958 resultados para Teachers – Continuous Formation


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This text is mainly aimed to address essential aspects of teacher formation in the light of education-work relations in the higher education, from our systematic experience in higher education teaching, particularly teaching and research in the field of Didactics discipline. This formulation is justified considering our concern in seeking to situate this discussion in the context of bringing together knowledge areas and the field of teaching knowledge. Still, our choice to develop such an approach in the light of work-education relationship is due to the belief about the possibilities of seeking to overcome the requirements imposed by capitalism to our educational system, within the possible contradictions of these relationships. In this context the teachersformation in higher education gains social and strategic importance, taking on the task of forming individuals of “action-reflection-action” in a society established historically based on the social relations which settle in the light of capital’s multiple determinations. It appears that, in this sense, the major confrontations have been given within the discussions about what to prioritize or combine in the list of criteria and content for teacher’s formation. In Didactic, we seek to emphasize discussions that we consider with a philosophical background, referring to the orientation of teaching practice in knowledge of contemporary ideological struggle; socio-historical, referring to the possibility of formation of disciplines, among them Didactic, and curriculums and references to support its guidance in the process of teacher’s formation. This context of discussion is based on the concrete teaching practice with a view to transformation and to search for new syntheses in terms of knowledge and in terms of historical reality. Then therefore, our methodological approach grounded in the dimensions of the same unit: historical materialism as posture, method and as praxis.


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Résumé : Le vieillissement démographique est statistiquement indiscutable au Québec. Ce singulier trompeur masque les différentes manières de vieillir. Pour ceux qui ne parviennent pas à vieillir en santé, les solidarités familiales, comme les solidarités institutionnelles, c’est à dire publiques viennent en principe compenser ce qu’il est convenu de désigner de perte d’autonomie. Les politiques de santé publique au Québec organisent les services de soutien à domicile sous condition d’avoir estimé la situation de la personne avec l’outil d’évaluation multiclientèle (OEMC). Il est en usage dans l’ensemble du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux, et utilisé par les professionnels dont les travailleuses et les travailleurs sociaux (TS). Or, la gérontologie est peu soutenue dans la formation initiale des TS. Nous nous sommes interrogée sur les savoirs mobilisés par les TS quand ils évaluent. S’agissant des savoirs inscrits dans la pratique, nous avons orienté la recherche dans les théories de l’activité, la didactique professionnelle et le cadre conceptuel de la médiation. Nous avons étudié l’activité de professionnels en travail social expérimentés afin d’identifier certains des savoirs mobilisés pour les rendre disponibles à la formation des étudiant (e)s en travail social au Québec. Cent-cinquante heures d’observations et vingt-deux entretiens individuels et collectifs ont été réalisés avec des intervenants volontaires du service de soutien à domicile. Les résultats préliminaires de la recherche ont été présentés lors de groupes de discussion avec les TS ayant participé à la recherche, puis avec des enseignants en travail social. Nos résultats permettent de décrire les procédures de l’évaluation dans l’organisation du service d’aide à domicile et d’en différencier le processus de l’activité par laquelle le TS évalue l’autonomie fonctionnelle de la personne. Nous constatons que les savoirs mobilisés par les TS reposent premièrement sur une connaissance fine du territoire, de l’outil d’évaluation et des institutions. Un deuxième registre de savoir concerne la conceptualisation de l’autonomie fonctionnelle par l’outil OEMC comme objet et domaine d’intervention des TS. Enfin, un troisième registre se réfère aux savoirs mobilisés pour entrer en relation avec les personnes âgées, avec leur entourage. Or, ces trois registres de savoir n’apparaissent pas dans le discours des TS et résultent de notre propre analyse sur leur pratique. L’évaluation de l’autonomie fonctionnelle analysée par le concept de médiation est révélatrice du rapport aux savoirs du TS. S’agissant de savoirs de la pratique, nous constatons que leur classification entre les catégories usuelles de savoirs théoriques ou pratiques était inopérante. Nous empruntons le vocabulaire de la didactique professionnelle : celui des invariants opératoires reliés à l’autonomie fonctionnelle et celui des schèmes d’activité reliés à l’activité d’évaluation. C’est ainsi que nous avons identifié deux moments dans l’évaluation. Le premier assemble la collecte des informations et l’analyse des données. L’autonomie fonctionnelle se décline dans des conditions d’existence de la personne sur l’axe allant de la mobilité à la cognition avec comme balises d’intervention la sécurité et l’intégrité de la personne. Dans ce processus itératif, le TS identifie avec la personne ce qui nuit à son quotidien. L’évaluation formule comment résoudre cette incidence, comment la perte d’autonomie pourrait être compensée. La collecte d’information et le raisonnement du TS est alors un mouvement itératif, les deux éléments du processus sont liés et en continu. Le second moment de l’évaluation apparait si, dans le processus itératif, le TS perçoit une dissonance. Il est essentiel d’en identifier la nature pour la prendre en compte et maintenir la finalité de l’activité qui consiste à évaluer l’autonomie fonctionnelle à des fins compensatrices. Le TS doit identifier l’objet de la dissonance pour pouvoir cerner avec la personne le besoin inhérent à la perte d’autonomie et envisager d’y remédier. La prise en compte de cette dissonance vient ralentir le déroulement de l’activité. Le raisonnement qui, jusque-là, était relié à la collecte d’informations s’en dissocie pour analyser ce qui vient faire obstacle à l’activité d’évaluation à partir de la situation. Les composantes qui génèrent la dissonance paraissent reliées à la quotidienneté, aux conditions de vie à domicile de la personne (cohérence/incohérence, refus de services, autonégligence, maltraitance, agressivité). La dissonance génère une activité plus complexe pour évaluer la situation. L’autonomie fonctionnelle se décline toujours sur l’axe mobilité/cognition avec comme balises d’intervention la sécurité et l’intégrité de la personne. Or, pour ce faire, les TS raisonnent selon trois schèmes. Dans les situations où, pour décider de la suite du dossier, il faut en référer à une norme (de service, de profession, etc.) le raisonnement est déontologique. Il est aussi des situations où le TS agit au regard de valeurs et de représentations qui relèvent de sa sphère personnelle. Nous désignons ce raisonnement d’instinctuel. Enfin, le TS peut naviguer entre ces deux orientations et choisir la voie du raisonnement clinique que nous qualifions d’éthique et se rapproche alors des pratiques prudentielles qui sont marquées par l’incertitude.


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There exists a general consensus in the science education literature around the goal of enhancing students. and teachers. views of nature of science (NOS). An emerging area of research in science education explores NOS and argumentation, and the aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a science content course incorporating explicit NOS and argumentation instruction on preservice primary teachers. views of NOS. A constructivist perspective guided the study, and the research strategy employed was case study research. Five preservice primary teachers were selected for intensive investigation in the study, which incorporated explicit NOS and argumentation instruction, and utilised scientific and socioscientific contexts for argumentation to provide opportunities for participants to apply their NOS understandings to their arguments. Four primary sources of data were used to provide evidence for the interpretations, recommendations, and implications that emerged from the study. These data sources included questionnaires and surveys, interviews, audio- and video-taped class sessions, and written artefacts. Data analysis involved the formation of various assertions that informed the major findings of the study, and a variety of validity and ethical protocols were considered during the analysis to ensure the findings and interpretations emerging from the data were valid. Results indicated that the science content course was effective in enabling four of the five participants. views of NOS to be changed. All of the participants expressed predominantly limited views of the majority of the examined NOS aspects at the commencement of the study. Many positive changes were evident at the end of the study with four of the five participants expressing partially informed and/or informed views of the majority of the examined NOS aspects. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the various course components designed to facilitate the development of participants‟ views of NOS in the study, led to the identification of three factors that mediated the development of participants‟ NOS views: (a) contextual factors (including context of argumentation, and mode of argumentation), (b) task-specific factors (including argumentation scaffolds, epistemological probes, and consideration of alternative data and explanations), and (c) personal factors (including perceived previous knowledge about NOS, appreciation of the importance and utility value of NOS, and durability and persistence of pre-existing beliefs). A consideration of the above factors informs recommendations for future studies that seek to incorporate explicit NOS and argumentation instruction as a context for learning about NOS.


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The impact of the Internet on our lives has been pervasive. People are increasingly turning to the social interaction available on the Internet to satisfy their needs, whether these are professional or personal. The Internet offers users fast access to social contacts such as online chat groups and discussion lists,helping us to make connections with others. Online communities are being increasingly used by teachers for professional support, guidance and inspiration. These are often organised around subject areas and offer teachers opportunities to develop both personally and professionally. Online communities may present as a source of continuous professional development for teachers as they are able to deliver authentic and personalised opportunities for learning. This paper will present the findings of a study that was conducted on three online communities for teachers. It will explore the nature of online community membership and offer some conclusions regarding their potential as a source of professional learning for teachers.


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The impact of the Internet on our lives has been pervasive. People are increasingly turning to the social interaction available on the Internet to satisfy their needs, whether these are professional or personal. The Internet offers users fast access to social contacts such as online chat groups and discussion lists helping us to make connections with others. Online communities are being increasingly used by teachers for professional support, guidance and inspiration. They present as a source of continuous professional development for teachers as they are able to deliver authentic and personalised opportunities for learning. This book will present the findings of a study that was conducted on three online communities for teachers. It will explore the nature of online community membership and offer some conclusions regarding their potential as a source of professional learning for teachers.


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The impact and content of English as a subject on the curriculum is once more the subject of lively debate. Questions of English sets out to map the development of English as a subject and how it has come to encompass the diversity of ideas that currently characterise it. Drawing on a combination of historical analysis and recent research findings Robin Peel, Annette Patterson and Jeanne Gerlach bring together and compare important new insights on curriculum development and teaching practice from England, Australia and the United States. They also discuss the development of teacher training, highlighting the variety of ways in which teachers build their own beliefs and knowledge about English.


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This paper investigates the complex interactions that occur as teachers meet online to justify and negotiate their assessment judgments of student work across relatively large and geographically dispersed populations. Drawing from sociocultural theories of learning and technology, the technology is positioned as playing a role in either supporting or hindering teachers reaching a common understanding of assessment standards. Meeting transcripts and interviews with the teachers have been qualitatively analysed in terms of the interactions that occurred and teachers’ perceptions of these interactions. While online meetings offer a partial solution to address the current demands of assessment in education, they also present new challenges as teachers meet, in an unfamiliar environment, to discuss student work.


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In this thesis an investigation into theoretical models for formation and interaction of nanoparticles is presented. The work presented includes a literature review of current models followed by a series of five chapters of original research. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy by publication and therefore each of the five chapters consist of a peer-reviewed journal article. The thesis is then concluded with a discussion of what has been achieved during the PhD candidature, the potential applications for this research and ways in which the research could be extended in the future. In this thesis we explore stochastic models pertaining to the interaction and evolution mechanisms of nanoparticles. In particular, we explore in depth the stochastic evaporation of molecules due to thermal activation and its ultimate effect on nanoparticles sizes and concentrations. Secondly, we analyse the thermal vibrations of nanoparticles suspended in a fluid and subject to standing oscillating drag forces (as would occur in a standing sound wave) and finally on lattice surfaces in the presence of high heat gradients. We have described in this thesis a number of new models for the description of multicompartment networks joined by a multiple, stochastically evaporating, links. The primary motivation for this work is in the description of thermal fragmentation in which multiple molecules holding parts of a carbonaceous nanoparticle may evaporate. Ultimately, these models predict the rate at which the network or aggregate fragments into smaller networks/aggregates and with what aggregate size distribution. The models are highly analytic and describe the fragmentation of a link holding multiple bonds using Markov processes that best describe different physical situations and these processes have been analysed using a number of mathematical methods. The fragmentation of the network/aggregate is then predicted using combinatorial arguments. Whilst there is some scepticism in the scientific community pertaining to the proposed mechanism of thermal fragmentation,we have presented compelling evidence in this thesis supporting the currently proposed mechanism and shown that our models can accurately match experimental results. This was achieved using a realistic simulation of the fragmentation of the fractal carbonaceous aggregate structure using our models. Furthermore, in this thesis a method of manipulation using acoustic standing waves is investigated. In our investigation we analysed the effect of frequency and particle size on the ability for the particle to be manipulated by means of a standing acoustic wave. In our results, we report the existence of a critical frequency for a particular particle size. This frequency is inversely proportional to the Stokes time of the particle in the fluid. We also find that for large frequencies the subtle Brownian motion of even larger particles plays a significant role in the efficacy of the manipulation. This is due to the decreasing size of the boundary layer between acoustic nodes. Our model utilises a multiple time scale approach to calculating the long term effects of the standing acoustic field on the particles that are interacting with the sound. These effects are then combined with the effects of Brownian motion in order to obtain a complete mathematical description of the particle dynamics in such acoustic fields. Finally, in this thesis, we develop a numerical routine for the description of "thermal tweezers". Currently, the technique of thermal tweezers is predominantly theoretical however there has been a handful of successful experiments which demonstrate the effect it practise. Thermal tweezers is the name given to the way in which particles can be easily manipulated on a lattice surface by careful selection of a heat distribution over the surface. Typically, the theoretical simulations of the effect can be rather time consuming with supercomputer facilities processing data over days or even weeks. Our alternative numerical method for the simulation of particle distributions pertaining to the thermal tweezers effect use the Fokker-Planck equation to derive a quick numerical method for the calculation of the effective diffusion constant as a result of the lattice and the temperature. We then use this diffusion constant and solve the diffusion equation numerically using the finite volume method. This saves the algorithm from calculating many individual particle trajectories since it is describes the flow of the probability distribution of particles in a continuous manner. The alternative method that is outlined in this thesis can produce a larger quantity of accurate results on a household PC in a matter of hours which is much better than was previously achieveable.


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This article considers teachers’ work as they grapple with theories in practice in the everyday worlds of their classroom. It argues that Bourdieu’s theory of practice and the concept of habitus may be useful in moving past theory/practice dichotomies. After establishing the historical context for teacher research in South Australia, the work of two school-based literacy educators with an overt social justice standpoint is explored. The complexity of teachers’ intellectual work and identity formation over time is outlined and implications for teacher education are discussed.


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Worldwide, there is considerable attention to providing a supportive mathematics learning environment for young children because attitude formation and achievement in these early years of schooling have a lifelong impact. Key influences on young children during these early years are their teachers. Practising early years teachers‟ attitudes towards mathematics influence the teaching methods they employ, which in turn, affects young students‟ attitudes towards mathematics, and ultimately, their achievement. However, little is known about practising early years teachers‟ attitudes to mathematics or how these attitudes form, which is the focus of this study. The research questions were: 1. What attitudes do practising early years teachers hold towards mathematics? 2. How did the teachers‟ mathematics attitudes form? This study adopted an explanatory case study design (Yin, 2003) to investigate practising early years teachers‟ attitudes towards mathematics and the formation of these attitudes. The research took place in a Brisbane southside school situated in a middle socio-economic area. The site was chosen due to its accessibility to the researcher. The participant group consisted of 20 early years teachers. They each completed the Attitude Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) (Schackow, 2005), which is a 40 item instrument that measures attitudes across the four dimensions of attitude, namely value, enjoyment, self-confidence and motivation. The teachers‟ total ATMI scores were classified according to five quintiles: strongly negative, negative, neutral, positive and strongly positive. The results of the survey revealed that these teachers‟ attitudes ranged across only three categories with one teacher classified as strongly positive, twelve teachers classified as positive and seven teachers classified as neutral. No teachers were identified as having negative or strongly negative attitudes. Subsequent to the surveys, six teachers with a breadth of attitudes were selected from the original cohort to participate in open-ended interviews to investigate the formation of their attitudes. The interview data were analysed according to the four dimensions of attitudes (value, enjoyment, self-confidence, motivation) and three stages of education (primary, secondary, tertiary). Highlighted in the findings is the critical impact of schooling experiences on the formation of student attitudes towards mathematics. Findings suggest that primary school experiences are a critical influence on the attitudes of adults who become early years teachers. These findings also indicate the vital role tertiary institutions play in altering the attitudes of preservice teachers who have had negative schooling experiences. Experiences that teachers indicated contributed to the formation of positive attitudes in their own education were games, group work, hands-on activities, positive feedback and perceived relevance. In contrast, negative experiences that teachers stated influenced their attitudes were insufficient help, rushed teaching, negative feedback and a lack of relevance of the content. These findings together with the literature on teachers‟ attitudes and mathematics education were synthesized in a model titled a Cycle of Early Years Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Mathematics. This model explains positive and negative influences on attitudes towards mathematics and how the attitudes of adults are passed on to children, who then as adults themselves, repeat the cycle by passing on attitudes to a new generation. The model can provide guidance for practising teachers and for preservice and inservice education about ways to foster positive influences to attitude formation in mathematics and inhibit negative influences. Two avenues for future research arise from the findings of this study both relating to attitudes and secondary school experiences. The first question relates to the resilience of attitudes, in particular, how an individual can maintain positive attitudes towards mathematics developed in primary school, despite secondary school experiences that typically have a negative influence on attitude. The second question relates to the relationship between attitudes and achievement, specifically, why secondary students achieve good grades in mathematics despite a lack of enjoyment, which is one of the dimensions of attitude.


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This paper argues from the standpoint that embedding Indigenous knowledge and perspectives in Australian curricula occurs within a space of tension, ‘the cultural interface’ (Nakata, 2002), in negotiation and contestation with other dominant knowledge systems. In this interface, Indigenous knowledge (IK) is in a state of constancy and flux, invisible and simultaneously pronounced depending on the teaching and learning contexts. More often than not, IK competes for validity and is vexed by questions of racial and cultural authenticity, and therefore struggles to be located centrally in educational systems, curricula and pedagogies. Interrogating normative western notions of what constitutes authentic or legitimate knowledge is critical to teaching Indigenous studies and embedding IK. The inclusion (and exclusion) of IK at the interface is central to developing curriculum that allows teachers to test and prod, create new knowledge and teaching approaches. From this perspective, we explore Indigenous Australian pre-service teachers’ experiences of pedagogical relationships within the teaching habitus of Australian classrooms. Our study is engaged with the strategic transgressions of praxis. We contend that tensions that participant Indigenous Australian pre-service teachers experience mirror the broader (and unresolved) political status of Indigenous people and thus where and why IK is strategically deployed as ‘new’ or ‘old knowledge within Australian liberal democratic systems of curriculum and schooling. It is significant to discuss the formation and transformation of the pedagogical cultural identity of the teaching profession within which Indigenous and non-Indigenous pre-service teachers are employed.


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In this work a simple approach to the creation of highly dispersed electrocatalytically active silver microstructured dendrites on indium tin oxide in the absence of any surface modification or surfactant is presented. It is found that the addition of low concentrations of supporting electrolyte to the AgNO3 solution dramatically influences the morphology of electrodeposited silver which is independent of both the anion and the cation employed. The silver dendrites are characterized by SEM, XRD, XPS as well as by cyclic voltammetry under alkaline conditions. It is found that the surface oxide formation and removal processes are significantly influenced by the microstructured morphology of the silver electrodeposits compared to a smooth macrosized silver electrode. The facile formation of dendritic silver microstructures is also shown to be beneficial for the electrocatalytic oxidation of both formaldehyde and hydrazine and oxygen reduction. The formation of a continuous film of dendritic silver is also investigated for its SERS activity where the connectivity between the individual dendrites is found to be particularly important.


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This paper discusses our experiences of integrating a Multi-User Virtual Environment (MUVE) called Quest Atlantis into a pre-service secondary science education unit. The use of educational MUVEs as teaching tools is accelerating, so it is crucial that pre-service teachers develop some expertise with these and related technologies. We outline the processes we followed in embedding Quest Atlantis into the content and assessment of the unit, the results of this initiative and its implications for integrating MUVEs and other ICTs into teacher education programs. Challenges such as limited time and expertise, demands of a busy teaching program, and the need for continuous specialist support need to be overcome for sustainable integration of MUVEs and related technologies into preservice teacher education. This is particularly important given the potential of preservice teachers as change agents in schools, and the imperatives of the ICT-related National Professional Standards for Teachers and the Australian Curriculum.


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Literate practices and identities matter, those of both students and their teachers. There is considerable research exploring the discursive construction of students’ literacy practices and identities and the discursively mediated identities of literacy and English teachers. As Moje and Luke (2009) note, how identity is viewed influences and is influenced by the way literacy is viewed. Teachers’ literate identities and conceptualisations of literacy shape what counts as literacy in their classrooms, but also frame, shape and often limit students’ identities, both as readers and as writers (Hall, 2012).