entering the soil matrix reduces organic contribu- tions to the soil. These processes lead to reduced soil fertility and soil vegetation recovery which creates a positive feedback process that can lead to desertification. Restoration of native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health, and control runoff and sediment yield. In Mediterranean areas, after a forestry proposal, it is highly common to register a significant number of losses for the saplings that have been introduced due to the lack of rainfall. When no vegetation is established, organic amendments can be used to rapidly protect the soil surface against the erosive forces of rain and runoff. In this study we investigated the hydrological effects of five soil treatments in relation to the temporal vari- ability of the available water for plants. Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. In control plots, during June, July, August and September, soils were registered below the wilting point, and therefore, in the area of water unusable by plants. These months were coinciding with the summer mediter- ranean drought. This fact justifies the high mortality found on plants after the seeding plan. Similarly, soils have never exceeded the field capacity value measured for control plots. Conversely, in the straw and pinus mulch, soils were above the wilting point during a longer time than in control plots. Thus, the soil moisture only has stayed below the 4.2 pF suction in July, July and August. Regarding the amount of water available was also higher, especially in the months of December, January and February. However, the field capacity value measured has not showed any differences regarding the control. For these treatments, the survival sapling rates measured were the highest. Sludge, manure and polymers showed a moisture retention capacity slightly more limited than straw and pinus mulch. Likewise, it has been found that the area of usable water by plants was also lower, especially during the months of January and February. This situation is especially sharpened in plots amended with manure. In this treatment, the upper part of the soil profile was below the wilting point for six months a year (from April to August). For this treatment, the survival sapling rates measured were the lowest. In conclusion, from a land management standpoint, the pinus and straw mulch treatments have been shown as effective methods reducing water stress for plants. In this research, mulching has been proved as a significant method to reduce the mortality sapling rates during the mediterranean summer drought.
La presente investigación forma parte de necesidad de tener una herramienta que oriente a la gerencia en la aplicación de métodos que contribuyan a generar nuevos mercados, la producción diversificada de hortalizas para satisfacer las necesidades de las personas, con una línea de productos con mayor valor agregado. Es por ello que en el presente trabajo, se propone el diseño de un “Plan de mercadeo para la comercialización de hortalizas de origen hidropónico cultivadas al aire libre, del municipio de Ayutuxtepeque del departamento de San Salvador”; tema con que se identifica la presente investigación. Esta se realizó, tomando como caso ilustrativo a Hidroproductos, empresa dedicada al cultivo de este tipo de hortalizas cuya característica especial es que son producidas en agua, aéreas, es decir, cultivadas al aire libre en tubos de pvc donde circulan los nutrientes necesarios para el crecimiento de la planta. Para la realización del presente, se utilizó lineamientos como son: los Objetivos de la investigación, presentar un Plan de mercadeo para la comercialización de hortalizas hidropónicas, analizar los canales de distribución de estos productos con el propósito de determinar los márgenes de contribución de cada uno de los miembros que lo integran, elaborar un diagnóstico de la mezcla comercial actual, a efectos de proponer una mezcla comercial y estrategias de mercado que lleven a la empresa a tener una producción diversificada y exitosa; todo lo anterior con el objetivo de incrementar la demanda de los productos que ofrece Hidroproductos. El método que se utilizó, es el científico, específicamente el deductivo. El tipo de investigación es el descriptivo; además las fuentes primarias y secundarias, para conocer la situación actual del mercado de hortalizas fueron abordados mediante las entrevistas, encuestas y la observación directa que se hizo en las visitas de campo que se realizaron a cada una de las empresas que componen el universo los cuales gerentes, personal que laboran en hoteles, restaurantes, supermercados, así como de la opinión de amas de casa, quienes son las encargadas de velar por la salud de su familia. Una vez recopilada la información se procedió a tabularla y mediante el análisis que se realizó a través de las técnicas de Análisis F.O.D.A., ciclo de vida del producto y la mezcla de mercadotecnia se comprobó que el área de la agricultura que se dedica al cultivo de hortalizas dan un aporte a la economía, beneficiando a la comunidad y a la empresa, ya que son aceptados por los clientes por sus propiedades preventivas, beneficios y cualidades. Así mismo, Hidroproductos debe de aprovechar que las empresas competidoras investigadas no poseen el método de cultivos que ellos tienen y porque no decirlo no solo en nuestro país sino a nivel Centroamericano, es por ello que un plan promocional bien definido permitirá identificar y reforzar la preferencia de los consumidores hacia los productos 100% orgánicos libres de pesticidas y químicos que contaminen el medio ambiente. Por lo tanto se desarrolló el “Plan de comercialización” con el propósito de ayudar a solventar las deficiencias encontradas, aprovechando a la vez las fortalezas con que cuenta la empresa considerando para ello la filosofía empresarial, el establecimientos de estrategias, el desarrollo de la mezcla de mercadotecnia en cuanto a precios, producto, distribución y promoción.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como finalidad la evaluación, el diagnóstico y la elaboración de un plan de mejoras que permita optimizar los procesos de depuración de las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales de los sectores Pambadel y Zhuringualo del Cantón Girón. En el diagnóstico de las PTAR se realizó la caracterización de los afluentes y efluentes; los valores obtenidos se compararon con la normativa ambiental TULSMA, a fin de evaluar el cumplimiento. Los resultados de laboratorio de los años 2014, 2015 y 2016junto con la valoración in situpermitieron determinar los porcentajes de eficiencia de las depuradoras. Laseficiencias alcanzadas en el 2014 fueron de 70,98% para Pambadel, 69,14% en Zhuringualo, en el año 2015 de -266,94% paraplanta de Pambadel, 66,03% para Zhuringualo, en el 2016 de 40,45% y 71,23% respectivamente. Al momento de comparar con la normativa encontramos incumplimiento en parámetros como: fósforo, coliformes totales y termotolerantes. También se efectuó un análisis social en el cual se encuestó a los pobladores de las zonas de influencia directa de las PTAR con la finalidad de conocer las necesidades y molestias que estas generan. Concluyendo que es necesaria la implementación del plan de mejoras que implica los siguientes procesos de optimización: un programa de mantenimiento emergente y remodelación de infraestructura deteriorada, la implementación de un laboratorio básico, la construcción de un sistema de pretratamiento basándose en los planos de diseño y la realización de estudios técnicos posteriores.