974 resultados para Tear film stability


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CIGS-Dünnschichtsolarzellen verbinden hohe Effizienz mit niedrigen Kosten und sind damit eine aussichtsreiche Photovoltaik-Technologie. Das Verständnis des Absorbermaterials CIGS ist allerdings noch lückenhaft und benötigt weitere Forschung. In dieser Dissertation werden Computersimulationen vorgestellt, die erheblich zum besseren Verständnis von CIGS beitragen. Es wurden die beiden Systeme Cu(In,Ga)Se2 und (Cu,In,Vac)Se betrachtet. Die Gesamtenergie der Systeme wurde in Clusterentwicklungen ausgedrückt, die auf der Basis von ab initio Dichtefunktionalrechnungen erstellt wurden. Damit war es möglich Monte Carlo (MC)-Simulationen durchzuführen. Kanonische MC-Simulationen von Cu(In,Ga)Se2 zeigen das temperaturabhängige Verhalten der In-Ga-Verteilung. In der Nähe der Raumtemperatur findet ein Übergang von einer geordneten zu einer ungeordneten Phase statt. Unterhalb separiert das System in CuInSe2 und CuGaSe2. Oberhalb existiert eine gemischte Phase mit inhomogen verteilten In- und Ga-Clustern. Mit steigender Temperatur verkleinern sich die Cluster und die Homogenität nimmt zu. Bei allen Temperaturen, bis hin zur Produktionstemperatur der Solarzellen (¼ 870 K), ist In-reiches CIGS homogener als Ga-reiches CIGS. Das (Cu,In,Vac)Se-System wurde mit kanonischen und großkanonischen MC-Simulationen untersucht. Hier findet sich für das CuIn5Se8-Teilsystem ein Übergang von einer geordneten zu einer ungeordneten Phase bei T0 = 279 K. Großkanonische Simulationen mit vorgegebenen Werten für die chemischen Potentiale von Cu und In wurden verwendet, um die Konzentrations- Landschaft und damit die sich ergebenden Stöchiometrien zu bestimmen. Stabilitätsbereiche wurden für stöchiometrisches CuInSe2 und für die Defektphasen CuIn5Se8 und CuIn3Se5 bei einer Temperatur von 174 K identifiziert. Die Bereiche für die Defektphasen sind bei T = 696 K verschwunden. Die Konzentrations-Landschaft reproduziert auch die leicht Cu-armen Stöchiometrien, die bei Solarzellen mit guten Effizienzen experimentell beobachtet werden. Die Simulationsergebnisse können verwendet werden, um den industriellen CIGS-Produktionspr


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Non-fouling surfaces that resist non-specific adsorption of proteins, bacteria, and higher organisms are of particular interest in diverse applications ranging from marine coatings to diagnostic devices and biomedical implants. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is the most frequently used polymer to impart surfaces with such non-fouling properties. Nevertheless, limitations in PEG stability have stimulated research on alternative polymers that are potentially more stable than PEG. Among them, we previously investigated poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PMOXA), a peptidomimetic polymer, and found that PMOXA shows excellent anti-fouling properties. Here, we compare the stability of films self-assembled from graft copolymers exposing a dense brush layer of PEG and PMOXA side chains, respectively, in physiological and oxidative media. Before media exposure both film types prevented the adsorption of full serum proteins to below the detection limit of optical waveguide in situ measurements. Before and after media exposure for up to 2 weeks, the total film thickness, chemical composition, and total adsorbed mass of the films were quantified using variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), respectively. We found (i) that PMOXA graft copolymer films were significantly more stable than PEG graft copolymer films and kept their protein-repellent properties under all investigated conditions and (ii) that film degradation was due to side chain degradation rather than due to copolymer desorption.


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BACKGROUND The critical shoulder angle combines the acromion index and glenoid inclination and has potential to discriminate between shoulders at risk for rotator cuff tear or osteoarthritis and those that are asymptomatic. However, its biomechanics, and particularly the role of the glenoid inclination, are not yet fully understood. METHODS A shoulder simulator was used to analyze the independent influence of glenoid inclination during abduction from 0 to 60°. Spindle motors transferred tension forces by a cable-pulley on human cadaveric humeri. A six-degree-of-freedom force transducer was mounted directly behind the polyethylene glenoid to measure shear and compressive joint reaction force and calculate the instability ratio (ratio of shear and compressive joint reaction force) with the different force ratios of the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles (2:1 and 1:1). A stepwise change in the inclination by 5° increments allowed simulation of a critical shoulder angle range of 20° to 45°. FINDINGS Tilting the glenoid to cranial (increasing the critical shoulder angle) increases the shear joint reaction force and therefore the instability ratio. A balanced force ratio (1:1) between the deltoid and the supraspinatus allowed larger critical shoulder angles before cranial subluxation occurred than did the deltoid-dominant ratio (2:1). INTERPRETATION Glenoid inclination-dependent changes of the critical shoulder angle have a significant impact on superior glenohumeral joint stability. The increased compensatory activity of the rotator cuff to keep the humeral head centered may lead to mechanical overload and could explain the clinically observed association between large angles and degenerative rotator cuff tears.


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A scaling law is presented that provides a complete solution to the equations bounding the stability and rupture of thin films. The scaling law depends on the fundamental physicochemical properties of the film and interface to calculate bounds for the critical thickness and other key film thicknesses, the relevant waveforms associated with instability and rupture, and film lifetimes. Critical thicknesses calculated from the scaling law are shown to bound the values reported in the literature for numerous emulsion and foam films. The majority of critical thickness values are between 15 to 40% lower than the upper bound critical thickness provided by the scaling law.


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The structures of multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films of barium arachidate before and after heat treatment have been investigated using both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and grazing incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction (GIXD). AFM gave information on surface morphology at molecular resolution while GIXD provided quantitative details of the lattice structures of the films with their crystal symmetries and lattice constants. As-prepared films contained three coexisting structures: two triclinic structures with the molecularchains tilted by about 20degrees from the film normal and with 3 x 1 or 2 x 2 super-lattice features arising from height modulation of the molecules in the films; a rectangular structure with molecules perpendicular to the film surface. Of these, the 3 x 1 structure is dominant with a loose correlation between the bilayers. In the film plane both superstructures are commensurate with the local structures, having different oblique symmetries. The lattice constants for the 3 x 1 structure are a(s) = 3a = 13.86 Angstrom, b(s) = b = 4.31 Angstrom and gamma(s) = gamma = 82.7degrees; for the 2 x 2 structure a(s) = 2a = 16.54 Angstrom, b(s) = 2b = 9.67 Angstrom, gamma(s) = gamma = 88degrees. For the rectangular structure the lattice constants are a = 7.39 Angstrom, b = 4.96 Angstrom and gamma = 90degrees. After annealing, the 2 x 2 and rectangular structures were not observed, while the 3 x 1 structure had developed over the entire film. For the annealed films the correlation length in the film plane is about twice that in the unheated films, and in the out-of-plane direction covers two bilayers. The above lattice parameters, determined by GIXD, differed significantly from the values obtained by AFM, due possibly to distortion of the films by the scanning action of the AFM tip. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A review of thin film drainage models is presented in which the predictions of thinning velocities and drainage times are compared to reported values on foam and emulsion films found in the literature. Free standing films with tangentially immobile interfaces and suppressed electrostatic repulsion are considered, such as those studied in capillary cells. The experimental thinning velocities and drainage times of foams and emulsions are shown to be bounded by predictions from the Reynolds and the theoretical MTsR equations. The semi-empirical MTsR and the surface wave equations were the most consistently accurate with all of the films considered. These results are used in an accompanying paper to develop scaling laws that bound the critical film thickness of foam and emulsion films. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Designer peptides have recently been developed as building blocks for novel self-assembled materials with stimuli-responsive properties. To date, such materials have been based on self-assembly in bulk aqueous solution or at solid-fluid interfaces. We have designed a 21-residue peptide, AM1, as a stimuli-responsive surfactant that switches molecular architectures at a fluid-fluid interface in response to changes in bulk aqueous solution composition. In the presence of divalent zinc at neutral pH, the peptide forms a mechanically strong 'film state'. In the absence of metal ions or at acid pH, the peptide adsorbs to form a mobile 'detergent state'. The two interfacial states can be actively and reversibly switched. Switching between the two states by a change in pH or the addition of a chelating agent leads to rapid emulsion coalescence or foam collapse. This work introduces a new class of surfactants that offer an environmentally friendly approach to control the stability of interfaces in foams, emulsions and fluid-fluid interfaces more generally.


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The increasing demand for high capacity data storage requires decreasing the head-to-tape gap and reducing the track width. A problem very often encountered is the development of adhesive debris on the heads at low humidity and high temperatures that can lead to an increase of space between the head and media, and thus a decrease in the playback signal. The influence of stains on the playback signal of reading heads is studied using RAW (Read After Write) tests and their influence on the wear of the heads by using indentation technique. The playback signal has been found to vary and the errors to increase as stains form a patchy pattern and grow in size to form a continuous layer. The indentation technique shows that stains reduce the wear rate of the heads. In addition, the wear tends to be more pronounced at the leading edge of the head compared to the trailing one. Chemical analysis of the stains using ferrite samples in conjunction with MP (metal particulate) tapes shows that stains contain iron particles and polymeric binder transferred from the MP tape. The chemical anchors in the binder used to grip the iron particles now react with the ferrite surface to create strong chemical bonds. At high humidity, a thin layer of iron oxyhydroxide forms on the surface of the ferrite. This soft material increases the wear rate and so reduces the amount of stain present on the heads. The stability of the binder under high humidity and under high temperature as well as the chemical reactions that might occur on the ferrite poles of the heads influences the dynamic behaviour of stains. A model of stain formation taking into account the channels of binder degradation and evolution upon different environmental conditions is proposed.


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Some of the problems arising from the inherent instability of emulsions are discussed. Aspects of emulsion stability are described and particular attention is given to the influence of the chemical nature of the dispersed phase on adsorbed film structure and stability, Emulsion stability has been measured by a photomicrographic technique. Electrophoresis, interfacial tension and droplet rest-time data were also obtained. Emulsions were prepared using a range of oils, including aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, dispersed In a solution of sodium dodecyl sulphate. In some cases a small amount of alkane or alkanol was incorporated into the oil phase. In general the findings agree with the classical view that the stability of oil-in-water emulsions is favoured by a closely packed interfacial film and appreciable electric charge on the droplets. The inclusion of non-ionic alcohol leads to enhanced stability, presumably owing to the formation of a "mixed" interfacial film which is more closely packed and probably more coherent than that of the anionic surfactant alone. In some instances differences in stability cannot he accounted for simply by differences in interfacial adsorption or droplet charge. Alternative explanations are discussed and it is postulated that the coarsening of emulsions may occur not only hy coalescence but also through the migration of oil from small droplets to larger ones by molecular diffusion. The viability of using the coalescence rates of droplets at a plane interface as a guide to emulsion stability has been researched. The construction of a suitable apparatus and the development of a standard testing procedure are described. Coalescence-time distributions may be correlated by equations similar to those presented by other workers, or by an analysis based upon the log-normal function. Stability parameters for a range of oils are discussed in terms of differences in film drainage and the natl1re of the interfacial film. Despite some broad correlations there is generally poor agreement between droplet and emulsion stabilities. It is concluded that hydrodynamic factors largely determine droplet stability in the systems studied. Consequently droplet rest-time measurements do not provide a sensible indication of emulsion stability,


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The decomposition of drugs in the solid state has been studied using aspirin and salsalate as models. The feasibility of using suspension systems for predicting the stability of these drugs in the solid state has been investigated.. It has been found that such systems are inappropriate in defining the effect of excipients on 'the decomposition of the active drug due to chqnges in the degradation pathway. Using a high performance liquid chromatographic method, magnesium stearate was shown to induce the formation of potentlally immunogenic products in aspirin powders. These products which included salicylsalicylic acid .and acetylsalicyclsalicylic acid were not detected in aspirin suspensions which had undergone the same extent of decomposition. By studying the effect of pH and of added excipients on the rate of decomposition of aspirin in suspension systems, it has been shown that excipients such as magnesium stearate containing magnesium oxide, most probably enhance the decomposition of both aspirin and salsalate by alkalinising the aqueous phase. In the solid state, pH effects produced by excipients appear to be relatively unimportant. Evidence is presented to suggest that the critical parameter is a depression in melting point induced by: the added excipient. Microscopical examination in fact showed the formation of clear liquid layers in aspirin samples containing added magnesium stearate but not in control samples. Kinetic equations which take into account both the diffusive barrier presented by the liquid films and the. geometry of the aspirin crystals were developed. Fitting of the .experimental data to these equations showed good agreement. with the postulated theory. Monitorjng of weight issues during the decomposition of aspirin revealed that in the solid systems studied where the bulk of the decomposition product sublimes, it is possible to estimate the extent of degradation from the residual weight, provided the initial weight is known. The corollary is that in such open systems, monitoring of decomposition products is inadequate for assessing the extent of decomposition. In addition to the magnesium stearate-aspirin system, mapyramine maleate-aspirin mixtures were used to model interactive systems. Work carried out in an attempt to stabilise such systems included microencapsulation and film coating. The protection obtained was dependent on the interactive species used. Gelatin for example appeared to stabilise aspirin against the adverse effects of magnesium stearate but increased its decomposition in the presence of mapyramine maleate.


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Hypercoiling polymers can be suited for application to living systems because they are similar in structure to the protein-based lipid assemblies found at fluid interfaces within the body. This leads to a range of exciting possibilities, not only in membrane transport applications but also in biosensors, drug delivery and mechanistic studies of biological membrane function. This study is focused in the study of the stability and suitability of nanostructures made of a hypercoiling polymer for drug delivery applications. The polymer poly (styrene-maleic acid) (PSMA) was combined with the phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) to form amphiphilic nanostructures. The stability and suitability of these polymer-phospholipid nanocarriers for hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules load and release was analyzed by several techniques. It was found that several of the studied molecules had a substantial effect on the surface charge and stability of the nanocarrier. It was also demonstrated that two types of nanocarriers, chemically modified and unmodified, were able to control the release of the molecules, especially in the case of hydrophobic compounds. In addition, as the hydrophobicity increased the release slowed down. These clear nanocarriers have the potential to behave very favorably at interfaces such as the tear lipid film were transparency is a requirement, giving a new way of controlled drug release in the eye.


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Structural vibration control is of great importance. Current active and passive vibration control strategies usually employ individual elements to fulfill this task, such as viscoelastic patches for providing damping, transducers for picking up signals and actuators for inputting actuating forces. The goal of this dissertation work is to design, manufacture, investigate and apply a new type of multifunctional composite material for structural vibration control. This new composite, which is based on multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) film, is potentially to function as free layer damping treatment and strain sensor simultaneously. That is, the new material integrates the transducer and the damping patch into one element. The multifunctional composite was prepared by sandwiching the MWCNT film between two adhesive layers. Static sensing test indicated that the MWCNT film sensor resistance changes almost linearly with the applied load. Sensor sensitivity factors were comparable to those of the foil strain gauges. Dynamic test indicated that the MWCNT film sensor can outperform the foil strain gage in high frequency ranges. Temperature test indicated the MWCNT sensor had good temperature stability over the range of 237 K-363 K. The Young’s modulus and shear modulus of the MWCNT film composite were acquired by nanoindentation test and direct shear test, respectively. A free vibration damping test indicated that the MWCNT composite sensor can also provide good damping without adding excessive weight to the base structure. A new model for sandwich structural vibration control was then proposed. In this new configuration, a cantilever beam covered with MWCNT composite on top and one layer of shape memory alloy (SMA) on the bottom was used to illustrate this concept. The MWCNT composite simultaneously serves as free layer damping and strain sensor, and the SMA acts as actuator. Simple on-off controller was designed for controlling the temperature of the SMA so as to control the SMA recovery stress as input and the system stiffness. Both free and forced vibrations were analyzed. Simulation work showed that this new configuration for sandwich structural vibration control was successful especially for low frequency system.


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Chitosan gel films were successfully obtained by evaporation cast from chitosan solutions in aqueous acidic solutions of organic acids (lactic and acetic acid) as gel film bandages, with a range of additives that directly influence film morphology and porosity. We show that the structure and composition of a wide range of 128 thin gel films, is correlated to the antimicrobial properties, their biocompatibility and resistance to biodegradation. Infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to correlate film molecular structure and composition to good antimicrobial properties against 10 of the most prevalent Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Chitosan gel films reduce the number of colonies after 24 h of incubation by factors of ∼105–107 CFU/mL, compared with controls. For each of these films, the structure and preparation condition has a direct relationship to antimicrobial activity and effectiveness. These gel film bandages also show excellent stability against biodegradation with lysozyme under physiological conditions (5% weight loss over a period of 1 month, 2% in the first week), allowing use during the entire healing process. These chitosan thin films and subsequent derivatives hold potential as low-cost, dissolvable bandages, or second skin, with antimicrobial properties that prohibit the most relevant intrahospital bacteria that infest burn injuries.


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An investigation into the stability of metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) transistors based on alpha-sexithiophene is reported. In particular the kinetics of the threshold voltage shift upon application of a gate bias has been determined. The kinetics follow a stretched-hyperbola type behavior, in agreement with the formalism developed to explain metastability in amorphous-silicon thin film transistors. Using this model, quantification of device stability is possible. Temperature-dependent measurements show that there are two processes involved in the threshold voltage shift, one occurring at T approximate to 220 K and the other at T approximate to 300 K. The latter process is found to be sample dependent. This suggests a relation between device stability and alpha-sexithiophene deposition parameters. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley A Sons, Ltd.


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An investigation into the stability of metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) transistors based on alpha-sexithiophene is reported. In particular, the kinetics of the threshold voltage shift upon application of a gate bias has been determined. The kinetics follow stretched-hyperbola-type behavior, in agreement with the formalism developed to explain metastability in amorphous-silicon thin-film transistors. Using this model, quantification of device stability is possible. Temperature-dependent measurements show that there are two processes involved in the threshold voltage shift, one occurring at Tapproximate to220 K and the other at Tapproximate to300 K. The latter process is found to be sample dependent. This suggests a relation between device stability and processing parameters. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.