406 resultados para Transcendental Idealism
Neste trabalho foram analisadas e comparadas as principais teorias da conduta. Com isso buscou-se não apenas aprofundar um debate frequentemente mediado pelos manuais, mas também, por meio do recurso aos aportes críticos da bibliografia latino-americana, verificar se a concepção ontológica de conduta é de fato a mais limitadora ao poder punitivo. Parte do eixo analítico deste trabalho passa pelo estudo da articulação entre o respeito à estrutura lógico-objetiva da conduta humana como base de sucessivas valorações e a função limitadora da conduta. Com isso, pretende-se debater se a minimização dessa estrutura lógico-objetiva, acarretando a um acréscimo potencial de uma normativização do direito penal, representaria uma maior exposição do sujeito ao poder punitivo. A partir do conceito de praxis, como desenvolvido por Lukács, busca-se paralelamente uma base filosófica que não se esgote na compartimentalização jurídica. Trata-se de uma corrente que reivindica criticamente a herança teórica das principais contribuições filosóficas ocidentais, desde proposições aristotélicas, passando pelos conceitos hegelianos, chegando ao debate sobre objetificação hegeliano-marxista.
Esta tese busca compreender o que os rituais funerários contemporâneos revelam sobre as maneiras com as quais as pessoas têm lidado com a morte e o morrer na atualidade. Desse eixo central se ramificam reflexões sobre a relação dos homens com o tempo, com o envelhecimento e com a finitude. Evidenciando que os modos atuais de lidar com a morte e o morrer envolvem flagrantes processos de mercantilização, patologização, medicalização e espetacularização. O crescente uso de serviços funerários de tanatoestética apontam não somente técnicas de maquiagem dos mortos, mas também estratégias de maquiagem da morte. O investimento financeiro, antes direcionado às preocupações transcendentes com o futuro da alma do morto, se reverte em intervenções físicas no corpo morto, de maneira que ele não emita sinal algum da morte que o tomou e proteja os sobreviventes do contato com a finitude. Essa dissimulação é sinalizada pela redução progressiva do espaço que a sociedade contemporânea tem destinado ao luto e ao sofrimento, categorias com cada vez mais frequência equiparadas a condições patológicas. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa, com pesquisa de campo realizada tanto no Brasil como em Portugal, durante período de doutorado sanduíche no exterior, observou-se um acentuado estreitamento entre as realidades morte e consumo. Indicando uma transposição da lógica comercial de mercado às práticas funerárias tradicionais. Assim, funções simbólicas dos rituais fúnebres vem sendo modificadas e regidas pela lógica do consumo, apresentado na atualidade como alternativa unidimensional para a imperativa vivência initerrupta do prazer e da felicidade. Constatou-se que - apesar da crescente popularização de discussões sobre o tema morte no meio acadêmico, na área da saúde e na mídia - não há aceno de ruptura no seu enquadramento como tabu. Apenas é permitido socialmente que ela ocupe locais determinados: o lugar de espetáculo, de produto, da técnica, da banalização ou mesmo do humor publicitário. As observações e as reflexões realizadas em todo o processo de construção desta tese nos inclinam a considerar que continua vedado o aprofundamento de questões ligadas à expressão de sentimentos de dor e de pesar diante das perdas. Assim como se acentuam os processos de patologização do luto e de distanciamento das demandas existênciais promovidas pela consciência da própria finitude e da passagem do tempo; do tempo de vida de cada um
O objetivo deste trabalho é relacionar e apresentar questões referentes ao Imaginário Social acerca do professor de Educação Física e o modo como se vê enquanto profissional na área de educação. No Estado e na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro o quadro do início dos anos 90 era de abandono do magistério, havia um sentimento de descrença e de desânimo sobre a categoria que agravava a situação coletiva. No passado, aproximadamente na década de 1920, a figura do professor era remetida a algo transcendental, alguém que exercia o ofício entre Deus e os homens, outras vezes a imagem do professor estava diretamente ligada a uma nobre missão ou sacerdócio. Com o tempo, as representações do professor começaram a sofrer profundas alterações. A atividade do magistério enquanto atividade sagrada se transforma, aos poucos, dando lugar a uma nova representação, a de que o professor é mais um trabalhador. Isso provoca um deslocamento de sua imagem sagrada para uma imagem profana, de cotidiano, mais uma mão-de-obra. Considerando este contexto, a questão que orienta este trabalho é: Qual a imagem que o Professor de Educação Física faz de si?
Este é um trabalho de pesquisa sobre um conjunto de números (irracionais) que é pouco trabalhado no ensino básico de matemática. Foi uma procura muito interessante e enriquecedora, pois encontrei matemáticos e historiadores com visões bem diferentes. Muitos deles não aceitavam este novo conjunto. Para Leopold Kronecker, só existia o conjunto dos números inteiros. Já para Cantor e Dedekind, o aparecimento dos irracionais foi extremamente importante para o desenvolvimento da matemática, abrindo novos horizontes. Menciono aqui um pouco da vida e da obra de alguns matemáticos que se envolveram com os números irracionais. Tratamos ainda da descoberta dos incomensuráveis, ou seja, como iniciou-se o problema da incomensurabilidade, e do retângulo áureo e sua importância em outras áreas. O trabalho mostra também dois grupos de números que não são mencionados quando ensinamos equações algébricas, que são os números algébricos e os números transcendentes, assim como teoremas essenciais para a prova da transcendência dos irracionais especiais e . Por fim, proponho uma aula para uma turma do 3 ano do Ensino Médio com o objetivo de mostrar a irracionalidade de alguns números, usando os teoremas pertinentes
O que se pretende nesta tese é fazer uma arqueologia da sociologia, tendo como objeto principal de análise aquilo que chamaremos de seu discurso, o discurso sociológico da modernidade, procurando mostrar o vínculo substancial da sociologia com a episteme da modernidade, especialmente na figura do homem duplo empírico-transcendental: a sociologia seria, assim, uma derivação da episteme da modernidade e o conceito de sociedade, realidade social e as diversas teorias da simultaneidade estrutura e agência, seriam a versão sociológica do homem duplo empírico-transcendental, objeto e fundamento do saber ao mesmo tempo. Levando em consideração que a arqueologia estuda a constituição de formações discursivas e não teorias ou a validade de proposições científicas, como faz a epistemologia, histórica ou não, inicialmente fazemos uma gênese da constituição do conceito de arqueologia e de episteme em Michel Foucault, que se desenvolve em contraponto à fenomenologia como antropologia filosófica, ao estruturalismo e à epistemologia histórica. Depois apresentamos os conceitos de epistemes do Renascimento e Episteme Clássica, a fim de chegar à constituição da episteme da modernidade e mostrar, assim, os vínculos com o conceito de sociedade, realidade social e a simultaneidade estrutura e agência. No final tratamos dos temas da morte do homem, do pós-humanismo e do trans-humanismo que, neste caso, significam a perda de centralidade do homem como objeto e fundamento do saber, desestabilizando assim a episteme da modernidade e abrindo espaço para pensarmos em sua mutação arqueológica num processo de desantropologização do saber.
The seismic survey is the most effective geophysical method during exploration and development of oil/gas. As a main means in processing and interpreting seismic data, impedance inversion takes up a special position in seismic survey. This is because the impedance parameter is a ligament which connects seismic data with well-logging and geological information, while it is also essential in predicting reservoir properties and sand-body. In fact, the result of traditional impedance inversion is not ideal. This is because the mathematical inverse problem of impedance is poor-pose so that the inverse result has instability and multi-result, so it is necessary to introduce regularization. Most simple regularizations are presented in existent literature, there is a premise that the image(or model) is globally smooth. In fact, as an actual geological model, it not only has made of smooth region but also be separated by the obvious edge, the edge is very important attribute of geological model. It's difficult to preserve these characteristics of the model and to avoid an edge too smooth to clear. Thereby, in this paper, we propose a impedance inverse method controlled by hyperparameters with edge-preserving regularization, the inverse convergence speed and result would be improved. In order to preserve the edge, the potential function of regularization should satisfy nine conditions such as basic assumptions edge preservation and convergence assumptions etc. Eventually, a model with clear background and edge-abnormity can be acquired. The several potential functions and the corresponding weight functions are presented in this paper. The potential functionφLφHL andφGM can meet the need of inverse precision by calculating the models. For the local constant planar and quadric models, we respectively present the neighborhood system of Markov random field corresponding to the regularization term. We linearity nonlinear regularization by using half-quadratic regularization, it not only preserve the edge, and but also simplify the inversion, and can use some linear methods. We introduced two regularization parameters (or hyperparameters) λ2 and δ in the regularization term. λ2 is used to balance the influence between the data term and the transcendental term; δ is a calibrating parameter used to adjust the gradient value at the discontinuous position(or formation interface). Meanwhile, in the inverse procedure, it is important to select the initial value of hyperparameters and to change hyperparameters, these will then have influence on convergence speed and inverse effect. In this paper, we roughly give the initial value of hyperparameters by using a trend- curve of φ-(λ2, δ) and by a method of calculating the upper limit value of hyperparameters. At one time, we change hyperparameters by using a certain coefficient or Maximum Likelihood method, this can be simultaneously fulfilled with the inverse procedure. Actually, we used the Fast Simulated Annealing algorithm in the inverse procedure. This method overcame restrictions from the local extremum without depending on the initial value, and got a global optimal result. Meanwhile, we expound in detail the convergence condition of FSA, the metropolis receiving probability form Metropolis-Hasting, the thermal procession based on the Gibbs sample and other methods integrated with FSA. These content can help us to understand and improve FSA. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the field data, it is proved that the impedance inverse method in this paper has the advantage of high precision practicability and obvious effect.
The seismic survey is the most effective prospecting geophysical method during exploration and development of oil/gas. The structure and the lithology of the geological body become increasingly complex now. So it must assure that the seismic section own upper resolution if we need accurately describe the targets. High signal/noise ratio is the precondition of high-resolution. For the sake of improving signal/noise ratio, we put forward four methods for eliminating random noise on the basis of detailed analysis of the technique for noise elimination using prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. The four methods are put forward for settling different problems, which are in the technique for noise elimination using prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. For weak noise and large filters, the response of the noise to the filter is little. For strong noise and short filters, the response of the noise to the filter is important. For the response of the noise, the predicting operators are inaccurate. The inaccurate operators result in incorrect results. So we put forward the method using prediction filtering by inversion in f-x-y domain. The method makes the assumption that the seismic signal comprises predictable proportion and unpredictable proportion. The transcendental information about predicting operator is introduced in the function. The method eliminates the response of the noise to filtering operator, and assures that the filtering operators are accurate. The filtering results are effectively improved by the method. When the dip of the stratum is very complex, we generally divide the data into rectangular patches in order to obtain the predicting operators using prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. These patches usually need to have significant overlap in order to get a good result. The overlap causes that the data is repeatedly used. It effectively increases the size of the data. The computational cost increases with the size of the data. The computational efficiency is depressed. The predicting operators, which are obtained by general prediction filtering in f-x-y domain, can not describe the change of the dip when the dip of the stratum is very complex. It causes that the filtering results are aliased. And each patch is an independent problem. In order to settle these problems, we put forward the method for eliminating noise using space varying prediction filtering in f-x-y domain. The predicting operators accordingly change with space varying in this method. Therefore it eliminates the false event in the result. The transcendental information about predicting operator is introduced into the function. To obtain the predicting operators of each patch is no longer independent problem, but related problem. Thus it avoids that the data is repeatedly used, and improves computational efficiency. The random noise that is eliminated by prediction filtering in f-x-y domain is Gaussian noise. The general method can't effectively eliminate non-Gaussian noise. The prediction filtering method using lp norm (especially p=l) can effectively eliminate non-Gaussian noise in f-x-y domain. The method is described in this paper. Considering the dip of stratum can be accurately obtained, we put forward the method for eliminating noise using prediction filtering under the restriction of the dip in f-x-y domain. The method can effectively increase computational efficiency and improve the result. Through calculating in the theoretic model and applying it to the field data, it is proved that the four methods in this paper can effectively solve these different problems in the general method. Their practicability is very better. And the effect is very obvious.
Although Iran borders with many states and has direct access to the Caspian Sea as well as the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf region seems to be the most vital area to its security and prosperity. Yet since the 70’s Iran’s relations with the Arab states in the region have been rather strained and complex. The main reason for that had been the success of the Islamic revolution in 1979 which later resulted in a new dimension of Sunni-Shia rivalry. Moreover, post-revolutionary Iranian authorities also intended to maintain the regional hegemony from the Imperial State of Iran period. As a result, successive Iranian governments competed for hegemony in the Persian Gulf with the littoral Arab states which consolidated their regional positions due to close links and intensive cooperation with the West especially with the United States. Despite some political and economic initiatives which were undertaken by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, this rivalry was also evident between 2005–2013. The main aim of this article is to find out whether Iranian foreign policy towards the Arab states in the Persian Gulf region has undergone any significant changes since Hassan Rouhani became the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran in August 2013. According to Mohammad Reza Deshiri, the Iranian foreign policy after 1979 can be divided into so-called waves of idealism and realism. During dominance of idealism values and spirituality are more important than pragmatism while during the realistic waves political as well as economic interests prevail over spirituality. Iranian idealism is connected with export of revolutionary ideas, Shia dominance as well as the restoration of unity among all muslims (ummah). On this basis both presidential terms of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can be classified as ‘waves of idealism’, albeit some of his ideas were very pragmatic. The question is if Hassan Rouhani’s foreign policy represents a continuity or a change. Is the current Iran’s foreign policy towards the Persian Gulf region idealistic or rather realistic? The main assumption is that there will be no Arab-Iranian rapprochement in the Persian Gulf without a prior normalization of political relations between Iran and the West especially the United States.
A filosofia de Apel consiste numa tentativa de "transformação" pragmática e transcendental da filosofia. Esta transformação baseia-se sobretudo no conceito de argumentação. O objectivo deste texto (concebido, em parte, como uma introdução ao pensamento de Apel) consiste em fazer uma apresentação geral das teses fundamentais de Apel e em mostrar que elas exibem uma determinada "forma de pensar" (Denkungsart, ma linguagem de Kant). Chamamos a esta forma de pensar "a forma de pensar no limite". Apel's philosophy is mainly an attempt of "transformation of philosophy" on a pragmatic and transcendental basis. This trasformation relies heavily on the notion of argumentation. It is the purpose of this text (which is partially conceived as an introduction to Apel's thought) to give an overview of Apel's main theses, and to show that they exhibit a particular "manner of thinking" (Denkungsart, in Kant´s terms). One refers this manner of thinking as "the manner of thinking of the limit".
The aim of this dissertation is to revive the 19th-century thinker Max Stirner’s thought through a critical reexamination of his mistaken legacy as a ‘political’ thinker. The reading of Stirner that I present is one of an ontological thinker, spurred on as much—if not more—by the contents of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit as it is the radical roots that Hegel unintentionally planted. In the first chapter, the role of language in Stirner’s thought is examined, and the problems to which his conception of language seem to give rise are addressed. The second chapter looks at Stirner’s purportedly ‘anarchistic’ politics and finds the ‘anarchist’ reading of Stirner misguided. Rather than being a ‘political’ anarchist, it is argued that we ought to understand Stirner as advocating a sort of ‘ontological’ anarchism in which the very existence of authority is questioned. In the third chapter, I look at the political ramifications of Stirner’s ontology as well as the critique of liberalism contained within it, and argue that the politics implicit in his philosophy shares more in common with the tradition of political realism than it does anarchism. The fourth chapter is dedicated to an examination of Stirner’s anti-humanism, which is concluded to be much different than the ‘anti-humanisms’ associated with other, more famous thinkers, such as Foucault and Heidegger. In the fifth and final chapter, I provide an answer to the question(s) of how, if, and to what extent Friedrich Nietzsche was influenced by Stirner. It is concluded that the complete lack of evidence that Nietzsche ever read Stirner is proof enough to dismiss accusations of plagiarism on Nietzsche’s part, thus emphasizing the originality and singularity of both thinkers.
The thesis is a historical and philological study of the mature political theory of Miki Kiyoshi (1897-1945) focused on Philosophical Foundations of Cooperative Communitarianism (1939), a full translation of which is included. As the name suggests, it was a methodological and normative communitarianism, which critically built on liberalism, Marxism and Confucianism to realise a regional political community. Some of Miki’s Western readers have wrongly considered him a fascist ideologue, while he has been considered a humanist Marxist in Japan. A closer reading cannot support either view. The thesis argues that the Anglophone study of Japanese philosophy is a degenerating research programme ripe for revolution in the sense of returning full circle to an original point. That means returning to the texts, reading them contextually and philologically, in principle as early modern European political theory is read by intellectual historians, such as the representatives of Cambridge School history of political thought. The resulting reading builds critically on the Japanese scholarship and relates it to contemporary Western and postcolonial political theory and the East Asian tradition, particularly neo-Confucianism. The thesis argues for a Cambridge School perspective radicalised by the critical addendum of geo-cultural context, supplemented by Geertzian intercultural hermeneutics and a Saidian ‘return to philology’. As against those who have seen radical reorientations in Miki’s political thought, the thesis finds gradual progression and continuity between his neo-Kantian, existentialist, Marxian anthropology, Hegelian and finally communitarian phases. The theoretical underpinnings are his philosophical anthropology, a structurationist social theory of praxis, and a critique of liberalism, Marxism, nationalism and idealism emphasising concrete as opposed to abstract theory and the need to build on existing cultural traditions to modernise rather than westernise East Asia. This post-Western fusion was imagined to be the beginning of a true and pluralistic universalism.
This dissertation centres on philosophical attitudes presented by North Indian classical musicians in relation to the concept and experience of rāga improvisation. In Hindustāni music, there is a dynamic tension ideology and pragmatism, devotion and entertainment, fixity and improvisational freedom, and cognition and visceral experience. On one hand, rāga is an embodied methodological template for the creation of music. On the other hand, rāga improvisation is conceptualised as a path to metaphysical experience and as an evocation of an ineffable divine presence. A masterful rendition of rāga is both a re-enactment of a systematic prescribed formula and a spontaneous flow of consciousness. This study presents these apparent dichotomies to highlight ideological concerns, while simultaneously contextualising philosophical idealism in relation to pragmatic realities. A central paradigm is the manner in which pragmatic concerns are elevated in status and given spiritual significance. The dissertation begins with a view into historical and religious context. The discussion continues with a speculative investigation positing co-relations between Hindustāni music and central tenets of Indian philosophy, considering how rāga improvisation may manifest as a philosophy of sound. The study then explores the concept of rāga, a modal and conceptual construct that forms the heart of Indian classical music. The final three sections ground the subject of spiritual ideology within the life experience of Hindustāni musicians: ‘Transmission’ looks at the learning and enculturation process, which encapsulates values intrinsic to the ethos of Hindustāni music culture. ‘Practice’ explores the discipline, science and experience of musical practice, revealing core ideological concerns connecting spirituality to musical experience; and ‘Performance’ examines the live presentation of rāga improvisation, and the relationship between music as ‘entertainment’ and music as ‘devotion’. Both ethnographic and musicological, this research is the culmination of various fieldtrips to India, extensive interviews with Hindustāni musicians, fifteen year’s sitār training, and the study of relevant musicological and philosophical texts.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, a series of remarkable advances in musical composition emerged in the works of such innovative spirits as Franz Liszt, Hector Berlioz and Richard Wagner. Their pioneering works exerted an extraordinary impact on the music of the subsequent generation of composers--of disparate nationalities-who were active at the dawn of the 20th century: Including most notably Claude-Achille Debussy, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, and Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin. These important musical figures, each one leaving an indelible and formative imprint on late-nineteenth century Romantic style, together launched the modern era in music. Scriabin stands alone as a transcendental visionary: His music, initiated in the fashion of Chopin and Liszt, wanders through the realms of Debussy and Wagner, and, ultimately abandoning late Romantic tradition, unlocks the heretofore unforeseen power of atonality, bitonality, polyrhythms and key-signature free compositions. Arguably, Scriabin's compositions count among the most innovative, idiosyncratic and bewitching of all time. The development of Scriabin's groundbreaking compositional style is best understood by means of his piano works, which comprise the majority of his oeuvre. Beyond the larger works-his twelve sonatas, a concerto and a fantasy-Scriabin's piano explorations are also represented by miniature gems: The mazurkas, impromptus, waltzes, poems, a polonaise, etudes, nocturnes, morceaux and, in particular, the preludes. Scriabin's 90 preludes for piano, arranged in several opus numbers, richly exemplify the striking evolution of his ingenious music, his idiosyncratic philosophy and his provocative personality.
The paper will argue that although Bryan S.Turner's recent defence of classical sociology was seen as apostacy by some, it points to real problems in the idealism and a-historicism of contemporary cultural studies. The paper will examine the importance of the classical sociological problematic in getting the field of Romani Studies started, and the continuing relevance of a sociological approach rooted in history and political economy. [From the Author]
Sustainable development is now widely held as a transcendental ideal of town and country planning, yet the way in which it is taught in planning schools remains problematic. This arises from a range of factors, including the all-persuasive nature of sustainability and the lack of solid examples of success through implementation. The issue of how best to promote learning for sustainable development in planning has arguably intensified in the last two years in the case of the Royal Town Planning Institute- sponsored ‘fast track’ one-year Masters, which has reduced the opportunities for students to engage in wider (and perhaps even deeper) concepts, including that of sustainable development. This paper explores this through discussion of a specific project developed at Queen’s University Belfast, facilitated by a grant from the UK Higher Education Academy. Working with a local community, this entailed a group of students working on their Masters thesis collectively addressing issues of sustainable regeneration in a small Irish market town. The design of the project draws heavily on the concepts of enquiry based learning, experiential learning and action competence, whichare seen as being central to improving education for sustainable development (ESD). The paper explores the benefits of such an approach and discusses the ways in which this experience can help enhance student’s experience of ESD.