949 resultados para THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS


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In Parkinson's disease, subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons burst fire with increased periodicity and synchrony. This may entail abnormal release of glutamate, the major source of which in STN is cortical afferents. Indeed, the cortico-subthalamic pathway is implicated in the emergence of excessive oscillations, which are reduced, as are symptoms, by dopamine-replacement therapy or deep brain stimulation (DBS) targeted to STN. Here we hypothesize that glutamatergic synapses in the STN may be differentially modulated by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) and high-frequency stimulation (HFS), the latter mimicking deep brain stimulation. Recordings of evoked and spontaneous excitatory post synaptic currents (EPSCs) were made from STN neurons in brain slices obtained from dopamine-intact and chronically dopamine-depleted adult rats. HFS had no significant effect on evoked (e) EPSC amplitude in dopamine-intact slices (104.4±8.0%) but depressed eEPSCs in dopamine-depleted slices (67.8±6.2%). Conversely, LFS potentiated eEPSCs in dopamine-intact slices (126.4±8.1%) but not in dopamine-depleted slices (106.7±10.0%). Analyses of paired-pulse ratio, coefficient of variation, and spontaneous EPSCs suggest that the depression and potentiation have a presynaptic locus of expression. These results indicate that the synaptic efficacy in dopamine-intact tissue is enhanced by LFS. Furthermore, the synaptic efficacy in dopamine-depleted tissue is depressed by HFS. Therefore the therapeutic effects of DBS in Parkinson's disease appear mediated, in part, by glutamatergic cortico-subthalamic synaptic depression and implicate dopamine-dependent increases in the weight of glutamate synapses, which would facilitate the transfer of pathological oscillations from the cortex.


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Kynurenine (KYN) is the first stable metabolite of the kynurenine pathway, the major route of tryptophan. (TRP) metabolIsm. In the liver, cortisol-inducible tIyptophan-2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) is the first enzyme and rate limiting step. In extrahepatic tissues, it is superceded by indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an enzyme with a wider substrate specificity. Earlier work in this research group has found substantial elevations in plasma KYN in fasting Tourette's Syndrome (TS) patients with normal TRP and neopterin. The aim of our initial pilot study was to confirm this increase in KYN in fasting human TS patients compared with normal controls, and to see how changes in diet :ay influence certain kynurenine pathway variables. However, we failed to detect a change in plasma KYN, TRP, kynurenic acid (KYNA), neopterin or cortisol between the fasting TS and control groups. Moreover, none of the variables was affected by dietary status, and thus candidates selected for the larger cross-sectional study were permitted to eat and drink freely on the day that blood samples were submitted, but were requested to avoid products containing caffeine, aspirin or nicotine. In the cross-sectional study, TS patients exhibited significantly higher plasma KYN concentrations than controls, although the magnitude of the change was much smaller than originally found. This may be due to differences in detection procedure and the seasonal fluctuation of some biochemical variables, notably cortisol. The generalised increase in neopterin in the TS subject group, suggests a difference in the activity of cytokine-inducible IDO as a likely source for this elevated KYN. Other kynurenine pathway metabolites, specifIcally TRP, 3-hydroxykynurenine (HKY), 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (HAA) and KYNA were unchanged. In view of recent speculation of the potential therapeutic effects of nicotine in TS, the lower KYN concentrations observed in TS smokers, compared with non-smoking TS patients, was another interesting finding. Tic-like movements, such as head-shakes (HS), which occur in rodents both spontaneously and following diverse drug treatments, closely resemble tic behaviours in humans. The animal tic model was used to examine what effects nicotine may have on shaking behaviours and on selected TRP metabolites. Acute systemic administration of nicotine to mice, produced a dose-dependent reduction in HS frequency (induced by the 5-HT2A/2C agonist DOl), which appeared to be mediated via central nicotinic cholinergic receptors, since mecamylamine pretreatment abolished this effect. Conversely, twice daily subcutaneous injections of nicotine for 7 days, led to an increase in spontaneous and DOI-induced HS. Chronic nicotine also caused a significant elevation m plasma and whole brain KYN concentrations, but plasma TRP, HKY, HAA and KYNA were unaltered. In addition, no change in brain 5-HT or 5-HIAA concentrations or 5-HT turnover, was found. Despite contrasting results from human and animal studIes, a role for nicotine in the mediation of tic-like movements is indicated. The relevance of the kynurenine pathway to TS and the potential role played by nicotine in modifying tic-like behaviours is discussed.


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The role of group activity participation in depression among a group of residents (N=65), age 80 and older, in a nursing home was examined using the framework of Roy's Adaptation Theory and Nolen-Hoeksema's Response Style Theory of Depression. Roy views depression as a maladaptation. Nolen-Hoeksema views group activity participation as a therapeutic distraction to break depressed moods and thus allow for positive adaptation. This study utilized data from medical records, group activity attendance, and self-report questionnaires. Demographic distributions were computed and correlational statistics were performed between subjects' participation and their degree of depression, pain experience, functional status, presence of social support, and perception of benefits. Results show a negative correlation between frequency of participation and Geriatric Depression Scale score (GDS). The wide range of measured frequencies among low GDS-scored subjects suggests that less depressed individuals exercise more freedom of choice to participate than those who are more depressed. Significant finding show a positive correlation of group activity participation with functional status in terms of ambulation. Data shows that the experience of pain was not a significant deterrent to participation. The presence of social support from the staff and family did not increase participation. However there is a lesser GDS score among subjects who had recent family/friends visit suggesting a positive role of family in decreasing depression. These results are significant not only for optimizing group therapeutic effects but also for understanding basic human and environmental correlates of depression. Study limitations are pointed out and recommendations are presented.


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Le traitement des émotions joue un rôle essentiel dans les relations interpersonnelles. Des déficits dans la reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales et vocales ont été démontrés à la suite d’un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC). Toutefois, la majorité des études n’ont pas différencié les participants selon le niveau de gravité du TCC et n’ont pas évalué certains préalables essentiels au traitement émotionnel, tels que la capacité à percevoir les caractéristiques faciales et vocales, et par le fait même, la capacité à y porter attention. Aucune étude ne s’est intéressée au traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions musicales, alors que la musique est utilisée comme méthode d’intervention afin de répondre à des besoins de prise en charge comportementale, cognitive ou affective chez des personnes présentant des atteintes neurologiques. Ainsi, on ignore si les effets positifs de l’intervention musicale sont basés sur la préservation de la reconnaissance de certaines catégories d’émotions évoquées par les expressions musicales à la suite d’un TCC. La première étude de cette thèse a évalué la reconnaissance des émotions de base (joie, tristesse, peur) évoquées par les expressions faciales, vocales et musicales chez quarante et un adultes (10 TCC modéré-sévère, 9 TCC léger complexe, 11 TCC léger simple et 11 témoins), à partir de tâches expérimentales et de tâches perceptuelles contrôles. Les résultats suggèrent un déficit de la reconnaissance de la peur évoquée par les expressions faciales à la suite d’un TCC modéré-sévère et d’un TCC léger complexe, comparativement aux personnes avec un TCC léger simple et sans TCC. Le déficit n’est pas expliqué par un trouble perceptuel sous-jacent. Les résultats montrent de plus une préservation de la reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les expressions vocales et musicales à la suite d’un TCC, indépendamment du niveau de gravité. Enfin, malgré une dissociation observée entre les performances aux tâches de reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les modalités visuelle et auditive, aucune corrélation n’a été trouvée entre les expressions vocales et musicales. La deuxième étude a mesuré les ondes cérébrales précoces (N1, N170) et plus tardives (N2) de vingt-cinq adultes (10 TCC léger simple, 1 TCC léger complexe, 3 TCC modéré-sévère et 11 témoins), pendant la présentation d’expressions faciales évoquant la peur, la neutralité et la joie. Les résultats suggèrent des altérations dans le traitement attentionnel précoce à la suite d’un TCC, qui amenuisent le traitement ultérieur de la peur évoquée par les expressions faciales. En somme, les conclusions de cette thèse affinent notre compréhension du traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales, vocales et musicales à la suite d’un TCC selon le niveau de gravité. Les résultats permettent également de mieux saisir les origines des déficits du traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales à la suite d’un TCC, lesquels semblent secondaires à des altérations attentionnelles précoces. Cette thèse pourrait contribuer au développement éventuel d’interventions axées sur les émotions à la suite d’un TCC.


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The fast developing international trade of products based on traditional knowledge and their value chains has become an important aspect of the ethnopharmacological debate. The structure and diversity of value chains and their impact on the phytochemical composition of herbal medicinal products has been overlooked in the debate about quality problems in transnational trade. Different government policies and regulations governing trade in herbal medicinal products impact on such value chains. Medicinal Rhodiola species, including Rhodiola rosea L. and Rhodiola crenulata (Hook.f. & Thomson) H.Ohba, have been used widely in Europe and Asia as traditional herbal medicines with numerous claims for their therapeutic effects. Faced with resource depletion and environment destruction, R. rosea and R. crenulata are becoming endangered, making them more economically valuable to collectors and middlemen, and also increasing the risk of adulteration and low quality. We compare the phytochemical differences among Rhodiola raw materials available on the market to provide a practical method for Rhodiola authentication and the detection of potential adulterant compounds. Samples were collected from Europe and Asia and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis software and high performance thin layer chromatography techniques were used to analyse the samples. A method was developed to quantify the amount of adulterant species contained within mixtures. We compared the phytochemical composition of collected Rhodiola samples to authenticated samples. Rosavin and rosarin were mainly present in R. rosea whereas crenulatin was only present in R. crenulata. 30% of the Rhodiola samples purchased from the Chinese market were adulterated by other Rhodiola spp. Moreover, 7 % of the raw-material samples were not labelled satifactorily. The utilisation of both 1H-NMR and HPTLC methods provided an integrated analysis of the phytochemical differences and novel identification method for R. rosea and R. crenulata. Using 1H-NMR spectroscopy it was possible to quantify the presence of R. crenulata in admixtures with R. rosea. This quantitative technique could be used in the future to assess a variety of herbal drugs and products. This project also highlights the need to further study the links between producers and consumers in national and trans-national trade.


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Immunoglobulin production by myeloma plasma cells depends on the unfolded protein response for protein production and folding. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of IRE1alpha and X box binding protein 1 (XBP1), key members of this pathway, in normal B-plasma cell development. We have determined the gene expression levels of IRE1alpha, XBP1, XBP1UNSPLICED (XBP1u), and XBP1SPLICED (XBP1s) in a series of patients with myeloma and correlated findings with clinical outcome. We show that IRE1alpha and XBP1 are highly expressed and that patients with low XBP1s/u ratios have a significantly better overall survival. XBP1s is an independent prognostic marker and can be used with beta2 microglobulin and t(4;14) to identify a group of patients with a poor outcome. Furthermore, we show the beneficial therapeutic effects of thalidomide in patients with low XBP1s/u ratios. This study highlights the importance of XBP1 in myeloma and its significance as an independent prognostic marker and as a predictor of thalidomide response.


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Peptides are receiving increasing interest as clinical therapeutics. These highly tunable molecules can be tailored to biocompatibility and biodegradability with simultaneously selective and potent therapeutic effects. Despite challenges regarding up-scaling and licensing of peptide products, their vast clinical potential is reflected in the 60 plus peptide-based therapeutics already on the market, and the further 500 derivatives currently in developmental stages. Peptides are proving effective for a multitude of disease states including: type 2 diabetes (controlled using the licensed glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor liraglutide); irritable bowel syndrome managed with linaclotide (currently at approval stages); acromegaly (treated with octapeptide somostatin analogues lanreotide and octreotide); selective or broad spectrum microbicidal agents such as the Gram-positive selective PTP-7 and antifungal heliomicin; anticancer agents including goserelin used as either adjuvant or for prostate and breast cancer,and the first marketed peptide derived vaccine against prostate cancer, sipuleucel-T. Research is also focusing on improving the biostability of peptides. This is achieved through a number of mechanisms ranging from replacement of naturally occurring L-amino acid enantiomers with D-amino acid forms, lipidation, peptidomimetics, N-methylation, cyclization and exploitation of carrier systems. The development of self-assembling peptides are paving the way for sustained release peptide formulations and already two such licensed examples exist, lanreotide and octreotide. The versatility and tunability of peptide-based products is resulting in increased translation of peptide therapies, however significant challenges remain with regard to their wider implementation. This review highlights some of the notable peptide therapeutics discovered to date and the difficulties encountered by the pharmaceutica lindustry in translating these molecules to the clinical setting for patient benefit, providing some possible solutions to the most challenging barriers. 


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Music therapy has experienced a rising demand as an adjunct therapy for symptom management among palliative care patients. We conducted a realist review of the literature to develop a greater understanding of how music therapy might benefit palliative care patients and the contextual mechanisms that promote or inhibit its successful implementation.
We searched electronic databases (CINAHL, Embase, Medline, and PsychINFO) for literature containing information on music therapy for palliative care. In keeping with the realist approach, we examined all relevant literature to develop theories that could explain how music therapy works.
A total of 51 articles were included in the review. Music therapy was found to have a therapeutic effect on the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual suffering of palliative care patients. We also identified program mechanisms that help explain music therapy's therapeutic effects, along with facilitating contexts for implementation.
Music therapy may be an effective nonpharmacological approach to managing distressing symptoms in palliative care patients. The findings also suggest that group music therapy may be a cost-efficient and effective way to support staff caring for palliative care patients. We encourage others to continue developing the evidence base in order to expand our understanding of how music therapy works, with the aim of informing and improving the provision of music therapy for palliative care patients.


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La muqueuse intestinale est exposée à des agents oxydants provenant de l’ingestion d’aliments modifiés, de cellules immuno-inflammatoires et de la flore intestinale. Une diète élevée en fruits et légumes peut diminuer le stress oxydant (SOx) ainsi que l’inflammation via plusieurs mécanismes. Ces effets bénéfiques peuvent être attribuables à leur contenu élevé en polyphénols. La première étude de mon doctorat consistait à tester l’hypothèse que les polyphénols extraits de pelures de pomme (DAPP) pouvaient diminuer le stress oxydant et l'inflammation impliqués dans les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin (MII). Nous avons caractérisé les polyphénols des DAPP par spectrométrie de masse (LC-MS) et examiné leur potentiel antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire au niveau des cellules intestinales. L’identification des structures chimiques des polyphénols a été effectuée par LC-MS. Le SOx a été induit par l’ajout du complexe fer/ascorbate (Fe/Asc, 200 µM/2 mM) et l’inflammation par la lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 200µg/mL) à des cellules intestinales Caco-2/15 pré-incubées avec les DAPP (250 µg/mL). L’effet du SOx est déterminé par le dosage du malondialdéhyde (MDA), de la composition des acides gras polyinsaturés et de l’activité des enzymes antioxydantes endogènes (SOD et GPx). L’impact des DAPP sur l’inflammation a été testé par l’analyse de l’expression des marqueurs inflammatoires: cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2), le facteur de nécrose tumorale alpha (TNF-a et l’interleukine-6 (IL-6) et les facteurs de transcription NF-KB, Nrf-2 et PGC1α par immunobuvardage. Nos données ont montré que les flavonols et les flavan-3-ols constituent les composés polyphénoliques majoritaires des DAPP. L’ajout de Fer2+/Asc a provoqué une augmentation de la peroxidation lipidique comparativement aux cellules contrôles, un appauvrissement des acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et n-6, et une modulation des enzymes antioxydantes, se traduisant par une augmentation de l’activité de la SOD et une diminution de la GPx. En contrepartie, les DAPP ont exhibé leur potentiel à corriger la plupart des perturbations, y compris l’expression protéique anormalement élevée du COX-2 et la production de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2), ainsi que l’inflammation telle que réflétée par les facteurs NF-κB, TNF-α et IL-6. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes sous-jacents à ces changements bénéfiques des DAPP ont fait intervenir les facteurs de transcription antioxydants (Nrf-2, PGC1α). Vraisemblablement, cette première étude a permis de démontrer la capacité des DAPP à amoindrir le SOx et à réduire l’inflammation, deux processus étroitement impliqués dans les MII. Dans la deuxième étape de mon doctorat, nous avons voulu comparer les résultats de DAPP à ceux des polyphénols dérivant de la canneberge qui est considérée par la communauté scientifique comme le fruit ayant le plus fort potentiel antioxydant. À cette fin, nous avons caractérisé l’effet des composés polyphénoliques de la canneberge (CPC) sur le SOx, la défense antioxydante et l’inflammation au niveau intestinal tout en définissant leur métabolisme intraluminal. Les différents CPC ont été séparés selon leur poids moléculaire par chromatographie et leurs structures chimiques ont été identifiées par LC-MS. Suite à une pré-incubation des cellules Caco-2/15 avec les extraits CPC (250 µg/mL), le Fe/Asc et la LPS ont été administrés comme inducteurs du SOx et de l’inflammation, respectivement. La caractérisation globale des CPC a révélé que les acides phénoliques composaient majoritairement l’extrait de canneberge de petit poids moléculaire (LC) alors que les flavonoïdes et les procyanidines dimériques/trimériques représentaient l’extrait de poids moléculaire moyen (MC) tout en laissant les procyanidines oligo et polymériques à l’extrait de haut poids moléculaire (HC). Les CPC ont permis de restaurer la plupart des perturbations engendrées dans les Caco-2/15 par le Fe/Asc et le LPS. Les CPC exhibaient le potentiel d’abaisser les niveaux de MDA, de corriger la composition des acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et n-6, d’augmenter l’activité des enzymes antioxydantes (SOD, GPx et CAT) et d’élever l’expression de Nrf2 et PGC1α. En outre, les CPC pouvaient aussi réduire les niveaux élevés des protéines inflammatoires COX-2, TNF-α et IL-6 ainsi que la production des PGE2 par un mécanisme impliquant le NF-κB. Au niveau mitochondrial, les procyanidines oligomériques ont réussi à corriger les dysfonctions reliées à la production d’énergie (ATP), l’apoptose (Bcl-2, Cyt C et AIF) et le statut des facteurs de transcription mitochondriaux (mtTFA, mtTFB1, mtTFB2). Dans le but de bien comprendre les mécanismes d’action des CPC, nous avons défini par LC-MS les composés polyphénoliques qui ont été transportés ou absorbés par l’entérocyte. Nos analyses soulignent le transport (i) des acides cinnamiques et benzoïques (LC); (ii) la quercétine glycosylée et conjuguée et les procyanidines dimériques de type A (MC); et (iii) l’épicatéchine et les procyanidines oligomériques (HC). Les processus de métabolisation (méthylation, glucuronidation et sulfatation) au niveau de l’entérocyte ont probablement permis le transport de ces CPC surtout sous leur forme conjuguée. Les procyanidines oligomériques ayant un degré de polymérisation supérieur à 2 (HC) ont semblé adhérer aux cellules Caco-2/15. L’épicatéchine suivi par les procyanidines dimériques de type A ont été trouvés majoritaires au niveau des mitochondries. Même si nous ignorons encore l’action biologique de chaque composé polyphénolique, nous pouvons suggérer que leurs effets combinatoires exercent des fonctions antioxydantes, anti-inflammatoires et mitochondriales dans le modèle intestinal Caco-2/15. Dans une troisième étape, nous avons procédé à l’évaluation des aspects préventifs et thérapeutique des DAPP tout en sondant les mécanismes sous-jacents dans une étude préclinique. À cette fin, nous avons exploité le modèle de souris avec colite expérimentale provoquée par le Dextran Sulfate de Sodium (DSS). L’induction de l’inflammation intestinale chez la souris C57BL6 a été effectuée par l’administration orale de DSS à 2.5% pendant 10 jours. Des doses physiologiques et supra-physiologiques de DAPP (200 et 400 mg/kg/j, respectivement) ont été administrées par gavage pendant 10 jours pré- et post-DSS. L’inflammation par le DSS a provoqué une perte de poids, un raccourcissement du côlon, le décollement dystrophique de l’épithélium, l’exulcération et les infiltrations de cellules mono et polynucléaires au niveau du côlon. De plus, le DSS a induit une augmentation de la peroxidation lipidique, une régulation à la baisse des enzymes antioxydantes, une expression protéique à la hausse de la myéloperoxidase (MPO), du COX-2 et de la production des PGE2. Par ailleurs, les DAPP ont permis de corriger ou du moins d’alléger la plupart de ces anomalies en situation préventive ou thérapeutique, en plus d’abaisser l’expression protéique de NF-κB et des cytokines inflammatoires (TNF-a et l’IL-6) tout en stimulant les facteurs de transcription antioxydants (Nrf-2, PGC1α). Conséquemment, les polyphénols des DAPP ont exhibé leur puissant pouvoir antioxydant et anti-inflammatoire au niveau intestinal dans un modèle in vivo. Leurs actions sont associées à la régulation des voies de signalisation cellulaire et des changements dans la composition du microbiote. Ces trois projets de recherche permettent d’envisager l’évaluation des effets préventifs et thérapeutiques des DAPP cliniquement chez les patients avec des désordres inflammatoires de l’intestin.


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Abstract The developmental changes during adolescence may affect subsequent risk for diseases and health-related behaviors. Traditionally, professionals assume that knowledge is sufficient for behavioral changes; however adolescents continue to engage in unhealthy behaviors despite clearly knowing what they should do and how to change. "What is lacking is the motivation to apply that knowledge". Motivational Interview (MI) may be taken as an essential tool in the provision of nursing care to adolescents, being itself a workspace with possible therapeutic effects. Objectives The objective of this scoping is to examine and map the use of MI by nurses in their clinical practice with adolescents to promote health behaviors. The review will focus on knowing what is the current extent of the use of nurse-led MI; which adolescent populations were included; in which contexts nurses use MI; which MI techniques/strategies have been used and what outcomes on health behaviors promotion have been reported. Methodology This scoping review will be informed by JBI methodology. The population of this study is adolescents aged 10 to 19 years participating in nurse-led MI. The concept of MI include MI done by personal or telephone call, with any number of sessions, brief interventions and other motivational interventions grounded but not limited to the principles described by Miller & Rollnick (2008). All geographical and all clinical practice contexts where nurses' undertake MI with adolescents such as hospitals, primary health care, health care centers, community or schools will be contemplated. English, Spanish and Portuguese published studies will be considered for inclusion. Results An initial limited search of MEDLINE and CINAHL was undertaken followed by analysis of the text words contained in the title and abstract, and of the index terms used to describe the concepts, synonyms (with truncations), MeSH Terms and Cinhal headings of this study. It was identified 5 synonyms for "Adolescents", 7 for "MI" and 2 for "nurse". A first search using the all 14 identified keywords and index terms was made at Medline (Title/Abstract) and brought up 125 articles. Other 16 databases referenced at the protocol will be searched to identify additional studies. Articles identified from the final search will be assessed for relevance to the review, based on information provided in the title and abstract. The full article will be retrieved for all studies that meet the inclusion criteria of the review. It is expected that findings from this Scoping Review provide needed information to nurses related to the use of MI to promote health behaviors in adolescents. Conclusions There is little knowledge of what works for whom (which adolescent subpopulation) under what circumstances (in which setting, for what problem) in relation to nurse-led MI. There is a need for scoping or mapping the nurse-led MI with adolescents to identify evidence gaps and to inform opportunities for future development in nursing practice. Moreover, information regarding implemented and evaluated interventions, techniques used, contexts of application and adolescents groups is dispersed in the literature which impedes the formulation of questions about the outcomes and effectiveness of those interventions. The practical implication of this mapping will be clarifying all these aspects.


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Adolescents - defined as young people between 10 and 19 years of age1 - are, in general, a relatively healthy segment of the population.2 However, the developmental changes that take place during adolescence may affect their subsequent risk for diseases and for a variety of health-related behaviors. In fact, early onset of preventable health problems (e.g. obesity, malnutrition, STDs) and the engagement in health risk behaviors (e.g., sedentary life style, excessive alcohol consumption, unprotected sex) during adolescence, are likely to put them at greater risk for physical and mental health problems at a later stage in life. Moreover, health related problems and health risk behaviors may disrupt adolescents' physical and cognitive development and therefore may affect their ability to think and act in relation to decisions about their health in the future.1 In summary, health-related behaviors in adolescence, apart from their influence on the continuum of "health-disease", they also have the potential to influence future behaviors. In fact, several studies have shown that past behaviors are good predictors of future behaviors .3,4 Thus, promoting healthy practices during adolescence and taking measures to better protect young people from health risks are essential for the prevention of health problems in adulthood.5 According to the World Health Organization, the main problems affecting young people include mental health problems (such as behavioral disorders, eating disorders, suicide, anxiety or depression), the use of substances (illegal substances, alcohol and tobacco), interpersonal violence, nutrition (a proper nutrition consists of healthy eating habits and physical exercise), unintentional injuries (which are a leading cause of death and disability among young people, with road traffic injuries accounting for about 700 deaths per day), sexual and reproductive health (for example, risky sexual behaviors, early pregnancy and childbirth) and HIV (resulting from sexual transmission and drug injection).5,6 On the other hand, the number of children and youth with chronic health conditions has increased dramatically in the past four decades7 as larger numbers of chronically ill children survive beyond the age of 10.8 Despite the lack of data on adolescents' health making it difficult to determine the prevalence of chronic illnesses in this age group9, it is known that one in ten adolescents suffers from a chronic condition worldwide.10 In fact, national population based studies from Western countries show that 20-30% of teenagers have a chronic illness, defined as one that lasts longer than six months.8 The most prevalent chronic illness among adolescents is asthma and the one with the highest incidence is diabetes mellitus, particularly type II.9 Traditionally, healthcare professionals have been mainly investing in health education activities, through the transmission of knowledge with a view to creating habits, customs and behaviors, and promoting healthy lifestyles. However, empowering people does not only consist of giving them the right information11 , i.e. good information is not enough to cause people to make changes.12 The motivation or desire to change unhealthy behaviors and habits depends on many factors, namely intrinsic motivation, control over personal decisions, self-confidence and perception of effectiveness, personal ambivalence, and individualized assistance.12 Many professionals assume that supplying knowledge is sufficient for behavioral changes; however, even very good advice often fails to generate behavioral change. After all, people continue to engage in unhealthy behaviors despite clearly knowing what they should do and how to change. "What is lacking is the motivation to apply that knowledge".13, p.1233 In fact, behavioral change is a complex phenomenon with multiple determinants that also includes motivational variables. It is associated with ambivalent processes expressed in the dilemma between keeping the current status and moving on to new ways of acting. For example, telling adolescents that if they keep on engaging in a certain behavior, they are increasing the risk of developing a long-term condition such as cardiovascular disease, stroke or diabetes is rarely enough to trigger the desired behavioral change; people are more likely to change when they believe that the change is really effective and that they are able to implement it.12 Therefore, it is essential to provide specific training for "healthcare professionals to master motivational techniques, avoid confrontation with the users, and facilitate behavioral changes".14 In this context, motivating patients to make behavioral changes is also an important nursing task where change in lifestyle is a major element of patients' treatment and preventive interventions.15 One of the nurse's goals is to help improve a patient's health or help them to manage existing health conditions. Once nurses are in a position where they have to focus on accomplishing tasks and telling patients what needs to be accomplished16, the role of the nurse is expanding even more into the use of motivational strategies.17 MI is bringing nurses back to therapeutic communication and moving them closer to successful health promotion and disease management, by promoting behavior change and empowering their patients. As the nursing profession evolves, MI is seen as a challenge and the basis of nurse's interactions with individuals, families and communities.16, 17 In the same way, MI may be taken as an essential tool in the provision of nursing care to adolescents, being itself a workspace with possible therapeutic effects regarding problems, clarification of doubts, and development of skills.18 In fact, MI may be particularly applicable in work with adolescents because of their specific developmental stage. Adolescents attempt to establish their own autonomy and identity while struggling with social interactions and moral issues, which leads to ambivalence.19 Consistent with the developmental challenges during adolescence, "MI explicitly honors autonomy, people's right and irrevocable ability to decide about their own behavior"20 while allowing the person to explore possibilities for change of risky or maladaptive behaviours.19 MI can be defined as a directive, client-centred counselling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. It is most centrally defined not by technique but by its spirit as a facilitative style of interpersonal relationship.21 It is a set of strategies and techniques widely used in clinical practice based on the transtheoretical model of change. The Stages of Change model describes five stages of readiness—precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance—and provides a framework for understanding behavior change.22 The MI has been widely tested and applied in different areas, such as modification of addictive behaviors, interventions with offenders in the context of justice, eating disorders, promotion of therapeutic adherence among chronic patients, promotion of learning in school settings or intervention with adolescents at risk.18,23 In general, clinical practice has been adopting the perspective of motivation as something relatively immutable, i.e., the adolescent is either motivated for change/treatment and, in these conditions, the professional's role is to help him/her, or the adolescent is not motivated and then change/treatment is not feasible. Alternatively the theoretical model underlying the MI technique postulates that the individual's adherence to change/treatment depends on his/her motivation, which can change throughout the therapeutic intervention. As several studies found positive results for effects of MI24-26 and its use by health professionals is encouraged23,27 nurses may play an important role in patients' process of change. As nurses have a crucial role in clinical contexts, they can facilitate the process of ending risk behaviors and/or adopting positive health behaviors through some motivational techniques, namely with adolescents. A considerable number of systematic reviews about MI already exist pointing to some benefits of its use in the treatment of a broad range of behavioral problems and diseases.13,28,29 Some of the current reviews focus on examining the effectiveness of MI for adolescents with diverse health risks/problems 30-32. However, to date there are no reviews that present and assess the evidence for the use of nurse-led MI in adolescents. Therefore, we have little knowledge of what works for whom (which adolescent subpopulation) under what circumstances (in which setting, for what problem) in relation to motivational interviewing by nurses. There is a clear need for scoping or mapping the use of MI by nurses with adolescents to identify evidence gaps and to inform opportunities for future development in nursing practice. On the other hand, information regarding nurse-led implemented and evaluated interventions, techniques and/or strategies used, contexts of application and adolescents subpopulation groups is dispersed in the literature33-36 which impedes the formulation of precise questions about the effectiveness of those interventions conducted by nurses and therefore the realization of a systematic review. In other words, it is known that different kind of motivational interventions have been implemented in different contexts by nurses, however does not exist a map about all the motivational techniques and/or strategies used. Furthermore the literature does not clarify which is the role of nurses at cross professional motivational intervention implemented programs and finally the outcomes and evaluation of interventions are unclear. Thus, the practical implication of this mapping will be clarifying all these aspects. Without this clarification is not possible to proceed to the realization of a systematic review about the effectiveness of the use of motivational interviews by nurses to promote health behaviors in adolescents, in a particular context and/or health risk behavior; or regarding the effectiveness of certain technique and/or strategy of MI. Consequently, there are important questions about the nature of the evidence in this area that need to be answered before formulating a precise question of effectiveness. This scoping review aims to respond to these questions. An initial search of the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, , Database of promoting health effectiveness reviews (DoPHER), The Campbell Library, Medline and CINAHL, has revealed that currently there is no Scoping Review (published or in progress) on the subject. In this context, this scoping review will examine and map the published and unpublished research around the use of MI by nurses implemented and evaluated to promote health behaviors in adolescents; to establish its current extent, range and nature and identify its feasibility, outcomes and gaps in the evidence defining research priorities in this field. This scoping review will be informed by the JBI methodology37 that suggests a five stage methodological framework for conducting scoping reviews which includes: identifying the research question, searching for relevant studies, selecting studies, charting data, collating, summarizing and reporting the results.


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Abstract The developmental changes during adolescence may affect subsequent risk for diseases and health-related behaviors. Motivational Interview (MI) may be taken as an essential tool in the provision of nursing care to adolescents, being itself a workspace with possible therapeutic effects. At this context, it is important to examine and map the use of MI by nurses in their clinical practice with adolescents to promote health behaviors. Objetives A scoping review has been currently undertaking to find out what is the current extent of the use of nurse-led MI; which adolescent populations were included; in which contexts nurses use MI; which MI techniques/strategies have been used and what outcomes on health behaviors promotion have been reported. The first task was to develop a search strategy to identify relevant studies for this review. It is described here the experience in constructing a search strategy for this review. Methodology This scoping review will be informed by JBI methodology. An initial search of MEDLINE and CINAHL was undertaken. An analysis of the text words contained in the title and abstract, and of the index terms used to describe the searched articles were retrieved and these were then used to construct a search strategy for use in Medline and Cinahl. Results Analysis of the text words and the index terms generated 19 keywords: It was identified 5 synonyms for "Adolescents", 12 for "MI" and 2 for "nurse". A new research formula was designed using the text words identified. Adolescen*[Title/Abstract]) OR Younger*[Title/Abstract]) OR Youth*[Title/Abstract]) OR Teen*[Title/Abstract]) OR Adolescent[MeSH Terms])) AND (((((((((((("Motivational interview"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Motivational intervention"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Motivational interviews"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Motivational interventions"[Title/Abstract]) OR "motivational interviewing"[Title/Abstract]) OR "motivational counseling"[Title/Abstract]) OR "motivational support"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Motivational enhancement"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Brief intervention"[Title/Abstract]) OR "Brief interventions"[Title/Abstract]) OR Motivational Interviewing[MeSH Terms]) OR Directive Counseling[MeSH Terms])) AND ((nurs*[Text Word]) OR Nurses[MeSH Terms]). Limiters - Language: English, Portuguese, Spanish. In MEDLINE this research formula generated 125 results. Other 16 databases referenced at the protocol will be searched to identify additional studies. Articles identified from the final search will be assessed for relevance to the review, based on information provided in the title and abstract. The full article will be retrieved for all studies that meet the inclusion criteria of the review. Conclusions It was presented here the initial results of this search. Next steps of this study will be to develop and refine the search strategy for use in other databases. It is expected that findings from this Scoping Review provide needed information to nurses related to the use of MI to promote health behaviors in adolescents and inform opportunities for future development in nursing practice.


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Although tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as imatinib have transformed chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) into a chronic condition, these therapies are not curative in the majority of cases. Most patients must continue TKI therapy indefinitely, a requirement that is both expensive and that compromises a patient's quality of life. While TKIs are known to reduce leukemic cells' proliferative capacity and to induce apoptosis, their effects on leukemic stem cells, the immune system, and the microenvironment are not fully understood. A more complete understanding of their global therapeutic effects would help us to identify any limitations of TKI monotherapy and to address these issues through novel combination therapies. Mathematical models are a complementary tool to experimental and clinical data that can provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms of TKI therapy. Previous modeling efforts have focused on CML patients who show biphasic and triphasic exponential declines in BCR-ABL ratio during therapy. However, our patient data indicates that many patients treated with TKIs show fluctuations in BCR-ABL ratio yet are able to achieve durable remissions. To investigate these fluctuations, we construct a mathematical model that integrates CML with a patient's autologous immune response to the disease. In our model, we define an immune window, which is an intermediate range of leukemic concentrations that lead to an effective immune response against CML. While small leukemic concentrations provide insufficient stimulus, large leukemic concentrations actively suppress a patient's immune system, thus limiting it's ability to respond. Our patient data and modeling results suggest that at diagnosis, a patient's high leukemic concentration is able to suppress their immune system. TKI therapy drives the leukemic population into the immune window, allowing the patient's immune cells to expand and eventually mount an efficient response against the residual CML. This response drives the leukemic population below the immune window, causing the immune population to contract and allowing the leukemia to partially recover. The leukemia eventually reenters the immune window, thus stimulating a sequence of weaker immune responses as the two populations approach equilibrium. We hypothesize that a patient's autologous immune response to CML may explain the fluctuations in BCR-ABL ratio that are regularly seen during TKI therapy. These fluctuations may serve as a signature of a patient's individual immune response to CML. By applying our modeling framework to patient data, we are able to construct an immune profile that can then be used to propose patient-specific combination therapies aimed at further reducing a patient's leukemic burden. Our characterization of a patient's anti-leukemia immune response may be especially valuable in the study of drug resistance, treatment cessation, and combination therapy.


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A qualidade dos produtos alimentares e a sua influência sobre a nutrição e a saúde humana tem vindo a merecer um lugar de destaque na comunidade científica. O conceito de alimento funcional tem adquirido grande importância hoje em dia, em particular os alimentos com compostos bioactivos. O Cardo (Cynara cardunculus L.) é uma planta herbácea originária da região mediterrânea usada essencialmente na coagulação do leite, e por muitos considerada um medicamento popular, devido aos seus efeitos terapêuticos. Este trabalho teve como objectivo estudar o efeito de diferentes condições de secagem da flor de cardo, na composição em ácidos fenólicos, bem como em polissacarídeos. Era ainda objectivo tentar identificar possíveis compostos que pudessem ser utilizados como marcadores de autenticidade do queijo da serra. Neste trabalho foi usada uma amostra de flor de cardo liofilizado e três amostras secadas, a diferentes temperaturas (40, 50 e 60ºC). A análise do resíduo sólido da flor do cardo, por cromatografia gasosa, permitiu identificar a presença de açúcares constituintes de polissacarídeos pécticos. A análise por HPLC, dos extratos metanólicos e cetónicos, revelaram a presença de ácidos hidroxibenzóicos e hidroxicinâmicos na flor do cardo. A amostra mais rica nestes compostos foi a amostra secada a 50ºC. O aumento da temperatura de secagem originou uma diminuição de ácidos fenólicos.


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Le traitement des émotions joue un rôle essentiel dans les relations interpersonnelles. Des déficits dans la reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales et vocales ont été démontrés à la suite d’un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC). Toutefois, la majorité des études n’ont pas différencié les participants selon le niveau de gravité du TCC et n’ont pas évalué certains préalables essentiels au traitement émotionnel, tels que la capacité à percevoir les caractéristiques faciales et vocales, et par le fait même, la capacité à y porter attention. Aucune étude ne s’est intéressée au traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions musicales, alors que la musique est utilisée comme méthode d’intervention afin de répondre à des besoins de prise en charge comportementale, cognitive ou affective chez des personnes présentant des atteintes neurologiques. Ainsi, on ignore si les effets positifs de l’intervention musicale sont basés sur la préservation de la reconnaissance de certaines catégories d’émotions évoquées par les expressions musicales à la suite d’un TCC. La première étude de cette thèse a évalué la reconnaissance des émotions de base (joie, tristesse, peur) évoquées par les expressions faciales, vocales et musicales chez quarante et un adultes (10 TCC modéré-sévère, 9 TCC léger complexe, 11 TCC léger simple et 11 témoins), à partir de tâches expérimentales et de tâches perceptuelles contrôles. Les résultats suggèrent un déficit de la reconnaissance de la peur évoquée par les expressions faciales à la suite d’un TCC modéré-sévère et d’un TCC léger complexe, comparativement aux personnes avec un TCC léger simple et sans TCC. Le déficit n’est pas expliqué par un trouble perceptuel sous-jacent. Les résultats montrent de plus une préservation de la reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les expressions vocales et musicales à la suite d’un TCC, indépendamment du niveau de gravité. Enfin, malgré une dissociation observée entre les performances aux tâches de reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les modalités visuelle et auditive, aucune corrélation n’a été trouvée entre les expressions vocales et musicales. La deuxième étude a mesuré les ondes cérébrales précoces (N1, N170) et plus tardives (N2) de vingt-cinq adultes (10 TCC léger simple, 1 TCC léger complexe, 3 TCC modéré-sévère et 11 témoins), pendant la présentation d’expressions faciales évoquant la peur, la neutralité et la joie. Les résultats suggèrent des altérations dans le traitement attentionnel précoce à la suite d’un TCC, qui amenuisent le traitement ultérieur de la peur évoquée par les expressions faciales. En somme, les conclusions de cette thèse affinent notre compréhension du traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales, vocales et musicales à la suite d’un TCC selon le niveau de gravité. Les résultats permettent également de mieux saisir les origines des déficits du traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales à la suite d’un TCC, lesquels semblent secondaires à des altérations attentionnelles précoces. Cette thèse pourrait contribuer au développement éventuel d’interventions axées sur les émotions à la suite d’un TCC.