The objective of this paper is to address the methodological process of a teaching strategy for training project management complexity in postgraduate programs. The proposal is made up of different methods —intuitive, comparative, deductive, case study, problem-solving Project-Based Learning— and different activities inside and outside the classroom. This integration of methods motivated the current use of the concept of “learning strategy”. The strategy has two phases: firstly, the integration of the competences —technical, behavioral and contextual—in real projects; and secondly, the learning activity was oriented in upper level of knowledge, the evaluating the complexity for projects management in real situations. Both the competences in the learning strategy and the Project Complexity Evaluation are based on the ICB of IPMA. The learning strategy is applied in an international Postgraduate Program —Erasmus Mundus Master of Science— with the participation of five Universities of the European Union. This master program is fruit of a cooperative experience from one Educative Innovation Group of the UPM -GIE-Project-, two Research Groups of the UPM and the collaboration with other external agents to the university. Some reflections on the experience and the main success factors in the learning strategy were presented in the paper
The objective of this paper is to address the methodological process of a teaching strategy for training project management complexity in postgraduate programs. The proposal is made up of different methods —intuitive, comparative, deductive, case study, problem-solving Project-Based Learning— and different activities inside and outside the classroom. This integration of methods motivated the current use of the concept of ―learning strategy‖. The strategy has two phases: firstly, the integration of the competences —technical, behavioral and contextual—in real projects; and secondly, the learning activity was oriented in upper level of knowledge, the evaluating the complexity for projects management in real situations. Both the competences in the learning strategy and the Project Complexity Evaluation are based on the ICB of IPMA. The learning strategy is applied in an international Postgraduate Program —Erasmus Mundus Master of Science— with the participation of five Universities of the European Union. This master program is fruit of a cooperative experience from one Educative Innovation Group of the UPM -GIE-Project-, two Research Groups of the UPM and the collaboration with other external agents to the university. Some reflections on the experience and the main success factors in the learning strategy were presented in the paper.
This article presents a cartographic system to facilitate cooperative manoeuvres among autonomous vehicles in a well-known environment. The main objective is to design an extended cartographic system to help in the navigation of autonomous vehicles. This system has to allow the vehicles not only to access the reference points needed for navigation, but also noticeable information such as the location and type of traffic signals, the proximity to a crossing, the streets en route, etc. To do this, a hierarchical representation of the information has been chosen, where the information has been stored in two levels. The lower level contains the archives with the Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates of the points that define the reference segments to follow. The upper level contains a directed graph with the relational database in which streets, crossings, roundabouts and other points of interest are represented. Using this new system it is possible to know when the vehicle approaches a crossing, what other paths arrive at that crossing, and, should there be other vehicles circulating on those paths and arriving at the crossing, which one has the highest priority. The data obtained from the cartographic system is used by the autonomous vehicles for cooperative manoeuvres.
Registros isotópicos de oxigênio obtidos em alta resolução das estalagmites CL2 e MAG das cavernas Calixto e Marota, região da Chapada Diamantina (CD) (12ºS), Estado da Bahia, sul do Nordeste brasileiro (sNEB), permitiram reconstituir as mudanças passadas da precipitação entre 165-128 e 59-39 mil anos A.P. Para a reconstituição paleoclimática considerou-se resultados de um estudo de calibração realizado em duas cavernas da CD o qual demonstrou uma relação entre composição isotópica da água meteórica e de gotejamento e sugeriu um ambiente adequado para a deposição do espeleotema em condições equilíbrio e/ou próximas com a água de gotejamento. A interpretação da paleoprecipitação através dos registros isotópicos \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O das estalagmites também foi baseada na relação entre composição isotópica da água da precipitação e a quantidade de chuva obtidos em estações da IAEA-GNIP no Brasil e de simulações das variações do \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O da chuva através do modelo climático ECHAM-4. Esses dados indicaram o efeito quantidade (amount effect) como fator preponderante de controle isotópico da água da chuva que formam os espeleotemas na CD, significando que a diminuição dos valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O está associada ao aumento do volume de chuvas e vice-versa. Os registros de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas permitiram reconstituir a variação da paleoprecipitação na escala orbital e milenar durante o penúltimo glacial bem como correlacionar mudanças na paleoprecipitação no sNEB com eventos milenares registrados na Groelândia no último glacial. Os registros da CD indicaram um aumento (diminuição) da paleoprecipitação na Bahia relacionado a diminuição (aumento) da insolação austral de verão a 10ºS durante o penúltimo glacial, similar ao observado no último ciclo precessional. Na escala orbital os registros da CD estiveram em antifase com os paleoindicadores isotópicos do Sudeste brasileiro e em fase com os valores de\'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas do leste da China. Esse padrão de precipitação é similar ao observado na última glaciação e sugere que a variação na insolação de verão afetou as monções sul-americanas (MSA) promovendo mudanças na precipitação no sNEB no penúltimo glacial. Condições áridas no sNEB durante o aumento da insolação de verão estariam provavelmente associadas ao aprofundamento da subsidência de ar provocado pelo fortalecimento da circulação leste-oeste da MSA devido ao aumento das atividades convectivas na Amazônia o que teria, favorecido um posicionamento mais a sul da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS). O oposto também ocorreria durante as fases de baixa insolação de verão quando a MSA estaria provavelmente mais desintensificada. Durante o penúltimo glacial (Terminação Glacial II) abruptas oscilações nos registros da CD para valores mais baixos de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicaram um profundo aumento da precipitação coincidente com o evento Heinrich (H11). Nesse período a paleoprecipitação no sNEB esteve correlacionada negativamente com as mudanças climáticas na China e no oeste amazônico (Peru) e positivamente com o Sudeste brasileiro. Interpretou-se que as anomalias positivas da precipitação no sNEB podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para sul da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) bem como com a intensificação da MSA e ZCAS nesse período. Finalmente, oscilações isotópicas abruptas para valores mais altos observadas durante o estágio marinho isotópico 3 coincidentes com os eventos quentes registrados na Groelândia, denominados de eventos Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO), foram interpretados como a ocorrência de eventos muito secos no sNEB. Essas variações da precipitação na escala milenar, que estão em fase com os registros no Peru, podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para norte da ZCIT o que teria promovido uma profunda desintensificação da MSA.
This paper introduces a novel MILP approach for the design of distillation columns sequences of zeotropic mixtures that explicitly include from conventional to fully thermally coupled sequences and divided wall columns with a single wall. The model is based on the use of two superstructure levels. In the upper level a superstructure that includes all the basic sequences of separation tasks is postulated. The lower level is an extended tree that explicitly includes different thermal states and compositions of the feed to a given separation task. In that way, it is possible to a priori optimize all the possible separation tasks involved in the superstructure. A set of logical relationships relates the feasible sequences with the optimized tasks in the extended tree resulting in a MILP to select the optimal sequence. The performance of the model in terms of robustness and computational time is illustrated with several examples.
Crystal size measurements have been carried out on tephra fall layers of Miocene to recent age from Sites 998, 999, and 1000 in the western Caribbean Sea. Maximum crystal size is used as a proxy for the grain size characteristics of the layers and an index of atmospheric dispersal from source eruptions. Crystal sizes range from 50 to 650 µm with the majority falling between 200 and 300 µm. All three sites exhibit a coarsening in the grain size of tephra layers with increasing age to the early Miocene that broadly correlates with an increase in the frequency of layers. Analysis of the present lower and upper level atmospheric circulation in the western Caribbean suggests that the layers were derived from source eruptions to the west of the sites somewhere in the Central American region. Minimum distances to these sources are of the order of 700 km. Crystal sizes in tephra layers at these distances are consistent with their derivation from energetic pyroclastic flow-forming eruptions that injected tephra to stratospheric levels by large-scale co-ignimbrite and plinian-style plumes. Coarsening of the layers during the Miocene peak of explosive volcanism cannot be attributed to any major change in paleowind intensity and is taken to represent the occurrence of more energetic eruptions that were able to disperse tephra over larger areas.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
A pesquisa possui como objetivo geral levantar, analisar, quantificar e classificar por níveis de competências quais foram os profissionais recrutados pela Petrobras no período pós-descoberta da camada do pré-sal brasileiro. A pesquisa se justifica pela previsão de crescimento da produção nacional de petróleo e gás natural estimada para os próximos anos o que poderá causar um descompasso entre a oferta e a demanda de mão de obra para o seu desenvolvimento. A abordagem metodológica desenvolvida para realização da pesquisa foi a da pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e documental, através de análise qualitativa e quantitativa longitudinal. Como resultado, a pesquisa revelou que a Petrobras não recruta profissionais para posições de nível gerencial. Os resultados demonstraram ainda que 56,8% das vagas abertas ao recrutamento são destinadas aos profissionais com formação de nível médio e que 76,4porcento das vagas são relacionadas ao processo fabril evidenciando que a Petrobras utiliza como porta de entrada a contratação de profissionais de nível médio com formação técnica. Ao realizar a classificação e qualificação da oferta de vagas abertas ao recrutamento a pesquisa identificou cinco grupos de profissionais distribuídos por três eixos de carreira e quatro níveis salariais que quando categorizados por níveis de competências que foram responsáveis por 69porcento de todas as vagas abertas ao recrutamento. Os dois primeiros grupos em relevância estão relacionados ao eixo de carreira de operações industriais onde o nível superior (O6) e o nível inferior (O1) foram os responsáveis por 22porcento e 21porcento respectivamente do total da oferta de vagas no período. O terceiro grupo em importância diz respeito ao eixo de carreira engenharia, processos e projetos onde os profissionais categorizados com nível médio (E3) numa escala de dois a cinco foram os responsáveis por 13porcento do total de vagas abertas. O quarto e quinto grupos estão relacionados ao eixo de carreira gestão de negócios e categorizados por níveis de competências nos níveis três (G3) e quatro (G4) em uma escala de um a cinco sendo estes responsáveis 7porcento e 6porcento do total de vagas.
It is shown that any multicriteria problem can be represented by a hierarchical system. Separate properties of the object are evaluated at the lower level of the system, using a criteria vector, and a composition mechanism is used to evaluate the object as a whole at the upper level. The paper proposes a method to solve complex multicriteria problems of evaluation and optimization. It is based on nested scalar convolutions of vector- valued criteria and allows simple structural and parametrical synthesis of multicriteria hierarchical systems.
In her dialogue entitled - Restructuring in the Hospitality Industry - Elisa S. Moncarz, Associate Professor, the School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, intends for you to know the following: “Recent years have seen a proliferation of restructurings of major American corporations creating an extremely important issue that has affected U.S. business. This article discusses restructuring issues in the hospitality industry, focusing attention on its causes and motivations, as well as on its benefits and perils. The author considers the impact of restructuring on investors and management while examining recent restructurings involving hospitality firms.” In defining the concept of restructuring, Associate Professor Moncarz informs you, “Restructuring entails the implementation of fundamental and comprehensive modification of a company's operational and/or financial structure.” “It has, indeed, become fashionable to take a company apart and put it back together in a different form,” the author says. Additionally, Moncarz refers to a Wall Street Journal study, dated August 1985, which reveals that nearly half the large American corporations were, or were soon to be restructured in the 1984/85 time frame. There are several distinct types of restructurings and the author wants you to be aware of some of them. “…threats of takeover attempts, the larger part of all restructuring have been initiated willingly in order to expand or divest a company's line of business (i.e., operational restructurings) or redirect its finances (i.e., financial restructurings),” the author reveals. “Two principal types of operational restructurings are mergers and acquisitions [M&A], and divestitures [disposing of unwanted units or assets],” Moncarz further defines the concepts of expansion and divestiture. The author explains several types of financial restructuring sketches used in the hospitality industry, including stock re-purchasing, debt issuances and redemptions, swapping debt for equity, and effective theories of realigning debt through extending loans and/or revising terms. To expand their businesses, Moncarz makes anecdotal reference to several major food and beverage corporations that have successfully employed operational restructuring principles. The author wades into the shallow end of the hostile takeover pool by explaining some of the corporate restructuring concepts used to repel that aggressive technique. Walt Disney Company completely redesigned their entire upper level management structure in a successful effort to thwart a hostile takeover bid by corporate raider Saul P. Steinberg, Moncarz informs. To close, the author touches on leveraged buyouts [LBOs], and stock repurchases to divest unwanted divisions and immobilize hostile takeover attempts. A lengthy table of - Selected Restructurings in the Hospitality Industry [1982 to date of article] – is also included.
The use of computer assisted instruction (CAI) simulations as an instructional strategy provides nursing students with a critical thinking approach for evaluating risks and benefits and choosing correct alternatives in "safe" patient care situations. It was hypothesized that using CAI simulations during an upper level nursing review course would have a positive effect on the students' posttest scores. Subjects (n = 36) were senior nursing students enrolled in a nursing review course in an undergraduate baccalaureate program. A limitation of the study was the small sample size. The study employed a modified group experimental design using the t test for independent samples. The group who received the CAI simulations during the physiological system review demonstrated a significant increase (p $<$.01) in the posttest score mean when compared to the lecture-discussion group score mean. There was no significant difference between high and low clinical grade point average (GPA) students in the CAI and lecture-discussion groups and their score means on the posttest. However, score mean differences of the low clinical GPA students showed a greater increase for the CAI group than the lecture-discussion group. There was no significant difference between the groups in their system content subscore means on the exit examination completed three weeks later. It was concluded that CAI simulations are as effective as lecture-discussion in assisting upper level students to process information for clinical decision making. CAI simulations can be considered as an instructional strategy to supplement or replace lecture content during a review course, allowing more efficient use of faculty time. It is recommended that the study be repeated using a larger sample size. Further investigations are recommended in comparing the effectiveness of computer software formats and various instructional strategies for other learning situations and student populations. ^
Compressional- and shear-wave velocity logs (Vp and Vs, respectively) that were run to a sub-basement depth of 1013 m (1287.5 m sub-bottom) in Hole 504B suggest the presence of Layer 2A and document the presence of layers 2B and 2C on the Costa Rica Rift. Layer 2A extends from the mudline to 225 m sub-basement and is characterized by compressional-wave velocities of 4.0 km/s or less. Layer 2B extends from 225 to 900 m and may be divided into two intervals: an upper level from 225 to 600 m in which Vp decreases slowly from 5.0 to 4.8 km/s and a lower level from 600 to about 900 m in which Vp increases slowly to 6.0 km/s. In Layer 2C, which was logged for about 100 m to a depth of 1 km, Vp and Vs appear to be constant at 6.0 and 3.2 km/s, respectively. This velocity structure is consistent with, but more detailed than the structure determined by the oblique seismic experiment in the same hole. Since laboratory measurements of the compressional- and shear-wave velocity of samples from Hole 504B at Pconfining = Pdifferential average 6.0 and 3.2 km/s respectively, and show only slight increases with depth, we conclude that the velocity structure of Layer 2 is controlled almost entirely by variations in porosity and that the crack porosity of Layer 2C approaches zero. A comparison between the compressional-wave velocities determined by logging and the formation porosities calculated from the results of the large-scale resistivity experiment using Archie's Law suggest that the velocity- porosity relation derived by Hyndman et al. (1984) for laboratory samples serves as an upper bound for Vp, and the noninteractive relation derived by Toksöz et al. (1976) for cracks with an aspect ratio a = 1/32 serves as a lower bound.
The study consists in the structure elaboration and the ePoste project communicationprotocol, which is a system of monitoring by wireless communication with the aim tosensor and act with one or many public lighting points, and also the treatment of data todetect the activity in the sensors located on the posts. Previously the communication withsensors were made in locus and when data collect was necessary or the performance inthe devices, the operator had to move until the net place. Accordingly, the purpose has theconcern to increase the system dynamic, achieving the possible integrations with the systemsalready available to the lighting management. The same technology of communicationbetween the sensors are considerate, using the ZigBee protocol running on the meshnet, the communication with this net is made be internet through a gateway by GPRS,device with two basics functionalities, which bypass for data and the firmware update inthe sensor. This functionality test of data management is being tested; integrate way withlocal net of sensors and the internet data server operates. The protocol developed, besidesincorporating the ZigBee, that it is formation of framework in lower level, where definesbeginning, size and errors check, as well as the communication of sensor with the concentrator,which it is encapsulated in ZigBee; also the protocol of upper level, where thatit is the names, it was developed a platform of service to meet GET and POST requestsbeneath HTTP protocol, this service is implemented in the data server, which availablethe communication with the clients systems, in case, lighting management systems.
Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Repräsentation Afrikas in schulischen Geschichtsbüchern. Am Beispiel von drei aktuellen Lehrwerken zeigen die Autorinnen sowohl negative Darstellungsweisen als auch positive Entwicklungen in Bezug auf den Umgang mit dem Kontinent, seiner Geschichte und Bevölkerung auf. In einem abschließenden Teil stellen sie einen Zusammenhang zwischen den Analyseergebnissen und dem Bewusstsein über bis in die heutige Zeit reproduzierte Diskurse und über Alltagsrassismen dar. (DIPF/Orig.)
Mit diesem Bildungsbericht wird nach 2012 zum zweiten Mal eine umfassende datengestützte Bildungsberichterstattung zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Bericht liefert die Fortschreibung der Daten aus den Bereichen frühkindliche, schulische und berufliche Bildung, zeigt aber auch neue Aspekte, etwa zur Hochschulbildung oder über Befragungen zur Kooperation von Schulen und außerschulischen Partnern sowie von Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Sekundarstufe II.