969 resultados para Technology software


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The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and development of a digital library at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), India, using DSpace open source software. The study covers the structure, contents and usage of CUSAT digital library. Design/methodology/approach – This paper examines the possibilities of applying open source in libraries. An evaluative approach is carried out to explore the features of the CUSAT digital library. The Google Analytics service is employed to measure the amount of use of digital library by users across the world. Findings – CUSAT has successfully applied DSpace open source software for building a digital library. The digital library has had visits from 78 countries, with the major share from India. The distribution of documents in the digital library is uneven. Past exam question papers share the major part of the collection. The number of research papers, articles and rare documents is less. Originality/value – The study is the first of its type that tries to understand digital library design and development using DSpace open source software in a university environment with a focus on the analysis of distribution of items and measuring the value by usage statistics employing the Google Analytics service. The digital library model can be useful for designing similar systems


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Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) concept is very important in the academic community. The open philosophy of FOSS is consistent with academic freedom and the open dissemination of knowledge and information in academia. FOSS can lower the barriers to access of ICTs by reducing the cost of the software. This article discusses the success story of CUSAT's adoption of Free/Open Source Software


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In this paper, we have evolved a generic software architecture for a domain specific distributed embedded system. The system under consideration belongs to the Command, Control and Communication systems domain. The systems in such domain have very long operational lifetime. The quality attributes of these systems are equally important as the functional requirements. The main guiding principle followed in this paper for evolving the software architecture has been functional independence of the modules. The quality attributes considered most important for the system are maintainability and modifiability. Architectural styles best suited for the functionally independent modules are proposed with focus on these quality attributes. The software architecture for the system is envisioned as a collection of architecture styles of the functionally independent modules identified


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Since last few years open source integrated library systems gaining attention of library and information science professionals. This paper tries to identify the extent of adoption of Koha, an open source ILS in libraries around the world through a Web based study. The study found that Koha adoption in libraries is still at infancy


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The Central Library of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has been automated by proprietary software (Adlib Library) since 2000. After 11 years, in 2011, the university authorities decided to shift to an open source software (OSS), for integrated library management system (ILMS), Koha for automating the library housekeeping operations. In this context, this study attempts to share the experiences in cataloging with both type of software. The features of the cataloging modules of both the software are analysed on the badis of certain check points. It is found that the cataloging module of Koha is almost in par with that of proven proprietary software that has been in market for the past 25 years. Some suggestions made by this study may be incorporated for the further development and perfection of Koha.


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Software systems are progressively being deployed in many facets of human life. The implication of the failure of such systems, has an assorted impact on its customers. The fundamental aspect that supports a software system, is focus on quality. Reliability describes the ability of the system to function under specified environment for a specified period of time and is used to objectively measure the quality. Evaluation of reliability of a computing system involves computation of hardware and software reliability. Most of the earlier works were given focus on software reliability with no consideration for hardware parts or vice versa. However, a complete estimation of reliability of a computing system requires these two elements to be considered together, and thus demands a combined approach. The present work focuses on this and presents a model for evaluating the reliability of a computing system. The method involves identifying the failure data for hardware components, software components and building a model based on it, to predict the reliability. To develop such a model, focus is given to the systems based on Open Source Software, since there is an increasing trend towards its use and only a few studies were reported on the modeling and measurement of the reliability of such products. The present work includes a thorough study on the role of Free and Open Source Software, evaluation of reliability growth models, and is trying to present an integrated model for the prediction of reliability of a computational system. The developed model has been compared with existing models and its usefulness of is being discussed.


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The assessment of maturity of software is an important area in the general software sector. The field of OSS also applies various models to measure software maturity. However, measuring maturity of OSS being used for several applications in libraries is an area left with no research so far. This study has attempted to fill the research gap. Measuring maturity of software contributes knowledge on its sustainability over the long term. Maturity of software is one of the factors that positively influence adoption. The investigator measured the maturity of DSpace software using Woods and Guliani‟s Open Source Maturity Model-2005. The present study is significant as it addresses the aspects of maturity of OSS for libraries and fills the research gap on the area. In this sense the study opens new avenues to the field of library and information science by providing an additional tool for librarians in the selection and adoption of OSS. Measuring maturity brings in-depth knowledge on an OSS which will contribute towards the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as explained in the Technology Acceptance Model theory.


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Lecture 5: Web 2.0 and Social Hypertext Contains Powerpoint Lecture slides and Hypertext Research Papers: What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software . Tim O'Reilly (2005); Web 2.0: Hypertext by Any Other Name? (Millard & Ross, 2006)


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This class focuses on a selected subset of web technologies that are of interest to the topics of this course. Readings: Chapter 5 "Representational State Transfer (REST)", in "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architecture", Roy Fielding, Dissertation, University of California Irvine, 2000 Optional: Chapter "Representational State Transfer (REST)" in "Pro PHP XML and Web Services", R. Richards 633--672, 2006


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El presente trabajo de investigación se basa en la descripción y análisis de las diferentes rutas existentes para la internacionalización de empresas. Así mismo, se conocerá a mayor profundidad el concepto de internacionalización, sus ventajas e implicaciones y diferentes modelos que aplican a este concepto. De igual forma, este estudio muestra las diferencias estratégicas que pueden existir entre los sectores, teniendo en cuenta que Formesan S.A.S. pertenece al sector de la construcción y SQL Software S.A., al sector del software y tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones. A partir de la comparación y análisis del proceso de internacionalización de estas empresas, se puede evidenciar que no existe una ruta específica por la cual toman la decisión de internacionalizarse, sino que en muchos casos, éstas deciden realizarlo desde la búsqueda de oportunidades y la motivación que tengan los empresarios para que esto suceda. Si bien, la internacionalización no es un proceso que está ligado a un modelo teórico sino más bien está asociado a una experiencia dada por las condiciones y decisiones que el empresario decide tomar al querer hacer de su empresa una compañía global.


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El presente trabajo pretende encontrar y explicar las ventajas o desventajas que traen para la internacionalización la creación de Clústers en Colombia; en particular el del sector de tecnologías de la información, telecomunicaciones y desarrollo de software, el cual presenta características diferenciadoras en la elaboración de los productos y servicios, debido a que al ser en su mayoría intangibles requieren de diferentes fuentes de recursos y altos niveles innovación; así como de diferentes agentes coadyuvantes dentro de la industria. Se describen aquellos factores logísticos, legales y estratégicos a tener en cuenta en la conformación de Clústers así como algunas experiencias internacionales del sector que ayudarán a construir las bases y buenas prácticas tanto para agentes públicos como privados en la conformación de Clústers.


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identificar los factores que influyen en el desarrollo exitoso de empresas que produzcan software en Colombia y qué dirección se les debe dar a estos, con el fin de orientar las actividades empresariales y gubernamentales hacia la generación de una estructura que facilite la creación y desarrollo de empresas de base tecnológica del sector.


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El recurso trata sobre el lenguaje y la enseñanza del inglés como segundo idioma utilizando el ordenador y la tecnología de Internet. Tiene dos objetivos principales: introducir una amplia gama de posibilidades de enseñanza tanto para profesores con y sin experiencia profesional, como para estudiantes de magisterio; proporcionar ideas para las actividades de clase. El recurso tiene doce capítulos, además de cuatro anexos, que describen en primer lugar los fundamentos teóricos de cada tema, seguido de una descripción de los dispositivos técnicos, software o hardware, utilizados en el capítulo y algunas sugerencias para actividades de clase.


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El programa BTEC es un programa de estudios que permite obtener una cualificación profesional o laboral. Este recurso está preparado para ayudar al alumno en el curso BTEC First, nivel 2, sector profesional tecnología de la información y se divide en diez unidades: la comunicación en la industria de las TI;trabajar en la industria de las TI; sistemas informáticos; personalización del software; creación de una red informática; sistemas de base de datos; desarrollo de sitios web; gráficos por ordenador y desarrollo de los juegos de ordenador. Incluye actividades de evaluación en cada unidad que cubren todos los criterios de ésta para ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de practicar sus tareas y profundizar en el conocimiento y la comprensión de la materia.


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Libro de texto para alumnos de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación de enseñanza primaria y primer ciclo de enseñanza secundaria, orientado a la consecución del certificado de ISEB (Information Systems Examinations Board). Está estructurado en seis módulos: presentación de la información (procesadores de texto y software de presentación de contenidos), tratamiento de datos, gráficos, programación y sistemas de control, uso de ordenadores, Internet y correo electrónico (búsqueda de información, diseño de páginas web y e-mail). Incluye un cd-rom con material de apoyo para el desarrollo de los contenidos del libro.