694 resultados para VALVES
Biologic valve re-replacement was examined in a series of 1343 patients who underwent aortic valve replacement at The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, with a cryopreserved or 4 degrees C stored allograft valve or a xenograft valve, A parametric model approach was used to simultaneously model the competing risks of death without re-replacement and re-replacement before death, One hundred eleven patients underwent a first re-replacement for a variety of reasons (69 patients with xenograft valves, 28 patients with 4 degrees C stored allograft valves, and 14 patients with cryopreserved allograft valves), By multivariable analysis younger age at operation was associated with xenograft, 4 degrees C stored allograft, and cryopreserved allograft valve re-replacement, However, this effect was examined in the context of longer survival of younger patients, which increases their exposure to the risk of re-replacement as compared with that in older patients whose decreased survival reduced their probability of requiring valve re-replacement, In patients older than 60 years at the time of aortic valve replacement, the probability of re-replacement (for any reason) before death was similar for xenografts and cryopreserved allograft valves but higher for 4 degrees C stored valves, However, in patients younger than 60 years, the probability of re-replacement at any time during the remainder of the life of the patient was lower with the cryopreserved allograft valve compared with the xenograft valve and 4 degrees C stored allografts.
A biofilm is a complex community of surface-associated cells enclosed in a polymer matrix. They attach to solid surfaces and their formation can be affected by growth conditions and co-infection with other pathogens. The presence of biofilm may protect the microorganisms from host defenses, as well as significantly reduce their susceptibility to antifungal agents. Pathogenic microbes can form biofilms on the inert surfaces of implanted devices such as catheters, prosthetic cardiac valves and intrauterine devices (IUDs). The present study was carried out to analyze the presence of biofilm on the surface of intrauterine devices in patients with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, and to determine the susceptibility profile of the isolated yeasts to amphotericin B and fluconazole. Candida albicans was recovered from the IUDs and it was found to be susceptible to the antifungal agents when tested under planktonic growing conditions. These findings indicate the presence of the biofilm on the surface of the IUD as an important risk factor for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Objective To report the experience with fetal cystoscopy and laser fulguration of posterior urethral values (PUV) for severe lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO). Methods Between July 2006 and December 2008, fetal cystoscopy was offered to 23 patients whose fetuses presented with severe LUTO. favorable urinary analysis and gestational age <26 weeks. Fetal urinary biochemistry was evaluated before and after cystoscopy. All infants were followed 6-12 months after birth. Abnormal renal function was defined when serum creatinine higher than 50 mu mol/L (2 Standard Deviation) or the necessity of dialysis or renal transplantation. Autopsy was always performed whenever fetal or neonatal deaths occurred. Results Eleven patients decided to undergo fetal therapy and 12 elected to continue with expectant observation. There was no difference between both groups in gestation age at diagnosis and referral examinations. Urethral atresia was diagnosed in 4/11 (36.4%) fetuses by fetal cystoscopy. At 26 weeks, fetuses that were managed expectantly presented with worse urinary biochemistry results (p < 0.05). Survival rates and percentage of infants with normal renal function were significantly higher in the cystoscopic group than in the expectant group (P < 0.05). Conclusions Percutaneous fetal cystoscopy is feasible using a thinner special cannula for prenatal diagnosis and therapy of LUTO. Prenatal laser ablation of the PUV under cystoscopy may prevent renal function deterioration improving postnatal outcome. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bovine pericardium, for cardiac valve fabrication, was coated with either chitosan or silk fibroin film. In vitro calcification tests of coated and non coated bovine pericardium were performed in simulated body fluid solution in order to investigate potential alternatives to minimize calcification on implanted heart valves. Complementary, morphology was assessed by scanning electron microscopy - SEM; X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) were performed for structural characterization of coatings and biocompatibility of chitosan. Silk fibroin films were assayed by in vitro cytotoxicity and endothelial cell growth tests. Bovine pericardium coated with silk fibroin or chitosan did not present calcification during in vitro calcification tests, indicating that these biopolymeric coatings do not induce bovine pericardium calcification. Chitosan and silk fibroin films were characterized as non cytotoxic and silk fibroin films presented high affinity to endothelial cells. The results indicate that bovine pericardium coated with silk fibroin is a potential candidate for cardiac valve fabrication, since the affinity of silk fibroin to endothelial cells can be explored to induce the tissue endothelization and therefore, increase valve durability by increasing their mechanical resistance and protecting them against calcification. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives To report the feasibility of early fetal cystoscopy for the prenatal diagnosis and therapy of severe first-trimester megacystis. Methods Between January 2008 and February 2010, early fetal cystoscopy at 16 weeks of gestation was offered to 15 patients whose fetuses presented with severe first-trimester megacystis. All infants were followed up for 6-12 months after birth. Autopsy was always performed whenever fetal or neonatal deaths occurred. Results Seven patients decided to undergo fetal therapy, and eight elected to continue with expectant observation. One fetus died before early fetal cystoscopy was performed. Therefore, six fetuses underwent early fetal cystoscopy. Urethral atresia was diagnosed in three fetuses during fetal cystoscopy and confirmed at autopsy following termination of pregnancy at 19-20 weeks in all cases. Posterior urethral valves were diagnosed and successfully fulgurated by laser during early cystoscopy in three fetuses, two of which survived with normal renal and bladder function after birth; the remaining fetus had a postnatal diagnosis of megacystis-microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome and died neonatally. In the expectantly managed group, no survivals were observed, even among cases with `isolated` posterior urethral valves. Conclusions Percutaneous early fetal cystoscopy is feasible for prenatal diagnosis and therapy of severe megacystis. Copyright (C) 2011 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article aims at investigating in vivo evaluation of lyophilization procedure on the biocompatibility of bovine pericardium treated with glutaraldehyde (GA). The bovine pericardium was fixed with 0.5% glutaraldehyde during 10 days and preserved in 4% formaldehyde (FA). Two groups of samples were prepared from treated membranes: Group 1, nonlyophilized samples and Group 2, lyophilized samples. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (4 weeks after birth) were anesthetized (pentobarbital sodium 25 mg/kg of body weight) and in each one were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsal region a sample from Group 1 and another from Group 2. These samples were explanted after 30 days for histological analysis. No intercurrences took place after the surgery. No differences (P > 0.05) in the calcification, granulomatous reaction, mononuclear infiltration, and granulation tissue development was observed between both groups. The implanted lyophilized samples presented a trend for a reduced inflammatory reaction. Lyophilization of the bovine pericardium does not seem to increase the above listed tissue reaction.
Objective - We hypothesized that reactive oxygen species ( ROS) contribute to progression of aortic valve ( AV) calcification/ stenosis. Methods and Results - We investigated ROS production and effects of antioxidants tempol and lipoic acid ( LA) in calcification progression in rabbits given 0.5% cholesterol diet +10(4) IU/d Vit.D-2 for 12 weeks. Superoxide and H2O2 microfluorotopography and 3-nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity showed increased signals not only in macrophages but preferentially around calcifying foci, in cells expressing osteoblast/ osteoclast, but not macrophage markers. Such cells also showed increased expression of NAD(P) H oxidase subunits Nox2, p22phox, and protein disulfide isomerase. Nox4, but not Nox1 mRNA, was increased. Tempol augmented whereas LA decreased H2O2 signals. Importantly, AV calcification, assessed by echocardiography and histomorphometry, decreased 43% to 70% with LA, but increased with tempol (P <= 0.05). Tempol further enhanced apoptosis and Nox4 expression. In human sclerotic or stenotic AV, we found analogous increases in ROS production and NAD(P) H oxidase expression around calcifying foci. An in vitro vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) calcification model also exhibited increased, catalase-inhibitable, calcium deposit with tempol, but not with LA. Conclusions - Our data provide evidence that ROS, particularly hydrogen peroxide, potentiate AV calcification progression. However, tempol exhibited a paradoxical effect, exacerbating AV/vascular calcification, likely because of its induced increase in peroxide generation.
Objective: The aims of this study were to assess the feasibility of performing a complete fetal echocardiographic study during the first trimester of pregnancy, to establish the best week to accomplish a complete evaluation, and to find a relationship between the diameters of the cardiac valves and gestational age. Methods: 46 fetuses with normal nuchal translucency and venous duct Doppler velocimetry were submitted to echocardiographic studies by the transvaginal approach between the 11 + 0 and 14 + 6 weeks of gestation. A complete echocardiographic evaluation was defined as an examination in which the three basic planes, four-chamber, longitudinal and short-axis views, were obtained. Results: The rates of complete echocardiography evaluation were 37, 85 and 100% at 11, 12 and 13-14 weeks, respectively. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain and the short-axis view was the most difficult one. The diameter of the cardiac valves was compared with the crown-rump length (CRL) and there was no statistically significant difference between either the diameters of the mitral and tricuspid or the aortic and pulmonary valves. A linear growth curve was constructed to demonstrate the diameter correlations. Conclusions: The study demonstrated the feasibility of a complete fetal echocardiographic evaluation by the transvaginal approach during the first trimester of gestation. The rate of a complete evaluation increased along the period and reached 100% when the CRL was 64 mm or 13 weeks of gestational age. There was a linear correlation between the cardiac valve diameters and the CRL revealing a relationship between the cardiac and fetal development. The absence of a statistically significant difference between the left and right valve dimensions possibly means that there is no predominance of right or left chambers during this period of evaluation. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Common features such as elastic fibre destruction, mucoid accumulation, and smooth muscle cell apoptosis are co-localized in aneurysms of the ascending aorta of various aetiologies. Recent experimental studies reported an activation of TGF-beta in aneurysms related to Marfan (and Loeys-Dietz) syndrome. Here we investigate TGF-beta signalling in normal and pathological human ascending aortic wall in syndromic and non-syndromic aneurysmal disease. Aneurysmal ascending aortic specimens, classified according to aetiology: syndromic MFS (n = 15, including two mutations in TGFBR2), associated with BAV (n = 15) or degenerative forms (n = 19), were examined. We show that the amounts of TGF-beta 1 protein retained within and released by aneurysmal tissue were greater than for control aortic tissue, whatever the aetiology, contrasting with an unchanged TGF-beta 1 mRNA level. The increase in stored TGF-beta 1 was associated with enhanced LTBP-I protein and mRNA levels. These dysiregulations of the extracellular ligand are associated with higher phosphorylated Smad2 and Smad2 mRNA levels in the ascending aortic wall from all types of aneurysm. This activation correlated with the degree of elastic fibre fragmentation. Surprisingly, there was no consistent association between the nuclear location of pSmad2 and extracellular TGF-beta 1 and LTBP-I staining and between their respective mRNA expressions. In parallel, decorin. was focally increased in aneurysmal media, whereas biglycan was globally decreased in aneurysmal aortas. In conclusion, this study highlights independent dysregulations of TGF-beta retention and Smad2 signalling in syndromic and non-syndromic aneurysms of the ascending aorta. Copyright (C) 2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Complete fetal bladder outlet obstruction was first diagnosed in a fetus at 13.5 weeks. After sequential vesico-centesis had shown good renal function, a vesico-amniotic shunt was inserted at 17 weeks with a Rodeck catheter. The procedure was successful and amniotic fluid volume re-accumulated to normal levels. A detailed scan at 20 weeks showed that the distal free end of the catheter was wound round the left fetal thigh. As the fetus grew, there was progressive constriction of the fetal thigh by the catheter. By 29 weeks, Doppler blood flow changes to the left leg were apparent. Fetoscopic surgery was performed at 30 weeks to release the constriction. The catheter was divided successfully, but the divided end of the shunt subsequently retracted into the fetal abdomen, producing urinary ascites, bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. The baby was delivered at 31.5 weeks in good condition. Endoscopic resection of anterior and posterior urethral valves was performed at 6 months of age. At 2 years, the child has normal renal function, growth parameters and developmental milestones. Mild indentation of the left thigh was still apparent, although there was no functional impairment. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular. Área de especialização: Intervenção Cardiovascular.
O presente relatório de estágio enquadra-se no âmbito do trabalho final de Mestrado do curso de Engenharia Civil, área de especialização em Hidráulica, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, e incide na temática dos sistemas de distribuição de água. O estágio decorreu na empresa EPAL – Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres, S.A., e teve como objecto o desenvolvimento de um plano de manutenção preventiva para a rede de distribuição de água de Lisboa. Devido à crescente complexidade dos sistemas de abastecimento de água e à grande dispersão territorial dos diversos órgãos integrados na rede, surge a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema que permita simplificar o planeamento e a gestão das intervenções de inspecção e manutenção preventiva dos órgãos. Para esse efeito, recorreu-se a um software SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica) para proceder à sectorização da rede de distribuição de água em pequenos grupos (Polígonos), constituídos por um número determinado de órgãos de manobra e segurança. Esta metodologia permite organizar as intervenções em pequenos grupos e optimizar as rotinas de Inspecção diárias. No decorrer do estágio efectuou-se ainda um levantamento dos procedimentos de inspecção e manutenção dos diversos órgãos integrados na rede de distribuição de água de Lisboa, quer por acompanhamento de actividades com as equipas de inspecção, quer por recolha de recomendações junto dos fabricantes dos órgãos. Este levantamento permitiu elaborar fichas de procedimento para as actividades de inspecção e manutenção preventiva dos diversos órgãos, afim de serem usadas como referência pelos trabalhadores.
Este trabalho surgiu no âmbito da Tese de Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química, aliando a necessidade da Empresa Monteiro Ribas – Indústrias, S.A. em resolver alguns problemas relacionados com as estufas da unidade J da fábrica de revestimentos. Outro dos objectivos era propor melhorias de eficiência energética neste sector da empresa. Para tal, foi necessário fazer um levantamento energético de toda a unidade, o que permitiu verificar que as estufas de secagem (Recobrimento 1 e 2) seriam o principal objecto de estudo. O levantamento energético da empresa permitiu conhecer o seu consumo anual de energia de 697,9 tep, o que a classifica, segundo o Decreto-lei nº 71 de 15 de Abril de 2008, como Consumidora Intensiva de Energia (CIE). Além disso, as situações que devem ser alvo de melhoria são: a rede de termofluido, que apresenta válvulas sem isolamento, o sistema de iluminação, que não é o mais eficiente e a rede de distribuição de ar comprimido, que não tem a estrutura mais adequada. Desta forma sugere-se que a rede de distribuição de termofluido passe a ter válvulas isoladas com lã de rocha, o investimento total é de 2.481,56 €, mas a poupança pode ser de 21.145,14 €/ano, com o período de retorno de 0,12 anos. No sistema de iluminação propõe-se a substituição dos balastros normais por electrónicos, o investimento total é de 13.873,74 €, mas a poupança é de 2.620,26 €/ano, com período de retorno de 5 anos. No processo de secagem das linhas de recobrimento mediram-se temperaturas de todos os seus componentes, velocidades de ar o que permitiu conhecer a distribuição do calor fornecido pelo termofluido. No Recobrimento 1, o ar recebe entre 39 a 51% do calor total, a tela recebe cerca de 25% e na terceira estufa este é apenas de 6%. Nesta linha as perdas de calor por radiação oscilam entre 6 e 11% enquanto as perdas por convecção representam cerca de 17 a 44%. Como o calor que a tela recebe é muito inferior ao calor recebido pelo ar no Recobrimento 1, propõe-se uma redução do caudal de ar que entra na estufa, o que conduzirá certamente à poupança de energia térmica. No Recobrimento 2 o calor fornecido ao ar representa cerca de 51 a 77% do calor total e o cedido à tela oscila entre 2 e 3%. As perdas de calor por convecção oscilam entre 12 e 26%, enquanto que as perdas por radiação têm valores entre 4 e 8%. No que diz respeito ao calor necessário para evaporar os solventes este oscila entre os 4 e 13%. Os balanços de massa e energia realizados ao processo de secagem permitiram ainda determinar o rendimento das 3 estufas do Recobrimento 1, com 36, 47 e 24% paras as estufa 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. No Recobrimento 2 os valores de rendimento foram superiores, tendo-se obtido valores próximos dos 41, 81 e 88%, para as estufas 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Face aos resultados obtidos propõem-se a reengenharia do processo introduzindo permutadores compactos para aquecer o ar antes de este entrar nas estufas. O estudo desta alteração foi apenas realizado para a estufa 1 do Recobrimento 1, tendo-se obtido uma área de transferência de calor de 6,80 m2, um investimento associado de 8.867,81 €. e uma poupança de 708,88 €/ano, com um período de retorno do investimento de 13 anos. Outra sugestão consiste na recirculação de parte do ar de saída (5%), que conduz à poupança de 158,02 €/ano. Estes valores, pouco significativos, não estimulam a adopção das referidas sugestões.
Cada vez mais a indústria tem vindo a sofrer algumas mudanças no seu processo produtivo. Hoje, mais que nunca, é preciso garantir que as instalações produtivas sejam o mais eficiente possível, procurando a racionalização de energia com um decrescimento dos custos. Deste modo o objectivo desta dissertação é o diagnóstico energético da fábrica de placas de borracha e a optimização do sector da pintura na empresa Monteiro Ribas. A realização de um diagnóstico energético, para a detecção de desperdícios de energia tem sido amplamente utilizada. A optimização irá prospectar potenciais de mudanças e aplicação de tecnologias de eficiência energética. Pretende-se deste modo travar o consumo energético sem que seja afectada a produção, já que a empresa é considerada consumidora intensiva de energia. Na empresa Monteiro Ribas há consumo de gás natural, de vapor e de energia eléctrica, sendo o vapor a forma de energia mais consumida, seguida da energia eléctrica e por fim, do gás natural nas proporções de 55%, 41% e 4%, respectivamente. A optimização feita permitiu estudar a influência de algumas variáveis, nos consumos anuais da energia, e assim apresentar propostas de melhoria. Uma das propostas analisadas foi a possibilidade de efectuar um isolamento térmico a algumas válvulas. Este isolamento conduziria a uma poupança de 79.263,4 kWh/ano. Propôs-se também a implementação de balastros electrónicos, que conduziria a uma diminuição em energia eléctrica de 29.509,92 kWh/ano. Relativamente às máquinas utilizadas no sector da pintura, verificou-se ser a estufa IRK 6, um dos equipamentos de grande consumo energético. Então analisou-se a influência da velocidade de circulação das placas de borracha através desta máquina, bem como a alteração da respectiva potência, pela diminuição do número de cassetes incorporados nesta estufa.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Água, 9 de Novembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.