589 resultados para Uppsala universitetsbibliotek
The aim of this study is to assess the current and future preconditions for conducting private business in municipal service systems for home care in Lahti and Hyvinkää in Finland, and in Uppsala and Huddinge in Sweden. This study also aims to assess the implications of quality related issues on the preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems in question. The theories and the research methodologies of the study are based on the Business Model Generation and the Business Model Canvas -concepts. Also a couple of frameworks on implications of quality are applied and integrated into the study. The study is completed as a case study – with structured and identical approaches for all four municipalities. The analyses and assessments of the study are primarily qualitative, but supported by simple quantitative methodologies. The data of the study consists primarily of publicly available information, and secondarily of answers provided by the case-municipalities to multiple choice questions. The results of the study show that the service systems for home care among the case-municipalities are, from perspective of private companies, diverse with local characteristics. Both the premises for conducting private business and the quality-issues are in many respects different in the Finnish and the Swedish case-municipalities. This is partly due to differences in the national service systems; the service voucher system versus the system of choice. Still, it appears that the current preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems for home care, including the implications of quality, would be more favorable in Uppsala and Huddinge than in Lahti and Hyvinkää. On the other hand, the service systems are subject to changes, and the most positive and significant development is here forecasted for a Finnish case-municipality (Lahti). Communication of quality is clearly more advanced in the Swedish case-municipalities. The results of this study can be utilized in several ways, for instance by private companies interested in entering into service systems for home care, either in some of the case-municipalities, or in some other Finnish or Swedish municipalities. Also municipalities can apply the analyses of the study when designing, developing or evaluating their own service systems for home care.
The study investigates organisational learning and knowledge acquisition of wood-based prefabricated building manufacturers. This certain group of case companies was chosen, because their management and their employees generally have a strong manufacturing and engineering background, while the housing sector is characterised by national norms, regulations, as well as local building styles. Considering this setting, it was investigated, how the case companies develop organisational learning capabilities, acquire and transfer knowledge for their internationalisation. The theoretical framework of this study constitutes the knowledge-based conceptualisation of internationalisation, which combines the traditional internationalisation process, as well as the international new venture perspective based on their commonalities in the knowledge-based view of the firm. Different theories of internationalisation, including the network-perspective, were outlined and a framework on organisational learning and knowledge acquisition was established. The empirical research followed a qualitative approach, deploying a multiple-case study with five case companies from Austria, Finland and Germany. In the study, the development of the wood-based prefabricated building industry and of the case companies are described, and the motives, facilitators and challenges for foreign expansion, as well as the companies’ internationalisation approaches are compared. Different methods of how companies facilitate the knowledge-exchange or learn about new markets are also outlined. Experience, market knowledge and personal contacts are considered essential for the internationalisation process. The major finding of the study is that it is not necessary to acquire the market knowledge internally in a slow process as proposed by the Uppsala model. In four cases companies engaged knowledge in symbiotic relations with local business partners. Thereby, the building manufacturers contribute their design and production capabilities, and in return, their local partners provide them with knowledge about the market and local regulations; while they manage the sales and construction operations. Thus, the study provides strong evidence for the propositions of network perspective. One case company developed the knowledge internally in a gradual process: it entered the market sequentially with several business lines, showing an increasing level of complexity. In both of the observed strategies, single-loop and double-loop learning processes occurred.
Aurinkosähköjärjestelmien käyttäminen sähkön tuotannossa on kasvanut viime vuosina teknologian hinnan laskun ja tiukentuvien ympäristömääräyksien seurauksena. Monet aurinkosähköön keskittyvät yritykset etsivät uusia markkinoita Afrikan kehittyvistä maista. Aurinkosähkön avulla voidaan vastata kehittyvien maiden kasvavaan sähköntarpeeseen ja samalla vähentää maiden hiilidioksidipäästöjä sekä nostaa maiden kehittyvää elintasoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan aurinkosähköjärjestelmien viemistä kahteen Afrikan kehittyvään maahan Tansaniaan ja Etelä-Afrikkaan. Työn tavoitteena on kohdemaiden liiketoimintaympäristöjen tutkiminen ja markkinapotentiaalin selvittäminen suomalaisen sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikkaan keskittyvän pk-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Työssä selvitetään Tansanian ja Etelä-Afrikan liiketoimintaympäristöjen ja aurinkosähkömarkkinoiden erityispiirteet. Tuloksissa käsitellään myös sopivinta kansainvälistymistapaa tutkitulle pk-yritykselle sekä haasteita, joita yritys kohtaa Afrikan markkinoilla. Kansainvälistymismalleista tutkimuksessa käsitellään Uppsala-mallia ja verkostomallia.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tarkoituksenmukaisin etabloitumismenetelmä teräsyhtiön kansainvälistymisessä Pietarin markkinoille. Vaikka kansainvälistymistä onkin tutkittu paljon, kyseisen kontekstin erityispiirteisiin on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa kiinnitetty vain vähän huomiota. Kansainvälistymisteorioista työhön valittiin John Dunningin eklektinen paradigma sekä Uppsala-malli. Etabloitumismenetelmän valintaa puolestaan tarkastellaan eri vaihtoehtojen kautta, jotka kattavat viennin, suorat ulkomaan investoinnit, sopimusjärjestelyt sekä yhteisyrityksen. Valintaa selitetään taustalla vaikuttavien tekijöiden sekä kansainvälistymisprosessin kautta. Kohteena olevan markkina-alueen potentiaalin, ongelmien sekä yrityksen kilpailuetujen arvioinnin jälkeen ehdotetaan optimaalista ratkaisua. Omat haasteensa operaatiomuodon valintaan luovat potentiaalinen mutta haastava kohdemarkkina-alue sekä yrityksen sisäiset tekijät. Kontekstiin parhaiten sopivaksi etabloitumismenetelmäksi esitetään aloittamista välittömällä viennillä asiakkaiden etsimiseksi ja suhteiden luomiseksi. Kun asiakkuuksia alueella on riittävästi, myyntikonttorin perustaminen Pietarin lähelle nähdään tarkoituksenmukaisena paikallisen läsnäolon lisäämiseksi. Empiirinen data kattaa kahdeksan asiantuntijahaastattelua, jotka yhdessä muun lähdeaineiston kanssa rakentavat perustan empiirisille tuloksille. Tutkimuksen tulokset tarjoavat yritykselle perustellun ratkaisuehdotuksen siitä, kuinka Pietarin markkinoille tulisi etabloitua.
Den svenska pastorn Johannes Botvidi (1575-1635) försvarade år 1620 sitt verk Theses de quaestione, utrum Moschovitae sint Christiani (”Är Moskoviterna Kristna?”) vid en allmän disputation som ägde rum vid Akademin i Uppsala. Trots att Botvidis teser är centrala för den protestantiska synen på den ryska ortodoxin vid denna tid har verket inte studerats i detalj. Jag har läst Botvidis verk som en text där olika för tiden aktuella diskurser kommer till uttryck och där innehållet fokuseras ur olika synvinklar. Centrala för Botvidis teser är följande diskurser: i början av 1600-talet har i Europa redan etablerats en syn på moskoviten som den Andre, om vilken man berättar ”enligt vissa mönster”; en protestantisk kritik av ortodoxin har uppstått som en del av en bredare religiös diskurs; i stormakten Sverige uppfattar man sig ha en ny roll som ledare för den protestantiska världen med åtföljande ideologi och retorik; den skolastiska disputationen förutsätter en metod och retorik som i Botvidis teser har till syfte att ge auktoritet åt den svenska teologin. Min metod att studera Botvidis text försiggår således i ett diskurs-perspektiv, där språkliga strukturer och retoriska strategier inbyggda i texten tolkas inom ramen för den relevanta diskursen. Genom denna metod närmar jag mig målet för min utforskning – att förstå inte bara betydelsen av Botvidis text om moskoviternas religion utan också meningen med själva disputationen. Botvidis teser kontextualiseras i sin tid, vilket ger oss insikter i hur ett kulturmedvetande fungerar. Texten ”Är Moskoviterna Kristna?” framstår som ett mångfasetterat dokument som svarar på fler frågor än den som ställs i rubriken. Spännande i Botvidis text är också hur teologen Botvidi genom den medeltida skolastikens metoder lägger grunden för en toleransdiskurs.
Food industry in Finland has a long tradition and the new trends and the future of Finnish food industry is going towards functional and healthy food for the consumers in and outside Finland. Small companies operating in this industry face many difficulties in trying to compete and expand to new markets, that is why these companies are the key of innovation and they have done many breakthroughs in the food industry as well. It is therefore important to understand the internationalization process these companies follow and entry strategies they use, and moreover how they use their limited resources in order to be successful in international markets. This thesis via a case study approach deals with the issue of internationalization of SMEs and Finnish food industry. This study supports earlier theories of internationalization, primarily the Uppsala model and acknowledges internationalization as an incremental process. Meaning that psychic distance is indeed the major barrier of internationalization, and acquisition of international knowledge requires significant amount of time which influences the level of resource-commitment in foreign markets. It follows that due to the risks involved in foreign markets, the least resource-intensive modes of market entry such as direct and indirect exports are generally preferred at the start of internationalization process. As of what explains the non-conventional rapid internationalization process, we conclude that in an internationalized industry and country with established trade flows like Finland, the context in which firms operate may be less significant than the varying level of entrepreneurial skills and confidence present therein.
Finnish design has attracted global attention lately and companies within the industry have potential in international markets. Because networks have been found to be extremely helpful in a firm’s international business operations and usefulness of networks is not fully exploited, their role in Finnish design companies is investigated. Accordingly, this study concentrates on understanding the role of networks in the internationalization process of Finnish design companies. This was investigated through describing the internationalization process of Finnish design companies, analyzing what kind of networks are related to internationalization process of Finnish design companies, and analyzing how networks are utilized in the internationalization process of Finnish design companies. The theoretical framework explores the Finnish design industry, internationalization process and networks. The Finnish design industry is introduced in general and the concept of design is defined to refer to the industries of textiles, furniture, clothing, and lighting equipment in the research. The theories of internationalization process, the Uppsala model and Luostarinen’s operation modes, are explored in detail. The Born Global theory, which is a contrary view to stage models, is also discussed. The concept of network is investigated, networks are classified into business and social networks, and network approach to internationalization is discussed. The research is conducted empirically and the research method is a descriptive case study. In this study, four case companies are investigated: the interior decoration unit of L-Fashion Group, Globe Hope, Klo Design, and Melaja Ltd. Data is collected by semi-structured interviews and the analysis is done in the following way: the case companies are introduced, their internationalization processes and networks are described and, finally, the comparison of the case companies is done in a form of cross-case analysis. This research showed that cooperation with social networks, such as locals or employees who have experience from the target market can be extremely helpful in the beginning of a Finnish design company’s internationalization process. This study also indicated that public organizations do not necessarily enhance the internationalization process in a design company point-of-view. In addition, the research showed that there is cooperation between small Finnish design companies whereas large design companies are not as open to cooperation with competitors.