975 resultados para Stein, Katrin
El artículo presenta la novela "Moderato cantabile" como texto fundador del universo narrativo de Marguerite Duras al contener y avanzar los temas principales y las estructuras discursivas esenciales del mismo. A partir de esta perspectiva de lectura, confrontaremos "Moderato cantabile" con la novela publicada en 1964, "Le ravissement de Lol. V. Stein", lo que permite plantear un juego de espejos entre ambos relatos, del que resultan las claves interpretativas para comprender los textos de la autora.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.
In questo elaborato verrà discusso il sottotitolaggio sia nella sua forma teorica, sia pratica. e verranno presentati due cortometraggi in lingua spagnola di genere horror, “Tin & Tina” di Rubin Stein ed “Horizonte” di Aitor Uribarri e ne verranno proposte le traduzioni sotto forma di sottotitolaggio. Nel primo capitolo verrà trattato il sottotitolaggio e le sue varie tipologie e caratteristiche, con particolare attenzione al sottotitolaggio interlinguistico, utilizzato per i due cortometraggi precedentemente elencati. Nella seconda parte saranno presentati i due cortometraggi ed i rispettivi autori, contestualizzandoli all’interno del cinema del cinema horror attraverso una analisi storico-tematica del cinema dell’orrore spagnolo e internazionale; concluderò il capitolo con un confronto con il cinema horror italiano. Nel terzo capitolo verranno analizzate le difficoltà riscontrate nella traduzione dei sottotitoli, la metodologia utilizzata e le tecniche di sottotitolaggio utilizzate.
Rezension von: Katrin Ulrike Zaborowski / Michael Meier / Georg Breidenstein: Leistungsbewertung und Unterricht, Ethnographische Studien zur Bewertungspraxis in Gymnasium und Sekundarschule, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2011 (376 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-16808-1)
La hoja de cálculo constituye un potente entorno para la experimentación en clase de estadística, comparable al laboratorio en la de ciencias experimentales. Entre sus múltiples aplicaciones se encuentra la de proporcionar un medio para la comprobación experimental de resultados teóricos. Para ilustrarlo, proponemos un modelo para verificar el teorema de Stein relativo a la estimación óptima de un conjunto de k > 2 medias. El carácter paradójico de este resultado lo convierte en un ejemplo ideal para este tipo de simulaciones.
Rezension von: Wolfgang Einsiedler / Maria Fölling-Albers / Helga Kelle / Katrin Lohrmann (Hrsg.): Standards und Forschungsstrategien in der empirischen Grundschulforschung. Eine Handreichung. Münster u.a.: Waxmann 2013 (164 S.; ISBN 978-3-8309-2833-1)
Rezension von: Rolf Werning/ Ann-Katrin Arndt (Hrsg.): Inklusion: Kooperation und Unterricht entwickeln. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2013 (248 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1898-8)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
In Brazil, the Laurencia complex is represented by twenty taxa: Laurencia s.s. with twelve species, Palisada with four species (including Chondrophycus furcatus now that the proposal of its transference to Palisada is in process), and Osmundea and Yuzurua with two species each. The majority of the Brazilian species of the Laurencia complex have been phylogenetically analyzed by 54 rbcL sequences, including five other Rhodomelacean species as outgroups. The analysis showed that the Laurencia complex is monophyletic with high posterior probability value. The complex was separated into five clades, corresponding to the genera: Chondrophycus, Laurencia, Osmundea, Palisada, and Yuzurua. A bibliographical survey of the terpenoids produced by Brazilian species showed that only six species of Laurencia and five of Palisada (including C. furcatcus) have been submitted to chemical analysis with 48 terpenoids (47 sesquiterpenes and one triterpene) isolated. No diterpenes were found. Of the total, 23 sesquiterpenes belong to the bisabolane class and eighteen to the chamigrene type, whose biochemical precursor is bisabolane, two are derived from lauranes and four are triquinols. Despite the considerable number of known terpenes and their ecological and pharmacological importance, few experimental biological studies have been performed. In this review, only bioactivities related to human health were considered.
The resistance of pathogens to commonly used antibiotics has enhanced morbidity and mortality and has triggered the search for new drugs. Several species of the red alga genus Laurencia are very interesting candidates as potential sources of natural products with pharmaceutical activity because they are known to produce a wide range of chemically interesting halogenated secondary metabolites. This is an initial report of the antifungal activities of the secondary metabolites of five species of Laurencia, collected in the state of Espírito Santo, against three strains of pathogenic fungi: Candida albicans (CA), Candida parapsilosis (CP), and Cryptococcus neoformans (CN). Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the algal extracts were determined by serial dilution method in RPMI 1640 Medium in 96-well plates according to the NCCLS and microbial growth was determined by absorbance at 492nm. A result showing maintenance or reduction of the inoculum was defined as fungistatic, while fungicidal action was no observed growth in the 10 µL fungistatic samples subcultured in Sabouraud Agar. Our results indicate that apolar extracts of Laurencia species possess antifungal properties and encourage continued research to find new drugs for therapy of infectious diseases in these algae.
The development of new anti-cancer drugs of algal origin represents one of the least explored frontiers in medicinal chemistry. In this regard, the diversity of micro- and macroalgae found in Brazilian coastal waters can be viewed as a largely untapped natural resource. In this report, we describe a comparative study on the cytotoxic properties of extracts obtained from the Laurencia complex: Laurencia aldingensis, L. catarinensis, L. dendroidea, L. intricata, L. translucida, L. sp, and Palisada flagellifera. All of these species were collected in the coastal waters of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Four out of the twelve samples initially investigated were found to show significant levels of toxicity towards a model tumor cell line (human uterine sarcoma, MES-SA). The highest levels of cytotoxicity were typically associated with non-polar (hexane) algal extracts, while the lowest levels of cytotoxicity were found with the corresponding polar (methanol) extracts. In this report, we also describe a biological model currently in development that will not only facilitate the search for new anti-cancer drug candidates of algal origin, but also permit the identification of compounds capable of inducing the destruction of multi-drug resistant tumors with greater efficiency than the pharmaceuticals currently in clinical use.
Two known sesquiterpenes (1R*,2S*,3R*,5S*,8S*,9R*)-2,3,5,9-tetramethyltricyclo[,5)]undecan-2-ol and (1S*,2S*,3S*,5S*,8S*,9S*)-2,3,5,9-tetramethyltricyclo-[,5)]undecan-2-ol were isolated for the first time from the essential oil of the red seaweed Laurencia dendroidea collected in the Brazilian coast. These compounds were not active against eight bacteria strains and the yeast Candida albicans, but showed some antioxidant activity. Both compounds were also found in other seaweed species showing that they are not exclusive taxonomic markers to the genus Laurencia.