186 resultados para Utterance
Introduction: Since their first month of life, babies already show alternation in their communication, in which adults have an important role, assuming interaction turns with the child through questions known as eliciting questions. Verifying this alternation incited us to analyze children’s responsive attitudes toward the questions of the adult interlocutor. Objetives: (1) describe and characterize the kinds of responsive attitudes children have to open questions; (2) verify if there are any differences between the developed and non-developed kinds in the answers. Material and method: data were extracted from 28 interviews (recorded both in audio and in video) with four male children (5-6 years-old) who attended a public Kindergarten. Results: regarding the first objective, 88.7% of the attitudes were answers to the questions, 4.7% were non-responses and 6.6% were confirmation requests. Regarding the second objective, 48.2% of the answers were developed and 51.3%, non-developed. Conclusion: Although the high percentage of answers indicates that the children showed themselves sensitive to the demands of the adult interlocutor, the small percentage difference between developed and non-developed answers also indicates that children mostly depend on their assistance to develop their utterance since they oscillate between restricting themselves to the demand of the interlocutor and expanding it.
We intend to observe the function of a linguistic resource – the pause – in theatrical interpretation. Connected to the field of speech therapy, we search for theoretical support in the Linguistics field, mainly in prosodic phonology – specifically, we highlight intonational phrase and phonological utterance, prosodic constituents –, proposing a dialogue between these fields, regarding the work with actors. In speech therapy literature, the work with actors focuses, centrally, in organic issues involved in the vocal process, such as “misuse” or “voice abuse”. To a smaller extent, we find, in this literature, researches that emphasize issues regarding interpretation and expressive resources, besides a few emphasizing the importance of linguistic resources in interpretation. Differently, in linguistics literature, the pause is approached, to a larger extent, from the phonetic perspective, related to several language levels. In this research, we analyzed audio recordings of four actors from a same theatrical group, acting the theatrical text Brutas flores, focused on these aims: (1) detect the place where pauses happen in the interpretation of a single text by four actors; (2) survey physical characteristics of length of these pauses; (3) check to what extent the length of a pause is related to the place where it happens, regarding the prosodic limits of intonational phrases (I) and phonological utterance (U). We could observe that, although the interpretation is characterized by the subjectivity of the actor, the interpretation is constructed based in the possibilities offered by the prosodic organization of the text itself, being more or less flexible.We were also able to confirm, by considering the length of VVs units containing pauses, the prosodic hierarchy proposed by Nespor & Vogel, once the length of these units in U's limits was significantly higher than the length in I's limits. Thus, our results reinforce the premise that a linguistic structure overlaps the subjectivity of the actor, i. e., the premise that the strength of linguistic structure organization acts on the possible individual operation/style.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work has by main objective revisit the dichotomy speech/writing from the perspective of scholars in the field of linguistics in relation to the communicative and interactional aspects of language. The research is based on the study of traditional dichotomies that classically distinguish between the oral form and the written form of the language. It is noted here the importance of the study of communication and interaction of individuals, as language being the main aspect responsible for the organization of society, and, of course, also being indispensable for the development of human being. This study shows that the distinctive peculiarities between speech and writing are not of the characteristics of a particular procedure, but differences that are necessary due to the specific moment of creation of an utterance or text, because both the oral and the mode writing may have traces of formality/informality; completeness/incompleteness, among other things. In other words, there is not a distinctive feature that is present only in speech or writing. Thus, this research shows that, by the numberless technological advances, the communication between people has gone through changes and crossed barriers. Therefore, it is clear that with the collaboration of the media, the old dichotomies recommended for speech and writing are being overcome and can no longer be treated strictly to any of the modalities
Based on a heterogeneous concept of writing, this paper aims at analyzing ‘breaks’ in utterances of a virtual chat for writers between 8 and 12 years of age. The hypothesis is that the segmentation of an utterance in different lines in a short period of time characterizes the writing on the internet as nonconventional and relates it to the prosody and rhythm of the language not restricted to the phonic or graphic dimension of the verbal language.
The objective was to seek positive and negative values that guide the discourse on conciseness and understand how this concept is understood in speeches in the media when taking the theme of text production. The corpus of work consists of two materials of Portuguese Language Magazine on this topic. The analysis of the corpus was made from Bakhtinian discourse studies, especially considering the concepts of dialogue, utterance and speech genres. The research considers mainly as Bakhtin Circle conceives the production of meaning. At the end, we believe it is important to reflect on the definitions that guide the discourse of conciseness, far in practice they are consistent with our reality of writing
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
With the purpose of analyzing the function developed byt the fable, this paper begins with its definition, historically linked to the rhetorical art, the teaching force and the literary value, to reach a grammatical analysis of the narrative structure in which genre is presented. From the functionalist point of view, the function determines the structure, and, accordingly, this study shows the fable resolved in specific modes of activation of the utterance formation basic processes such as the establishment of predications and the creation of the referential network of its participants. Since the beginning, the discursive activation of properties is crucial, which, working toward specific goals, configure linguistic characteristics that define the specific nature of the fable
This paper examines the historical role that Tesnière’s theory on the centrality of the verb exerted on some theoretical branches that study the way utterances are built in language. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the impact that such a proposal had in changing the view of the clause being purely logical (a proposition) or purely syntactic (abstractly equated) to a view that embodies semantics and pragmatics to the syntactic organization of the utterance. A close examination of research dedicated to the grammatical and lexicographic description of Portuguese helps to illustrate the here proposed assessment and contributes to support the claim of the influence of Tesnière on current linguistic analyses.
The main objective of this paper is to answer the following question: how can we draw a parallel, during the analysis of the data, between children who are at different moments in the language acquisition process or who belong to different populations (children that are monolingual, bilingual, with language disorders, etc.)? In order to answer this question, we are discussing the advantages and limitations of adopting a measure like MLU, from English Mean Length of Utterance, or EME as it was named in Brazil, proposed by Roger Brown (1973). We intend to verify the effective contribution of these measures to the studies in the area and propose an adaptation in the studies that use a qualitative approach. Firstly, we recall the study of the criteria proposed by Brown (1973), Scliar-Cabral (1976), Parker & Brorson (2005), Parisse & Le Normand (2006), and Araújo (2007), and by scholars of Brazilian Portuguese morphology, like Câmara Jr (2009), Monteiro (2002), and Kehdi (1990), among others. Secondly, from a dialogic-discursive point of view (BAKHTIN, 2006; BAKHTIN/ VOLOSHINOV, 1992, 1981), we provide as an example the research on the plural in the language acquisition process (HILÁRIO, 2010, 2011b, 2012). The reflections made indicate that EME may be a useful measure for the researches on language acquisition. Nevertheless, adaptations should be done and its inherent problems should be taken into account, especially if other factors are considered – like the age, the number of types/occurrences, the maximum limit of items per utterance etc. – although it is not the only parameter of analysis. Considering that EME may vary according to the conditions of production and may not reflect the qualitative changes in the children’s discourse, other factors should be analyzed, like the context of the discourse, the participants involved etc.
In this paper, the discourse about reading skills uttered by teachers and students is analyzed. The analyses are supported by the Bakhtin’s studies concerning the discourse that necessarily consider the meaning affected by the sphere of the activity in which the enunciation occurs. The concrete utterance, in this perspective, has its identity in relation to the social values that constitute the conscience of the author and in the ideologies that materialize in the discourse, which is always marked by the constitutive relation between the other person and me. The results indicate the following conclusions: the common sense discourse about reading appears in the answers of the analyzed teachers, which consider their students like bad readers, these professionals also do not recognize the technology as a source of reading for their students. Thus, reading that interests the students is not acceptable in school. The symbolic violence practiced by school appears at the moment that the teacher does not consider the student’s language and the readings that interest them; it also appears when the teacher prevents their students to have new readings; moreover, reading is always unique as it is neither new, nor unrepeatable, so it the plurality of meanings is impossible.
There are several receptions of the Bakhtinian work: those which situate it in a cultural and historical perspective, making it possible to understand the context inherent to it, the interchanges with which it was instituted and its development paths; those which separately take one or other of its ideas, and those which search to infer a less or more systemized framework from it in order to consider a specific object. When we concentrate on those last ones and on the field of studies about language, we examine the receptions of the Bakhtinian thought as a pragmatics, a sociolinguistics, a semiotics, a social theory, a theory of the discourse. The perspective of this branch of instruction is the one on which we lastly focus in order to reflect upon some of its fundamental basis.
This paper aims to understand the discursive dimension of some paintings through Michel Foucault'sdiscourse analysis approach. The image of the mirror in several canonical paintings was selected, intending to observe its discursive operation as an element of the visual artistic utterance. Basically, this text has three parts: firstly, it determines the place occupied by the aesthetic discourse in Michel Pêcheux's and Michel Foucault's works; secondly, it focuses on the analysis of three European paintings, namely The Maids of Honour by Velásquez, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère by Manet, and Dangerous Liaisons by Magritte; thirdly, it discusses the intersection between visuality and interdiscursivity based on a) the contributions of M. Foucault's works on aesthetic discourse and b) the image of the mirror found in those paintings.
This paper proposes an extension of the personal experience of the listener through radio. The radio, because it is a medium of reaching, disseminating and having considerable accessibilities towards the production of its contents, and if exploited, could very well combine functionality with aesthetics in the production and broadcasting of programs, something that makes the radio not only a means for transmission of information. In the production of dramatic art, for example, the use of other elements, such as sound effects, may suggest form and consistency to the object described during the practice of radio utterance. The proper combination of function and aesthetic in music, sound effects and voiceover radio can change the mood of the listener and even promote their creativity.
We aim to analyse the text written by Eça de Queirós, “Carta ao Sr. Mollinet”, theorizing the stylistics of Marcel Cressot’s expression, called “the texture”. We discuss what is sought in the reading of a text nowadays: the form, the meaning or the form that produces meaning? Even though through stylistics there is identifi cation and description of the linguistic categories in the text, the morphological identifi cation in the enunciation level is emptied, if it is done separately. It is from the semantic-syntactic and melodic axes that Eça infl ates his characters with life. The characterization of Pacheco and Portuguese people is supported by the nexus, a producer of antagonistic meta-signifi cation in relation to the fi rst meaning. Eça’s irony results from the reverse meaning – from “ne pas dire”. The nexus is the great meaningful cohesion between logical and metalogic discourse – producing new signifi cations; multiplying verbal resources, which are created in order to metamorphose the linguistic sign into pictorial or iconic signs. The irony governs the whole constructive tessitura that stems from new referents, which result from demiurgical relations between themselves because of the metalogical process, as it allows to establish and change the direction when sign and referent, signifi er and signifi ed, utterance and context are related. The analysis of Eça’s selected text enriches the discoveries presented by the Stylistics of Expression.