961 resultados para Structural damage identification
Ionoluminescence of α - quartz exhibits two dominant emission bands peaking at 1.9 eV. (NBOHCs) and 2.7 eV (STEs. The evolution of the red emission yield does not show a correlation with the concentrations of neither the NBOHC nor with that of other color centers. The blue emission yield closely follows the amorphization kinetics independently measured by RBS/C spectrometry. A simple theoretical model has been proposed; it assumes that the formation and recombination of STEs are the primary event and both, the light emissions and the lattice structural damage are a consequence this phenomenon. The model leads to several simple mathematical equations that can be used to simulate the IL yields and provide a reasonable fit to experimental kinetic data.
Traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury have recently been put under the spotlight as major causes of death and disability in the developed world. Despite the important ongoing experimental and modeling campaigns aimed at understanding the mechanics of tissue and cell damage typically observed in such events, the differenti- ated roles of strain, stress and their corresponding loading rates on the damage level itself remain unclear. More specif- ically, the direct relations between brain and spinal cord tis- sue or cell damage, and electrophysiological functions are still to be unraveled. Whereas mechanical modeling efforts are focusing mainly on stress distribution and mechanistic- based damage criteria, simulated function-based damage cri- teria are still missing. Here, we propose a new multiscale model of myelinated axon associating electrophysiological impairment to structural damage as a function of strain and strain rate. This multiscale approach provides a new framework for damage evaluation directly relating neuron mechanics and electrophysiological properties, thus provid- ing a link between mechanical trauma and subsequent func- tional deficits.
Actualmente, diversos terremotos han puesto de manifiesto la importancia de planificar las ciudades y la gran influencia que tiene el comportamiento de los edificios como consecuencia de los resultados de pérdidas humanas y económicas. Ante la imposibilidad de evitar la ocurrencia de terremotos y de predecirlos con un margen pequeño de tiempo para tomar acciones a corto plazo, la reducción de la vulnerabilidad de los elementos expuestos es la medida más eficaz para prevenir los daños y para evitar el desastre. Existen varios estudios anteriores de Norman B. Green (1980), Teresa Guevara López (2009 y 2012) que recogen criterios ya generalizados dentro de la bibliografía sísmica y algunos aspectos procedentes de norma sísmicas precursoras en este campo (por ejemplo, las peruanas) para establecer inicialmente unos principios urbanístico-sísmicos. Además, varios proyectos relacionados con el riesgo sísmico, RisK-Ue (2003), SERAMAR (Lars Abrahamczyk et al., 2013) han desarrollado metodologías que clasifican la vulnerabilidad de los edificios teniendo en cuenta modificadores por comportamientos y configuraciones irregulares sísmicamente. El presente trabajo desarrolla una metodología empírica para identificar y caracterizar los parámetros urbanísticos que determinan una respuesta sísmica irregular de las edificaciones, graduar su relación con el daño tras un terremoto y poder así disminuir la vulnerabilidad sísmica de las ciudades. La metodología desarrollada en esta tesis doctoral se aplica en la ciudad de Lorca, Región de Murcia. Se realiza un trabajo de campo donde se clasifican los edificios según su tipología estructural y sus parámetros urbanísticos. A través de un estudio estadístico se analiza la correlación con el daño de las edificaciones tras el terremoto del 11 de mayo de 2011. Previamente se ha hecho una clasificación de los edificios según la clase de suelo en la que se encuentran según el Eurocódigo8 (Navarro et al, 2012). Por último, se aplica la metodología para obtener una estimación de la habitabilidad de los edificios en Lorca post sismo. Para esta clasificación se ha adoptado el criterio recogido en diversas recomendaciones internacionales, la mayoría de las cuales se basan en la documentación generada por el ATC- Applied Technology Council, distinguiendo entre edificios habitables (no daño-daño no estructural) y edificios no habitables (daño estructural). ABSTRACT Currently, various earthquakes have made clear first, the importance of city planning and secondly, the great influence that has the behaviour of buildings as a consequence of the results of human and economic losses. Faced with the impossibility of avoiding the occurrence of earthquakes and predicting its with a small margin of time to take action in the short term, the reduction of the vulnerability of exposed elements is the most effective measure to prevent damage and to prevent the disaster. There are several previous studies, Norman B. Green (1980), Teresa Guevara López (2009-2012) collecting criteria already widespread within the seismic bibliography and we can find some aspects from standard seismic precursor in this field (for example, the Peruvian) to initially establish urban - seismic principles. In addition, several projects related to seismic risk, RisK-EU (2003), SERAMAR (Lars Abrahamczyk et al., 2013) have developed methodologies that classify the vulnerability of buildings taking into account modifiers for behaviours and irregular configurations in seismical terms. This paper develops an empirical methodology to identify and characterize the irregular urban parameters seismically, graduate its relationship with the building damages after an earthquake and thus reduce the seismic vulnerability of cities. The methodology developed in this thesis applies in the city of Lorca, Region of Murcia. Fieldwork where buildings are classified according to their structural type and its urban performance parameters. Through a statistical study the correlation with damage of buildings is analyzed after the earthquake of May 11, 2011. Previously a classification of the buildings has been made according to the kind of soil according to the Eurocodigo 8 (Navarro et al, 2012). Finally, you get an estimate of the building habitability in Lorca. As a result, this classification adopted the criterion contained in various international recommendations, most of which are based on the documentation published by the ATC - Applied Technology Council, habitable buildings (not damage -damage non-structural) and non habitable buildings (structural damage).
Es conocido que la variación del comportamiento dinámico de las estructuras puede ser empleado dentro de un sistema de monitorización de su integridad estructural. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender el comportamiento dinámico de edificios esbeltos, frente a diferentes agentes ambientales como la temperatura y/o dirección y velocidad del viento. En el marco de esta investigación, se estudian dos edificios: la Torre de la ETSI (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros) de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) y un edificio de viviendas situado en la calle de Arturo Soria de Madrid. Los datos medioambientales antes mencionados, se registraron con sendas estacionales meteorológicas situadas en las azoteas de ambos edificios. Se realiza el análisis modal operacional de ambas estructuras. Este análisis se realiza a partir de las mediciones de las aceleraciones ante excitaciones ambientales, es un análisis basado sólo en la respuesta de la estructura. Por tanto, no es necesario interrumpir el funcionamiento en servicio de la instalación, obteniendo su comportamientos en este estado. A partir de este análisis, se obtienen las frecuencias naturales, los amortiguamientos modales y las formas modales. Así, en este trabajo se ha estudiado la relación existente entre la variación en la estimación de las frecuencias naturales y la variación de los agentes ambientales (fundamentalmente la temperatura). Los ensayos dinámicos en los dos edificios mencionados anteriormente, se han realizado utilizando acelerómetros de alta sensibilidad sincronizados inalámbricamente, lo cual ha simplificado el trabajo experimental si lo comparamos con los sistemas tradicionales. Como resultado del trabajo realizado se pueden destacar los siguientes puntos: (i) se ha visto que con el equipamiento disponible se pueden realizar análisis dinámicos de edificios, (ii) se ha mejorado el conocimiento dinámico de estas estructuras, y (iii) se ha visto la importancia que pueden tener los agentes ambientales dependiendo por un lado del tipo estructura del edificio. A partir del trabajo, se podrían actualizar modelos matemáticos que sirvan para la predicción de daños en las estructuras, y por otro, se podrán eliminar los efectos de los agentes ambientales, lo cual es un punto vital si se quiere emplear los parámetros modales para el cálculo de indices de daño. La aplicación de este tipo de investigación ayudará a tener una información mayor sobre el comportamiento de las estructuras y así, en el futuro, poder realizar distintos tipos de procesos, como la formulación de modelos matemáticos que reflejen con mayor fidelidad el comportamiento real. De esta forma, la monitorización de los agentes medioambientales permitirán valorar la influencia de estas variaciones sobre la estructura pudiéndose eliminar estos efectos. Con ello, se mejora la incertidumbre en la variación de frecuencias que puede ser utilizada como un sistema de activación de alarmas frente a la detección de daños estructurales. It is known that the variation of the dynamic behavior of structures can be used within a system to monitor structural integrity. So, this study aims to understand the dynamic behavior of slender buildings, against different environmental agents such as temperature and / or wind direction and velocity. As part of this investigation, two buildings are studied: the ETSI's (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros) main tower of Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos of UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and a residential building located in the streets Arturo Soria Madrid. The environmental data were recorded with weather stations located on the roof of both buildings. In both structures a modal operational analysis has been carried out. This analysis is performed from the measurements of the acceleration to the environmental excitation, this analysis is based only on the response of the structure. Therefore, it is not necessary to interrupt the operation of the structure, getting its behavior in this state. From this analysis, the natural frequencies, modal damping and mode shapes are obtained. So, in this work we have studied the existing relationship between the variation in the estimate of the natural frequencies and the variation of environmental agents (mainly temperature). The dynamic tests in the two buildings mentioned above, have been made using high-sensitivity accelerometers wirelessly synchronized, which has simplified the experimental work when compared to traditional systems. As a result of work performed can highlight the following points: (i) it has been found that with the available equipment can perform dynamic analysis of buildings, (ii) has improved dynamic knowledge of these structures, and, (iii) can be seen the potential importance of environmental agents depending on the type of building structure. From the work, mathematical models can be updated that serve to prediction of damage to structures, and on the other side, may eliminate the effects of environmental agents, which is a vital point if you want to use the modal parameters for calculating damage ratings. The application of this type of research will help to have more information about the behavior of structures and so, in the future, conduct various processes, as the formulation of mathematical models that reflect more accurately an actual behavior. In this way the monitoring of environmental agents will allow evaluate the influence of these variations on the structure being possible eliminate these effects. Thereby, improvement the uncertainty in the frequencies variation that can be used as an alarm activation system from detection of structural damage.
Traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury have recently been put under the spotlight as major causes of death and disability in the developed world. Despite the important ongoing experimental and modeling campaigns aimed at understanding the mechanics of tissue and cell damage typically observed in such events, the differentiated roles of strain, stress and their corresponding loading rates on the damage level itself remain unclear. More specifically, the direct relations between brain and spinal cord tissue or cell damage, and electrophysiological functions are still to be unraveled. Whereas mechanical modeling efforts are focusing mainly on stress distribution and mechanistic-based damage criteria, simulated function-based damage criteria are still missing. Here, we propose a new multiscale model of myelinated axon associating electrophysiological impairment to structural damage as a function of strain and strain rate. This multiscale approach provides a new framework for damage evaluation directly relating neuron mechanics and electrophysiological properties, thus providing a link between mechanical trauma and subsequent functional deficits
Painful peripheral neuropathies are precipitated by nerve injury from disease or trauma. All such injuries will be accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, a neuritis, that will mobilize the immune system. The role of the inflammation itself is difficult to determine in the presence of structural damage to the nerve. A method has been devised to produce a focal neuritis in the rat sciatic nerve that involves no more than trivial structural damage to the nerve. This experimental focal neuritis produces neuropathic pain sensations (heat- and mechano-hyperalgesia, and cold- and mechano-allodynia) in the ipsilateral hind paw. The abnormal pain sensations begin in 1–2 days and last for 4–6 days, with a subsequent return to normal. These results suggest that there is a neuroimmune interaction that occurs at the outset of nerve injury (and perhaps episodically over time in slow developing conditions like diabetic neuropathy) that produces neuropathic pain. The short duration of the phenomena suggest that they may prime the system for more slowly developing mechanisms of abnormal pain (e.g., ectopic discharge in axotomized primary afferent neurons) that underlie the chronic phase of painful neuropathy.
Metal-catalyzed oxidation may result in structural damage to proteins and has been implicated in aging and disease, including neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The selective modification of specific amino acid residues with high metal ion affinity leads to subtle structural changes that are not easy to detect but may have dramatic consequences on physical and functional properties of the oxidized protein molecules. PrP contains a histidine-rich octarepeat domain that binds copper. Because copper-binding histidine residues are particularly prone to metal-catalyzed oxidation, we investigated the effect of this reaction on the recombinant prion protein SHaPrP(29–231). Using Cu2+/ascorbate, we oxidized SHaPrP(29–231) in vitro. Oxidation was demonstrated by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, which showed the appearance of protein species of higher mass, including increases in multiples of 16, characteristic of oxygen incorporation. Digestion studies using Lys C indicate that the 29–101 region, which includes the histidine-containing octarepeats, is particularly affected by oxidation. Oxidation was time- and copper concentration-dependent and was evident with copper concentrations as low as 1 μM. Concomitant with oxidation, SHaPrP(29–231) suffered aggregation and precipitation, which was nearly complete after 15 min, when the prion protein was incubated at 37°C with a 6-fold molar excess of Cu2+. These findings indicate that PrP, a copper-binding protein, may be particularly susceptible to metal-catalyzed oxidation and that oxidation triggers an extensive structural transition leading to aggregation.
A análise dinâmica experimental tem sido amplamente pesquisada como uma ferramenta de avaliação de integridade de estruturas de concreto armado. Existem técnicas de identificação de danos baseadas em propriedades modais como frequências de ressonâncias, deformadas modais, curvaturas modais e amortecimento. Há também técnicas baseadas na não linearidade da resposta dinâmica, que apesar do grande potencial na detecção de danos, têm sido pouco exploradas nos últimos anos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a integridade estrutural de vigas de concreto armado através do comportamento da resposta dinâmica. Foram realizados ensaios dinâmicos em duas vigas de concreto armado com 3,5 m de comprimento, 25 cm de largura, 35 cm de altura e idênticas taxas de armaduras, mas configuradas com barras de aço de diferentes diâmetros, 2 ϕ 16 mm e 8 ϕ 8 mm, respectivamente. Tais vigas, inicialmente íntegras, foram submetidas a ciclos de carregamento e descarregamento com intensidades crescentes até atingir a ruptura do elemento. Após cada ciclo, as propriedades dinâmicas foram avaliadas experimentalmente, com o emprego de técnicas de excitação por sinais do tipo aleatório e tipo transiente, respectivamente, visando determinar parâmetros que indiquem a deterioração gradativa do elemento. Nesses ensaios dinâmicos aplicaram-se diferentes amplitudes da força de excitação. Verificou-se que o aumento da amplitude da força dinâmica de excitação provocou reduções nos valores das frequências de ressonância de 1,1% e 2,4%, associadas, respectivamente, às excitações aleatórias e transientes; e um comportamento não linear dos índices de amortecimento, associados às excitações aleatórias, mantendo um crescimento linear com as excitações transientes. Constatou-se, ainda, que os valores das frequências de ressonância decrescem com a redução de rigidez mecânica, diminuída com o aumento do nível de fissuração induzido nos modelos. Já os valores dos índices de amortecimento, após cada ciclo, se comportaram de forma não linear e assumiram diferentes valores, conforme a técnica de excitação empregada. Acredita-se que esta não linearidade está relacionada aos danos provocados no elemento pela solicitação estrutural e, por consequência, ao processo de como a dissipação de energia é empregada no processo de instauração, configuração e propagação das fissuras nos elementos de concreto armado.
The lifespan of plants ranges from a few weeks in annuals to thousands of years in trees. It is hard to explain such extreme longevity considering that DNA replication errors inevitably cause mutations. Without purging through meiotic recombination, the accumulation of somatic mutations will eventually result in mutational meltdown, a phenomenon known as Muller’s ratchet. Nevertheless, the lifespan of trees is limited more often by incidental disease or structural damage than by genetic aging. The key determinants of tree architecture are the axillary meristems, which form in the axils of leaves and grow out to form branches. The number of branches is low in annual plants, but in perennial plants iterative branching can result in thousands of terminal branches. Here, we use stem cell ablation and quantitative cell-lineage analysis to show that axillary meristems are set aside early, analogous to the metazoan germline. While neighboring cells divide vigorously, axillary meristem precursors maintain a quiescent state, with only 7–9 cell divisions occurring between the apical and axillary meristem. During iterative branching, the number of branches increases exponentially, while the number of cell divisions increases linearly. Moreover, computational modeling shows that stem cell arrangement and positioning of axillary meristems distribute somatic mutations around the main shoot, preventing their fixation and maximizing genetic heterogeneity. These features slow down Muller’s ratchet and thereby extend lifespan.
Background. The development of therapeutic interventions to prevent progressive valve damage is more likely to limit the progression of structural damage to the aortic valve with normal function (aortic sclerosis [ASC]) than clinically apparent aortic stenosis. Currently, the ability to appreciate the progression of ASC is compromised by the subjective and qualitative evaluation of sclerosis severity. Methods: We sought to reveal whether the intensity of ultrasonic backscatter could be used to quantify sclerosis severity in 26 patients with ASC and 23 healthy young adults. images of the aortic valve were obtained in the parasternal long-axis view and saved in raw data format. Six square-shaped 11 X 11 pixel regions of interest were placed on the anterior and posterior leaflets, and calibrated backscatter values were obtained by subtracting the regions of interest in the blood pool from the averaged backscatter values obtained from the leaflets. Results. Mean ultrasonic backscatter values for sclerotic valves exceeded the results in normal valve tissue (16.3 +/- 4.4 dB vs 9.8 +/- 3.3 dB, P < .0001). Backscatter values were greater (22.0 +/- 3.5 dB) in a group of 6 patients with aortic stenosis. Within the sclerosis group, the magnitude of backscatter was directly correlated (P < .05) with a subjective sclerosis score, and with transvalvular pressure gradient. mean reproducibility was 2.4 +/- 1.8 dB (SD) between observers, and 2.3 +/- 1.7 dB (SD) between examinations. Conclusion: Measurement of backscatter from the valve leaflets of patients with ASC may be a feasible means of following the progression and treatment response of aortic sclerosis.
Aim of study: Different criteria for treatment response were explored to identify predictors of OA improvement. Analyses were based on data from a previously reported 1-year randomized controlled trial of appropriate care with or without hylan G-F 20 in patients with knee OA. Methods: Five definitions of ‘‘patient responder’’ from baseline to month 12 were examined: at least 20% reduction in WOMAC pain score; at least 20% reduction in WOMAC pain score and at least 20% reduction in either the WOMAC stiffness or function score; OARSI responder criteria (Propositions A and B) for intra-articular drugs; and OMERACT-OARSI responder criteria (Proposition D). As an a posteriori analysis, multivariable logistic regression models for each definition of patient responder were developed using a forward selection method. The following variables were defined prior to modeling and considered in the model along with two-way interactions: age (O65 years), BMI, gender, X-ray grade (0, I, II vs III, IV), co-morbidity (1 or 2 conditions vs 3 or more), duration of OA in study knee (years), previous surgery of study knee, hylan G-F 20 injection technique, WOMAC pain, stiffness and function, and treatment group. Results: Hylan G-F 20 was a predictor of improvement for all patient responder definitions P ! 0.001; odds of improvement were 2.7 or higher for patients in the hylan G-F 20 group compared to appropriate care without hylan G-F 20. For three of the five patient responder definitions, X-ray grade was a predictor of improvement (P ! 0.10; lower X-ray grade increased the odds of improvement). For four of the five patient responder definitions, duration of OA was a predictor of improvement (P ! 0.10; shorter duration of OA increased the odds of improvement). Conclusion: Analyses showed that appropriate care with hylan G-F 20 is the dominant predictor of patient improvement. While high grade structural damage does not preclude a response, patients who are targeted early in the disease process when less structural damage has occurred, may have a greater chance of improvement.
The investigation of renal pathophysiology and toxicology has traditionally been advanced by the development of increasingly defined and refined in vitro preparations. This study has sought to develop and evaluate various methods of producing pure samples of renal proximal tubules (PTs) from the Fischer rat. The introduction summarised the most common in vitro preparations together with the parameters used to monitor viability - particularly with regard to toxic events. The most prevalent isolation methods have involved the use of collagenase to produce dissociation of the cortex. However, the present study has shown that even the mildest collagenase treatment caused significant structural damage which resulted in a longevity of only 3hr in suspension. An alternative mechanical isolation technique has been developed in this study that consists of perfusion loading the renal glomeruli with Fe304 followed by disruption of the cortex by homogenisation and sequential sieving. The glomeruli are removed magnetically and the PTs then harvested by a 64μM sieve. PTs isolated in this way showed a vastly superior structural preservation over their collagenase isolated counterparts; also oxygen consumption and enzyme leakage measurements showed a longevity in excess of 6hr when incubated in a very basic medium. Attempts were then made to measure the cytosolic calcium levels in both mechanical and collagenase isolated PTs using the fluorescent calcium indicator Fura. However results were inconclusive due to significant binding of the Fura to the external PT surfaces. In conclusion, PTs prepared by the present mechanical isolation technique exhibit superior preservation and longevity compared with even the mildest collagenase isolation technique and hence appear to offer potential advantages over collagenase isolation as an in vitro renal system.
This thesis presents the design, fabrication and testing of novel grating based Optical Fibre Sensor (OFS) systems being interrogated using “off the shelf” interrogation systems, with the eventual development of marketable commercial systems at the forefront of the research. Both in the industrial weighing and aerospace industries, there has been a drive to investigate the feasibility of using optical fibre sensors being deployed where traditionally their electrical or mechanical counterparts would traditionally have been. Already, in the industrial weighing industry, commercial operators are deploying OFS-based Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) systems. Likewise, in the aerospace industry, OFS have been deployed to monitor such parameters as load history, impact detection, structural damage, overload detection, centre of gravity and the determination of blade shape. Based on the intrinsic properties of fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and Long Period Fibre Gratings (LPFGs), a number of novel OFS-based systems have been realised. Experimental work has shown that in the case of static industrial weighing, FBGs can be integrated with current commercial products and used to detect applied loads. The work has also shown that embedding FBGs in e-glass, to form a sensing patch, can result in said patches being bonded to rail track, forming the basis of an FBG-based WIM system. The results obtained have been sufficiently encouraging to the industrial partner that this work will be progressed beyond the scope of the work presented in this thesis. Likewise, and to the best of the author’s knowledge, a novel Bragg grating based systems for aircraft fuel parameter sensing has been presented. FBG-based pressure sensors have been shown to demonstrate good sensitivity, linearity and repeatability, whilst LPFG-based systems have demonstrated a far greater sensitivity when compared to FBGs, as well the advantage of being potentially able to detect causes of fuel adulteration based on their sensitivity to refractive index (RI). In the case of the LPFG-based system, considerable work remains to be done on the mechanical strengthening to improve its survivability in a live aircraft fuel tank environment. The FBG system has already been developed to an aerospace compliant prototype and is due to be tested at the fuel testing facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK. It is envisaged by the author that in both application areas, continued research in this area will lead to the eventual development of marketable commercial products.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder which is characterised by hyperglycaemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. The long-term specific effects of DM include the development of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Cardiac disease, peripheral arterial and cerebrovascular disease are also known to be linked with DM. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) accounts for approximately 10% of all individuals with DM, and insulin therapy is the only available treatment. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) accounts for 90% of all individuals with DM. Diet, exercise, oral hypoglycaemic agents and occasionally exogenous insulin are used to manage T2DM. The diagnosis of DM is made where the glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) percentage is greater than 6.5%. Pattern-reversal visual evoked potential (PVEP) testing is an objective means of evaluating impulse conduction along the central nervous pathways. Increased peak time of the visual P100 waveform is an expression of structural damage at the level of myelinated optic nerve fibres. This was an observational cross sectional study. The participants were grouped into two phases. Phase 1, the control group, consisted of 30 healthy non-diabetic participants. Phase 2 comprised of 104 diabetic participants of whom 52 had an HbA1c greater than 10% (poorly controlled DM) and 52 whose HbA1c was 10% and less (moderately controlled DM). The aim of this study was to firstly observe the possible association between glycated haemoglobin levels and P100 peak time of pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PVEPs) in DM. Secondly, to assess whether the central nervous system (CNS) and in particular visual function is affected by type and/or duration of DM. The cut-off values to define P100 peak time delay was calculated as the mean P100 peak time plus 2.5 X standard deviations as measured for the non-diabetic control group, and were 110.64 ms for the right eye. The proportion of delayed P100 peak time amounted to 38.5% for both diabetic groups, thus the poorly controlled group (HbA1c > 10%) did not pose an increased risk for delayed P100 peak time, relative to the moderately controlled group (HbA1c ≤ 10%). The P100 PVEP results for this study, do however, reflect significant delay (p < 0.001) of the DM group as compared to the non-diabetic group; thus, subclincal neuropathy of the CNS occurs in 38.5% of cases. The duration of DM and type of DM had no influence on the P100 peak time measurements.
El artículo que se presenta a continuación da cuenta de cómo ha funcionado el principio de proporcionalidad en Colombia en el control de constitucionalidad de las declaratorias de los estados de excepción, a través de la evaluación de seis (6) casos de excepcionalidad a partir de 1991, cuatro (4) de ellos referidosa estados de conmoción interior, y dos (2) referidos a emergencias sociales. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa que permitió describir la forma como la Corte Constitucional aplicaba o no el principio de proporcionalidad para hacer el examen de dichas excepcionalidades, dando cuenta de una matriz de análisis que describe los puntos clave de dicho principio, a saber: a) laexistencia de una crisis coyuntural y no de un daño estructural en cualquiera de los estados de excepción declarados; b) la no suspensión de los derechos humanos ni de las libertades fundamentales de las personas a quienes van dirigidas las medidas incluidas en este; c) la no interrupción del normal funcionamiento de las ramas del poder público; d) el ejercicio de las facultades solo para enfrentar eficazmente la anormalidad; la relación estricta entrecausa y anormalidad, y, en este sentido, la dirección de los decretos única y exclusivamente a conjurar las causas que dan origen a la excepcionalidad; e) la duración definida de los estados de excepción (Cifuentes, 2002), para concluir que la Corte Constitucional, en su aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad, no ha realizado un juicio exhaustivo de los requisitos que este incorpora, de tal forma que ha permitido una perpetuación del poder presidencial y un gobierno con poca separación de poderes.